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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1952)
Next Meeting of Circle Planned for February 21 The last meeting of the Friend ship Circle took place at th? horn? of Mrs. Emma MacDonald. Pot-luck luncheon was served at noon after which the business meeting was held. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Laura Car michael February 21. Those present were: Mesdames Ruby Biggs, Iva Ellis, Freda Biggs, Blanch? Millis, Ruth Steers, Laura Carmichael and two child ren, Agnas Gibson, Marvel Chal mers, Gloria Ellis and two children and the hostess, Emma McDonald and son. Neighbors Meet for Social Evening at Hall Nehalem Circle No. 881, Neigh bors of Woodcraft, met at the American Legion building Janu ary 17 for a social evening of fun and games. After the fun and games were over Guardian Neighbor Nona Lankston served refreshments of coffee and huge wedges of lemon merangue pie so delicious everyone had seconds. 50th Anniversary Wedding Date Remembered Harding lodge, Knights of Pythians, is expecting a large visitation from St. Helens for the meeting Monday, January 28. They will assist in confer ring Page Rank on a class of candidates. Expert Tonsorial Work BEN’S BARBER SHOP Vernonia, Oregon TREHARNE — Mrs Rilla Sny der of Portland spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wilson. Th? home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer was the place of celebration Sunday afternoon when they were host and hostess for a silver tea in honor of their silver wedding anniversary. Miss Minnie Falconer of Scotland was an honored guest. Friends and relatives called on the Falconers bringing good wishes and silver gifts. Mrs. William Riggle of Buxton visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wilson and Robert Reynolds and family Saturday evening. Mrs. higgles is Robert’s mother. Mr. and Mrs. Lin Reynolds, son Mike, and Mrs. Exie Weaver ’•¡sited the Ernest Chambers and Stanley Jones families in Dallas Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lin Reynolds and Mike were Monday supper guests of the Robert Reynolds family. MR. AND MRS. FRANK K. THOMAS celebrated their 18th wed ding anniversary last weik end at their home here. They were married at Kirby. Wisconsin January 18. 1902 and have six child ren living, two sens and four daughters. There are also 28 grand children and 23 great grandchildren. The daughters are: Mrs. Rose Loomis. Deer Brook. Wisconsin; Mrs. Helen VandeCarr, Royal Oak. Michigan. Mrs. Jennie Yaunkee, Ontonagon. Michi gan. and Mrs. Laura Clark. Rockaway, Oregon. The two sons arc: Charles of Vernonia and Frank E. of Rockaway. Mr. Thomas will be 72 years old March 1 and Mrs. Thomas will be 69 years old July 6. Club Members Enjoy Showing of Movies The regular meeting of the Townsend club was held at the club room of M. A. Oakes just back of his home near the Crown Zellerbach office in Riverview. zXfter the meeting over two hours were spent looking at movie travelogues and comedies. There were 19 members pre sent. The next regular meeting is to be held at the Oakes club room February 2 at 7:30 p.m. A lunch will be served and a bingo party will follow. Members are asked to bring sandwiches and cake and also a friend. Mrs. C. I. Anderson was hos tess to the St. Mary's zMtar So ciety January 16 at her home on the O-A hill. After the business me-ting, there was an exchange of birth day names. Ladies attending were Mesdames: Sauers, Mullins, VanderZanden, Smejkal. Bartlett, Pelster, Fleskes, Gibson and the hostess. Mrs. Anderson. Th° February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Dale Bartlett on February 20. Mrs. Valpiani will care for the church The hostess served a delicious lunch assisted by Mrs. aBrtlett. More Cases of Illness Noted BARGER Three Initiated Into Order of Rainbow ELECTRIC-REPAIR On January 14 the Rainbow Girls initiated Sharon Gwin, Gretchen Bolmeier and June Jones into The Order of the Rainbow for girls. Election of officers was had and installa tion will be the 28th of January. REWINDING k REPAIRING AC- DC MOTORS GENERATORS APPLIANCES First House North of Reservoir on Stoney Point Road. TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver were host and hostess at a potluck dinner in honor of Mrs. Weaver’s birthday Thursday, January 17. Those present to help Mrs. Weaver celebrate were Mr. and Mrs. Rome Whitmire; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds; Mr. and Mrs. Don Reynolds and Cathv; Doro thy Reynolds; Midge Reynolds and Mike; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller; Ruth Pierce; Pauline Tis dale; Florence Kirkbride; Vernon, Charlotte and Paul Weaver and Harry and Thelma Weaver, host and hostess. Bobby Drips and Earl Rey nolds are both victims of yellow icundice but are feeling better. Mrs. Mae Wieneck? and Harry Wilson are both on the sick list. Byron Kirkbride. James, Ste phen and Walter and George Snyder and John Daniels at tended th1 John Deere Day at Hillsboro Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Siedelman and Cort Siedelman called at the Bvron Kirkbride home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Byron Kirkbride, Jean and Jo Ann and Edwina Siedei- man were in Forest Grove Sat urday. For