2 THURSDAY. JUNE 26. 1952 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mrs, Claud« Norris and daugh ter. Loretta, visited at the home of Mrs. Bessie Norris and family at Longview from Friday until Sunday at which time Mr. Nor ris drove over and brought them home. Carol Norris came home with her uncle and aunt for a visit. Mrs. May Mosiman and son. Bobby, of Olancia, California left here Monday morning after s|»ending three weeks visiting her mother, Mrs. L. Mossman. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hall of Mor ton. Washington were here last week end, the guests of the Larry Brady family. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bubendorf are the parents of a son born June 6 at the Jones hospital in Hillsboro. He weighed eight pounds, 13 ounces and has been earned Dan William. Mr. Mrs. Carl Webb. Timber route, JUNE 26 27 BUGLES IN THE AFTERNOON Milland - Helene SATURDAY Carter JUNE 28 MUTINY Patrie Knowles-Angela Lansbury SUN, MON. JUNE 29 30 MA & PA KETTLE AT THE FAIR Marjorie Mein - Percy Kilbride TUES. WED. JULY 12 THE STRANGE DOOR C’.arles Laughton - Boris Karloff J. Douglas Week Spent at Home in Seattle •Joi/ Theatre Ray and Mrs. E returned h"re Jun“ 22 after a two- week vacation trip, taken with their daughtr and son-in-law, Rev. and Mrs. Delbert Dow. They saw Crater Lake and Yose mite and saw their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Eck. man, at Fresno. They were pre sent there for the Sth grade graduation of their oldest grad daughter. Word was reecived hara by Mr. and Mrs. Dane Brady that their daughter. Beverly Cine, arrived safely in Paris June 18. eft Portland by train last Thurs day to spend a two-week vaca tion at Oakland, California with I n r mother. Mrs Mane Creigh- baum and her niece. Mrs. Roxie Jeremy. Mrs. Webb hopes to have her mother accompany her hack to Vernonia for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. George Carter (D’-lilah Condit) are the parents of a son. J rry Walter, who ar rived Jun“ 16. He weighed three lKiunds, nine ounces. Mrs. Ida Condit, gr at grandmother of the baby is at the horn? of the Carters in Susanville, California and will he’p care for the baby and mother mxm th ir return from th* hospital. Mrs. Virginia Page, daughter of Mr and Mrs. J. W. Vaughan, it turned here last Sunday after being in Los Angeles. Mrs Minnie Brandcn. mother of Mrs J. W. Vaughan, passed THUES.. FRI. away June 21. Committment was at Lincoln Memorial Monday. I NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Henderson returned on Monday evening from S attle where they spent a week visiting their daughter and family, the C. Kraigs. Monday evening visitors at the Oblack home w.re Mr. and Mrs. Art Dor o. Mrs. Adah Hoberg called on Mrs. Robert Lindsay Tuesday. Mrs. and Mrs. Ir> Peterson called on the Libels Sunday even ing. Sunday visitors at the Kyser home wer ■ Mr and Mrs. K. Zill- man and children and Mrs. M. Karr and children. Sunday even ing callers were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zillman. Ethel Kyser returned home on Thursday evening after spend ing some time at the Zillman home. Dinner guests at the Waddell horn • Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Vai Franklin of Hazel Grove Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mill°r Alma Nelson of Rainier, occasion was Mrs. Waddell’s Mrs. Franklin’s birthdays. Saturday overnight guests the Oblack home were Mr. and Mrs. K nneth McCormick and Hire“ children of Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Devine and children sp nt Saturday night in Delena with her parents, Mr. and Mrs J. Gordon. Some Haying Work Started During Week Convention Delegates ■ Stay at Mist Home MIST — Some of the farmers started their haying last week. Bernard Dowling went back to work on the J-H lumber truck this week after quite a layoff with measles. Mrs. Grace McN il from Cor nelius has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter Bateson the pact week. Another sister from Port land visited the Bateson home. Mr. and Mrs. George Jones visited Thursday afternoon at the home of the Austin Dowlings. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roeser at tended a wedding reception at Jewell last Tuesday evsning. MIST — The Morgan family from Olney called at the George Jones home Thursday. Mrs. Alma Busch and her brother were Vernonia shoppers Saturday afternoon. Spending the week last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs Chas. Hansen were Mr. and Mrs. Martin Seppola from Ashby, Mass., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aho from New Epswick, New Hamp shire, Melvin Johnson, Harold Cardson, Edmond and Donald Salo from Tower, Minnesota and Leonard Pyhola from Embarras, Minnesota. All these people took part in the church convention at Clatskanie last week. For result»—Eagle Classified»! I We’re equip- ped to give you the beat repair service available — at very reason able prices. Ask about our recapping ser- VX3 to prolong tire life. LONGER, GIVE BETTER SERVICE FOR YOUR MONEY Nehalem Service Riverview TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Qari Wienecke, Mrs. E. M. Bled soe and Mrs Chris Tolke visited an old neighbor, Mrs. Iva Heskett at the home of Mrs. A. C. Mc Guire of Forest Grove Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Carl Wienecke received an announcement of the wedding of Louis Scharbach and Margaret Crowe. Louis was a former resi dent of Treharne. Mrs. E. M. Bledsoe returned to Manning Sunday to spend family, Mrs Eva Tolke. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wienecke and family of Springfield spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Wienecke. some time with her daughter and The "rebuild and repair" pro gram of the Army has returned to the supply line some $9.5 bil lion of equipment at a cost of about $1.5 billion. Expert Tonsorial Work BEN’S BARBER SHOP Vernonia, Oregon SO YEARS //V OREGON ENDS JUNE 30 Take Advantage of These Specials COTTON SPECIALS Boys' Sweat Shirts Sale $1 Men's Rayon Sport Boy's Sport Sox Size 7 tn 10‘2 19c and 25c pr GOOD LAST Word Received That Couple Wed Men s Work Sox 25c pr 80 Sq. Valencia Prints Sport Denims 69c Woven Ginghams 59c Pillow Cases Men s Slacks of Nylon and Rayon Ala-ski-an Gab. $7.95 39c Each 42x36 Regular Size Phone 5711 Good Wash Cloths 10c Men’», Women’s and Children’» Limit 10 to Person 4 Colors. Towels 39c Each Women's Gowns $1.99 Rayon Crepe and Jersey Fancy Rayon Women's Panties - 49c House Slippers Half Price Men's Long Sleeve Wom»n’>. Children’» Sale $2.95 Sport Shirts Anklets Sale Price 19c White and Color» 35c Values I Men’s Sport and Dress Sox Value» 50c to 75c Sale Price 25c White Nylon Women's Panties - Patricia Nylon Hose 51x15 Gauge. 8 * - 9 - 9’ 59c 59c pr 10 Women’» Nationally Advertised Nylon Hose 69c pr Pequot Sheets Sale Price $2.69 Salem Brand 81x108 Over 130 thread count to inch Men's T Shirts 88c Value» to $2.50 Men's Pajamas $3.95 Values $2.69 .1