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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1952)
■6 THURSDAY, JAN 10. 1952 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General HAY for sale. Pirkenfeld, John Winslow, Oregon.________ 2t3e ■GOOD, dry wood for sale. See May Herman at Second street, Vernonia. Sizes from 12" to 16". Home until 12 pm. 213 CLATSKANIE AUCTION YARD. Sale every Sunday starting at 12:00. Stock and miscellaneous. Phone 1600, Clatskanie, Oregon. 2tfc (■KANZ electric metronome, like new—$12.50 value for $6.50 Mrs. Wm. Pringle, Mi>t Rt., Vernonia, Oregon. 2t4 FOR SALE Coleman oil heater, 30.000 BTU, 3 gal. tank See it at Hahn Hardware. 2tl LARGE KM electric heater, fan type. See Clifford Fowler, 3rd St., Riverview. 2t3 WOOD Montag range. In good condition. May be seen at 225 A Street Phone 1173. Mrs. Ace lailley. 2t3c AUCTION Every Friday; misc. ■sale at 10 30, livestock sells at 1:00. We sell a inc volume ot livestock every sale day, selling toy the head or weight. Consign ■your livestock to this auction, our many buyers pay top prices. If you prefer to sell your cattle at private sale, we will buy any number at any tune or will call to appraise your cattle. Altman’s Auction Mart, Forest Grove; Walt Altman. Auctioneer. I do gener al auctioneering, satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 16215. Night l>r nes, 461 1 and M7S 2tfc HOMEMADE candy for sale 75c lb. Fudge, pinoche and divinity. Mrs. Elsie Sherman, 1142 N F. Umatilla. Vernonia, Ore. H3 — — - ... v 44 C. LITTLE automatic floor furnace, complete with controls. Used only short time. This fur nace is in excellent condition. Can be obtained al considerably ley» than new furnace price. In- ■quire Sundland Electric and Ap pliance, Vernonia. 52t3 YOUR treadle machine made all «■lectiic for only $24 50. Any make. Park’s New Home Store, 4616 N Lombard or call the Ver nonia Eagle. 44tfc HEMSTITCHING. buttonholes, Hand crocheting, t xtile painted items. June Willis, Keasey Rt. 47tfc RAISE Chinchillas for Profit! As high as 500’’; profit the first gear. Pairs with litters, pairs carrying, young pans. Terms can be arranged. For in formation see D. O. Smith al The Club. 16tfc HAY AND STRAW for sale. Fan prices as to quantity and quality. Elmer Bergerson. 39tfc E DON SIMMONSON registered Piano Tuning and Servicing. Member National Ass'n. Piano miners. Contact Mrs. Fullerton, • 1 31tL I ’ R IS II i ED ROCK FOR roads and driveways. Also have «■■d and gravel and fill dirt. See D P Spofford or call 1023 36tfc FOR SALE—Insurance LIFE, Foe, Car and Accident Insurance Oregon Automobile Insurance Co. H. Hudson and loolge 11,11 L’litfc CLASSIFIED RATES MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 word: or less. Words over min imum 2c each. Three inser tions Tr the price of two. C ARD of Thanks & Notices: 80c NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. ACCEPTED AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEKS PAPER THE EAGLE assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads pub lished in its columns, but in case where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an »dv. in which the typo- graphics mistake occurs. BLIND ads with answers to be handled by the Eagle: Minimum charge 80c. No information given relative to such ads. No Inform .lien a claisiHads will be given cut until after paper is mailed. FOETRY accepted only as paid matter. Rate: Sc psr type line. Please report promptly any chang** of add res<. Send in both the oil and new addrtsj with Bowling Results INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Safeway 4 Dessy’s 0 Safeway — High game M. John son, 206; high series B Curl, 567. Dessy’s — High game D. Fletcher, FOR SALE—Real Estate 209; high series L Wiese, 527. Garlock-Closner 2 Sundlands 2 I HOMES Garlock-Closner — High game GOOD 2-b-droom house, partly and series L. Closner, 185 and 544. furnished, lots of built-ins, Sundlands—high game and series, C. Shipman, 207 and 509. breakfast nook, part basement, * 1 Th ■ Club 4 Pal Shop 0 garage. Only $3,000.00. ! Club — high game and sen *s, ] < GOOD 3-bedroom home, wired O. Fuller, 207 and 561. ' for range, elec, wat" r heater, just Pal Shop — high game and series, ’ 1 ! redone inside with wallboard and W. Landers, 201 and 531. Heaths 0 ! ceiling blocks. Close to mill and V.F.W. 4 ' VFW — high game K. Bauersfeld, shopping center. Only $2650 ! 231 ; high series D. Burns, 566. cash or $3000 terms. Heaths — high game and series, 3- ROOM house for rent. D. Laird. 209 and 584. 6 RM modern house, just being Standings Won Lost redecorated inside. Utility and The Club 17 7 fruit room, oil floor furnace, Sundland Electric 14 10 wired for range. I-arge single Heath’s Service 13 11 garage with cement floor. On Safeway Store 11 13 sewer. Very well located to V.F.W 9 15 schools and churches. Priced ' The Pal Shop 9 15 at $6500. Veterans loan can be Dessy’s 7 15 arranged. Garlock-Closner 5 17 J Vi ACRES with 6-rm. modern house. Wired for range. Double CITY LEAGUE garage, also woodshed and chick IOOF 4 Hahn's 0 j house. In city limits. Price IOOF — High game W. Parker, $4000, good terms. 