Buys—Eagle Classifieds! • FREE INSPECTIONS i "GUARD i LOW PRICES — YOUR — CLEANING HEALTH" J. D. Mendenhall Sanitary Septic Tank Service i 1 | All Work Guaranteed — No Mileage Charge * _ Hillsboro, Oregon — Phon? 3303 — Rt. 2, Box 302-E Toll Charges Accepted I i __ __ VERNONIA. ORE. ________________ FUEL FOR YOUR SPARK! Unlike oil heaters limited to the use of one •r two types of fuel oil, SPARK oil heaters give clean, efficient heat with FOUR TYPES OF FUEL OIL: • No. I oil or krrotrnr (similar to the fuel used by jet planes). Club Members Awarded Pins BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bellingham were in Port land Saturday. Mrs. A. Lolley visited ner -laugher, Mrs. Ted Bellingham, the first part of last week. The 4-H calf club, sponsored by Winema Grange, received their pins at Grange meeting Thursday night. Pins were presented by their leader, E. T. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stuve have moved to Otis, Oregon. Lloyd is working for Parman Logging Co. G. W. Parman is well known in the Nehal ’m valley as he and his family lived around Birken- feld for several years. Word was received last week of the accidental d“ath of Mrs. Richard Banzer's father at Stan field. NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Mathews motored to Port land Monday taking Mrs. Joyce [ Holce up to the city where she boarded a plane for San .-Xntonio, Texas. She will remain in Texas while her husband is stationed there. There was no school at Mist Monday so the youngsters in our community had a day of vaca tion. There was no heat as the electricity was off for awhile. Earl Sanasac of Renton, Wash ington is spending a few days at the home of Ernest Kyser. Mr and Mrs. Ray Taylor were recent visitors at the L. P. Mathews home. Mrs. Bill Thornton of Clats kanie and son, Johnni" of Fort Lewis were Sunday dinner guests at the Clair Devines. Ernest Kyser and daughter, Ethel were dinner guests of the C. I.. Waddells last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Art Doreo called on the Ray Taylors on Friday evening. More than 230 correspondents are accredited to the U.S. Army's Far East Command, mostly for Korean war coverage. — *r3’i i - i , ii . .r, i ; THURSDAY. JAN 24, 1952 3 78 Gift Boxe« Made For Foreign Children Trip Started Monday For Station in Texas Society Entertained For January Meeting St. Helens Knights to Visit Harding Lodge EAGLE, THE Dr. L. K. Pollock DENTIST Watrous Building Over the Bus Depot Forest Grove. Oregon Phone Forest Grove 941 .. . „ . p,, -. . ■ . ■ Grade school students who par ticipated in the work of the Junior Red Cross collected a total of $32.40 during the latter part of last year and the money was turned over to the county Red Cross chapter last week along with 78 gift boxes which will be sent to children in foreign countridl. The gift boxes contain items which children in occupied coun tries probably do not have and are not able to get. i «■■■■■■■■ » » » ■ a ■ ■ * * * For Grade A Pasteurized Dairy Products Call or Write PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY Telephone 8812 Vernonia, Oregon Timber Rt., Box 56 HAVE YOUR CAR CHECKED NOW! Don't take any unnecessary chance* this winter but bring your car in today before it's too late. Geo. Johnson felephone 311 Vernonia Sen. Sta. Corner Rose and Bridge Visits, Gu'sts Past Week Written in News NAAL — Mr. and Mrs. Gene Northrup of Banks were Sunday visitors at the home of Ray Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Ves per were Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pringle have had as their house guests her daughter and family of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Taylor were in Portland last Tuesday. They motored to Clatskanie on Sat urday. * Bobby Mathews is among those who has a bad cold. Mr and Mrs. Kenton Zillman and daughter of Cedar Grove were Sunday visitors at the home of Ernest Kyser. PHONE 853 Your Number’s Up NEHALEM VALLEY on our office records MOTOR FREIGHT For result*—Eagle Classified*! • No. 2 oil. • No. 3 oil. • Motor diesel oil. Last winter, for example, SPARK heaters using common motor diesel oil provided thousands of homes throughout the nation with clean, satisfying warmth! I See your SPARK dealer for a demonstra tion of this versatile, years-ahead SPARK oil vm tains burning heater. When you become our customer for Shell Fuel Oil we carefully build up a record of how much oil YOUR burner normally consumes. The full responsibility of keeping your tank supplied with fuel oil AT ALL TIMES is our headache, not yours. OUR AUTOMATIC DELIVERY SYSTEM INSURES YOUR COM FORT ALL WINTER LONG. I Your whole family needs the vitamins supplied them by citrus fruits during cold winter weather especially. We have a complete stock on hand fresh from the growers to supply your every need. Why not enjoy this SERVICE PLUS —in addition to dean, trouble free Shell Fuel Oil. Simply tele phone for prompt, courteous service. Ke?p them healthy this winter the easy way. KING’S Grocery - Market "Where Your Money Buy* Mor«" Phone 91 Sundland Electric and Appliance 786 Bridge Street Phone 581 Vernonia, At the Mil« Bridge Riverview E. V. ROBERTSON Phone 542 or Phone 543 Office Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday thru Saturday