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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1952)
•2 THUHSDAY, APR 3. 1952 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE TOPICS OF THE TOWN thrown ’root the top of his convertable last Friday due to an accident when a tire blew out and re- ct'ived only a scratched arm. The car was badly damaged The ac- Cident took place on highway 47. John Borton left Fort Lewis Monday of last week for San Luts Obispo, California where he is scheduled to take signal corps training for eight weeks. Harold Schmidlin. who is at tending Oregon State college, was home to visit his parents, Mr. .»nd Mrs. Charles Schmidlin from March 22 to 30. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poole and - children have moved from Sea- r,de to Vernonia. Mr. Poole is m the logging business. Mrs. Oll’e Roberts and son. Dale, visited at the Norris Soden r.ome Sunday. Mrs. Roberts is not too well but is happy to be up and about. Frankie Steal« was THE SMART SHOPPER SAVES HERE! Why don't you become one of the many who have found .out its much easier to balance the budget by trading herel Not only are our prices budget wise. but the brands we fea ture are nothing but the very best. Why don't you try the Mill Market and Lockers TODAY! MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS * 'lemcmber— ; DELIVERIES TWICE J DAILY: 10 a m - 3 p.m. PHONE 1391 L Happy J. Fields returned to the Johnny Siedelman home from the Portland General hospital last Saturday, March 29. He is still in a cast. He was hit by the top •[ of a tree in a recent logging ac- j cident. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Petifer ■ and Mrs. Petifer’s brother, who | have been residing in the Jake i Berger residence on Bridge St., moved Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vanderxan- den motored to Oak Ridge Mon day of last week to visit Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Meiwes, Margaret and Tony. They were there un- | t Thursday. March 27. The family of J. R. Pearson, formerly of Mississippi, has been ill recently. Donnie Gay has had yellow jaundice; Sidonnie Ruth, tonsilitis and Wendt 1 a sore throat. They have recovered and are now back in school. Their grandson, Tony Sullivan, who is residing with the Pearsons, has had the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chambliss ar.d children returned home Saturday, March 29, from a trip to Plain- View, Texas. They were delay ed by car trouble and bad weath er enroute. They encountered 80 degree weather in Texas. Mrs. Nels Hogberg returned here a short time ago after spend ing two weeks at Modesto, Cali fornia where she visited two sisters, one of whom has been ill. Cleve Robertson has been on the sick list, having the flu. Mrs. Frank Aspmall also had th? flu. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Tucker were in Portland Saturday to visit Mr and Mrs. Charlie Cast- ner, formerly Vernonia residents. He formerly wrote articles under the na"i" of the Old Man on the Hill. Mr. Castner plans to do more writing in the future for prominent papers. They were botu in ill health when th-v moved to Portland, but now they are in good health. COOKED FOOD SALE April 12. Old Sessman building. Sponsor, I ed by Mt. Heart Rebekah Social I club. 12t3c I Mrs. George Archibald. Sr., has been a gu st of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Archibald for the past two weeks. Last Sunday, Mr. and I Mrs. George Archibald. Jr., and •I son. Dean, came up from their horn at Manzanita and took Mrs. Archibald. Sr. back to her home at Wheeler. Mr. anu Mrs. John Kirk and st n. John, spent the week end of the 22nd and 23rd at the home of Mrs. Kirk’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Archibald. Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Sorlee of Springfield were here to see fu nds Saturday and Sunday Miss Reva Jo Hughes, art in structor for the grade school, underwent an emergency appen dectomy at Hillsboro last Sat urday. Lynn Powell was in Vernonia Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon À irf tit»»»*! From where I sit Joe Marsh Might As Well "Get In Key" Inat Tuesday Judge Cunning han wanted to go Aahing. "Why aren't you working?" I asked. Judgr explained how his wife had gone on a trip, taken his keys by mistake and now he couldn't get in the office. So we went Ashing Next day. he wanted me to go again 1 wax surprised those keys hadn't shown up yet. "The little woman phoned to say she mni/rrf them," the Judge explained. “Thee re now in the office, under the mail slot. I'd get ’em if 1 could Just open that door.” He grinned and picked up his Ashing rod. CogvrifM. “Great little woman, the wife You can always count on her. Let'a go!" From where I sit, we can use tolerance like the Judge shows for his wife's absent-mindedness . . . and she shows for his habit of lighting out for the Ashing hole at every opportunity. He can't see why she likes tea. and she doesn't share hia taste for a glass of beer. Hut they get along Hne! learning to respect other people's ways will "open the door" to happier living. l lutei 'lUfi *r«wrr> Street Lighting Again Is Topic of Meeting in the city hall vault for safe keeping. rt was stat:d this week by Ken White, who started the move to purchase the security. