Convention Attended Taxpayers will note with interest and very likely with approval the propoesd county budgtt for the liscal year of 1952-53 as it has been drawn by ths budget com mittee. Details concerning the new listing of proposed exp.ndi- tures in both the gen ral county fund and the general load fund are larger than last year. However, the amount i money to be rais.d by taxation is just the same as it was a year ago because the amount of estimated receipts is also larger T.’. r . ance to b? raised bv taxes on property is $331,254 this year, just as it was a year ago. and that amount is within the six per cent limit. Although this county has suf fered in past years because much of the timber had be n removed and that land then did not pay taxes, the county does not have a bond d debt, it has more miles of paved roads than many other counties which hav n 4 suffered loss of timb.-r and the budget levy dot's not exceed th; six por cent limit. Not only does the budg t not exceed the limit this year, but it has not exceeded that restric tion for many years in the past. Prop i tv taxi . . - f| ■ . county budget is concerned, will not be increased Ulis year, if they do increase, th? raise will be "due to oth.r causes as increas ed valuation or increa-ed, levies in school districts or cities. Two matters face the voters of the union high school district at their annual school m eting scheduled next Monday after noon and evening. They will vol. on whether the board sha 1 b authorized to ».11 the school- PHONE 853 Many years ago our founder discovered the subterranean wells at Tumwater which pro duce, now as then, a water of great purity and special brew ing qualities ... reason indeed why O lympia is a beer of rare flavor and light, sparkling qualities. * 22c •Trad« 'J $ Po* O** The Vernonia Eagle Marvin Kamholz _____ Editor and Publisher ' Official Newspaper of Vernonia. Oregon ■ ^Entered as second class mail ' matter, August 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia. Oregon, under th? act of March 3. 1879. Subscription puce, $2 50 yearly The present day fighter aircraft has 5,500 wires totaling 22,9Iff feet. w RIVERVIEW : radio ; ot ! pint 24C Fresh CoHee Cream Fresh Whipping Cream . . . . I pint 34c 18c Cheddar Cheese 79c ON RADIOS RECORDERS RECORD PLAYERS Full Lin* Raytheon Tubes Phene 774 «—* 8?c MILD CHEESE 1 ;b 67c Dutch Mill AMERICAN CHEESE $1J5 2 lh brick X TILLAMOOK 2-LB. ’ ADMIRAL LINE Guaranteed Repair Chatham TILLAMOOK . lb . « -c o SALES — SERVICE Smooth Textur« FRESH BUTTERMILK $1.52 Ripe Olives Torpedo Tuna Salad Dressing Libby Peas Pork & Beans Fruit Mix Cake Mix Ebony Standard Light Meat Grated 19c 23c 49c 33c 27c 25c 38c Qi. Large Fruit Variety Blue Sky Pint can 2 3 No. 303 cans No. 300 cans No. 2’ a Instant or Devils Food Swansdown Blossom Time COTTAGE CHEESE N g . >/ i Miracle Whip Taste Tells MILK! No. 1 can Kool Aid 14: 3 ° pkg for 1 * 9/9Ç Lemonade^ 6-oz. can “ BEER Bottles Cans 12-oz. Each 11 -oz. Each I 1c 1 • £ 1 c ®* « '------- ■>-<= i 7T71 Dalewood or Holiday MARGARINE 5 $100 1 lb. cartons Suruiybank Margarine lb 29 Blue Bonnet Margarine lb 29 Coupon enclosed worth 10c on Sanborn Coffee 28c Rath’s Breahl.xct Saws-aga 801-. 39c Biltmore Turn No, 'i can 35c Wrisley Soap. w wash eloth 8 bars 57c Ca-may Toil«! Soap. 1 <*g.. bar 3 /25c Palmolive Toilet Soap. r-ug. bar 3/25c Dial Soap, deodwnz-tas bar 2/ 37c Giant Oxydol 6(5ox. pkg. 79c White King Gran. Soap 22 ox. 29c Ivory Flakes pkg. 29c Joy Liquid Soa-p 6 01. bottle 30c Lin it Starch 1-2 ox. pkg. 15c Nob Hill Coffee 11b. 85c 7 “»$1.69 $1.69 Airway Coff.e > »». g3c ?lb $1.62 Edwards Coffee Lite. g(jc 2 lb $1.79 dox. "A" Large Eggs Beverly Peanut Butter Pirates Gold Grahams Royal Satin Shortening Crisco Shortening Spry Shortening Comfort Tissue Chiffon Tissue Zee Facial Tissue 59< 37c 34c 78c 85c 85« 39c 27c 25c 12-ox. Mb» 34b. 3-lb. can 3-lb. can 4 rolls 2 rolls 400 count pkg. CORN on the COg r i Pot Roast Blade cut hound Steak hib Steaks U S Choice Boneless Slew Short Ribs Meaty Ground Beef Pure beef Leg 0' Lamb Roast Lamb Roast Shoulder Pork Chops Center cut Pork Shoulder Roast Link Sausages Wieners Tender LunCtlwOD Med! Assorted Sliced Bacon, reg Hams. 99c Wilson, 49c 46c o-lb. $0.74 lb. 85c 82c POULTRY . SEA 38c • Freeh Fryers Roaster Turkeys • Stewing Fowl • Fresh Salmon • Fresh Halibut 65c 89c 69c 81c Potatoes — 10-lbs. 69< lb. Picnics 75c FOOD lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. 