2 THURSDAY, APR 17, 1952 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. TOPICS OF THE TOWN Borton and Bill Odam fave taken a summer job at Grande Round of falling and bucking for the Long Bell Lum- ter company. They rented a house there last week end. Mrs. Nancy Horsley had the misfortune to get her finger «aught in the wringer of her washing machine last Thursday about noon She received medi­ cal attention for the injury. Bill Nichols has returned to Bud I1 Il ermitage OLD BMAND Pt . ’4” 4 5 rt. ** fit PROOF • THE OLD HERMITAGE COMPANY. FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY I his home here after visiting his daughter and family. Dr. and Mrs. Powell Logan in Vancouver fol­ lowing his dismissal from the Veterans hospital. HAM DINNER AprU 26. I.O.O.F. hall. 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m Adults $1.25. children 60c. Sponsored by V.F.W. Auxiliary. 1513c Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McCarthy of Nashwauk, Minn sota were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Koski last week end. They were on the return trip to Minnesota after sp nding the winter in California. RED CROSS benefit pie social Saturday evening. April 19 at Vernonia Grange. Pleasant Hill. Sponsored by Grange. Everyone 16tlc welcome. 8:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. DeHart and daughter, Sunny Lee, and Mr. and Mrs Prank Lange went to Woodland. Washington Sunday to spend Easter and visit Mr. and Mrs. Gil Murk. Mr. and Marvin Murk and two sons and baby daughter wire also there from Portland. RED CROSS ben-fit pis social Saturday evening. April 19 at Vernonia Grange. Pleasant Hill. Sponsored by Grange. Everyone welcome. 8:30 p. m. 1611c Mrs. Margie Merckling entered the Physicians and Surgeons hos­ pital April 8 for medical atten­ tion. HAM DINNER April 26. I.O.O.F. hall. 5:30 p.m. io 7:30 p.m Adults $1.25. children 60c. Sponsored 15t3c by V.F.W. Auxil;ary. Mr. and Mrs. Art Kittleson had as their guests Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs Frank Lange and Mr. and Mrs. T. L. De Hart and daughter. Sunny Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis were host and hostess, assisted by Mrs. Silvia Turner, to a large number of friends and relatives at an Faster d-nn'" »t their horn" on Grant St Bak'd ham and all the trimminps were served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Art Da­ vis and «-hildrenj Mr a«>d Mr' Harold Davis and children of Clatskain»: Mr. and Mrs Roscoe Babb and children and Miss Kaye Tribbitt of Palouse. Washington; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stuv". Bir- kenfeld; Mr. and Mrs. George Turner and children of Mon­ mouth: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tur­ ner, Mr and Mrs. L. L. Graven and Mrs. Helen Plotts. all of Port'and end the host and host­ ess, Mr. and Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Torn'r AH return 'd home Sun­ day evening excepting the Babb family. I I Benefit Helps Loss in Fire NATAL — Mr. and Mrs Ray Taylor and baby spent Easter Sunday at the home of Gene Northrup at Banks. Mr. and Mrs Henry Wilson en. tertamed Mr. Wilson’s suter and family over the week end. Sunday dinner guests at the L. P Mathews horn? were Mr and Mrs. Alvin Wright and son. David, and Virginia Mathews of Portland and Mr and Mrs. Ro­ bert Mathews and son, Bobby. The benefit party given for Mr. and Mrs. Bnttner of Birkenfeld Saturday night was a huge suc- csss. The Brittners just rec-ntly __ home _ by fire. The lost their party was given at the Natal hall. Mr and Mrs. Reed Holding were Sunday aft-rnoon callers at the Max Oblack home. School Tenn to Be Completed Band Heard Friday By Birkenfeld Group I I BIRKENFELD — Aileen John­ son. Manlou Fredrickson. Kath­ ryn Elliott and Edrts Williams of Clatskanie went to Portland Friday to h:ar Louie Armstrong. They spent the night with Mrs. Mae Logu1, Aileen’s aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thomp­ son and Gary spent the week with Mr. and Mrs Laurence Jep­ son. Keith Elliott and Carm n Ed­ wards of Rainier spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott. The Sewing Club nr. t with Mrs. Cecil Elliott last Tuesday evening There were s ven mem­ bers present. Next meeting will be April 21 at the home of Mis. Don Jens n. Mr. and Mrs. Art Beliinchani and boys, Mr and Mrs. Ted Bl- lingham and children and Claire u -uin^ham were dinner r • «t« of Mr. and Mrs Guy Bellineahni Friday evening in celebration of Guy’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Babb and children and Miss Kaye Tribbitt of Palouse, Washington, who have spent the past week visiting at the home of Mrs. Babb's sister. Mrs. Silvia Turner, r. turned to their home Monday morning While here they also visited with the E. P. and Howard Frank RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. families. Mr. Babb is a nephew W. D. St: wart have moved into of the two men. the Jess house. They came from RED CROSS benefit pie social California. Saturday evening. April 19 at Mr. and Mr« Lester Hill and Vernonia Grange. Pleasant Kill. Sponsored by Grange. Everyone three sons of Taft spent Sunday welcome. 