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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1952)
-i THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1952 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE MOUND THE FÄRM^wi£JÄ. Second Year at Bible Institute Completed Dairy Herd Men Slate Meeting County to Help With Exchange RIVERVIEW — Betty Jane The annual meeting of the Co. supervisor, and will be presented Snook arrived home Thursday lumbia county dairy herd im at this meeting. Are crows a harmful or bene- Fortunitely, water hemlock is provement association will be Harold Ewalt extension dairy after completing her second year Two farm vouths from New 1.C1B1 bird? It probably depends very susceptible to 2,4-D. Spray held Tuesday, June 17, according man from OSC will attend this as a student at the Bible Insti Zealand and Finland will spend the summer in Oregon living open the crop you are growing ing of ditch banks, slough edges to W G. Nibler, county extension meeting to discuss new develop tute of Los Angeles. agent The meeting will start with farm families, according to is to how you would answer and other likely areas is advis I at 1:30 p.m. and will be held at ments in dairying. Those attend- Mr. and Mrs. James Staight ing will also tour Leever’s farm word just received from the this question. Mike Ostoj, Shilo able particularly of any of the Floyd Leever’s farm, located five and study his pastures, milking and baby of Portland spent Sun state 4-H club office at Corvallis miles west of Goble on the Shilo parlor and siloes. daaan, has been bothered every weed has been found in the area. day at the home of Mr .and Mrs. They are coming under the In ternational Farm Youth Exchange •ear with flocks of crows that Most cases of loss have occured Basin road. J. E. Rose. The annual report for th" past <-< up com seeds and pull up on the Magruder and Midland testing year has been pi epared Sunday visitors at the Rex Nor program. Russell Stalker of New Zea Ibe young plants as they first districts with some losses on ad by E. A. Tedrow, association mand home were Mr. and Mrs. land and Pentti Antlia from Fin joining districts. I’fflr up. Jack Riigle of Portland, Ray land will arrive in Oregon in While they are in this Actually increased milk needs Weeks of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. June. Th» year Ostoj prepared some Farrell West, the predatory are being supplied by a small Ward Hendrickson and Mr. and country, two young people from ■roow batt according to a formula animal trapp' r for Columbia but gradual increase in numbers Mrs. Al Marshall and two child Oregon will be living in foreign •oadl by the U. S. Fish and Wild. RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Evelyn countries. Patricia Homing. county, recently reported that he over the years and getting more ren of Astoria, Bill Bussett and Sherwood, will go to The Nether tUe service. Corn grains were Heath, Mrs. Virgil Powell, Mrs. caught 8 foxes in one day at production from each cow. lands and David Patterson, Mu t i dl e d in a solution of strychnine J. W. Nichols and Mrs. Harry his brother and Ralph Church. Delta farms, Scappoose. West Mrs. Lloyd Callister and son, lino, will visit Finland. There may be no quick big Culbertson attended the funeral ».¡Sate and then coated with a feels that foxes in that area are money but the outlook is good. An effort is being made by the of Clare Jarvis, former resident Ronnie, spent Sunday at Nehalem .*im film of paraffin to keep the feeding mainly on ducks and visiting Mrs. Goldie Callister and county extension office to make » Jy «row from detecting the Per capita meat consumption her?, at Salem Friday. arrangements to have Pentti An pheasants judging from signs in W. R. Prince and Mrs. Nunna family. («'«■an. is falling. In 1900 it was 150 tila of Finland live in Columbia the area where fox were trap Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wantland, county for three or four weeks pounds. In 1951 it totaled 138 Jensen of Portland visited at the Bait was put out in the com ped. pounds. Meat animal numbers W. J. Lindsley home Saturday. son David, daughter Doris, and during the summer. Mr. Antila late one evening. Next Many farmers in the county have failed to keep up with hu Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bond of Bob Kimball visited Arch Kim is 26 years of age and speaks /r iming there were several dead English as well as Finnish. Hi: have expressed the opinion that man population increases. Forest Grove spent Sunday after ball at the Emanuel hospital in graduated in agriculture from In «roars in the field. That was the wildlife is a major consideration Portland Saturday. 