Friends Go to Hunt Home for • Shower Sat. Family Leaves to Attend Wedding A stork shower was held Sat­ urday afternoon for Mrs. Dewey Hunt at her home. Those attend­ ing were: Mesdames Richard San­ ford of North Plains, Otto Hart- ramph of Hillsboro, Joe Linds- ley of Springfield. Nunna Jen­ sen of Portland. E. L. Lloyd. J. E. Rose, Dick Hunt and daughter, Fred Hunt and daughter, Barbara. Rex Normand. Grace Normand. Carl Huens, V. M. Lindsley and daughter, Sam Smith and son and W. J. Lindsley and son. De­ licious lunch was serv.d and many lovely gifts wer? received by the honor guest. o Those unable tu attend but sending gifts wer : Mesdames May Krieger, Art Davis. Elnora Ruef, Doug Hibler, Glen Stan­ ford and Miss Mead. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Herrin ac­ companied by their son, Jerry, left Friday for Minneapolis, Min­ nesota where they will attend the wedding of their daughter, Miss •ieverly Herrin, to Mr. Stanley Edward Franklin of Pho“nix, Sruona, to be held June 12 in the St. Louis park Evangelical Free < hurch at 8 o’clock in the even­ ing. While there they will also at­ tend the graduation of Mr. Frank­ lin from the Bible college of •Northwestern schools. Miss Her- r.n is a junior thare. After the wedding, the bridal couple will leave for a trip into orthern Minnesota and later will return to Vernonia for the re­ mainder at the summer. The Herrins will return home short­ ly after the wedding. I ( I | J The Past Chiefs club met at the home of Sylvia Turner Thurs­ day evening, June 5, with six members present. The committee reported a very successful food sale on Mav 10 and a goodly sum realized for the club. Plans were made to assist with the serving of refreshments to the Knights of Pythias on June 16 when they entertain Dokeys and other guests from Portland, St. Helens and other lodges. A white elephant sale was held after which the hostess served delicious refreshments. The next meeting will be at the home of Rita Lamping on Jul* 1. Sale Planned by Pythian Temple Program cn Hobbies Given at Meeting Vernonia Temple No. 61. Py­ Mrs. Emil Massing was in thian Sisters, met May 28 for charge of the program on hob­ their regular meeting with MEC bies when the Vernonia Study Edith McFarland presiding. Plans were made for a cooked club met at her home Thursday: Mrs. Dorothy Reynolds and food sale to b? h Id June 21. Mrs. Edna Reynolds were hos- 1 June 5. Mrs. Messing, whose with special emphasis on pies and u sses for a stork shower held for husband does beautiful wood­ cakes There will also be a grab Mrs. Migde R.ynolds at her home work, gave an account of the box with packages selling for Thursday afternoon. Refresh­ 25c each. ments were served after which st ps taken to create the fine Because of illness, many mem Mrs. Reynold's opened her many articles. In addition, the hostess exhibited some of her handiwork bers were absent and cards of !■ .ely gifts. cheer were sent to them. and a large and interesting col­ After adjournment, delightful For results—Eagle Classifiedsi lection of all sorts of pot holders. i refreshments were served at This, the last me ting of the beautifully decorated tables bv Alice Wei d. Peggy Con ' and Lesta seas'tn. was the annual birthday Garner. party. Birthday names were re. I vsaled and new names for the I coming wewe drawn. 'wo Are Hostesses For Shower Thursday Laundry and Dry Cleaning Good Clam Tides Prove Attraction Mrs. McNair Honored At Shower May 28 IN THURSDAY BACK THURSDAY Same service for Dry Cleaning. Bring To— BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP Oregon Laundry and j I ' | i . ' I ' | Dry Cleaners I I I For results—Eagle Classifieds! VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1952 Portland with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Hult wer week end visitors of Mrs. H. A 'Ison. Mr and Mrs. Carl Wienecke, and Mrs. Win. Falconer vuncer Mrs. Wienecke’s sister, Mrs. Elv folke, Wednesday evening. n A b ■ OF VITAMINS IN MILK ■ * Keep healthy. keep on tlw job by getting vitamins every day. Easiest way to is get in your diet ... in a glass Ask of at every milk for your mins A and meal. supply of vita- D. for its extra richness. NEHALEI DRIRV PRODUCTS CO. Grade A Pasteurized Milk & Cream PHONE 471 _____ __ JALOPY s Sun., June 15 TIME TRIALS H w P J Whatever your needs, there's a Dodge truck "Job-Ratti" to fit your job, save you money. Every model — through 4-ton—4s engi­ neered with the right food-carrying units. Come in today for a Show Down of value . . . a demonstration . . . and a good doali The Right Power. With a Dodge you’ll enjoy "Job-Rated" power the right engine for the job. You’ll lower iipkeep costs because of such feature« as chrome-plated top piston rings and exhaust valve seat inserts. *H! With today’s high prices, consumers want to x 1 make sure that when they buy meat, they're getting the very best obtainable. KING’S fea- x t tires the very best cuts at budget’prices. |f • COME IN TODAY! X g KING’S Grocery - Market j X "Where Year Moaey Buys More" Phone 91 At lhe Mile Bridge M Riverview J UHZHXHXHXHXHXHXHXMXHXHXHX Longer Truck Life. With a Dodge "Job-Rated” truck you’ll nave on upkeep because of such advantage« as a deep channel-type frame, sturdy • "shot-peened” rear axle shafts, and long, special- alfby steel springs. “We switched to Dodge and upkeep costs went down.” . . Fluid Drive Protection. Depend on gyrol Fluid Drive -to protect vital drive line parts, keep upkeep costs low! This powef "(ushion” be­ tween engine and clutch is available on >$-, 1-ton and Route-Van models! ’ toyi MAURICE ATLAS Alloi Super Mcriafi, Indianapaln, Indiana ‘‘Since putting our first Dodge into service, we have been most satisfied. As soon as we switched to Dodge, our upkeep costs went down!