Library, U of 0 VOLUME 30, NUMBER 20 VERNONIA. COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON THURSDAY. MAY 15. l#52 Ballot Names Warne Empey Resigns as Group Forms District for To Be Marked High School Principal Improvement For Primary Miss Marguerite Cook and Mr. The board of directors for the Empey will compare the bids on [ union high school heard and ac­ th? basis of samples of the items cepted the resignations of Prin and report their opinions of the cipal Warne Empey and Mrs. La 20 Property Owners Polls Will Open best bids to accept at the next verne Lanee Tuesday night at Start Action Calling board meeting. Tomorrow Morning their May 13 meeting. The for­ No bid was received for re­ For Curb Installation At 8 Standard Time mer submitted his resignation in moval of th? old barn from the Following an action by the city order to accept th? position of new school site. Voters will be faced with a council at it ’s meeting of Mon­ ring list of names when they go principal of the high school at Next year's budget will be the to th? polls tomorrow to mark Springfield. Mrs. Lanee, who topic of ,a meeting set for May day, May 5, 20 property owners on A street and State street have their primary election ballots, has been girl’s physical educa 27 and at that time the architect organized to form an improve­ whether they be Democrat or Re­ tion instructor during the past employed by the district will also publican, although the longest year, announced no future plans. b? present to answer problems ment district which calls for the installation of curbing along the list of names will face the latter. Other business of th? board concerning the new structure. streets in front of their homes. 3n both ballots, the selection during the evening concerned To start the district, several of delegates to the national con- dedication plans for the new high owners of homes in that section v ntions will give electors th"ir school, consideration of bids for appeared before the council ask­ biggest headache, unless they are furniture and the budget for the ing the procedure necessary in thoroughly familiar with the next fiscal year. starting an improvement dis­ names they wish to mark. For A P.-T.A. committee appeared Democrats, th ?re are 16 names before the board concerning the trict. The council asked that they Officers for the Senior, Junior obtain signatures of the owners Pom which to select four, while dedication and action was the the Republicans must name 10 appointment of Harry Sandon and Sophomore classes were elec­ of property on a petition request, ted Wednesday morning by the from a list totaling 50 names. and Mr. Empey to work.with the ing the district. respective class groups, the new The marking of the Republican P.-T.A. in planning the affair The signatures were obtained officials to begin their duties with which was tentatively set for de.egates to th? convention has within the week from people the start of th? new year this tho third Monday in September. led to confusion because eight living on A street east of State fall. Those named were: Bids on furniture for the n w candidates filed under a 1905 street to the east city limits and Seniors: president, Derril Mc ­ library, commerical room and law which does not require a Kee, vice-president, Don Mor­ on the east side of State street p dg " to support the choice of home economics room were open­ from A to B stre it. Only one gan; secretaft’. Joyce Howard; ed, but none were accepted until the voters. Eisenhower backers piece of property in that area treasurer, Patti Bass and ser ­ point out that if any of these samples of the mat?rial listed in geants-at-arms. Eugene Weller was not signed for and that pro­ candidates are elected they are the respective bids ar? compared. perty is owned by the county. and David Closner; not bound to follow the wishes of The petition requests the coun­ Juniors: president, Jerry Her­ the people. Poppy Sale Dates Set rin; vice-president, Dickie Gwin, cil to call for bids for the job The eight who filed by petition American Legion Auxiliary secretary, Kathleen Sauer; trea­ of installing the curbing and ac­ arc: Lowell Paget, Robert A. surer, Joyce Jones and sergeants- tion will probably be taken at members will stage their annual Bennett, John R. Latourctte, Jr., Poppy sales event for two days at-arms, Bill Braun and Ozzie the next meeting scheduled for Phil Metschan, Mrs. Irene H. Monday of next week, May 19. Ray; next week, Friday and Saturday, Gtrlinger, Irving Rand, U. S. Sophomores: president. Bill May 23 and 24. Contributions An outline of the procedure to Ea.'.entine and Ernest G. Swi- Higley; vice-president, Pat O’­ be followed in setting up the from the sale will go for the gert. Brien and secretary-treasurer, new city budget for the next welfare of disabl 'd veterans and No matter what ballot deci­ needy children of veterans. Faye Cook. fiscal year was prepared last sions arc made, voters will go Thursday by Bill Holm, repre- to the polls on standard time be­ esnting I. D. Wood and com­ tween th" hours of 8 a m. and pany, Portland. The council asked f? p.m., which is a point well that he prepare the outline to be worth remembering if it is in­ followed when the new budget tended to vote late in the day. was discussed at a recent meet­ Polling places for the four ing. Vernonia precincts are: No. 1, S dland Electric building; No. The proposed new budget was 2, IWA union hall; No. 3, Wash­ ten’atively drawn while he was ington grade school and No. 4. here and will be considered by city hall. councilmen Monday and later be examined by the budget com­