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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1952)
• THURSDAY, MAY 8. 1952 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE ; BRUNSMAN Hardware and Electric! Gift Suggestions Mother's FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS and FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGES HARDWARE SPORTING GOODS — GUNS — AMMUNITION PAINTS — LINSEED OIL — TURPENTINE ELECTRIC WIRING — NAILS} i Magazine Rack. Mahogany Finish BIGGEST jOVEN -ou^oro urn B autiful Daveno Set Special $119.50. Wool Frieze Coverings. Matching chairs $39.95 P ate Glass Mirrors Utility Table with Drawer and Magazine Racks at Ends. A Real Value at Also Step Tables, End Tables and Corner Tables in Dark and Blonde Finishes. Ideal for Mother’s Day Gifts ROJ5 Eteclnc Reuses Another New Ship ment of Swing Rock ers. $32.50 $34.50, $39.95, $44.95 u.y jKí—- ** mdir oven JflrJWtfD BApUS SAMÎ TIAl'F SA-MF OVFN! ’W ’ £ • »/ > './¿'A../ RO40 RO50 RO60 RO70 $314.75 $349.75 $389.75 $408.75 LIBERAL TRADE ’N RESTON1C DELUXE INNERSPRING MAT- RESS AND BOX SPRINGS $7Q Table Lamps $14.00 Value DeLuxe Hanging 3-Shelf Mahogany Boek Rack. $20 Vai. $14.95 4 Shelf Mahogany 'locrType Book Case. Beautifully Finish d $24.95 Hanging What Not Shelves. Mirror Backed $7.50 & $9.95 $795 Buy New 1952 Zenith Washer $ With Pump New.Washer $ Without pump 9c Table VALUES 59C Yard PLYWOOD 4x8x’." $4.25 SIMPSON BOARD 4x8x%” $2.00 CEILING TILE Box of 60 sp. ft. $7.25 MASONITE 4x8x3 16’’ $2 95 HARDBOARD 4 x 8 x * k $2.25 4x8x’7 $3.25 50c vai Butter Dish Direct Connected Toilets $29.95 - $49.95 ROLL ROOFING 90-lb. red or green 55-lb. 15 lb Hand Sprayer for Rose Bushes, Garden. 89? Value ONLY Ivory Coffee Mugs Crescent or Circular Fountain Sprinklers, • Each $1.75 quare Spray Sprink lers $1.15 Whirling Fairy Sprinkler $1.25 Values Up $2 85 Bergman Caulked Boots $O*iâ0 Reg $37.50 s32 The New Deluxe Daveno Set with Flex o-lator Springs for Added Comfort. Make a spare bedroom out of your front room combining comfort with mast r craftsmanship Beau tiful selection of Colors in top grade wool cover- $ ings. $250 Value Only Rose, Light Rose, Taupe. Green and Gray Big Glass Chick Fount Special 90c SPECIAL: Marshall- Wells Outside White House Paint. $ Reg $5 39 Gal. Marshal-Wells Woncoat Reg $3 75 Gal. Marshal-Wells Glosscoat Reg. $4 95 Gal. $5.25 100-lbs. 50-lbs. $3 15 $1 85 25-lbs. 10-lbs.__ Go West Snail Slug Bait 35c and 75c Morcrop Fertilizer 5-lbs. 10-lbs. FECIAL PRICES ON GARDEN TOOLS Beautiful Chrome Dinette Sets. Extra Heavy padding w ith green, y How. red and grey upholster- Specially Priced at PLEASURE TO LIVE IN Plastic Gai den $ Hose 50 Ft Rubber Hose 50 Feet $8 85 - $7 35 • $895 25 Feet $4 75 All Metal Wheel Bar row Rubber $1 £95 TirE-d * VERNONIA All Metal Rubber Tired Wagons Small Sue $825 I-arge Size 2 From where I sit... and Rake Handles 39c FIRE FIGHTiNG EQUIPMENT Back Pump Fire Can . ... 114-qt. Fire Extinguisher Carbon Tetrachloride Gallon Hazel Hoe Pole Shovels Dille and McGuire Lawn $ Mowers Tomahawk Grass Groomer Turfmaster Huffy Electric Lawn Mower Joe Marsh As a Matter of Fact... Out of all the newspaper and magazine columns I read, the ones I enjoy mont are those that pack in a whole lot of facts — unrelated facts, hut each one an interesting hit of information in itself. Folbate zMI-Metal English Made MQ90 1 O T’S A PRIVILEGE AND Onion Sets Pound 7 j ATTERI $11.55 and Up Your Old Car Battery Fi igidaire 40 Gallon Table Top Hot Water Heater with Mag Roa $185 75 $3.00 Blue Whirl Egg Beater 85c Ivory Mush Bowls 9c Take 7 minutes ! $449.75 $399.75 $3*4.7$ $259.75 $299.75 $399.7$ $297.75 Complete Selection of Revere Ware BIGGER VALUES FOR FULL ASSORTMENT OF GARDEN SEEDS IN STOCK It's a separate Food Freezer and Refrigerator combined, each with LEVELCOID temperatures that keep all foods safe and good —regard less of season or weather! 1R106. 10.6 Cu. Ft. IR 90. 9 Cu. Fl. DR96 9.6 Cu. Ft. SR99, 9.9 Cu. Ft. MR 96. 9.6 Cu. Ft. DR114. I 1.4 Cu. Ft. MO91. 9.1 Cu. Beautiful Folding Tray and Stand. Ideal For Mother's Day Gift $095 Only " All Steel Rubber Tired Garden Cart h MNRE Shown Beautiful Selection Clothes Hampers $6.95 to $12.95 Hand Duster A 85c Value ONLY Special Buy of’i. fui Linoleum. Four Patterns. Regularly 85c Yard. Square Yard Only Model 20-Pc. Set of Nas turtium Dishes 25-Piece Set Lilly Dishes All Metal Ironing Board Used Dinette Tables bild Four Chairs. Special Find out about the new Cycla-matic Frigidaire and what it will mean to you I Also teethe new Deluxe, Matter and Standard n odels Floor Lamps $11 From * * Boudoir Lamps $1.95 and $2.95 English Teapots $1.75 and $2.95 Cookie Jars Beautiful 4-Piece Blonde Bedroom Set $99.95 Nothing Down! As Little as $6.17 Per Month. Others $115 Pin-up Lamps $6.95 Card $ Table 50.00 BTU Coleman Oil Stove with Automatic Damper. Looks and Works Like New * * Medicina Cabinet With Mirror $500 Value $2.95 $5 00 Value $3.95 M8M- I J $109.00 Value Simmons Beauty Rest $S9 50 Mattress $69 50 Springs Simmons Deep Sleep $49.50 Mattress $49.50 prings A Lovely Selection of Pictures by Turner Art Studios and Mar- ,o Alexander Studios. Priced from $2.75 G. E. Steam Iron G. E. Elec. Iron Sunbeam Elec. Iron These columns go something like this: "Did you know that hump back whales are addicted to snor ing? That bees have been bred with red. brown, and buff-color eyes? “Did you know that lead can be converted to gold — at a cost of $1,000.000 an ounce* That a 555- pound fat girl went on a diet and lost 401 pounds in 12 months? That a chrysanthemum has been devel oped that smells like a violet?” From where I sit, maybe I'm a kind of “Johnny-one-notc." My own columns always seem to revolve around one idea—a plea for us to make sure we respect the other fel low's rights—like the right to vote for your own choice or the right to enjoy a glass of beer now and then. I may not be in style, but I believe my one fact is worth rrprating — and remembering! t It, IKJ. I mire ÍUUC) UlttKH f I