- “We have found that Dodge 'Job-Rated' trucks perform at a much better level of economy in operating and maintenance costa, as compared to the previous makes we owned." $êe t/r tix/ay fi>r Me. tort toy /T) /otv-cort transportation... D0DGE TR.LKK5 HAWKEN MOTORS • 968 Bridge Street i i H N M H H M H NXHXHXHXHXHXHZHZHZHZHZHXHZHXHZMZHZHZHM Every model-4,250 lbs. to 40,000 lbs. G. VW. — is engineered with the right load-moving units for top performance. • Better weight distribution enables you to corry bigger payloads without overloading. X M X M X H AUSPICES: ST. HELENS JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND M COLUMBIA COUNTY DRIVERS ASSOCIATION ' '' Syi i'5* 5 THE BEST IN MEATS—x H RACES SWITCH TO DODGE-SLASH UPKEEP COSTS X H Adm: Adults $1.00, Children 6 to 12 25c including tax U —■ H COLUMBIA COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS—DEER ISLAND H »THZHZHXHZKXH3HZMXMZMXKXM3 H -> GET YOUR QUOTA ^XHXNXHXHXHXHXHXHXHHXHXHXHXHXMXHXHXHZtf Sandra Walkers was initiat'd into the Order of Rainbow for Girls on Mondav evening, June 9. Rrfreshm"'nts were served aft-'r the meeting. KENTUCKY BLENDED WHISKEY . 86 PROOF • 65» GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS.THE OLD SUNNY BROOK CO., LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY T Lookout Work, Summer Plan Traveling Gavel Expected June 19 Member Added to Order By Initiation Monday Old Indian campgrounds are located at the upper end rf CKvyhee reservoir where Indian writings are found on rocks. EAGLE, TREHARNF. — Mrs Rome MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whitmire is staying in Portland Garlock left last week on a fish- this week to be near Mr. Whit­ ing trip to Canada on th • Frasier mire, who is in Portland under River, Mr. and Mrs. J. Quinn m dical observation. from Vernonia went with them. Carol Cox was on the sick list They expect to be gone a week. fast week. Mrs. Byron Kirkbride, Jean. Mr. and Mrs. L. B Eastman Rosalie, Stephen. Jo Ann and were in Clatskanie Saturday Walter and Miss Edwini Siedel- morning. man returned home from the Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dowling b.nv field Friday. All will and Flor»nce were shopping in return Sunday with the exception Vernonia Saturday afternoon. Mrs. C. Hansen atti nded her of Jean Kukbride and Edwina who l‘ft Sunday grandson's birthday party in Siedelman morning for Coos Bay where Portland Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Jones they will again spend the sum­ were dinner guests Sunday even­ mer on fire lookouts in Coos ing of the Shalmon Libels, along county. Milbert Wienecke and family with other relatives. Mr Tomlin from Vernonia was of Eugene were week end guests around Monday making his usual of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl W lenecke. collective calls for the Oregonian. Mrs. H. A. Wilson spent the Th" Joe Banzers were in Ver­ mist week in F'«r ■ Grove and nonia Saturday as were the Ro- bert Linseys. Mr. and Mrs. Arvin and son were dinner guests one dav last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hansen. Mrs. Bert Lloyd Eastman and i children have been visiting at I BIRK F. NF ELD— Warren the L B. F... Eastman home from Klamath Falls, Bobby will stay Grange will bring the traveling for the i summer and help his gavel to Winema Grange,at their grandparents "‘j with the farm next meeting June 19. The quilt that the H.E.C. mem. work. I Mrs. J. Crawford, Mrs. B. Wil­ bers are making is in the frames son and daughter, Delores, Mrs. at the home of Mrs. Ethel Larson. C Hansen and Mrs. Norman They are anxious to get it com­ and Hansen surprised Mrs. A Ashley pleted so all membgfs friends are asked to stop in with two birthday cakes and whenever they can and quilt. spent a very pleasant evening. Donald Jepson left Monday for Michigan to see his brother, Del­ mar. Delmar is stationed at Sel­ Circle Members Notified fridge air base about 3(1 miles out Of Meeting Wednesday of Detroit. Kathryn Elliott was home over Ruth Circl- will meet Wed­ the week end. nesday, June 1«. at 1:30 p.m at Jimmy and April Bellingham the home of Mari- Shafer are on ihe sick list this week. RIVERVIEW — People enjoy­ ing the clam tides and recr ation at the beaches over the week end were: Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hanson and children, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Solomon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parker, Mr and Mrs Everett Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Huens and children and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Young. Mrs. Rex Normand, daughter Glenda, and Mrs. Grace Normand spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Portland on business. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Frost of Portland spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bond. Herbert Olin of Kelso, Washing­ ton spend Sunday night and Monday at the home of his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Olin. Joe Lindsley of Springfield visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lindsley, Saturday. A shower was given in honor of Mrs. Pat McNair at the home of Mrs. Evelyn Rose on May 28. Those present were: Anges Gib- son. Claudine Gibson, Sally Mc- Nair, Patsy Michner, Frances Kaspar, Eileen Cagle, Edna Ful- ler, Marie Shafer, DeLoris Thompson, Eleanor Thompson. Kathleen Hall, Marilou Frcderick- son, Donna Aldrich and Alice Davis. Those sending gifts but unable to attend were: Cleo McNair, Myrtie Rose and Barbara Lan- ders. THE Week to Fish Spent in Canada Club to Help Entertainment Vernonia, Oregon • Phone 1181