4-H Scholarship Sponsored Again Vernonia Temple No. 61. Py­ thian Sisters, met March 27 for their regular meeting A 1<' ter was read from Mr. Piper thanking the Temple for money sent him to purchase a rose bush for the grounds at the K P. home in Vancouver. It was voted a sponsor a 4-H ttholarship again this year. An Easter hat parade was held »■.th winners being cosen as fol­ lows: prettiest hat, Edith Mc- Farland; funniest hat. Dorthea Pearson and cleverest hat, Grace Eundy. These hats are to ap­ pear in the parade at the con­ s’ ntion at Gaston April 5. After adjournment, a birthday party was held honoring those whose birthdays occurred in Jan­ uary, February and March. Tables were decorated in spring yel- lo' > and greens. The next meeting will be April 9 at which time a cake auction will be held. Packing of Boxes Discussed by Circle The March meeting of the Martha Society was held at the home of Mrs E. J. Douglass Wed- nesday, March 26. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Stiff, with 14 members present and Mrs. East as a visitor. Und.r old business packing more boxes for Korea was dis­ cussed. New business was giv­ ing out lists of different box tops and can labels to be saved by each circle of the EUB church W.S.W.S. At the April meeting of the Martha’s, secret friends will be revealed. | j , , i Masons Honor Past Masters Vernonia Lodge No. 184, A.F.&A.M., held a Past Masters night at a special communication March 29. There were 15 Past Masters present and they helped to c ifer the Master Mason d°- gtee on Lee Pangle, coach of the high school. It was also Frank Taylor's 81st birthday. He has been a mem­ ber of the Masonic Lodge for 49 years. RIVERVIEW — A recent visl- A meeting of Masonic Lodges t' r at th® Krinick, Hawkins and of districts No. 13 and 24 will Artie Buckn.r homes was an i (g. h Id in Astoria April 14 at 8 tobino robin. The ladies were p.m. *or the official visit of the ouite thrilled to see it as they Grand Master of Masons in Orc. are really rare and hoped it gon. would stay around, but only saw it on one occasion. Riverview Home to Sunday dinner guests at t'*- Re Occupied Socn r. aude Gibson bgme were Vir­ ginia Millis of Portland, Sharoc RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Hult of Treharne, Bruce Hoyt of j Wm. Wilson and two children Pittsburg and Mrs. Dick McNair. I plan to move into Nfr.,. Wilker­ In celebration of the birthdays | son’s house in the near future. of Mrs. Glen Mitchell and her j Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Watt and giandson, Steven Darby, a din- I children and Mrs. Tempey Read mt was held at the Mitchell I and son spent Sunday at Tilla­ home Sunday. Out-of-town guests mook. were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Darby Mr. and Mrs. Harvard Malm* and three sons of Oak Grove, Mr. 1 sten and daughter, Sydney Ann, and Mrs. Ray Barlow and daugh- are visiting her parents, Mr. and t r and Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Mrs. Charles Ratki’, after spend­ Smith and two daughters of Port­ ing the winter in Florida. land. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Huntley received a telegram from their Mr. and Mrs. Norvan Wikstrom a.id baby have moved into the son, saying that he would be see­ ing them soon. T.-ack house on 7th Street. Rare Albino Robin Seen ' MOTOR REPAIRS As soon as you notice motor trouble, have il fixed immedi- • ately. Otherwise a lot of gas and oil money will be wasted. Our Experts nip all motor iAubles in the bud. * Geo. Johnson Telephone 311 i ! ; i ! i : i i i j I I I Vernonia Sen. Sta. The Vernonia Unit of the American Legion Auxiliary held it's regular meeting Tuesday evening. All chairmen respond­ ed with interesting reports. The Americanism Essays have been received and will be judged this week. Thirteen entries were re­ ceived from the two schools. Four more children's coats have been completed, making a total of 11 coats for child welfare. The candy eggs have been re­ ceived for the annua! Easter Egg Hunt, to be held in the park on Saturday before Easter. Ten yards of cotton print have been purchased to make into ditty bags for the veteran’s hospital. Flanel has been purchased for layette garments. The Unit keeps a complete lay:tt“ on hand for emergencies. Five boxes of Easter cards were sent to th" Vet's hos­ pital for the use of hospitalized veterans. Eight new members have been added and the membership drive will continue until all eligibles have been invited personally to join. Membership is 76 at pre­ sent. Three girls were chosen to at­ tend Girls State at Salem in June, a first choic" and two al­ ternate The Auxiliary will send- one, the Rebekahs one and a joint sponsorship for on.’