1900 we had 1 cow per person. noon visiting at the Ed Buckner Helsinki University. iaed of the trouble with crows in the control of predatory ani Today we have Mrs. G. E. Fraser of Portland Columbia county is taking part cow per per and Mrs. Artie Buckner homes. w. Ostojo’s corn field. mals. Coyotes are now at a son. In 1900 we had 1 sheep per spent the week end at the home in the International Farm Youth Mrs. Emery George and Mrs. Exchange program this year foi very high number and they are person. Today we have 1/5 sheep Hollis Hungate of Portland visit of her daughter and family, Mr. Water hemlock, an extremely the first tim |. A total of $34i a problem to the few she.p per person. In 1900 we had 1 and Mrs. Robert Wyckoff. ed at the C. N. Rundell and Ed gi-'iBuiMius weed, is found occas- was raised by 4-H club members raisers in the hill areas. They pig per person. Today we have Buckner homes Wednesday and to help send Oreg< n youths to A.onally on the slough edges, do not bother cattle but un For Buys — Eagle Classifieds! for.ign countries. Thursday. pig per person. d'satnage ditches, and in wet doubtedly do much damage to «pets in -the Clatskanie area. deer. NOTICE OF BUDGET MEETING Almost every year there are a F*x could cause damage to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the budget committee of the city of Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon, a municipal corporation ha« ►•w cases of livestock poisoning poultry flocks where the birds filed m the office of the levying board, to wit; the City Council of said city its detailed estimates of the total amount of receipts and also cue to this weed. are running loose but most com the total amount of money proposed to be raised by taxation and expended by said municipal corporation for all purposes for the period mercial poultry men keep birds from July 1, 1952 to June 30, 1953, which estimates are as follows: - RIVERVIEW confined. Here again the fox EXPENDITURES may be a serious problem to Estimate for Current year wildlife. Fiscal year Budget Actual for Actual oœration for year ended X T1 July 1. 1952 tn for first June 30, June 30, June 30, What will it be—meat or milk-* Fund and Classification June 30 1953 total year o SALES — SERVICE six months 1949 1951 1950 U. S. population is increasing GENERAL FUND ADMIRAL LINE« 7,400 persons daily. This is 2*2 Recorder Guaranteed Repair million per year. To meet the $ 1,800 00 Salary $ 1,980.00 $ 900.00 $ 1.790.40 $ 1 800 00 $ 1.500 00 ON increased demand for milk for 25(1.00 Supplies 250 (X) 7.78 214.56 124.26 81.35 RADIOS RECORDERS one year would require 6 million Treasurer RECORD PLAYERS 780.00 Salary 858.00 more cows or an increased pro 390 00 780.00 660.00 €60 00 Full Lina Raytheon Tubes 10.00 Supplies 10.00 4.79 duction of 1300 pounds milk each 295 6.47 Phone 774 Attorney from cows now in production. 600.00 Salary 600.00 300.00 600.00 600.00 420 00 100.00 Legal servie? 100.1ft SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM 256.80 65 00 1,200.00 Buildings and Grounds 1.200.00 641.01 632.76 823 23 1.050 47 200.00 Elections and publications 200.00 .80 114.77 93.14 131 23 Audit 500.00 500.00 456.00 456.00 456.00 Police department 7.800.00 Salaries and wages « 8,580 08 3,664.08 7,022.41 7,990.71 7 845.49 500.00 Other expense 800.00 331.36 592.60 241.82 217.74 Equipment—Polie, car 1.900.00 Fire department 300.00 Salaries and wages 330.0ft 159.00 227.40 225 00 182 00 750.00 Other expense 750.0« 204.83 275.05 2,279.24 5,876.64 Street and sewer 100.00 Salaries and wag s 110.00 54.33 20.30 1,500.00 Other expense 770.80 1,500.00 2.032.08 2.245.52 1,339.57 1,000.00 Sinking fund 4,000.00 500.00 500.00 Library 900.00 990.00 450.00 Salaries and wages <«0 00 900.00 814.95 2(« 00 200.00 Supplies J 60.33 203.77 200 00 200 00 60.00 60.00 Health Officer 60.08 101.50 60 00 10.000.00 Park 1,500.00 5,918.66 900.57 641.96 240.51 1.000.00 Cemetery 392.64 1,000.00 1,471.10 924.37 624.54 Airport 246.00 500.00 51.12 Miscellaneous 500.00 56.80 60.84 League of Oregon Cities 54.88 56.80 56.80 900.00 301.62 Bonds and insurance 690.36 • 805 93 . Looo.oo 536.21 850.00 418.14 Employee’s Retirement Fund 900.0ft 935.58 817.27 784.57 1,000.00 Emergency 93.95 1.000.00 589.64 200 27 $32,856.80 $15,176.08 TOTAL $30,878.84 $20.827.26 $23,087.54 $23,530.81 WATER FUND 3,410.00 1,703.46 3,408.55 Salaries — Superintendent $ 3,751.00 3,421.04 3.295.37 MARKET AND GROCERY 1.800.00 900.00 Salaries — Collector 1.808 60 1,800.00 1,980.0ft 1.800 00 13,151.16 15.000.00 F<>r Delivery Every Day Phone 721 5,784.72 Supplies and maintenance 4,799.89 8,000.00 4.927.26 Sundry expense 75.36 M/TIVILIN . iohs — wh ivhhn . iohs — iktiviihn dons 285.00 198.48 267.91 256.85 Employees’ Retirement Fund 205.96 400 00 1.200.00 617.96 Miscellaneous labor 2,035.00 1.500.00 1.500.00 Sinking fund 5,000 00 1,500.00 6.50000 $16,571.06 $23,195.00 $12.845.14 $15,277.78 TOTAL $11,728.59 $22.666.00 $ 4.357.37 S 9,402 93 $10.325 08 $ 8,396.02 STATE TAX STREET FUND $ 9.738 97 $ 8,300.00 $ 104.88 $ 9.923.51 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 16 FUND $ 2.587.71 $10,237J6 $36,209 39 $43.997.48 $75,378.24 $46,761.34 $47.586.08 Expenditures—All Funds $72,082.20 Former Resident Taken by Death : radio : ------------------------ ---------- Jk TKZHZMZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHT RECEIPTS Actual operation for year ended June 30 June 30 June 30 1951 1950 1949 S3099S Washes clothes cleaner Has a long, long life Earlunve Gyrafoam washing ac- «■ mi washes all dirt out quickly R'a gentle as washing by hand. Your Maytag Automatic is built to last always gives you the same dependable washing performance. B om all the work for you Needs no bolting down ••»he*, rinses, spin dries your riashr» May tag even turns itself off. This automatic won’t wobble or "travel " It's perfectly balanced. • • • • • • SUNDLAND'S ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE 786 Bridge Phone 581 Vernonia •NEHALEM VALLEY APPLIANCE DEALER 4ZHZMXWXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXK Current year Budget Actual for for first total year six months (1,754.51) 6.680 69 1.383 45 882.90 340 00 763 02 116.8fc $ 2.858.23 7,925.58 1.910.00 478.31 335.00 921.19 127.20 $ 4.900 74 9.136.83 1,325.00 831.80 410 00 984.14 98.40 $ 6,709.97 2.982.31 540.00 407.08 132.50 518.50 117.50 $ 1.000.00 4.000 00 1.200.00 500 00 250.00 1,700 00 100.00 7.672.54 $16,084 89 14.211 27 $28.766.78 9.870.32 $27,537.23 3,274.50 $14.682 36 10,528.80 $19.278.80 2.582 99 17.356 52 $19.939.51 3,710.92 18.181.21 $21.892.13 664 35 24.291.43 $24.955 78 13,060.64 13.298.52 $26,359 16 4 273.00 24.000 00 $28,273 00 2.070 18 7.249.76 $ 9,319.94 644.95 7 990 50 $ 8.635 45 ( 824 55) 10.057 84 $ 9.233 29 (1.091.79) 3.503.96 $ 2,412.17 9.402.93 $ 9,402.93 7,403.76 2.192.01 $ 9,595.77 $54.950.11 7.008 06 1.138.41 $ 8.146 47 $67.440 83 8.146 47 1.895.91 $10,042 38 $71,768.63 10.042 38 $10 042 38 $53.496 07 $ 7.354 03 $20.679.49 $27,771.20 $17.286.68 8.50Ä00 9.923 51 $18.423.51 $75.378 24 $ Fund and Classification GENERAL FUND Cash balance — Beginning of year Fines and licenses Rent and sale of property Miscellaneous Cemetery State liouor allocation County dog license fees Estimate of uncollectible taxes Revenue from general tax levy TOTAL WATER FUND Cash balance — Beginning of year Wat.r rentals TOTAL STATE TAX STREET FUND Cash balance — Beginning of year Allocation from State TOTAL ROAD DISTRICT NO. 16 FUND Cash balance — Beginning of year Receipts TOTAL Receipts — All funds BUDGET BALANCE Excess of receipts ov r < xpenditures Estimate for Fiscal year. July 1. 1952 U> June 30. 1953 $ 1,502.90 4.000.00 1.080.00 300.00 150.0ft 900.00 100.90 (l.OOO.OO) 10.824 2?. $17.857.13 $11.687.71 24.OOO.9U $35.687.7! $ 8.300.00 $ 8.300.Û0 $10.237.36 $10.237.36 $72 082.2V SUMMARY Estimated expenditures — General Furxi Water Fund State Tax Street Fund Read District No. 16 Fund Estimated Rtceipts (except from taxation) — General Fund Water Fund State Tax Street Fund Read District No 16 Fund Amount to be laised by direct tax $30.87884 $22.666 00 $ 8.300.1« $10.237 36 $72.082 20 $ 7.032 90 $35.687 71 $ « 300 00 $10.237 36 WITHIN »<”, LIMITATION IN EXCESS OF 6 LIMITATION $61 257 97 $10.824 23 $10.124.23 NONE And notiro is hereby given th? said City Council of said City sitting as a levying board, will hold a meeting >n City of Vcinm.a. Columbia County, Oregon, on Monday evening. June 30. 1952. at Ute hour ofl Oo , u _ ~ if. clty hal1 in ltl,‘ which time and place all persons who shall be subject to such tax levy, when the same shall be made ma, an» r JS ils at against said tax lew. or anv part thtreof. ’ -ppe-r and be h‘.a!d in favor ar Dated this 26th dav of May. 1952 ATTEST Sam L. Hearing, Recorder man G. Hawt.en. Mayor 23t2