Club Entertained Monday Evening I Selle Increase« Fund 1 For Library Building Home Purchased In Riverview Birthday« Are Caute For Celebration« TRF.HARNE — Charlotte Wea­ Mrs. Wesley Bolmeier was hos- [ tess for the May 1 meeting of ver celebrated h'r birthday Sun­ the Vernonia Study club. It was day. Calling were Mr. and Mrs. The Past Chiefs club met Mon­ RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and Kenneth, day evening. May 5, at the home announced that the rummage sale Mr. and Mrs. Don Reynolds. Ca­ ef Tressie Michener with five held recently brought in $97.17. I Clarence Powers and children Mr and Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis thie and Glen. members and one visitor present. This brings to a total of $865.36 Robert Reynolds and Earl also Final plans were made for a the building fund for the Ver­ and baby have moved from the I called. cooked food sale to be held at nonia public library. Stvman house on 3rd St., which The birthde” of Joe Miller was Bush Furniture Saturday, May The book review of "Man and has been purchased by Mrs. celebrated the week end of March 10, beginning at 10:00 a m. Superman" by George Bernard 26 and 27 at the Miller home Dewey Hunt. Cards from Pearl Wilkerson Shaw was given by Mrs R. D. in Treharne. Frank White of were read which said she had a Eby. Oscar Matthis, who was in­ Astoria, father of Mrs. Miller, pleasant trip and was nicely set- The next meeting will be at jured at the mill recently, is still was present. Charles and Frank tied in her new home in Cincinat- White of Portland, brothers of confined to his bed. the home of Mrs. J. W Nichols tg Ohio, but was missing her Mrs. Miller, also attended Other who will review “ The Peabody Vernonia friends. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Latin and birthday callers were Mr. and The hostess prize was won by Sisters of Salem." daughter of Portland spent Sat­ Mrs. Albin Bergstrom and Mrs. Mrs. Fern Kullander. Presman of Treharne. urday at the home of Mr. and Delightful refi ishments were Mrs. Mae Wr'necke was hostess Mrs. Clarence Fowler. Farewell Dinner Given scrv-d by the hostess. , April 30 for her birthday which The time and place of the next Sunday guests at the Jim Bond was May 3. After a pot-luck At Robbins Home Friday meeting will be announced later. home were Mr. and Mrs. Jim dinner, Mrs. Wienecke opened Mr. and Mrs. George Robbins Frost and Mr. and Mrs. Charles many gifts brought by friends. gave a fnrew 'll dinner Friday Columbia Shriners to Borton of Portland. '••'•'in'’ for Mr and Mrs. Lee Meet at Vernonia May 12 Hall, who will make their home Mr. and Mrs. John Krinick I at Springfield. spent Sunday at the home of Columbia county Shriners are Other dinner guests were Mrs. Mrs. Ida Kilburg at Timber. ■rvited to Vernonia for their next Belie Holborow, Billy. Cheril social meeting, according to J. A. Mrs. Robert Moore and son, Bush. Jr., for the afternoon and and Georgia Bonnie L-atn and Gary, of St. Helens are spending her brother. Lewis Donoho, came evening of Monday, May 12. in to visit the Halls a'so during a few days at the home of her NATAL — Mr and Mrs. Carol Their session here will start Green of Portland calk'd on Mr. the afternoon with golf and their last evening in Vernonia. sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Robert Lindsay Wed­ unch will be served that evening The evening was spent in play­ Glen Hawkins. at the Bush home. Mrs. W. H. Shafer of Sacra­ nesday evening. Mr. Gr-'en and ing canasta. mento, California is visiting her his parents were former residents of the community having resided sister, Mrs. P. L. Welter, who has on the Moran farm. LET’S HAVE Minstrel Show Presented been suffering from a severe at­ Mrs. Leonard Thomas and ANOTHER CUP OF Jackr* spent from Wednesday j At Natal Grange Hall tack of asthma for the past three COFFEE until Saturday night with Mrs. Th? Young People’s club of weeks. H In Coffee — It’s the flavor I Ernest Kyser and family. Mrs. Welter pent several days Sunday visitors at the Devine Mist pres?nted a successful mins, •hat counts! That's why Pa last