205; high series, H. Gwin, 604. 4- ROOM house on 1 acre. Chick Hahn’s — high gam» and series, house and small barn. $2500 R. Brandow, 191 and 522. full price, terms. Vi mi. out O-A 2 Eagles 2 of Vernonia. O-A — high game and series, 3 ROOM house on 50x100 lot. J. Lloyd, 211 and 574. Good condition. $1600, $500 Eagles — high game R. Shuman, down. 196; high series R. Aldrich, 532. GOOD business lot on Bridge St., Standings Won Lost IOOF $500 19 5 DON BAYLEY, BROKER Oregon- A merican 16 8 MacDonald Hotel — Vernonia Hahn’s Hardware 12 12 2tlc Eagles Lodge 10 14 FOR SALE OR RENT 3-room house and garage, 6 lots. $2750, easy terms. $35 month rent. FOR SALE: 10 acres with old house. Pulpwood. $1625. GOOD HOME and large garage close to high school. Wired for range, hot water heater. $5300. LUCILLE SESSMAN, Salesman NOTARY PUBLIC TYPING J. M. Person, Broker Call 1127. 1700 Nehalem Street or 810 Bridge Street. 2tlc LOST AND FOUND LOST: Part Cocker Spaniel pup 4 months-old Marked with white mark on chest. Answers to nam" of Blackie. Reward. 329 O-A Flats or contact Eagle office. It3 LOST. SET OF KEYS in black leather key folder. Name of Claude Sanks inscribed on metal plate. Please return to Port r- field’s Apartments. Mrs. Claude Sanks. 2tl MISCELLANEOUS 7 HALF SHKPARD pups 8 w • k> 1 old to give away. Inquire R. E. Culbertson, 1133 Washington St. 1 2tle NEW, HOME LAUNDRY. Family washing washed and dried. 15c lb. Finished at reasonable rates. Also curtuin stretching. Mrs. E. M York, IO* V St, phone 11'17 $6tfc LEGAL NOTICE________ NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the county court of the state of Oregon for Columbia county. In the matter of the estate of Alta S. Cripps, deceased. Notice is hereby given that th? undersigned as administrator of the estate of Alta S Cripps, de ceased, has filed his final account in the county court of the stat? of Oregon for Columbia county, and that Monday. January 28. 1952 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the fore noon of said day and the court ruwn of said court has been appointed by said court as the time and place for the hear ing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first publication December 27. 1951. Date of last publication January 24. 1952. O G Cripps. Administrator John L.’ Foote St Helens. Oregon Attorney. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has filed his final account and report in the Estate of Benjamin F Miller, de. ceased, and the Court has set Saturday th? 12th day of January 1952. at the hour of 10 00 A.M. m the County Court House at St Helens, Oregon as the time and place for hearing objections to the final account and the final settlement of this estate The Commercial National Bank of Hillsboro. Executor Tec 14. 21, 23, 1951, and Jan 4 and 11. 1952. ratterson and Bush Attorneys for Executor For Buys—Eagls Classifieds! FORCE OF IM PAC WATCH YOUR SPEED WANTED HOUSEKEEPER for family of three. Modern conveniences. $75 month, room and board. Inquire at Eagle office. 52t3 BABY SITTING, day, night or hour, at my home. Phone 438. 39tfc W1LL PAY TOP prices for all livestock. Will pick up at your place. Grant C. Dodge, Forest Grove. Rt. 2. Box 15 50tfc HIGHEST cash prices paid for .•ream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— cal! o.- write Forest Grove Ctenm- erv, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone 12« 14*fc FOP For Buys—Eagle Classifieds! drive is on its way in the United States. The goal is for 50 million I dollars to be used for war relief. I FIVE YEARS AGO Columbia county has been asked From The Eagle. Jan. 9. 1947 I to give $3500 and Vernonia's por George E. Waver, cashier of I I tion is $500. the Commercial Bank of Banks FIFTEFN YEARS AGO announced January 6 that final From The Eaglv, Jan. 1. 1937 approval has bor'n received from Sales of Christmas Seals to date the Federal Deposit Insurance total $143.02 announces Mrs. corporation for the opening of a Enoch Dumas, who has charge branch bank in Vernonia. of the local' drive. The amount Coach Jake Hergert, having is divid d as follows: by mail, completed th"*ir pre-leacue games $116.80; downtown sale, $4 48; of the season, took the floor last grade school, $20.14; high school Friday night to meet and scalp 50c. A 7'2 WON’T COVER A the Scappoose Indians 36 to 33. More business than ever before NO. 10 Paul Gordon will head the Ver in the history of the Vernonia nonia area annual March of Dim's post office was transacted this drive to help raise this county’s You can’t expect a small Christmas, according