Library, U of O VOLUME 30, NUMBER ’1 VERNONIA. COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON County Championship Winners THURSDAY. MARCH 13. 1*52 Senior Class Prepares For Play Presentation Washington Wins County Tournament The high school Senior class will present a three-act comedy entitled "The Daffy Dills" Friday, March 21 at jhe Washing» n grade school. Play practice began on F bruary 25 and is progressing quite well. Deraid Borders the stage mana­ ger. and his assistants, Bob Al­ len. Gordon Crowston and Larry Brown, under the direction of Louis Graven, shop instructor, are building a new s t of flats for the presentation. i’rs. Wesley Bolmeier and Miss *ook are directing the cast con- sisting of* Richard Dill, “Papa." David Pittlekau; Carol Dill. Bar- bara Howard; Rodney Dill, Mar- tin Tapp; the twins, Doris Dill, Doris Hahm yer and Dudley Dill, Bill Wells; Grandmother Dill, Alice Davis; Cousin Maude Mad- dox, Leona Hoehner; Elaine Es- cott. De Loris Thompson; Aimee Two Win All-Star Honors During 3-Day Grade Competition 'iHE cOUillY championship went to the Was' in e annual grad? school tournament by dat.aluig :rcm left: L'si » Harding, Roy Higley. Darrel Fla _>a.y Li.ipay, HaL.y B-sn, L-a L..-U. u—war ivn school Toppers last week end when they swept ..cBiide of Si. Helens in the finals. Front Row j, i. arry Johnson. Richard Schneibel; back row: ,n. B.bby Crcvrston and Ccach W. F. MacDonald. County Coroner Office Sought THE TOPPERS placed two boys on the county all-star team, 5-d Fulton, left and Bobby Carson. ( Dr. Richard M Sn.’th cb;ro- practic and naturopathis physi­ cian cf St. Helens has filed on he republican tick't for the of- ",ce cf county coroner he sair 'ate last w*ek. He has ben a - id nt of thiS county for about 15 months, cornyg from ¿’ort- and. He is a vet ran of the navy and . a- a part time private' investi- "ator during his college days, "resent affiliations '.îclude tt» \merican L'gion, Kiwanis club end Toastmasters club of St. Liens.’ Girl Scouts Plan j Death Claims Courtesy Lack Resident Sale of Cookies Causes Mishaps Valley The annual sale of cookies by Joseph Meth Holec, a resident Vc-nonia Girl Scous is sched­ Impatience and discourtesy a^e of this comm nity for the past ul'd to being today. Thursday, urd riving factors in most Ore- five y ars and a resident in Ore­ when the girls will b’ divided (7fn highway accidents, accor.’- gon fcr 31 v.-ars was c airned by sales groups who will so- me to Secretary of State Earl d ath a-lv Wednesday morning. *ir it hr mes in this area for • rders. T. Ncwbry. He was at the Jones hospital in Th’ annual cookie sale is con­ i'ewbry, who pointed to the Hillsboro and had ben there a duct'd in orded to build up a ■rate’s more than 71.000 traffic day when death came. fund which is us’d for summer a, id' nt last year, remarked that The deceas d was born camnng and for other Girl Scout many of these mishaps were caused when one or more in­ 23, 1886 at Morad a, Czecho;’o- activities. volved co.nmittod a dis­ r vakia and passed away March 12 The cookies sell for 40c for a courteous traffic .action. 10-mince package containing ap­ "at the are of 65 years, "ight More th-n 20 person wsr’ kill­ months and 19 days. He was a proximately 25 assorted choco- ed during the first six months •.awmi’l worker. 'ate and vanilla cr -me filled cook of 1051 b: cause of actions such iea. Surviving are: his ■ ife, Johan­ a- ’aking the right of way from na; three daughter, Sophie De- »nether driver, failure to yield Zort, Stephanie Hol -c and Rose • pedestrians, passing in the Holec; three sons. Eddi’, George .*«iec of traffic and disregarding and Josef: a grandson, Brua De- stop signs and traffic signals. These actions, Newbry said, Zort and a granddaughter, Ra­ rtem from a lack of courtesy or mona D Sort. Thursday. Friday ai d Saturday The services are scheduled for | ir patience in heavy traffic. To of this week have been sch’d- avo.d such happenings, he advis­ Saturday ths 15th at the Bush uh d as the dat’s for celebrating ed motorists to apply common chapel at 2 o'clock an! inter­ sense social manners to their ment will take p.’ace in the Ver­ th" 7th anniversary sale of Er.^amn Hardware. P’tc Bruns­ nonia Memorial. e: •ving. man said earlier this week when he announced plans for the event. Gifts are b ing offer’d to every lady who comes to the store as Tonight at 8 p m.. March 13. the it’ms of business to be consider­ part of the event. Vernonia P.-T.A. will hold its ed. Along with special arrange­ r.thly meeting at the Wash­ Usual'y the local P T A. unit ments for the anniversary, of­ ington school. A brief musical convenes on Monday, but because ficials of several wholesale firms program is being planned and the schools will be closed Monday in Portland are expected to check Gicn Hawkins will give a short and Tuesday. March 17 and 18, the methods used in carrying out ta.k and discuss questions from the unit will meet this Thursday, this annual event of the local the audience on "Problems of a to give the officers a committee firm The proc dures us'-d will School Board ” Election of P.- chairman an opportunity to com­ be compiled by the wholesalers so T.A. officers for the next term plete all business reports which that the idea may be given other and election of delegates to the must be done before convention retail stores in preparing for state convention in April are .ime, April 7, in Pendleton. sales of merchandise Washington grade school's bas­ ketball team swept through a three-day tournament here Thurs­ day, Friday and Saturday to asi’.y win the county play-oft event in which eight teams com- pot d and also placed two men at the top of the all-star sclecions. Vernonia, und r the tutelage of Coach W. F. MacDonald, opened ‘he sari's Thursday afternoo® ’aainst St. Fredric's who went down before the expert shooting of the Toppers 54-17. John Gumm defeated Clatskanie 39 to 23 in the second game that day, Rain­ ier won over Quincy 34-21 and McBride overcame Warren 40 to 18. .