« THURSDAY. MAR 27. 1952 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, Riflemen Tally 8-Point Victory ORE CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE - General__ 1 HAND MW Cr am separator ■ used one month. Cost $3 j , take $15. Guarante-d like new. Al bert Walker. Treharne. 13t3c PROTECTOGRAPH check writ- $35. In i | quire Vernonia Auto Co. 13tlc »r excellent condition. USED Crosley Shelvadore refri gerator. 7 cu. ft., good condition. j Phone 583. 13t3c ( LOSING OUT on large clumps of primroses. Bring containers ph ase . Also dephiniums and other plants. Mrs. John Krimck, 5th house on 10th St.. Riverivew. 13t4 FRESH COW for sale. Rich milker 5'i miles out Pebble ('reek road, M. Siedelman. 1311 ONE Fordson tractor and 1 trac- lor plough for sale cheap. Call 13t3 ■527, Vernonia. ROLL TOP desk and swivel < hair. Remington Rand portable adding machine. Mrs. A. G. I'» arson, Timber, Ore. 12t2c 1 BOO POUND logging horse, shod $10« Clint Seib rt, Rock Creek No business Saturday. 12t3 LIGHT WEIGHT Vaughn wood raw in new condition. Sell or trade, prefer livestock. Omar F'heeley, Timber Rt. llt.3 PORTABLE Mall 6-in. saw, straight cut, 2 blades, $30 Por table Noma el ctric circulating heater. 110 volt, $10.00 Kero nene heater, single burner, like nt w, $3.50 Lloyd Sessman, 1700 Nehalem street, phone 1127. Ilt3c AUCTIONS: Two each week. Liv-stock and miscellaneous auc tion every Friday. Miscellaneous »ale at 10:30, livestock sale at I 00 Consign your livestock to this auction Our buyers pay top prices W ■ sell your livestock by hi ad or w ight— as you desire. 1 urniture and miscellaneous sale every Tuesday night at 7:00. Consign your furniture, tools, etc. to this night sale. If you prefer to sell your liv sock, fur niture, tools, etc. at private sale, give us a ling. We will pay < a ,h for any number of livestock nr any amount of furniture, tools « ic. at any time. Altman's Auc tion Mart, For st Grov •. Walt Altman, Auctioneer. I do gen- eial autioneering, satisfaction guaranteed. Mart phone, 16215. N.ght phones, 4615 and 3878 12tfc CLATSKANIE. AUCTION YARD, bale every Sunday starting at II .00 Stock and misc llaneous. 1'1.one 1600. Clatskanie, Oregon. 2tfc YOUR treadle machine made all electric for only $24.50 Any make. Park's New Home Store, 4616 N. Lombard or call the Ver nonia Eagle. 44tfc RAISE Chinchillas for Profit! As high as 500% profit the first ytar Pairs with litters, pairs carrying, young pairs. Terms i ¡in be arranged. For in- f» i mat ion see D. O. Smith at The Club________________________16tfc I DON SIMMONSON registered Piano Tuning and Servicing. Member National Ass'n. Piano tuners. Contact Mrs. Fullerton, Rhine 837 31tfc (RUSHED ROCK FOR roads and driveways Also have . »d and gravel and fill dirt. See D P Spofford or call 1023. 36tfc 1R SALE—Insurance l TFE, Fire, Car and Accident ln>.rance. Oregon Automobile tiirurance Co. H. Hudson and »■ Bell Ntfc FOR^SALE Real Estate TWO three room modern houses i :i city sewer. One almost r ■ w, furnished. Rents at $45. $6250. OLDER house on city sewer, $1800.. CLEAN. 2 bedroom home on 1 acre tn city limits. Wired for s-lectric range, hot water h--ater. $375® SO-ACRE farm on Nehalem 22 Acres cultivated Three b d- rooin horn? with bath. $9300, tei ms. LUCILLE SESSMAN, Salesman NOTARY PUBLIC TYPING . J M. Person. Broker a I 1127. 1700 Nehalem Street 13tlc Bowling Results INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Won Lost Team 1 7 Th? Pal Shop 1 7 In a prone, sitting, standing The Club 1 7 match with the hard-shooting VFW. 5 3 Mt. Hood Falcons, the Vernonia Dessy’s 5 FOR SALE—Real Estate Lumberjacks rifle team squeezed Garlock-Closner 3 5 3 through with an 8-point win Sundland Electric 3-ROOM house, papered and fur Friday evening at Mt. Hood’s Heath’s Service 6 2 nished on 2 ‘4 acres 2 miles from range. 8 0 Safeway Store Vernonia. Small down payment, i G-C 2 The final score was Vernonia Dessy’s 2 rest Ilk? rent. John Knnick, 5th Dessy’s — high game and series. 