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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1952)
i THURSDAY, MAR. 27, 1952 THE EAGLE. Illne»» Causes Trip To Hospital Saturday New Garden Club Meets 2nd Time VERNONIA. ORE TOPICS OF THE TOWN his 88th birthday. BIRKENFELD — The newly Mr*. F. A. Blount was to have Mr*. Sally Caseday wa* re formed Garden club held its sec undergone an operation last Thursday at St. Vincent’s hos leased from the Sacred Heart ond meeting Thursday afternoon pital. It was postponed because hospital, Eugene, Sunday, March at the home of Mrs. Tom Hop 16, after her confinement there kins. Plans for th» coming year of a cold. Mr*. Paarl Davis and her daugh after a head-on bus collision on were made and the name, “Ne ter of Banks and her sister, March 9, and was sent to Port halem Valley Garden Club” was Martha, were here recently to land where she got word to her chosen. Several plan to attend visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I daughter-in-law, Mrs. Wilma the meeting in Portland. Gorge Thacker as also were Keeler, of Vancouver who took Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rodgers Oliver Andrews, his niece and her to her home. Mrs. Caseday of Jewell are the parents of a girl, was not well and was unable to Donna Leah. She arrived March her children of Silverton. walk. She enter the Vancouver 21 and weighed seven pounds, Rex Mitchell is up and around hurt he is absolutely unable to hospital Monday of last week. 15Vi ounces. She has an older Claude Derris Chambliss is visit sister, Diane. toe doing work of any kind. He was injured at the mill February ing his grandparents, and other Mrs. Ted Bellingham and April relatives at Mountaindale, and were in Portland Friday. They 21. Bill Nichols was taken to the staying with his uncle and aunt, visited Mrs. Barbara Landers, as Mr. and Mrs. Lee Davis here dur it was her birthday. Veterans hospital Wednesday for Mr. observation and possibly an op ing his parents’ absence. Miss Betty Williams of Salem and Mrs. Chambliss left last week sp nt several days visiting at the eration. for San Antonio, Texas where an Cecil Elliott home. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Hall and W L. Hall drove to Boise, Idaho uncle, Mone Tramall, passed Norman Mills w.nt to work away Monday morning, March 17. for the J-H Lumber Co. Monday. a short time ago to visit former Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Raines residents of Vernonia, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes. Mr. Holmes were present at station KGW’s Hostess House party March 17. Visits Occupy Time r- • sister of B. E. and W I, Happy J. Field, 21, formerly of The program takes place at 10 Of Riverview People Oklahoma, now employed by the a.m. Monday, Wednesday, and RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. James H. Smith Logging com Friday and is the only audience- Robert Wyckoff and two daugh pany was sent to the Portland ' participation show in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. David Tribble ters spent the week end in Port G n?ral hospital last Thursday are the parents of a boy born land visnting Mr. and Mrs. Don after being injured when hit by Walsh and at Milwaukie visiting March 20. He is named Donald a tree top. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gatchet. Cbarlrs Roswurm left Vernonia Mark and weighs seven pounds, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wing of Port Tuesday, March 18, for Gales four ounces. Mr. and Mrs. Don Darling of land visited Mrs. Cora Biggs at Creek to visit George McDonald Portland spent Sunday at the th'- Clifford Fowl.r home Mon ?n<j family and Mrs. Linda Nei- home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wel day. jnier and family, his niece and Vincent Hamm of Hillsboro ler. nephew. The Neimiers reside in spent last week visiting at the Forest Grov’. He also celebrated COOKED food sale March 29. Sundland Electric store, by Ver home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. nonia extension unit. Benefit and Mrs. Albert Schalock. of Azela House, OSC. 13tlc I Ray Fast was here from Coos Students Spend Spring Bay Saturday and Sunday to see I Vacation with Parents his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. East, I BIRKENFELD — John Berg is and frit nds. spending spring vacation at the Mrs. Tom Bateman was taken home of his parents, the Robert to the Portland General hospital Berg’s, from OSC at Corvallis. Wednesday of last week where The Birkenfeld 4-H calf club she underwent an op ration for met with Douglas B Hingham acute appendicitis. Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Shipman Miss Georgianna Mills is sp?nd- ! were here last week end from ing spring vacation at home. She McMinnville to visit his parents, will return to Eugene th? first Mr. and Mrs. Gene Shipman. Mr. and Mrs. Z. A. Gilmore of the week. GIVE HIM THE were in Washougal, Washington and Portland from Friday to merly of Newb.rg. ENERGY HE NEEDS! Mrs. A. C. Blount and Mrs. Joe Sunday visiting their children Dennis and children motored to and grandchildren. Give your child plenty of COOKED FOOD SALE April 12. Forest Grove and Hillsboro last health building milk after Friday. Old Sessman building. Sponsor, school and during every meall ed by Mt. Heart Rebekah Social COOKED FOOD SALE April 12. Old Sessman building. Sponsor, Cail today for our routeman club. 12t3c Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poole and ed by Mt. Heart Rebekah Social and have Fresh. from the dairy 12t3c children, Linda and Wayne, were club. milk delivered to your home Tcm Tucker. Wm. Zimmerman here from Seasid? to visit her NOW! 1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tom and W. W. Cotton fished in the Columbia for sturgeon recently. lin, from Friday until Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. D .W. Obrien They caught several. Mrs. William