‘.I the Vernonia-John Gumm fray Friday th" Toppers again hit I the basket for 47 to John Gumms 32 while McBride barely squeez­ ed out a victory over Rainier 38 to 40. The championship decision was® taken by Vernonia Saturday by a 40 to 20 tally over McBride. . C'atskanie defeated Quincy in • the opening game Saturday 23- 21 for consolation winner, while Raini r defeated John Gumm 28-26 for third place. During th" season the Toppers | tallied a total of 847 points of I which 147 were recorded during the tournament. Opponents me’ during the season by the Wash­ ington team scored points total­ ing 426. Th’ Toppers’ average j score per game during the season I was 38 plus. ! Top individual scorer was Bud Fulton who talli -d 389 points during the s ason for an average .of 18 plus per game. Following Fult n was Bobby Carson with 155 points for the s ason, Bobby Crowston* with 111, Ricky Bush with 35 and Gary Er. pey with 16. Fulton tallied 62 points in the three games during the tournament. On the all star s' lection after the tourn’y, the Toppers placed two men, Fulton and Carson, who wi'.e number 1 and 2 selections by the judges. Others who plac. ; ed on the all-star listing were: j Marlin Marsh and Leslie Ross, ; McBride; Dennis Johnson, Clats- I kanie; Harold McGlone and Hr-- old Gore, Rainier; Charles Her- mo, Quincy and Joe McKnight and Don Mason, John Gumm. Ice Cream Wins In Competition A Columbia county industry won high honor recently w'hen the Rainier Creamery won the distinction of being the only ice cream manufacturing plant i>* the state to win twice in competition for the Wilster cup which is awarded annually to the com­ pany scoring highest with its vanilla ice cream. Ole Titland, the ice cream maker for th . Rainier plant, top­ j ped all entries in the chocolate and vanilla classes, a feat which the Rainier cream’ry won in 1939 and which has not been equaled by any manufacturer. In 1948, the Rainier creamery took first place in the ice cream division of th" Washington Dairy industries Foundation invitation­ al competition at Pullman There, thy competed with manufac­ turers from all of the Pacific Northwes states and from dailies as far away as Canada, Texas i nd California. The Rainier Creamery is own­ ed by Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tolles- haug and sons John, Norman and Robert and Mr. Titland. ! Low well, Margaret Michener Pi te Norton. Loren Mills; Widow Woggles; Charlotte Davis and Arnica Jukes. Nona Sawyer. The play is produced by spe­ cial arrangement with T. S. D. unison and company, Minnea­ polis, Minnesota Proceeding the play w ¡11 be a band concert by the first-year high schocPband under the direc­ tion of Miss Lilias Petersi n. Tigers Overcome 1st Half Lead I ■ | I I A narrow first period margin j of 22-21 he'd by the Logger* was lost during the last half of I the game wh n Vernonia m’t the | Clatskanie Tigers nere Friday i light. This was the last season game for Vernonia and the next to last for Clatskanie. The Loggers presented a per­ formance that has been typical in many games this season by hold ing the edge m scoring for th: early part of their games, but los­ ing the winning margin lattr. Their first-half lead, although small, demonstrated the usual patter again Friday. Top scoring Logger and also top scorer for the evening was Gor­ don Crowston who swished the basket for 16 points. The Tiger’s Jerry Kangas tallied 14 Clatskanie is scheduled to play Warrenton this week, as also is Scappoose, both of these games having been postponed because of illness on the Warrenton team. If both Clatskanie and Scap­ poose win their games, which is likely, both will share leaguc- 1 ading honors for the season. zAt present th >y each have nine wins and four loses. I.QWER COLUMBIA STANDINGS W 9 Scappoose 9 Clatskanie 9 St. Helens 8 Parkrose 6 Rainier 5 Seaside 5 Vernonia 2 Warrenton league ; l 4 4 5 5 8 8 9 10 Pct. .685 .685 .643 .609 .428 .380 .357 .167 Polio Fund Grows i New AFB Center ' To Train Boys Th’ first shipment of enlistees ' [ ' ! 7th Anniversary DIan of Store ' ' I to a new air force training base, which has been oper .ed near San Francisco, wi'l be made from Portland Sunday according to Sgt Bill Judy, air force recruit- ing offic r for this .'.rea Sgt. Judy was here from St. Helens Wednesday to outline the plan for the first group of boys that will go to thè base from this county. Several prospects, who are interested in enlisting in the air force, were contacted here yesterday by the sergeant. PTfl Session Due This Evening THIS YEAR'S March of Dimas fund grew to tha figure of 3(53.75. the amount of the check being handed to Jim Davies, left, by George A. Remnant. As contributions were received during tse drive they wore turned over to Mr. Rmnant who acted as trea­ surer of the campaign. He, in turn, drew the chock which wat sent earlier this week to Elmer E. Jenson. St. Helens, county chairman of the Dimes campaign. A check from the Oreg.n- American for 3100 and a net revenue of 380 from the dance la.t . Saturdey night helped to swell the contribution of the Upprr Nehalem Valley to the March of Dimes.