TWMSDAY. APR 24, 1*52 THE EAGLE. More Scholarship Winners Chosen VERNONIA. ORE. MOUND THE FARMcXV^Xnt lawn grass for much of the U S • but • western Oregon soils. Blue grass grows best on soils that are high ; e«ur acid soils re­ quire heavy ume application and plenty of summer irrigation to grow blue grass. ■ '• and red top are very poor lawn grasses any way you look at They are in them. so mf- commercial mixtures be- ca use the «eed is cheap and they come up fast. Fortunately Oregon people BAKERY •Cacna of Bu't'r Krust Bread Arden Ice Cream Sev-nteen more 4 H club mem­ bers in Columbia county, who will receive $20 scho^rsmps tc 4-H summer school, have been announced by the county exten­ sion office at St. Helens. Thooe receiving scholarships to the annual 4-H summer school, to be held Jun? 17-27, and their sponsors include Terry Lousig- nont. Birkenfid. Wine ma grange; Billy Bock. Chapman. Scappoose Earc n club; Dorothy Heed, Clatskanie. Louer Columbia ’"‘airy Co-op; Ella May Kyser. Mist. Mist P-TA: Edward Ht- gele. Scappoose. Scappoose Ki- wams club; Ger'* Jones, Clats- -anie. Marshland granee; Judy Hanson Clatskanie. Marshland women's club: Gaynell Sharer. Bachelor Flat. Bachelor Flat wo­ men’s club: Beth Ann Haskett, Ve*mon>a. Pvthian Sisters. Ver­ nonia; D?nms Budge. Shilo Ba­ in. Beaver Hom s extension unit: Sonja Solberg. Clatskanie. Clats­ kanie Farm Bureau. Carol Peter­ sen. Delena. First National Bank of Clatskanie; Ronald Johnson, Ravmg and lawn seed many questions on what • the beet lawn grass to i ww are a few point to consider Fsrst. many of the commercial s^ck^d lawn reed mixtures are good for this area. Most of trwtr, contain common rye grass. v-O top or Kentucky blue grass when you follow these easy rules l.Use the line sharinglya 2 Keep calls reasonably brief 3 Space calls fairly 4 Hang up the receiver carefully Try the fritndly approach — you 11 be a party line neighbor with more friends and better service, too! jiji i H'iiini. mimi OneTire FREE ! Greatest Sate of the year! PENNSYLVANIA’S NEW AEROLUX TIRE. Introductory Offer temaiKwally new! Ihe safest, grralr.t urc on the market Flat wt . deeper tread puts more rub­ ber on the road Quiet in action, easier io steer. Winter driving terurrs many tires tome in for free inspection. Prepare for epi mg and summer dosing aafeVs •«V 1 Hr«i at re •«lar priva, G«> <”« *W«i ituluding tour old tirri) Ibr fine»! tire that money can buy— 25’, to Ml*; more mileage Ihn vale offers them to you at an astounding low original covi. Or tvy I yira a» ■«•«lar krlve. Oat «arane ai y, prive l¡»< ludiHg allonuttr • n old tirr< If you need only two tires. >ou can Mill enjoy ftannhania'v and «ave! GUARANTEED FOR LIFE... Agami» $t*n« brw<$«t, ere in Oregon National Home Demonstratij.n week. April 27 to May 3. .s ob­ served by_ the eighteen Coium- > x. nsion according to Fiances L. Ga! atm. *T «day’s Horne home agent. Builds Tomjnow’s Wor d ’ is the theme of all demonstration work. Many Columbia county home- makers have ga.n«-d sail faction and improved family and com­ munity living from th ir horr. • New controls have been work­ ed out for the strawberry fruit worm. Fortunately we have very little of this pest in Columbia county. Some years a few cases of infested fields are reported from th'* Warren. McNulty and ■ • • has been very slight. ’ Insofar __ 2_ as I know the strawberrv fruit worm has never b?en found in th” Goble. Rainier or Clatskanie areas. Grower» who have had trouble in the past may be int -rested in new methods used to d'’ter­ min'* om Building and Cleanup Needs! and here are a few suggestions . et’Buc SERVICI PLYWOOD — MASONITE housepaint PAINT AND BRUSHES SHEET ROCK CEILING TILE FIRTEX SCREEN DOORS WINDOWS AND WINDOW GLASS MILL WORK OF ALL KINDS BUILDING HARDWARE BUILDING TOOLS HAHN HARDWARE Phone 181 Vernonia, Oregon ’»ZMZHZHZMZHZKZMZMZH HZMZHZHZHZHZHXHZHZÍ4 ■ i i :