69c 65c 55c 7Fc 53c Vln«-rip«n*d Cantaloupes Tantalizing flavor Perfect for salads lb- 10c 65c lb. 59c Potatoes - - - --lb. 7< Cherries B.ngg tb 29c Apricots Royal ib. 19c bunc 5c bunc Sc ib. 25c Radishes . x- Green Onions *4 Prices in this ad effective thru Saturday, June 21 47c 63c 15c Golden, plump kernels brimming with milky', almost sweet-as-sugar flavor. Hams, half or whole lb. 69c Piece Bacon lb. 49c SAFEWAY Cucumbers Tender Peas Carrots No ToM BEETS 5 in our plight Sincerely, Mrs. J. O. DvVaney (Speaking for the resi dents of this "Old Oregon Trail”) * SMOKED MEATS KTVPU IMVtat C« MHM »I» 111 pletelv smothered by dust after each vehicle passing. What we would like to Know is, why the road was surfaced only four milts of a nine-mile stretch. Does it require influen tial residents along a road for it to receive just a minimum of at tention from one’s Court? Our taxis, we are sure, are equal to those who are fortunate to live along a road which the court knows exists. As a matter of fact, they have increas 'd con siderably in the past three years —about three times. We would de' ply appreciate your placing this problem before the readers of the Vernonia Eagle in hopes that it will reach the right people. We don’t know your paper’s policy on local issues of this na ture but will thank you in ad vance for whatever you can do THURSDAY. JUNE 19, 1952 FRESH BUTTER "Its the Water Light Refreshment Het erage of Milliout of Temperate People VERNONIA, ORE. Spring House Sweet and Tender What gives Olympia constant purity? EAGI-E, FRESH MILK Cheddar Cheese NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT THE We made a careful check prior to circulating the petition and Going to Salem early this week found that this is the only road for the three-day Oregon Bankers leading into Vernonia which association convention June 15, selves such a great number of 16 and 17 were Mr. and Mrs. people and yet remains gravel Ktasey Route George A. Remnant. The Ver sui faced. We presented facts as Vernonia, Ore. nonia bank was also represented to how very much traffic this The Vernonia Eagle at the convention banquet Mon roud handles and at the same Vernonia. Oregon day evening by Marguerite time showed how little att-ntion Gentlemen: Thomas and Jack Toothaker. it receives. Wf( the residents of K-. asey The road has a black top sur- fac ng for approximately four house and site now used and on route, ar? very anxious that our the selection of a director to fill present problem reach all the miles out of Vernonia. From that the 5-year term which is expir voters of Columbia County in point on. it might as well be the ing. order that w? mdy find some road leading to nowhere. The The term to be filled is that I support. bridge decking is rapidly break of Oscar Weed, who is a candi ing up. no doubt as a result of Several months ago w? ob- date for re-election to the post. He has serv'd the district long 1 tamed mor1 than 75 signatures constant log truck traffic. These and faithfully and as a result has I on a petition which was person 1 trucks ar? a daily problem. On.'» many y- ars of valuable experi life is in jeopardy on eqch curve ence upon which to base his ally presented to the County opinions concerning matters of Court in St. Hel ns. This peti because the weeds are almost school importance. If he is not tion was for the purpose of get completily choking out all returned to the position for which ting some immediate attention to chance of seeing what lies ahead. he is a candidate, the district The railing on one bridge is will lose the b.nefit of the the deplorable condition of the road betwe n Veinonia and Kea- completely missing on each "nd knowledge he possesses concern sey. of th? approach. We’re com- mg th > district's affairs. THE PEOPLE SPEAK . . . .... ib.2/29c . bu. 10c 5c »