1417, Mt. Hood 1409. house on 10th St., Riverview. D. Fletcher, 200 and 527. Top men for Vernonia were L. 13'3 G-C — high game and series, B. G. Bowerman and Milt Lamping " VanDeBogart, 236 and 581. TWO-BEDROOM modem house with totals of 285 points each. Heath’s 1 Pal Shop 3 Ben Gorge fired 283 to cap i for rent. $15 per month. Pal Shop — high gam" G. Stam, ture third place. Bernard Lamp HOMES ing and Ralph Aldrich, Jr., cam? i series D. Rose, 560. 4-ROOM modern house p) is utili fourth and fifth with a score of Heath’s — high game R. Hah- ty room and breakfast nook. meyer, 193; high series, A. Scha- 282 each. Price $2200, $500 down. lock, 528. 3H ACRES in city limits, good The Club 4 Sundland's 0 5-rm house, woodshed, garage Club — high game and series, A. and chick house. Wired for Fuller, 210 and 607 range. Pfice $4000, good terms. Sundlands — high game and 3-ROOM house on approximately series, G. Shipman, 191 and 554. 1 4 acres. Priced at $2000, very VFW 4 Safeway 0 good terms. TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. I VFW — high gam? W Parker, TWO-BEDROOM modern house, Byron Kirkbride, James, Rosalie, 199; high series, D. Rose, 557. extra large lot $3000 full price, i Jo Ann and Walter and George Safeway — high game and series, terms. .Snyder and John Daniel and Mr. F. Johnson 207 and 543. MODERN, 5-rm. house, 3 lots. Shelley of Vernonia motored to CITY LEAGUE Close in to business district. Kelso, Washington Saturday and Lost Won Very good condition. Wired for fished for smelt on the Cowlitz. Team 1 7 Oregon-American range. Price $4250. They got about 18 pounds of Eagle Lodge 4 4 .1 ROOM house for rent. smelt, which small amount was Hahn's Hardware 5 3 FARMS even more than most people IOOF 6 2 6’/i ACRES, very good 5-room caught. Hahn's 0 O-A 4 modern house, utility room and Donavon Reynolds is ill in O-A — high game B. Nelson, 236; basement with furnace. Wired b"d with the flu and tonsilitis. high series F. O’Brien, 612. for range, double garage, barn Uncle Harry Wilson passed Hahn's — high game and series, and chick house. One year away Tuesday »evening at his B. VanDeBogart, 192 and 528. round creek. Price $8750, home following a short illness. Eagl s 3 IOOF 1 terms. Neighbors and friends give their Eagl<*s — high game R. Aldrich, 2'-.» ACRES, good 4-room modern sympathy to Mrs. Wilson and and D Laird, 212; high series, R. house, chick house and garage. family. Aldrich, 604. $3500 full preie. Mr. and Mrs Jo"- Miller were IOOF — high game and series, 4 ACRES, 6-room modern house, Tuesday dinner guests of Mr. O. Cantwell, 204 and 58I. double garage and chick house. and Mrs. Rome Whitmire. WOMEN’S LEAGUE Price $5000 or will give year’s 25 Betty’s Cafe leas? with option to buy. 23 Johnson Service 12 ACRES more or less, good 6- Impr’vement Noted from Dessy’s 22 room house. Can be had either Stay in Veteran Hospital Rebekah Lodge 21 furnished or unfurnished. On Vernonia Drug 21 RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. paved road close in. Price 20 Vernonia Eagle Clarence Fowler visited his $9000 including furniture. 20 GOOD business lot on Bridge St., mother at the home of his broth The Pal Shop 18 Hot Shots er, A. J. Fowl *r, Sunday. $500. 17 Mr. and Mrs. John Childs of Or: gon-American DON BAYLEY, BROKER game, Rena High individual Reardon, Washington are visiting MacDonald Hotel — Vernonia Brady, 202; high individual series. 13tlc at the home of his sister, Mrs. H. L. King, and her children. On Bonnie Wilcoxen, 515. High t-am game, Vernonia Sunday they visited Robert King FOR SALE OR TRADE at the Veteran's hospital in Port Eagle, 538; high t"am series, I ROOM hoUM. Wil) trad" f »r 1472. land and found him improving. house in town or sill with part Splits — Sa'.ly McNair, 3-10; Mrs. R x Normand, daughters, payment. 8 4-acres, orchard, Ada. Patsy and Glenda visited Dorothy Walker, 5-7; Sylvia Tur- berry bushes, garden spot. Half Mr. and »Mrs. Gene Hanon at n r, 3 10; and Fran Choate, 5-6. cleared. On third St., Riverview. Forest Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Inquire at Eagle office. 