. Each is chosen by her sponsor and a $30 fee is paid for the week’s stay. The »Unit voted to prepare and serve a luncheon to the Washing­ ton school Toppers Monday. April 7 in appreciation of their good sportsmanship. A letter was read from the P.-T.A. secretary calling atten­ tion to the cut in federal aid to tffe school lunch program. The unit president instructed the child welfare chairman to write to the department and na­ tional chairmen a*d ask them to use their influence in getting the federal aid restored. On April 18 a free moving pic­ ture will be shown at the Legion hall showing the work of the American Legion Auxiliary. Speakers will be here to talk on subjects of interest to all citi­ zens. Books will be presented to a representative of the local library and Am°ricanism awards will be presented at that time. The Auxiliary will prepare and serve the Senior banquet May 14 with the financial aid of local re­ ligious, fraternal and civic or­ ganizations, gs in former years. Attendance cf Sunday Schools Reaches 364 Corner Rose and Bridge ASK FOR THE BEST! i WHEN YOU ASK FOR ICE CREAM ASK FOR Unit Members Hear of Work The attendance for the Sunday < I schools of the several churches in Vernonia was 364. If illness do"s not prevent you, attend the Sunday school of your choice. You will find a cordial welcome and spiritual help. • ! RAINIER MAID • t i ! Judged the best in state competition at Oregon Dairy Manufacturer’s Convention recently. ♦ « I i I I i i < i I « j I I I j I I I i I I • t ♦ - - - April 8 Date Listed For Next Meeting The next regular meeting of the Vernonia Chapter of P.E.O. will be held on Tuesday evening, April 8, at the home of Mrs. Ralph Valpiani. Mrs. R D F.by will be in charge of the program. Condit to Call for Square Dancing Saturday The Do-Si-Do square dance club is scheduled to meet Saturday evening at the Natal Grange hall. Calling for the evening will be done by Ed Condit. A square inch of skin have 3,000 sweat glands. I i i t Mrs. Dave Brunsman enter- tamed St. Mary’s Altar Society at her home March 19. Those attending were: Mes- dames O'Rourke, VanderZanden, Bartlett, Wirtz, Mullins, Fleskes, Smejkal and Gibson. The hostess served light re­ freshments after the meeting. The next meeting will be held April 9 at the Parish hall. All of the members are urged to be present. I THE j | Lodge to Send Girl to State prised the ladies with a delicious new kind of pie, which she served to 14 members present. A tradition without charm or reason is merely a bad habit. The Columbia County 8 et 40 salon 440 met Monday evening at the Legion hall. A busin"ss meeting was held and two new partners were obligated. Thir­ teen m mbers were present from St. Helen;, Rainier and Ver­ nonia. Lunch was served. ! « i • I 4 1 I ¡ I I • i Rainier Creamery QUALITY DAIRY PRODUCTS SINCE i Drink When you get that dead. *T can't do it” feeling, what you 1 need is a glass of cool milk It * perks you up right awey with, out that bloated good habit drink day to get A ' feeling. into is to > a glass of m:lk every about 3 afternoon. o'clock in the It’» just what you need. NEHALEM DAIRY PRODUITS ID. . Grade A Pasteurized Milk & Cream PHONf 471 _______ ’ Vernonia lodge, I.O.O.F. will be paid an official visit by the Deputy Grand Master, Max Johnson, on Tuesday night, April b. He will come from Seaside. All members of the lodge are requested to come to the old cemetery Saturday morning to help work on the fence. ’’HZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHT Place of Meeting for Study Club Changed Members of the V'rnonia Study club will meet at the home of Mrs. Marvin Kamholz Thurs­ day evening, a change from the regularly scheduled meeting at the home of Mrs. J W Nichols. A national survey showed near­ ly* 84 per cent of motorists in­ volved in traffic accident were driving straight ahead iust be­ fore the impact Washes clothes cleaner Has a long, long life Exclusive Gyrafoam washing ac­ tion washes all dirt out quickly. It’s gentle as washing by hand. Your Maytag Automatic is built to last... always gives you the same dependable washing performance. Z Does all the work for you Needs no bolting down Washes, rinses, spin.dries your clothes Maytag even turns itself off This automatic won’t wobble or "travel." It’s perfectly balanced. • • • z x o 7 • I • ?• TRY OUR EFFICIENT SERVICE — The whole family will enjoy the prompt effi- cient service that we offer. For the BEST in food, dairy and meat needs NEHALEM is your one and only choice. NEHALEM i ■ 1896 ’J Wom Out? DR. C. A. PLUMSTEAD — Optometrist V. * j RIVERVIEW — Larry Fowler and Miss Jeanette Roach of Cald well. Idaho were married there March 21. Mr and Mrs. Charles Cedet burg and Mrs. H. L. King visited Bob King at the Veteran’s hos­ pital Sunday evening. They re port that he is improving more rapidly now. