Portland Garden Meet Attended BIRKENFELD — Several of tl*- members of the Nehalem Val ley Garden club attended the meeting in Portland Monday. Those from here attending were: Mrs. Howard Jones, Mrs. Tom Hopkins, Mrs. Francis Larson, Mrs. Francis Nordstrom, Mrs. Adah Hoberg, Mrs. Gus Wans- trom and Mrs. Laurence Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham, Mr. and Mrs Ted Bellingham and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott spent th» week end visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Parman of Rose Lodge. Saturday evening they all called on Mr. and Mrs. Carb Anderson, former residents-of Birkenfeld, at Grand Rhonde. The Andersons have just pur chased a beautiful new home. Mr. Anderson a sawmill there. The Sewing Sisters 4-H club held their party at the home of the assistant leader, 1 Mrs. Cecil Elliott, M o n - day evening, the 31st. Mrs Mary Mills, leader. Loretta Mills, Helen Mills, Janice Garner, Karen Jen sen, Janie’ Foster. Mrs. Rawl- enson and Mrs. Jensen were pre sent. The evening was spent playing games. This party marks clos ■ of project I. THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE Shower Unusual—Honor Guests Not Present MIST — A stork sh>w?r was given last Wednesday at the Gar- lock horn? for the two new ladies that just moved into the tena- ment ov'r the old garage on the Martin property. They came from Rainier. Their names were not available at this time, but it was a shower without th“ hon ored ones as they couldn't be located. Mis. Walter Mathews enter tained the following gu'sts at a dinner party last Sunday, a week apo in honor of her husband's birthday: Mr. and Mrs. L. . P Mathews, George. Martin and Stanl y Mathews, Mr and 1 Mrs. Robert Math -ws and Bobby and Mr and Walter Mathews THURSDAY, APR 3, 1952 and daughter, Manon. Mr. and Mi’s. Vern Ferguson from Kirkland, Washington were visitors of her parents, the A. R- Th«’> were M.lis’s, last w 'ek on their way home from Cali- fornia. Mrs. Austin Dowling and son, Bernard, were in Longview last Saturday. Ernest Coryell was quik* ill last week. Your foot, dollars go farther at SAFEWAY and here are values to prove it! SAFEWAY 1 « LOGANBERRIES. Red Tag . 8-oz. Can CHERRIES. Maraschino, Blossom ... 3-oz. OREGON PLUMS 11-oz. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE. Townhouse No 2 Can LIBBY'S APRICOT JUICE 12-oz. Can LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE . No. 300 Can TASTE TELLS LIMA BEANS ... No. 300 Can CARNIVAL SLICED BEETS No. 2 Can GARNET DICED BEETS ... No 303 Can MARION DICED CARROTS No. 303 Can CORN. Croat® Style, Country Home 8-oz Can OTOE HOMINY ... No 300 Can SUGAR BELLE PEAS ........ 8-oz. Can LIBBY FANCY PEAS ........ 8-oz. Can STEINFELD'S SAUERKRAUT 11-oz Can PORK & BEANS. Taste Tells ... No 300 Can PORK & BEANS. Van Camp's 8-oz. Can KIDNEY BEANS. Taste Tells ... No 300 Can SMITH SPAGHETTI No 1 Can STEAK SAUCE W Mushroom Sauce. Dawn Fr®h 6-oz Can LIBBY'S POTTED MEAT ............. No. >< Can KIPPERED SNACKS .............. No >4 Can RANCHO TOMATO SOUP.......... 10\ Z Can s 100 w lor 1 wBunyvu FRUIT COCKTAIL Hostess Delight. No. 2*i Can------ RICH VALE ASPARAGUS All Green. No. JOO Can..... ............ LAC MIX DRY MILK. 1-lb............ STRAWBERRY PRESERVES Aljce Love. 2J-oz. Can-------------- PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES. Pkg. Reg. 36c : Ea. 36c Ea. 36c Ea. 38c Ea. 38c Ea. Th ere's something special about those big round silver dollars Their good, solid "feel" gives the impression that they always carry their weight in value That's why we've selected "Silver Dollar Day»" hr the theme of this week's great sale event. It's our wav of calling attention to the big money's worth your dollars always buy at Safeway - whether they be silver or the folding kind Remember the famous atory about George Washington's mighty toss across the Potomac'* Make YOUR dollars go a long way. too - shop this week, ivwl pvorv nf Snfp« iv Crushed Pineapple No. 2 Can Gresn Beans Cream Corn cH.T* Fancy Feas Tomatoes n "<‘J”,1?„ Pork & Beans Spaghetti :AcT"lc‘" Vienna Sausage io.b,c.„ Tomato Sauce ?,“o’.Tc"‘„ Highway Peaches n 0. 2'. can Ivory Soap Medium Bar ......................... Dog Food Playfair Per Can Reg. 22c Ea. 14c Ea. PEARS Yamhill, No 2'a Can APPLE JUICE. Hood River, 46-oz. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Townhouse, 46-oz BLEND O'GOLD JUICE. 46-oz. Can FULL O'GOLD JUICE. 46-oz. Can PINEAPPLE JUICE. Dole, 46-oz Can TOMATO JUICE Sunny Dawn, 46-oz. Can MID SEA TUNA. Solid Pack, 4 Can SUNNYBANK MARGARINE. 1-lb RIPE OLIVES Ebony, Medium, No. 1 Can TOMATO KETCHUP Heinz, 14-oz Bottle 17c Ea. 16c Ea. 22c Ea. 14c Ea. 17c Ea. 7/sl 21c Ea. 2/15c 6 lor 3Cc Ea. 3/29c 9c Ea. 14/s2 i2/sa OTHER MISCELLANEOUS FEATURES Airway Coffee 2 1b. $1.65 Mayonnaise pt. 37c qt. 63c Edwards Coffee 1-lb. 91c 83c Fresh Buffer 1-lb. 2 lb. ; $i.8i A Large Eggs d01. 55c Edwards Coffee Mr*. Wright'* Nob Hill Coffee 1 lb. 86c Fresh Bread Satin t'/a-lb. 22c Nob Hill Coffee 2 lb. $1.71 Shortening Royal 3 lb. 83c pkg . Airway Coffee i.lb. 83c Egg D vp - ° aa ‘ nd 15c Nu Made Buy all of a kind or mix 'em up Butter and Egg prices subject to market change. GRAPEFRUIT Glenn-Air, No. 303 Can WHOLE KERNEL CORN Country Home. o. 303 Can SLICED APPLES Hood River, Na. 2 Can .......... LIBBY PEAS Early Garden, No. 303 Can CIGARETTES. Popular Brands. Pkg 23c Ea. 28c Ea. 26c 2€c 27c 28c Ea. Ea. Ea. Ea. 27c Ea. 2Fc Ea. 2£c Ea. 26c Ea. 27c Ea. Reg. 17c Ea. 18c Ea. 17c Ea. Ea. Ea. 17c 2, W ■■H 10Ï ■■ BABY FOOD Gerber’s Strained and Jr. BABY FOOD Heinz, Strained and Jr...... Buy 12 Rea. 4 Cans 35c 4 Cans 35c ---- 7 mesH PRODUCI <— GUARANTEED MEATS L \ Pork Sausage 3 Spareribs w 2 Round Steak Swiss Sieak uusscc^°r Sirloin S' i Pure Lard A»» *4 lb. 59c Ground Beef lb. 65c Corned Beef Pork Roast derb lk. 41c Pork Steak tT1 lb. 49c lb. 29c I Pork Liver lb. 69c i Beef Liver 2 lbs.$i.oo - Bacon lbs. $1 lbs. $1 lb. $1 lb. $1 lb. $1 Hams SÄ’ 6-U>.’ s'7<* Hen Turkeys lb. 59c Fresh Fryers lb. 69c pint 69c Oysters Fillet of Sole lb. 57c Halibut Steak lb. 59c Salmon Steak lb. 79c Green Onions Red Radishes 5 Bunch Bunch 5Í 8 -lb. bag Arizona Grapefruit 5 lbs. Florida Oranges lb. Golden Carrots No iop* lb. Crisp Lettuce Firm head* New Spring Spinach 10-M. pkg. Tender Asparagus ................ lb. Firm Tomatoes _ _ _ .. . .. 14 o*. tub« Price» in thii ad are effective through Wednesday. Apul 9 Meat and Produce price» subjec t to market change» SAFEWAY 49c 45c 9c 17c 19c 19« 29c