week at St. Helens at the homes were Mr. and Mrs. Carl ace Cafe diners always linger trel show May 2 at the Natal home of Mrs. Oscar Rand, hop­ Danielson and Mr. and Mrs. Jim for another cup. Enjoy our Granee hall. Club members have Swanson and Margaret of near 'I nild-rich coff-e t'-day after a ing to get relief from her ailment, expressed their appreciation to Rainier. Monday evening cal­ delightful palate-pleasing din but it was worse there so sh ' re ­ th -se who contribu'ed tims, ser­ lers were Mr. and Mrs. Bill ner. turned to her homo. She is much vice. property and their presence Pringle. in making th ■ presentation suc­ improved at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap cessful. PALACE CAFE motored to Portland last Satur­ The Afghan was presented to day. Mrs. Carrie Smith Sonny Welder of Clatskanie. Mr and Mrs. Max Oblack were in Astoria Monday on business. Visitors at the Ray Taylors Tuesdav evening were Mr. and "rs. Frank Birt and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hunteman. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hansen BIRKENFELD -- Bill Arvan of Mist w're Thursday visitors cut his hand Tu< day while at the Wavne Pugh home. chopping wood. Several stitches Clvd? Johnson has returned were taken to close the wound. from Eugene where he spent a Mr. and Mrs. Randy Gabriel- few days last we-k. son and Jimmv of Portland were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Prinele and w^ek end guests of Mrs. Adah s< n were Longview visitors last Hoberg. Thursday. COME TO US FOR CAR FINANCING Mrs Mary Essen, sistpr of John Last week callers at the De­ and James Cahill, and Mr. and vine home were Mr. and Mrs. Mis. Lawrence Ronnested of D?an Porter and Judy, Mrs. S. Seattle were here visiting last Libel. Mrs. John Devine and BECAUSE,.. '■•?ek Mrs. Essen exnects to Janell Devine of Clatskanie and fly to Kodiak, Alaska this week. Everett and Einar Danielson. • Interest Rates are Lower. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carl and Miss Marylou Fredrickson en- i Mrs. Tom Hopkins attended the ioyed the week end at Sunset Pomona Grange meeting in Ver­ Beach. @ You dsal with local people and make a local loan, She accompanied Mrs. nonia Saturday. Kasper and daught-r, Frances, f Donald Jepson was home over of Vernonia and was their guest • You build bank credit. the week end. at their cottage. Dee Dee Thompson wa> a euest at the L. H. Jepson home Sun- Let us explain our bank loan plan for financing your new dav. C. C. Chapman’« or 'ate model car. Keith Elliott and Carmen Ed­ wards of Rainier and Kathryn OREGON VOTER Elliott spent th? week end at the Cecil Elliott home. Enderses Paget! Mr. and Mrs. Cloice Hall visit­ ed Mr and Mrs. Ted Bellingham "Our recommendation io party last Tuesday members is to vote for PAGET, Mr. and Mrs. T -d Bellingham because of h’s long faithful ac­ and children were in Vernonia tivity a. orqanizer and leader and Sunday visiting relatives. his established contacts with na­ Word was received recently that tional conventions and party Pfc. George B»Hingham was being sent to Tampa. Florida leaders." after a prisoner. George is with Oregon Voter, May 3, 1952 the air force police. Ex-Residents Visit at Natal Hand Injury Caused by Ax Vernonia Branch S(ect a REAL REPUBLICAN Commerciai Bank et Oregon THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. I House to Go Up At Neverstil MIST — Claud Kyser is work­ ing on the bridge down river. Noble Dunlap is building a house on the Sherer property at Neverstil on the Sherer place, which was burnt out recently. Floyd Libel and his mother were in the valley Friday to see some relatives, Floyd was taking his mother to his home in Fair­ view for a visit. She lives in Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Baillett are moving to Sweet Home, where he expects to find work. Geo. Jones and his wife and Mr. and Mrs Shalmon Libel were in Seaside Monday evening. The Carl Ennebergs spent Sun­ day evening at the George Jones home. Mrs. Walt Bateson had business in Vernonia Monday afternoon. Opening Day at Meadows Viewed TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beck and Susan attended the opening of Portland Meadows Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale went to Spikerville to see Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kells and children Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beck motor­ ed to the White River to fish over the week end. They brought home part of thn each, five fish. Lt. and Mrs. Norman K. Phil­ lips and boys left Vernonia April 30 on their way to Fort Smith, Arkansas where he will be sta­ tioned for one year to train new recruits. They have been visiting Mrs. Phillip's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Turner Daniel, and family. Carolyn Daniel is some better now following an ear illness. Mr. Daniel has also been ill. Mr and Mrs. Harry Weaver visited Mr. and Mrs. joe Miller THURSDAY. MAY 8. 1952 3 Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Merkling of Vernonia visited Mr and Mr- Rome Whitmire Sunday evening Rome Whitmire has been wil! with the flu and an ellergy the last week, but is up again. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Robin ett and daughters visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rich­ ards Sunday. Mr. Robinett op­ erates a strawberry farm at Bux ton and is interested in lining up pickers for the season. Bill Higley was a supper guest of the Carl Snyder family last Monday night. For Athlete’» Foot Use T-4-L for 3 to 5 days. If not pleased, your 40c back. Watch the old. tainted skin slough off to be replaced by healthy skin Get instant-drying T-4-L from any druggist. Now at— NANCE DRUG STORE » Laundry and Dry Cleaning IN THURSDAY BACK THURSDAY Same service for Dry Cleaning. Bring To— BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP Oregon Laundry and Dry Cleaners F ’HIHIHIHIHXHIHIHXHXHXHIH7 Washes clothes cleaner Has a long, long life Exclusive Gyrafoam washing ac­ tion washes all dirt out quickly. It’s gentle as washing by hand. Your Maytag Automatic is built to last. . . always gives you the same dependable washing performance. to this important Republican Party position! x e- YES GLADDEN MOTHER'S HEART WITH DELICIOUS- j I• : Roses in Snow Cuke I ■ ■ I » • I I I I I • I ■ • - t Thrill mother on Mother’s Day with a beautiful, delicious, heart- shaped Roaee-in-Snow cake. She’ll love the tender, moist texture and she’ll know that the sentimental heart-shape expr e ee r a your true feeling, for her Order Roses-in-Snow rake for your mother— today! It's oven-fresh—just waiting for you! * I VERNONIA BAKERY HOME OF BUTTER KRUST BREAD AND ARDEN ICECREAM MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Remember— DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY : 10 a m - 3 p.m. Dunwr noi • ••••••••• • • • SUNDLAND'S XZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHXHZHZKZK H H H Z H Z H I » This automatic won't wobble or "travel.” It’s perfectly balanced. H Z H H H M OPENING the Hillsboro Hearing Center -9-10 — Thursday, Friday & Saturday 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. — Saturday until 9 P.M, FREE AUDIOMETRIC ANALYSIS CONSULTANT TRAINED CONSULTANTS HEARING AIDS Accepted by Council on Physical Medicine, American Medical Association RENTAL SERVICE Carleton W. Travis 233 E. Baseline — Hillsboro Phene 445 May Apply Toward Purchase If Desired MANY OUTSTANDING MODELS to Fit Your Needs and Purse BUDGET PAYMENTS CONVENIENT May Be Arranged LOCATION — FREE PARKING Adjoining the office« of DR. CHARLES A. PLUMSTEAD Optometrist ZHZHZHZHZMZHZHZHZMZNZH i Needs no bolting down Washes, rinses, spin-dries your clothes Maytag even turns itself off ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE , 786 Bridge Phone 581 Vernonia NEHALEM VALLEY APPLIANCE DEALER’ You Can PHONE YOUR ORDER Nothing to it. Just pick up your telephone and ask for our number. We’ll pick out the best, as if you, yourself were doing the selecting and deliver the order to your door. Why not take advantage of this FREE service today! Does all the work for you X ÜHXHXHIHXHXHXHXHXHXXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX