THE PEOPLE SPEAK . . . ¡YESTERDAYS Vernonia Eagle Gentlemen: On March 15, 1952 a certain school teacher of Vernonia called at my home to see me while I was «one. She was driving a light colored car covered with stickers in the windows that you and I could see she was very wid ly traveled. This woman would not give her name to my wife when asked. She informed my wife those in nocent de.r I was killing could not injure my Stump Ranch. How could they? Etc., etc. P rhaps you and I may find out who this woman is as she stated she is circulating a peti tion to send to the game commis sion. I wond r if she will sign the petition or will she keep her self in the dark as to whom she is? Be it remembered I approach ed th.” Vernonia Rod and Gun club, McEntire, Bauersfeld, Bruns man, etc., and Hillsboro sports men who did come ov.r with an inspector. Bear in mind, I am open for a solution other than slaughter. Have you the solution? If so, do not be afraid to give your name and don’t come to insult my wife. Come see me. I have stood on my own feet and some times I step on some peoples toes, but I can walk the side walks of Vernonia and look all in the tye and I will even tell people my name if asked. Signed, Elmer Bergerson (The Stump Rancher) Who is helping to contri bute to school t acher’s wages off Stump ranch. FIVE YEARS AGO From The Eagle. March 27. 1947 I ! | I ! I I t I I I I t The answers to everyday insurance problems* By BILL AND REATHA HORN FIFTEEN YEARS AGO From The Eagl . March 26. 1937 E. M. Bollinger sold his interest in the Vernonia Auto company Tuesday to his partner. Ed Sa’o- monsen, who will be sole proprie. tor. The charg? will b: effective April 1. Wal’ace McCrae, athletic c ach at Vernonia high school for a number of years, was elected principal at a meeting of th - di rectors Saturday night. Harold McEntire, principal for the past two years, will remain in the school as a teacher. Other teach ers elected are Frida Beck. Eve lyn Cook, Mary Louise Miller, ‘ Leslie Skuzie and Ray Mills. X CREAM OF • Celery 3 50c KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP Salad Dressing o. 49' 55 99 46 19 41 34 14 • I I I » » » I » I i I 1 1 | | [ ' [ ' ! 1 1 HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Woodbury Soap, bath 2/25< Lifebuoy Soap, bath 2/25< 3/27c Woodbury Soap. reg. giant Oxydol 81c 12 Mroz. 31c Ivory Flakes 12là-oz 31c Lux Flakes 23c 3-oz. 3-in-l Oil pint Aerowax 31c quart Aerowax 59c Top Quality. Tender, Juicy Meat Trimmed before Weighing ¡L £?Qe Oiz Corned Beef u> 65c I Sausage Rollsp il 39e O OKc Brand lb*. — O Pure Lard Monte Sweetheart will have you sign a lost poli will issue a keep the m new one in a safe deposit box with other valuable papers. 905 Bridge Street J Phone 231 — Vernonia i I I I I I I Sirloin Steak ^ “5: 11“ T-Bone SfeakoST it: $! Round Steak SS* : £ Ground Beef pure it. sgc Pork Shoulder Roast ib. 42c Pork Shoulder Steak 50c Spare Ribs Economical lb. ggc Link Sausage Brookfield. u>. sgc Sliced Bacon Fancy lb. 55c • Sliced Bacon Standard lb. 43c No. 303 Cans [ I Official Newspapt r of Vernonia, Otegoi. Entered as second class mail matt r, August 4. 1922 at the post office in Vernonia, Cregon. '>”d-?r the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price, $2 50 yearly. Bacon Jowls lb. 25c Canned Hams wnson • lb. $ ¡5.74 Fresh Fryers lb. 65c Halibut Steaks lb 59c ’ lb. 79c Salmon Steaks Fillet of Sole lb. 57c Rock Fish Fillet lb. 39c Whiting ».*„ m-ib. 4£Tc Fresh Oysters pint 69c Breaded Shrimp 10 0* 63c Tenderoni Ä 10' No. 303 Cans 46-oz. Cans 49- 49c 99< WHITE STAR Fancy Tuna can No. 37' LIBBY or DEL MONTE Best Foods J-pint Jar Sliced Pineapple No. 2 can Lb. F A R M - F R E S H 29' PRODUCE Oranges Nice, Sweet and Flavorful I ANSWER: Yet. the company Bill J. Horn, Agent Garden 3 3 4 Kob Hili ....86' m JI7' Airway i.^ 83'I nJ 1'’ Edwardsiib. Lamb Shldr. Roast can have it replaced? VERNONIA ¡INSURANCE i VAN CAMPS 14-os. Bottle Blue Bonnet Yellow FRUIT COCKTAIL O / 4Ec Libby No. 303 can GRAPE JUICE Church’s 24-oz. bottle *3 PLUM PRESERVES Sunny Jim 2-lb. jar WW GREEN BEANS K / S g Santiam No. 2 can w / A PEACHES. Libby YC Sliced Halves 2No-2‘jCans TOMATO JUICE 46-oz. 4/ Sunny Dawn CORNED BEEF 12-01. can Libby DEVILED HAM 212-oz. can Underwood BREAKFAST SAUSAGE Rath 8-oz. can PIG’S FEET Cudahy 9 oz. can BISCUITS Ballard 7 l/a-oz. carton where. Can you tell me if we of any lend. Marvin Kamholz Editor and Publish« i n / «X Libby Brand our fire insurance policy any •If you’ll address your own insurance questions to this of fice, we’ll try to give you the correct answers and there will be no charge or obligation The Vernonia Eagle n Heinz Ketchup Del Monte Corn Del Monte Peas Tomato Juice Mayonnaise Margarine • Chicken Noodle 3 50c 3 39c • Vegetable • Mushroom ______ ~ It is an important part of Safeway's service to bring you nationally advertised and locally popular foods —brands made famous on pages of newspapers and magazines, and on the air. We're calling special attention to them now by featuring our low prices on brands you know and depend upon. Many are listed below. Check them for your favorites. Campbell's Soups CREAM OF ■ Ripe Avocados Green Onions Golden Carrots Cauliflower Potatoes Potatoes Green Spinach i Tomatoes Crisp Turnips Asparagus Grapefruit riorida Grapefruit Arizona OTHER lb. bag 3S' 2 for 23c 2 bunches 15c 10 25 lb. 9c 11 . 19c lb*. 72c lb*. $1.80 -01. cello pkg. 21c 12-os. tube 29c lb. 10c lb. 23c lb. 0 lb. 14c 'ink MISCELLANEOUS 0 1 bag i RED RADISHES *? 1 Ke ¿a Bunches * *-F 49c FEATURES Lipton Soup To ma toe Veg. or Noodle 3/39* White Star Tuna. Bite Size.No. '« 29* Cherub Milk tall can ] 4* Fresh Milk. reg. qt. ¿2* Shady Lane Butter 1-lb. 35* Egg*. B Large Dozen 45c Sunnybank Margarine 1-lb. 25* Parkay Margarine 1-lb. 29* Canterbury Tea 16-bag pkg. jgc Canterbury Tee '«-lb. pkg. 3]c Salad DreifHg Kraft Miracle Whip Pt. 32* Soi. |gc Sunihine Chee* it 10 lb. $]02 Kitch'n Cra’t Flour Kitchen Craft Flour 25 lb. $233 5 Marvin D. Eby, son of Dr and Mrs. R. D. Eby, was one of 49 men to pledge fraternities during open rushing, winter term at the | University of Oregon. Eby, a freshman in liberal arts, pledged | Kappa Sigma. | | HEINZ F QUESTION: We can't find Better THURSDAY, MAR 27, 1952 Fraternity Pledged wer? in Portland last Wednesday on Saturday luncheon guests of the Austin Dowlings were Mr. and Mrs. Wm Brice White and Mrs. Talbot, her mother, from Port- land. They cam? in the interests of the Oregonian being on the staff and to take flash lights of Bernard Dowlings logging out fit. Lit’le Billy Howery has recent ly had his tonsils and adenoids removed. Wedding bells rang last week, Monday, for Norvan Wikstrom and a Vernonia lady. They are making their home in Vernonia at this time, though Norvin con tinues to work here in the com munity. % MIST — Mrs. Robert Mathews and Mrs. I E. Knowles were among those attending the meet ing of the newly organiz’d gar den club. They met with Mrs. Tom Hopkins Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hughes SAFEWAY GUARANTEED MEATS new one. ORE fiat H ■ cy release and VERNONIA, WCHEfl craft NATAL — Dinner guests at the Oblack home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pesio and children. Diana, who spent the week here, returned home that evening with h r parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stout of Oregon City have letised the Lew Choate farm and are taking pos session this week. Last Tuesday night dinn.r guests at the Robert Lindsay home were Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap and Mr. and Mrs. War ren Smith. Other visitors Tues day evening were Mr. and Mrs. William Carmichael and child ren and Richard Peterson. Mary Lou Fredrickson spent a few days in Eugene with her sister and family. Sh" returned home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Mathews and family and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathews enjoyed birth day dinner Sunday at th? home of Walter Math'-ws. Th? occas ion was Walter Mathews birth day. Teddy and Willy Erickson have both been confined to their home with a severe cold. > TEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle. March 26. 1942 A report this week from Mrs. Paul Gordon on the amount of money turned in for the tuber culosis Christmas Seals places the figur. St $300.30 The Girls glee club of the high school has entered the glee club division of the Northwest music festival to be h* Id in Hillsboro April 17 and 18. Mrs. Sam Hear ing. Jr., is the director. Joe McNutt, Ellis Austin and Howard Rund?Il left Portland Monday for San Diego, California where they will attend navy training school. EAGLE, Photos Taken of Logging Outfit II House Lease Taken on Farm at Natal \7louiyotL Know ! A crowd of children, mostly of the intermediate age group. numbering 150 went to the Le gion hall last Thursday for the first Teen Age club affair to be held here since instruction clas ses were conducted to give aid in recreation for younger people. Mrs. H. H. King and Mrs. Harry Culbertson have joint charge of the club. The Vernonia Country club was reoiganiz d Wednesday of last week when Harry King was named president for th? coming year. Other officers are: Kent Bauersf.ld. vice president: John R o e d i g r , vice-president in charge of entertainment.; Rex Hess, vice-presid nt in charge of operation and Calvin Davis, sec retary. THE E F. Chambliss, form »rly of Gaston, was preparing to open a shoe repair business on Second stre.t. IN OUR GROCERY SECTION 50 lb. >465 Kitchen Craft Flour Skylark Rye Bread 1 lb- 19* Skylark Raiain Bread 1 lb. 20* Slenderway. Skylark 1 lb. 22* > lb. ¡ge Potato Bread. Skylark Mrs. Wright's Bread hi ib. 22* American Cheese • 0*. 3¡c Dutch Mill, sliced L'pton Tea 16 Bag 21C Liptcn Tea '«»*»• 35* P’ache*. Del Monte, 2'i can 2/55* Piedmont Mayonaiae Quart 50 Plastic Dual Pan* each jgc Catiup. Taste Tells 14 0«. J 5c Price* in this ad effective thru Saturday. March 29