1113 Herb Freeman at Hillsboro. Smelt Catch Made Sunday FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS ONE ROOM cabin with cook stove. Mrs. Ali<e Mills, End of 1st St., Riverview. 12t3c Jamboree Proves Of Interest Sun. LIVESTOCK BUYER All kinds I of livestock bought. G. M But ler, phone 1600, Rt. 1, Clatskanie RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Oregon. 5tfc Glen " Hawkins and boys spent Sunday aft' rnoon at St. Helens. EXPERT LAUNDRY SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins attended for your conveni nee! Laund red the square dance jamboree while and dried, 15c lb. Reasonable ratea for finishing. Curtain fin the boys attended the movie. Mrs. Lloyd Callister, son Ron ishing a specialty. Mrs. E. M. nie, and Mrs. Clara Hill spent the York, 108 A St., phone 1107. 12tfc week end at Albany at the home Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hill. Mr. Callister drove down Sunday and LEGAL NOTICE_______ brought them home. NOTICE: The county court of Mr. and Mrs. John Serafin and Columbia County, Oregon, has Mr. and Mrs. Frank Serafin at appointed Ruby Smith as execu tended the square dance jamboree trix of the estate of Edna M. Sunday at St. Helens. White, deceased, all persons hav Ivan Wood of Hillsboro visited ing claims against said estate are from Monday till Wednesday at required to pr "sent them with the horn? of his grand parents, proper vouchers to the party Mr and Mrs. Glenn »Mitchell. named above at the office of Neal Mr. and Mrs. Olof Jacobson Bush. Joy Theat r Building, with visited Mrs. Oscar Rand at St. in six months from March 27, Helens Thursday. 1952. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Pow'll spent Ruby Smith, Executrix Sunday at Portland visiting Mr Neal Bush, attorney for Executrix and Mrs. Melvin Powell. In the 13t.5c afternoon they visited Bob King at the Veteran’s hospital. CLASSIFIED RATES i Mrs. Ed Buckner, Mrs. C. N. MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 ! Rundell and Mrs. Jim Bond spent wordr or less. Words over min Thursday in Portland visiting Mr. imum. 2c each. Three inser and Mrs. Emery George. Mrs. Rundell remained in Portland tions ’or the price of two. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY visiting the George's and Everett ADV, ACCEPTED AFTER ’ Rund.’H's until Sunday at which Mi's. George WED. NOON EXCEPT FOR time Mr. and brought her home. NEXT WEEK S PAPER. LOST AND FOUND LOST Will the party who found a ladies handbag at the Palace Cafe p'ease send the p rsonal effects to me and keep the money. Mrs. Wm. Tyacke, Orting, Wash ington 1.3t4 WANTED______________ WOMAN wanted for general housework one day a week. No washing or ironing. Mrs. Sam Hearing, Jr., 225 B St. 12t3c CEDAR POSTS 6*^ feet long by 5 and 6 inches. 500 lots or car load lots. Call Forest Grove 3555, W D. Bruington. 5-29-52c HIGHEST cash prices paid for ream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call o.- write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone 128. 14tfc WANTED Berry Workers Work !• start, weather permitting TRANSPORTATION FURNISHED Register by Postcard to Rolling Hills Farm Banks. Oregon There's Gold In Your Farm Woodlot . tnifi tt >i‘ Mtklf ¡••till <1*1 U.»* <»<»/>, ft“'"* "Xt ■‘-i I'*"'1 Remember this: Trees grow! | trees to an acre. They will range Every year they grow they make froirt 6 to IS inches in diameter and money for you. You don’t pull up the trees will be 70 to 90 feet tall. the carrot patch when it is half These trees will produce fence grown and expect to make any posts, fuel, pulpwood, occasional money. You do thin the carrot poles and piling and small saw logs. Some of your woodlot will have patch and get bigger carrots and saw log trees. These trees will be more cash. Let's talk about your woodlet for about 80 years old. will range