8:30 p. m. 161 lc and Monday at the Lloyd Ca'lis- ’er h« me. vi-itine his mother, Mrs. L. L. Wells and Mrs. S. D. Waite were at P ndl«s hos­ pital in Hillsboro. Mother and daughter return d home Monday of this week. THOMAS VARIETY STORE Clearance sale, starts Thursday. April 17. 16tlc Home Occupied By Calif. Family NATAL — Teddy Stout re- turned to the Valamette school to finish this term. Mr. and Mrs. William Pringle spent the week end in Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. Kenton Zillman of Cedar Grove -------- call d on the Ernest Kyser family Friday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs Gene Northrup of Banks wer“ Thursday visitors at the Ray Taylors. Mr. and Mrs Dean Porter and Judy of Cedar Grove were Thurs. day evening visitors of the Di­ vine families. Monday evening callers were Mr. and Mrs. Ro­ bert Hilliker of Aid r Grove. Mrs. June Willis and Mrs. Alice Lindsay wer“ Portland business visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap motored to Portland Saturday. Farl Sanasac of Renton. Wash­ ington is spending a few days at I the Ernest Kyser home. Fights Viewed Monday Night BIRKENFELD—Howard Jones. Laurence J pson, Bill Arvan and Hank Robin'on went to Port­ land Monday to see the fights. Guy and Claire Bellingnam and El«a Richardson went to Portland Mondav on business. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bellingham plan to leave this week end for Michican after a new car Lloyd Beach’; sister, Evelyn, of Astoria visited here Saturday evening. Mrs. Buddy Larson. Mrs. Art B'-llingham and Mrs. Ds i rei 1 Baker wer in Port!and Thursday of last week. Mrs. Ted B 'lineham sp-nt Tuesday in Vernonia with her mother. Mrs. A. Lolly. Mrs. Buddy Larson gave a birthday party for h-r two sons, Larry and Bobby. Friday morn- REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER V\cstinghousc ( 1 TRY OUR DELICIOUS ! You not only get your monty'i worth, but you receive prompt service with a smile. Our burger's are from the finest beef cooked just the way you • like them. Come in Today! PALACE CAFE Mrs. Carrie Smith I i I I I I I i I I For Grade fl Pasteurized Daily Products Call or Write PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY Telephcifrie 8812 Vernonia, Oregon i i i Timber Rt., Box 56 I I C regon-American LUMBER CORPORATION PHONE 853 WORMS LOWEST PRICED ing. There were 11 children pre­ sent. Mrs Larson served them a lovely lunch. Mrs. Don Jensen and Mrs Cecil Elliott took Kathryn Elliott to Portland Monday. Kathryn will stay a few days for dental work. Donald Jepson was home over the week end. He works »n Port land and attends night school classes. Vernonia, Oregon TWiCE AS MUCH FOR H A PENNY X H MORE £ H The Greatest Money-Saving Event in ihe Nation H BELOW ARE JUST A FEW MONEY SAVING VALUES FOR YOU— H •Joi; Theatre THURS. FRI. APRIL 17-18 THE MODEL AND THE MARRIAGE BROKER Jeanne Craine - Thslma Ritter SATURDAY APRIL 19 TRIPPLE TROUBLE The Bowery Boys Plus GUNSLINGERS Whip h a ilttrkl SUN. MON. Wilson APRIL 20 21 RED SKIES OF MONTANA (Color) Richa-d Widmark - C Smith Now I Completo Freedom from ALL dtfroitino work and mess -youri for only TUES. WED. Sale Ends Saturday, April 19 Remember Twice as much for a penny more!! THE E X A L L STORE VERNONIA DRUG CO TAKE THE FROST - FREE FREEDOM QUIZ It*« fun! Compare your /»rrsrni refrigerator with Ervat- Erre Know what to look for in your next refrigerator! sure . if rrsWestinghouse HAHN HARDWARE Phone 181 GIFTS MEDICAL SUPPLIES H H H X H H H H H H H H NXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXMXÑ — and only when defrosting is needed . . . EKOST FREE, disposes of the frost water automatically, too! you can 2 for 60c 2 for 55c I Insect Repellleni 2 ounce 2 for 66c File Ointment l-ounce 2 for $1.01 Orderlies. Choc. Lax. 2 for 61c 2 for 80c 2 for 28c Lanolin for Chapped Sk