Zimmerman has and daughter, Shirley were been ill since last Sunday with guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Kirk Grade A Pasteurizod . from March 21 to 25 before mov the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Berl Amer and ing into the Zimmerman apart Milk & Cream ments. The O’brien’s are for- daughter, Diane, and W. L. Hall L___________ PHONt 471 •' S ' are spending the week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes at Boise, Idaho. She is a sister of FREE INSPECTIONS LOW PRICES CLEANING Mrs. Hall and aunt of Berl. They left Saturday and expect to re GUARD YOUR HEALTH turn some time this week. J. D. Mendenhall Mrs. M. L. Ratcliff of Portland, mother of Mrs. Estell Graham and Mrs. O. H Graves, has been »• ill with pneumonia for about All Work Guaranteed — No Mileage Charge three weeks at her home in Port land. She is improving very Hilhboro, Oregon — Phone 3303 — Rt. 2, Box 302-E much. I Toll Charges Accepted Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Counts and children, Sandra and Randy, of Roseburg were here last w -ek as guests at the home of her sister and family, Mr and Mrs. Charles Minger. Mrs. Judd Greenman and Mrs. A. J. Hughes were in Portland Sunday to attend the wedding of Pat Caton. H Mary Mrs. Walter Vaughan was hos tess to the O-A bridge club on H Tuesday. Jt I I I I Recording of Speech Heard at Club Meeting Representative Makes Usual Calls at Mist MIST — Mr. and Mrs. A. E. (Lon) Jones were over from near Catsle Rock, Washington last week and visited the George Jone’s and Shalmon Lib.-Is. Lou went on to Seaside to see his sister. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foster came over from Clatskanie Sunday and Visited her father, Henry Jepson. Lestir Closner was a Portland business visitor Friday. Floyd Libel was here from Fairview last week to see his brothers. Mr. De Pue the Fuller brush representative was through the village last week making his regular three tim's a year calls. Home Occupied By Family Sat. ORIRV PRODUCTS CO. Vernonia, Oregon VALUABLE PRIZES k EVERYONE WHO ENTERS WILL RECEIVE A 5x7 Sivertone PORTRAIT No Cost Obligation Bring the family and have a— GROUP PORTRAIT H Joy Theatre THURS. FBI. Oregon- American LUMBER CORPORATION Any Child 2 Months ta 12 Years Is Eligible I For Coffee at It's I BEST H SPRING CLEANING BIG BABY CONTEST » £NIHXHXNXHXHXHXHXNXHIHXHT< H Th • state home economics ex tension council launch.d a pro i Original street lights were fiber ject in 1947 to build a girls’ co I torches. operative house at Or gon State co.lege. Th? goal was to provide GIVE CLOTHES THAT attractive, suitable, comfortable and economical housing for girls who must work part or all of their way through school. In coopeiative hous.s tn - stu dents are able to achieve desir able group and social life at a cost much less than in qjher Get ready for the coming nice types of group housing. Th? building will b? designed to weather by getting your ward house about 50 girls. robe dry-cleaned here. First State horn? extension units are class workmanship, plus low now holding rummage sales, benefit programs, food sales, etc., prices is our motto. the proceeds going towards fur nishing the rooms. Funds from here will be provided by a cook ed food sale to be held at Sund land Electric March 29. ENTER OUR Sanitary Septic Tank Service H X H Sales Finance House Furniture The V rnonia Townsend club met at the Oak?s’ club room March 15 with 15 members pre- 9 nt. After the meeting the group listen d to a recording of the spe ch of Mr. Herrin of the national Townsend organize- tion. The St. Helens club is giving a basket social March 29 there and everyone is invited to attend. The next Vernonia meeting will i be April 5 at the club room. Vernonia Cleaners RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. John Crane and son, Ronald Sheppard, from the Timber road moved into the Garrison house on 7th St., Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wood and children spent the week "nd in Portland visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Saturday evening they attended the motor show. Mrs. Blanche Miliis and daugh ters, Faye and Mary, visited Vir ginia Miliis in Portland Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Latimer and family of Forest Grove visit ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Welch Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Buckner and two children of Hillsboro visited his mother, Mrs. Artie Buckner, Sunday. NEHAL i : I I 1 ROCK CREEK—Kathleen De- Vaney was taken to the Jones hospital at Hillsboro Saturday night because of a serious illness. She was given intravenous sev eral times and is much improved. The family will move to Mt. Vernon, Washington as soon as she recovers. Mrs. Blanche DeWitt has re turned from a two-month visit in San Francisco, California. Mr. and Mrs. B. P Wet «’rberg of Rockaway visited her mother, Eola DeVaney, over the we.k end. MARCH 27 28 FLAME OF ARABY See our lovely new Easter creations for the Small Set. at no extra charge Jeff Charidl r - Maureen O'Hara H X H MARCH 29 SATURDAY BOMBA AND THE LO^T VOLCANO Johnny Sheffield Plus The man who likes GOOD COFFEE insist* on H S & W Brand because he knows he’s getting nothing but the very best. Why don’t you try H SAW Coffee and know you’re drinking real H coffee. CHEROKEE UPRISING f Whip Wilson SUN. MON. Claudette Colbert H I Grocery - Market Haya Morv" Al th» Mile Bridgr Riverview H H X M /¿NZNXNXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXH3 I play— select yours NOW! AN EXCELLENT PHOTOGRAPHER M Carey APRIL 1 2 IT’S A BIG COUNTRY » Minors Must Be accompanied by parents MARCH 30 31 LETS MAKE IT LEGAL TUES. WED. Beautiful Easter cards now cn dis AU Star Cast Plus LAW OF THE PANHANDLE Johnny Mack Brown WILL BE AT I SCHAUMBURG'S WEE-TOT SHOP Monday, March 31st —12 Noon to 6 P. M. 866 Bridge Street ONE * DAY Vernonia, Oregon ONLY