from just a minute and discuss some of 6 to 30 inches in diameter and will the types and kinds of trees grow-, average from 110-150 feet tall.. Ing there before we talk about There may be anywhere from 50 to 100 on each acre. The larger managing your trees. trees will be Douglas fir, the It you have a typical farm wood shorter ones hemlock and cedar lot found throughout Washington which will grow in the shade o< and Oregon west of the Cascades larger trees. here’s what you’ll find: (a) some the These forests contain many valu young seedlings and saplings, able products, and generally ex (b> some poles about 35 years old. perienced foresters should be and (c> some saw log trees. consulted to get best possible re Seedlings and saplings: Here is turn as well as to develop a good a young forest which has seeded in harvesting plan. Larger trees will from close by seed trees. Fire has make good saw logs. Best logs will been kept out. There will be about bring premium as peelers. In addi 2500 trees to an acre. 10 to 12 feet tion you can take oft crops of poles, tall and 2 inches in diameter. What piling fuel, pulpwood, posts each good is this "brush" you may ask? I year and still leave a good, growing A sapling stand will yield Christ stand. Next we ll talk about how to mas trees, posts and fuel. You may keep the goose trees that lay the even find some old cedar wind golden eggs. falls or big trees left by early (For more particulars write your loggers. These are worth money Sts'* Fore.«ter at Olympia Washington or Salem Orex-.n for your fr»-e copy of today. YOUR TREKS—A CROP." h«w to Your poles will be about 35 years «row and harvest them in the Douglas , fir region > old and there will be about 350 Ao. 2 Observation for Inlection Made Newly-born opossums are car ried for about two months in th? mother’s pouch. TREHARNE — Mrs. Ed Siedel- man returned home Saturday after a stay in Portland for two weeks doctoring for an allergy infection in h r jaw and neck. She return d Monday morning with her daughter, Edwina for further observation. Miss Edwina Siedelman, Jean Kirkbride and Mr. and Mrs. G. C. :lirkbride of V.rnonia motored to Garibaldi Sunday wh?re they visited Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carl son and family. Anna Beth Carl son is home from Oregon State for spring vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Daven port and Mr. and Mrs. Rome Whitmire were business visitors in Portland Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Turner Daniel, Johnny. Ruby and Carolyn and Mrs. Jearldene Bark r of Hous ton. Texas all motored to Yakima Sunday to visit their daughters and families. i i i i i « i t i I For Grade A Pasteurized Dairy Products Call or Write PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY Telephone 8812 Vernonia, Oregon Timber Rt., Box 56 ; TUNE-UP FOR SPRING | I | | LET US PUT NEW YOUTH IN YOUR WEARY CAR Aftrr the cold winter weather your car needs attention. Why nit bring it tn George’s today and know it's getting th.- very best care by competent mechanics at prices to fit your budget. Geo. Johnson I Telephone 311 Vernonia Sen. Sta. Coiner Rose and Bridge DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF THE Stic COLUMBIA NOTICE NANCE'S Beautv Shop will be Ethel open 6 days a week Chilson, operator. lMlc RIVER NOMINATION of officers of Vernonia Aeri > No 2324 will be held Friday, March 23 at local hall. 858 First Avenue Every body out at this meeting. Rex Normand. Sr . Secretary 12t2c BOYS Cf Radio Station KVAS (Astoria) TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE! I.OO.F.Hdl — Vernonia Sa’nrday, March 29 Underwood Model S Typrwritsr. In Good Condition. Carries 30 Day Guarantee $35.00 Vernonia Eagle Printing — Publishing 1 KENTUCKY BLENDED WHISKEY • 86 PROOF • 65* GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS* THE OLD SUNNY BROOK CO.. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY o Sponsored by F.O.E. — Admission S1.00 | ! I | :