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Shearer and children and Mr. and Mrs. Pa ’I Beck and children of Portlan 1 visited at the horn" of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wells Sunday. Mr- Wells returned to Portland with the Shearers that evening and came home Monday ev?ning. Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Woodruff and two sons visited at the home of her mother, Mrs. Alice Mills. Sunday. Mrs. Cora Biggs spent Thurs day visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. John Biggs. She found Mr Biggs to be in very poor health. Visit of District Officer Anticipated i i Improvement Being Made More Rapidly Phone 445 Hillsboro 233 E. Baseline For Further Information Inquire nt Kudander’s Jewelry Storu “You Can’t Be Optomistie if You Have Misty Op’iea” i FLAVORS TO PLEASE EVERYONE 3 And it still isn’t too late to help it. An examination will reveal the trouble and diag­ nosis will help cure it Have an examination TODAY! > i i I i I i I I i I I 3, 1952 MEN WHEN THEY REACH 50 HAVE DEFECTIVE EYESIGHT 8 et 40 Salon Gives Obligation to Two < I THURSDAY. APR VERNONIA, OBE. NATAL — Mrs. Sam Devine spent Thursday and Friday in Hillsboro. Several in the community are ill with the flu this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson were week end visitors in Port­ land. * Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stunkard and son of Tillamook called on the Devine family last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack were Portland visitors last Thursday. They were St. Helens business visitors on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon were Mt Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 held it’s regular meetings Sunday callers on the Devines. during March on the 13th and 27th with Noble Grand Irene Illness, Death Causes Minger in charge. At the March 13 Postponement of Parties meeting, the obligation ceremony was performed and Sisters TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Jewelle Robinson and Irma Turner Daniel, Johnny, Ruby, Chance earn *d their seals. The Carolyn and Mrs. Jearldine Bark­ 27th meeting had Jane Pace er of Houston. Texas returned earning her seal, making the home Thursday from Yakima. total 25 during this term. Washington where they visited | A motion was made and car­ their daughters and families. ried to send a girl to Girl’s Stat“ Mrs. Whitmire will entertain this summer, and a committee this Thursday for her daughter, appointed to select a girl from Hazel Fletcher, of Castle Rock, the list received from the high This party and Mrs. Midge Rey­ school. The F. L. club is also nolds party were both postpon­ going to shar" expenses with the ed due to illness and deaths in Legion Auxiliary in sending a the families. girl. Mrs. C. E. Pierson spent last The social club gave the sum week in Portland at the home of $20.00 to District Deputy Presi­ of her daughter, Mrs. Rodney dent Beryl' Cline to add to her Frykholm, and family. While amount for the presid"nt’s pro­ there they reupholstered Mrs. * ject of a double oven and pastry Pierson’s davenport and chair. I table for the IOOF home. The Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pierson I total amount sent in was $63.27. visited friends at North Plains | The next meeting will be April and Orenco Monday evening. 10, when about 20 ladies of the Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fletcher Patriarchs Mililant from Hillsboro and girls of Castle Rock, Wash­ will pay this lodge a visit. ington visited her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Rome Whitmire, and her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Circle Entertained at Davenport, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Brown Home Tuesday Fletcher returned home. The girls Mrs. Ole Brown was hostess to stayed for the week. Jim Jones spent the w“ek end the Deborah Circle Tuesday after­ in Seattle with his daughter. noon. Mrs. Dave Marshall, in Don Reynolds went back to charge Qf the program, gave an work Monday after being ill last effective talk on the subject ”A week. Little Light.” Mrs. Brown sur­ t < EAGLE, Flu Strikes in Natal Area SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM i i • I may Society Entertained At Brunsman Home 5 MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 KSTVH3N dOliS — h.4 IVH'JN dOHS — IL1 IVHSN JOHH I I i z I • • • SUNDLAND’S ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE 786 Bridge Phene 581 Vernonia NEHALEM VALLEY APPLIANCE DEALER’ ¡ zdZHZHXHZHZHZHZHZMZHZHZHZK £.