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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1952)
Utah Residents Are Entertained RIVERVIEW — Mr and Mrs. Dale Shepherd and three child ren of Bend spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barber and Mr. and Mrs. Julian Hall of Hur ricane, Utah visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hank Hudson from Thursday till Saturday. Overnight guests at the J. A. Wirtz home Wednesday night were Mr. Wirt’s nephew and THE Two Families Go To Reunion Sun. family. Mr. and Mrs. Jre Hohan- shelt and daughters, Susan and Sylvia, of Perry, Iowa. Miss Betty Lou Watt of Port land and S/l Dick Mullins from Tongue Point visited at the Floyd Watt home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mahar and granddaughter. Vicki and Carol Ball, visited at the W. H. Wicku. ler home at McMinnville and the Don Mahar home at Yamhill Sunday. RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mitchell spent Saturday at Astoria visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sienko. Mr. and Mrs. George Fell of Beaverton, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Huntley. Albert Huntley and M iss Helen Bertiz of Dilley drove around the Mt. Hood loop Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Anderson and Mr. and Mis. Ed Roediger and children attended the Crume- VERNONIA. EAGLE, ORE. been ill the past few weeks, but Harris reunion at Maude Wil is able to be up and around again. liamson Park near Salem Sun Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hawkins day. and sons, Byron and Glennie Vicki and Carol Ball of Red sp. nt Sunday at Seaside. wood City. California are spend, Mr. and Mis. G. E. Fraser of ing a couple nt weeks at the Portland visited at the Robert home of their grandparents, Mr. W yckoff home Sunday. and Mrs. Ralph Mahar. Mrs. Vincent Gowen and son, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riggle of Buxton and Mr. and Mrs. Eli Geoffrey, and Miss Laura Pur- Howell of Gales Creek visited at i nett of Port Blakely, Washington the home of Mr. and Mrs. John ' spent the week end at the horn? Krinick Friday. Mrs. Krinick has I of Mr. and Msr. F. R. Olin. THURSDAY, JUNE 26. 1952 The Vernonia Eagle Marvin Kamholz Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Entered as simnd cl.t-s mail matter. August 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price, $2 50 yearly. Lakemead APPLE SAUCE SAFEWAY < Libby or Dola \ PINEAPPLE JUICE L 46o,‘ 25c can w R*g- Prie* 3?c « Highway BROKEN SEGMENTS Grapefruit Calling all shoppers to a special saving event X" Sunny Dawn such an FANCY QUALITY assortment of low prices we re calling it o ‘Jamboree of Values.’ You'll have fun discovering how many of your favorite foods ore being offered at money-saving prices. Stort by checking the outstanding Tomato Juice buys listed in this ad. Then hurry on over to Safeway and take advantage of this opportunity to save on quality foods. Rog. Rag. 31c Peaches Rag. Zbc Grapefruit Juice Townhouse 46-oz. can Reg. Grapefruit Juice Townhouse No. 2 can Uc <■ Green Beans s“£” 2 cans 2 Reg. 20c Rog. Del Monte Peas 20c 41c Reg* 32c Rog. m for Morrell Snack 12 os. can Orangeade me 46-oz. can Blended Juice 27c Rog. 59c Rea. 33c 1 Una Q 27c Rog. Reg. Rog. 31c Reg. Reg. 16c 56-os. Jar 22c Marshmallows Fluff-l-est l-lb. pkg. Rog. 33c Pickles XTbi‘- Swiffning Shortening 3-lb. Royal Satin 79c 78c 17c Cashmere Bouquet No. 2>/> can ssä ’ ..... Ripe Olives Ebb" tM“"‘ « 3 ba,h ban 35c Oxydol Soap M ~ 29c Rinso Soap , giant pkg. 59c Drefi Detergent giant Rkg. 73c öOap Halved or Sliced Orange Juice r«“°'<!bM 32c Reg. l-lb. carton Don't Miss In Our Big Tomato Catsup Taste Telia 14-oa. boi 1 il 1UC The Savings Display! 1 rt c Carnival Green Beans c ***, ïâ . 12e Fancy Peas s-2 „,29* Reg. Blend O'Gold 46-os. can Columbia Dills Star-Kilt, Chunk Style No. y, can Peaches Pineapple 28c 35' 35' Ko. ‘i can Dalewood 22c 13c Rog. O’ No. 303 cans for Torpedo Reg. Del Monte Halves t No. 2’ 2 can 229e Pork & Beans m Tie • Tuna Fish Margarine 20c M C W « 2 ,29e No. 2 can AU Sliced Beefs Marion 1 rt c No. 303 can AU Diced Carrots Van Camp's 1Ac 8-os. can AU Pork & Beans Chili Beans Smith'd No. 300 can 10' Spaghetti Smith's No. 300 can 10' Mantilla 1 f>c 2 os. esn AU Green Olives Krsft irle 8 os. Jar AU Salad Musiard Fancy Peass“’" W « Ready to Make 7 Minit Pie Mix 4 kinds pkg. 28' 'A' Large Eggs Dosen os. While Magic Soap 23 pkg. Starch Niagara 12-oa. Silk Tissue roll SV Zee Towels Nob Hill Coffee Airway Coffee 27c 20c roll l ib. *1.69 l-lb- 5162 WATERMELON Beach Balls Eb. 7fc fhumpin’-Ripe — Redmeated luscious Watermelons Quality Extra Good U. S. Choice Standing LIB STEAKS Mme low price, lb. Ivory Soap Mod bare 3/ Chuck Boast U. S Choice Ground Beet Pure beef 75c lb. 59c Bound Steak U S Choice 25c 2/ 27' lb $1.05 Piece Bacon Save by the piece lb Argo Corn Starch l-lb. pkg. 15C 49c 7f lb Lg. bare 8 t.. 59‘ Grapefruit Oranges Valencias lb. 10c White Rote U. 8. No. I's Potatoes lb. Prices in this sd effective thru Leg 0' Lamb lb Unb Bull Pork Boast äd or Rib lb Pork Chops center lb Sausages lb 61c Hams 65c Half or Whole lb PicniCl smoked Picnics Rath, lb. 4S-lb 87c 69c 81c 63c 49c $3.89 Sliced Bacon Ref lb Sliced Bacon Fancy lb Wieners skmie« lb. Bologna Fresh lb. Lunch Meal ass - l lb. Fresh Fryers uj1 lb. lb. TwkeyS Fryers B:ef Short Ribs Ssturdsy, Jdne 28 Fresh Corn u>. Carrots lb. 15‘ Jc 2$ lbs. $¡69 47c 59c No tops 65c 59c Luscious. Sweet Green Onions bunch 59c 59c 69c lb. 29c Red Radishes bunch Tomatoes lb. 29c Visalia 5 Cantaloupe Vine Ripened 10‘