2 THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1952 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mrs. Bruce McDonald arrived i hall to tha music of Bill Durbin. 23t2c Saturday from the Good 1 Sponsored by F. L. Girls. Samariton hospital where ’she Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones of t.as been since April 27. While Cottage Grove spent the week there she underwent a major end with her mother, Mrs. Arch operation. It is still necessary Kimball. • that she remain in bed. Mrs. Arch Kimball was injured las: McDonald expressed a good deal Monday while' working for Van <! appr< elation for the cards and Vleet Logging Co. He had sev * >wers she received while in the eral ribs and one arm broken '/ospital. and his lung punctured. He was DANCE Saturday, June 14, IOOF taken to the Emanuel hospital in Portland by Barney's ambu Hl lance after receiving first aid here. AMERICAN LEGION Auxiliary cooked food sale Saturday, June 14. at Bush Furniture. 23:2c THÜRS.. FRI. JUNE 12-13 Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Cash of Portland spent Sunday at the PRIDE OF home of his sister and family, ST. LOUIS Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weller. Dan Dailey - Joanne Dru i Among those attending the ice SATURDAY JUNE 14 Follies Wedn sday night were Jack Barry, Carrie Smith, and FORT their daughters Ora May Smith DEFIANCE and Beverly Barry. Dane Clark - Tract y Roberts DANCE Saturday. June 14. IOOF MON, JUNE 15-16 hall to the music of Bill Durbin. Sponsored by F. L. Girls. 23t2c BATTLE OF Mr. and Mrs Bi!) Wilson Jr- APACHE PASS are th" parents of a girl, Deborah John Lund - Jeff Chandler Lee, born June 5 at the Jones TUES . WED. JUNE 17-18 hospital in Hillsboro. She weigh 'd five pounds, nine ounces. Mrs. CYRANO de BERGERAC Wilson is the former Lois Schwab. Joac F t‘rrer - Mala Powers Mr. and Mrs, Herb Carlson and two daughters, Jean and Janice, were here Wednesday of last week to visit Mr. and Mrs. Gene Shipman. Mrs. Carlson is a niece of Mrs. Shipman. The visitors make their heme at Co'-ur d' Alene, Idaho. AMERICAN LEVON Auxiliary cooked food sale Saturday, June 14. at Bush Furniture. 23t2c Mr. and Mrs. Francis Davis and children arrived here Wed nesday of last week to visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis. They plan to leave June 22 to BRAND retuin to their home at Colum bia, South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Davis are the parents of a daughter born Saturday at Tillamook. She weighed seven pounds. 12 ounces and has be.n named Carla Lav- dell. DANCE Saturday. June 14. IOOF hall to the music of Bill Durbin. Sponsored by F. L. Girls. 23t2c A daughter weighing seven pounds. 11 ounces, was born May 31 to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gates. Mrs. A. E. Jennings is recover ing from a recent illness which ketp her confined to her home. Through the help of a friend, Mrs. J-nnings now has a wheel chair which makes it possible for her to be outside more. «Joi/ Theatre YESTERDAYS Three school buses of berry pickers left town Monday morn ing at 6 a m. for the Hartwick FIVE YEARS AGO farm near Banks to pick straw From Th« Eagle. Jun« 12. 1847 berries. Ths buses arrive back Nehalem Park, located about home between 5 and 7 p.m. eight miles from Vernonia to Federici’* Shoe shop discon ward Mist is scheduled to op n tinued business last week and the early next week by the owners, equipment will be sold or leased Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Dass. by Tony Federici. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. DeBate The new chief for the cLy of Vernonia volunte.r fire depart are taking Mrs. Smith's place I ment is Calvin Davis. An managing the Cozy. Mrs. Smith nouncement of the appointment has gone to Tigard to manage her confectionary there. was made this week by Mayor FIFTEEN YEARS AGO George Johnson. ° From The Eagle, Jun« 11. 1937 Camp Wilkerson improvem nt Fred MacDonald, a graduate will be aided to a considerable extent Sunday when employees I of Oregon state college in 1933, of the Columbia Tie? Farm Are was elected Saturday night by planning to work with other j the dirtetors of the union high county residents towards th? school as athletic coach and construction of a permanent log teacher of manual training and building for the use of scouts, physical education. On Monday the Oregon Gas junior Grange and uth"r youth and Electric company completed organization . Leaving here last Friday, arrangements for synchronizing George S. Epperly, 78, traveled their plant with that of the Ore to Bay City to attend the annual i gon American Lumber corpora oyster feed. Th" trip was made tion and tying the two plants in Mr. Epperly’s motor scooter together. This will enable them to take care of almost any kind and side car. 1 TEN YEARS AGO of load with no fluctuation of From The Eagle. Jun« 11, 1942 voltage. BE A "GROWN-UP” DRIVER TA« man you or« shows in On. not in the size or make of your car—but in Aow your car! you drive it. Good driver« are mature and responsible, says the AAA driver training book, “Sporti- manlike Driving.’’ They keep things under control. They con trol both themselves and their cars. Egotists show up badly in traffic. They ignore the rights of others. They are self-cen tered and rude. "Show-off” drivers look ridiculous behind the wheel. They drive any old COMPANY. FRANKFORT. KENTUCKY shows up your personality. XHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXH The Friendly Store where Quality Costs No More N Suf/yeKUOIItf i<>! WEARS UP TO TWICE AS LONG AT NO EXTRA COST ... and its soft collar worit wrinlde. ever! Austin only $1.95 The hat you'll enjoy wearing . .. ven tilated weave keeps you cool and comfortable . . . smart pinch crown and colorful bond give you a well dressed look. Priced amazingly low. Former Residents of Garibaldi Move to Keasey h proof - Oil oin HERMfTAGI way that gets attention—even if it endangers life. Over-emotional drivers show up like man-sized babies. They "blow up” in emergencies. They are irritated over trifles. "Ra tionalizers” lack the courage to face facts. They never admit their own driving faults. Put a "thwarted” man behind a wheel, and watch him try to make up for all the frustration« of his life. Hungry for a little power, he is dangerous in a car. How do you “stack up” be hind the wheel? Your driving Smerl Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Westerbcrg formerly of Garbaidi, have mov ed to the DeVaney hom? on Kea- s?y route. Recent house guests of theirs w re Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pettus of Jacksonville, 111., and their *t>n, Billy. It was a gala reunion inasmuch as the last time the two couples were to gether was four years ago when the Westcrbergs went east. . . . $1.95 ond $2.95 * Genuine Sonomoi ADAM HATS SAN JUAN SLACKS our sensational Van Heusen Die Xroerican Institute of Laundry put the revolutionary X an Heusen Century shirt through a 15-tnonth wash-wear test. Official result: our Van Heusen Century shirt gives up to twice a» many wear ings and washings a« the other shirts tested, and at no extra cost! XX hat'* more. X an Heusen Century shirt is the only shirt with the soft collar that “won’t wrinkle ever". XX ithout starch or stays this marvelous shirt collar re mains neat and wrinkle-free all 24 hour* of the dav all it* life! Patented one-piece < ollar feels soft as tine linen around your neck. 1 et our I an Hruvn Century shirt costs no more than other shirts! White and colon. Only »395 The ONLY slacks to receive the coveted Fashion Academy Gold Medal Award. San Juan Slacks are truly "America's Perfect Pair." Exclusive "Body Balance" design assures sleek top-to-toe eye appeal . .. Newest patterns and colors in premium 100'. Virgin Wool fabrics pro vide the ultimate in slacks »atislacticn. . . $3 95