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO ’ From The Eagle, April 2, 1937 Wilbur Denny, Salem, has leas ed Arcadia park from the owner, Martha Brassie, Portland, and is fixing up the place preparatory to reopening it April 17. Lumbermen Urged to Take Lead in Utilization of Sawmill Leftovers MIST — The Mist Helping Circle met last Thursday at the to home of Mrs. Chas. Hansen. There Douglas fir lumbermen voted power soon to be equivalent all was a very good attendance and unanimously at their 41st annual 20 Bonneville dams when two* visitors namely Mrs. Chas. stockholder’s meeting of West dams now building are done. Elected to the board of di Hockman from Bend ar.d Mrs. i Coast Lumberman's association at Norman Hansen. A chicken din- i Portland, March 27, to continue rectors and representing the ner was served with two beauti their highly successful national member mills from this area are. IN ful birthday cakes. It was the advertising and promotion cam- Earl H. Houston and B. W Run kel both of the Long-Bell Lum birthday of Mrs. Robert Mathews. paign. I ber Co., of Longview. Aft r dinner there were many In a busy day, they heard Port- lovely gifts for her to open. After In addition to Lueddemann, Joi/ land bank president, E. C. Sa - this, business meeting took up, other officers include: G. E. Kar mort- mens, promis? plenty of much busines had'to be gotten THURS.FR!. APRIL 3-4 gage money and credits from pri len, Tacoma, and Judd Green- off the docket Th ? disposition I’LL NEVER FORGET vate banks and insurance com man, Vernonia, Col. W. B. Green- of some surplus funds to b? put ley, vice presidents and W. A. panies to build nearly as many YOU ar interest; the street lighting Culkin, Vancouver, the new trea structures (Color) homes and commercial question resumed; th? hiring of surer. Also renam'd were H. Tyrone Power - Ann Blyth as last year. a caretaker for th"* cemetery for V. Simpson, as executive vice SATURDAY Transport APRIL 5 They heard Def.nse th? summer months and a few administrative president and Administrator James K. Knud DOUBLE DYNAMITE oth.r smaller matters. The next principal officer and Harris E. Groucho Marx - Jane Russell meeting will b" the fourth Thuis- son forecast the end of the annua; Smith, secretary. Plus freight car shortage plague in day at the home of Mrs. J. W. They Oregon and California. FATHER MAKES GOOD He wry. Raymond Walburn heard their president, Hillman Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Gift, Lueddemann, who was re-elected, SUN. MON. APRIL 6 7 the Raleigh products people, were urge th? 250 association millmen ON MOONLIGHT BAY making th jr regular calls Mon to step up their forest conserva FIVE YEARS AGO (Color) day afternoon. tion work, improve their utili From The Eagle. Aprl 3. 1947 Doris Day - Go'drn MacRae Mr. and Mrs. Shalmon Libel zation practices in woods and The first use by the congrega. APRIL 8 9 ai j Mrs. George Jones went to mills, maintain integrity of their tion of f e Nazaren? church of TUES. WED. THE GUY Astoria last Thursday night, hav grades. the building they purchased last ing gotten word Shalmon's WHO CAME BACK is near, Rev. H. L. Russell In a surprise address, Luedde- mother, Mrs. Clara Libel, was ill. Paul Douglas - Joan Bennett mar r ged lumbermen to take minister, said Wednesday. The The d monstration unit will building was form?rly the Thom the 1 ad and finance and build meet the 11th with Mrs. Wm. chemical and wood utilization as Garage. Wilson. Handbags is the plan factories to turn sawmill leftov'rs At an election held Wednesday ned subject. into foods, drugs, livestock feed, morning by the boys of Vernonia land extenders, commercial 1. gh school, Betty Ann Jepson goods and products of all kinds. was named to be queen of the He forecasts the dawn of the era May. of wood chemistry, which is des An Easter Sunrise service, the tined in the next t'n years to first for Vernonia, will commemo- create a whole new category of ate the coming Sunday. The The P.-T.A. met March 13 ¿e industries in the Pacific North service is scheduled at 6 a.m. to west and which will us? wood as ake place the Vernonia el;ct officers for the coming year. their basic raw material, and Memorial c meterv. Mrs. Aldon Ashley was elected which will use the cheap hydro- president to replace Norman Sam (Buck) H aring. Jr ., be- Cal! or Write Hansen, who has faithfully serv- '■ime i»e owrrr of Girod's Food e ' the organization for the past Store. two years. Max Oblack is the TEN YEARS AGO • new vice-president and Mrs. Nor From The Eagle, Apr;l 2, 1942 man Hansen replaces Mrs. Wayne The addition of another shoe i Pugh as s°cretary-treasurer. repair shop was mad - to the list I i The P.-T.A. will sponsor a 4 H i MIST — The Young People’s of business firms her-' with the i scholarship again this year, en club is working hard on a mins- opening of the Green Shoe shop. t i titling an outstanding 4-H club tra! show thov clan to giv; at the The shop is operated by Elm r i Telephone 8812 1 member to a 10-day stay at Ore Natal hall May 2. Green. ♦ gon State college this summer. Th? defense bond purchased i It is told that t.h-' Martin i A delicious cake was baked houses and Oa^i- end the rest ot .her? a short time ago through i Vernonia, Oregon i and serv d the group by Norman 1 subscriptions from local p.ople, the property sold to 1 e Ray ♦ Hans n and coffee was made and Garlocks recently. While r;>t of which is to be awarded the first i i Timber Rt., Box 56 served by Aldon Ashley. i United States flyers to bomb ficial, its on good authority. The Mist P.-TA will meet 1 Tokyo, Japan, has been plac'd The t“arin" down of th: old again April 10 at which time Re Hill Castle still go's on. Its bleak presentative Orval Eaton will be windowless and doorless holes present to sp ak to the group. caste a forboding shadow. It v. ould be an improvement to the village if the street lots on th" Study Group Meets at opposite side from the store were Birkenfeld Home Wed, given a thorough clean up by re BIRKENFELD — Mrs. Adah moving such bui'dings as th" old Hoberg visited her daughter, d?lapidatcd central office and Mrs. Randy Gabrielson. in Port other old buildings that da not land Friday. Randy Gabrielson add to the looks. If these were had arriv.d horn? from Alaska given a clean up and some str' t and is now out of the army. lights put up, it would be a neat The Bible study club met with li ‘le village. Mrs. Adah Hoberg Wednc day. Claud Johnson has a new pick The group is led by Rev. William up. Please place vour Arvan. The Roy Hughes < , m t. e w "k Guy Bellingham gave a sur end at their home in Forest Grove. orders early. prise birthday dinn?r party for Mrs. Norman Hansen left last bis wife, Zella. March 29. Those week for a f w days to be spent present were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred at Coos Bav. L’dey, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Em Mrs. Walt Bateson spent Wed mett Griggs, Mr and Mrs. Fred nesday afternoon with M's. Aus. Ross and Mr. and Mrs. A. M tin Dowling. Perry, all of Portland, and Claire Home of Butter Crust Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hansen Billingham. ’’read and Arden Ice from Bend are visiting at the home of their ni c"', Mrs. Chas. Ci earn last Sunday. March 23. He drove Sundland. at this time. his own car However, he re-en tered Providenc- hospital Mon ^HZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHXZHZHZMZHZHZHZHZHZH^ day for furth; r theraphy treat ments which may take eight Z! H weeks. He visited his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Kim H ball. j ■ ■ I k Pfc. Wexley Ade arrived by Z ship in Anchorage. Alaska last H Thursday. March 27. He shipped Z out from Oakland. California on H Minch n Mrs. Carnet Falconbury has H started work as secretary at the Plan to start your garden now! It’s not too W st Oregon Electric office. She will replifr ? Mrs. Don Ames. H early. We have everything you need — Mrs. Eola DeVaney visited her granddaughter in Hillsboro over H the week end and reports that SEEDS — FERTILIZER — TOOLS Kathleen 1'ft the hospital Fri- H c -y. She and her mother are WEED KILLERS — GARDEN HOSE staying with her aunt and uncle, Z Mr. and Mrs. V. J. DeVaney. She H i ■ much improv'd. Stephen Waite ?s home with H the mumps and his year-old son. Stevie, also has the same disease. Bill Nichols is at the Veterans M hospital wh re he is recovering Z with a mower that trims grass evenly and easily. from an operation which took H place early last week. He is ex There is no need to slave with a poor mower. pect d to leave the hospital in a Let us show you how a good nvwer will do the H few days and will go to th? home i of bis daughter, Mrs. Powell Log- job easier and better. | gan. at Vancouver to stay for a H > time before returning home. Theatre YESTERDAYS For Grade A Pasteurized Dairy Products Mist PTA Names New Officials Changes Needed To Help Village PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY FOR EASTER ' ' CANDY CAKES Vernonia Bakery a You Can Have a Beautiful Lawn Expert Tonsorial Work BEN S BARBER SHOP Vernonia, Oregon HÄHN HARDWARE Phone 181 Vernonia, Oregon H H raHXHXHXHZHZHXNXHXHMXHXMXHXHXHZHIHXHxS