to Post- portion of the national fund which master Emil F. Messing. Stamp size rubber to fit a large each year is devoted to the care sales from December 15 to size shoe any more than a of people stricken with the dis Christmas eve totaled approxi small amount of insurance ease and to research concerning mately $1000 Stamp sales can safely cover a large the disease. I throughout the year will be in Another means of recreation excess of $9,000. value. was opened to the public of this TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO Let this Hartford Agen area last week end when Des From The Eagle. Jan. L 1927 mond Laird announced that the cy fit the amount of your Nehalem Chapter, O.E.S., has bowling alleys, under construc elected the following officers for insurance to the value of tion since August at Dessy’s Ta- 1927; Bessie Tapp, W.M.; F. D. what you own. vern were ready for use. Macpherson, W.P.; Katherine Mc TEN YEARS AGO Neill. A.M.; Leona McGraw, sec From The Eagle. Jan. 8. 1942 retary; Fern Kullander. treasurer. VERNO N I A Of interest to residents of this Vernonia post held its instal vicinity is the announc:m?nt I N S U R A N C E lation of officers Tuesday night made Wednesday of a patriotic in the Brown building. H. E. Bill J. Horn, Agent rally to be held Tuesday, Jan- McGraw is the new commander. uary 20th at the Washington 90S Bridge Street grade school. The rally is being Phone 231, Vernonia More than 200 species of birds held in th? interest of Defense have been recorded in Texas' Bonds and is scheduled to start Big Bend National park. at 8 o’clock in the evening. City councilman, meeting Mon day evening took action on two NO EYESTRAIN HERE! matters in addition to the exami Yep! here's a smart man who got nation of th ■ regular first-of-the- month business, city bills. his glasses from us and now he’s A sample copy of the leaflets to minus those frequent headaches. be distributed all over the United I States, with the Pacific Coast being first to receive the material, was in the* hands of Vernonia Air Raid Ward n heads Wednesday afternoon. The year’s second Red Cross ! DR. C. A. PLUMSTEAD — Optometrist Phone 445 Hillsboro 233 E. Baseline For Further Information Inquire at Ku.lander’s Jewelry Star. “Yon Can’t Be Optomistic if You Have Mis’v O|>*ic«” ENJOY SUNDAY DINNER latte Take the family to the Palace Cafe for a delicious dinner. z PALACE CAFE © er. I JAKE BERGER’S hous? for rent. Electric heat, four nwms and bath, and an apartment that can be used for bedrooms. * $50 a month. House No. 1209. See hous? next door for keys. 2tfc • I I I I I ♦ I you suffer from evestrain contact— SHOP NEH ALEM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM rent HOUSE for rent Four rooms, el ctric heat, hot and cold water. $30 a month. See Bill Hodgson. S. Ros'* Ave. 2tfc < i i i i i i i ! I I • » » Colonel John P. Buehler, dis* trict engineer of ths’Seattle dis- trict, corps of engineers, has just announced the forthcoming sale of a number of buildings at the Beaver Ammunition Storage Point, near Clatskanie. This pro perty is excess to the needs of ■the defense department and is being offered to the Dublic for use in private construction. The items offered for sale are: Sentry House, Rose Reel Shelter, and a frame 2-story Farm Resi dence, 26’x46’. Interested persons may see the property by calling at the main gate of the storage point between the hours 8:00 to 12:00 a.m. and 1:00 to 4.00 p.m.. Monday through Fridays. Information and bid forms may be obtained at the storage point or at the district engineer office, corps of engineers, U. S. Army, 1735 East Marginal Way. Seattle, where the bids will be opened at 2:00 p.m., February 4, 1952. YESTERDAYS' MIST For Buys—Eagle Classifieds! of the big, middle man—4 times as damaging. Go 60 miles per hour, or 3 times as fast, and the punch is 9 times as great! Like that of the brutal giant on the right! This is why your chances of being killed or injured, or of killing, injuring, or doing heavy damage, shoot way up when you push down on the accelerator pedal and speed up your car. Watch speed! It gives you a giant's brutal power. Speed makes collisions bad. The force with which you strike a solid object increases a« the square of your speed. In a collision, your car hits 4 times as hard if you double your speed, nine times as hard if you treble your speed, says the AAA driver training book, "Sportsmanlike Driving." Let the punch of this little man on the left represent your car's striking force at 20 miles per hour. Double your speed to 40 miles, and the punch ia that Mist People Start I rip to California Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garlock and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Closner left the other day, the men folks on business to Cali fornia while the ladies stopped off to visit relatives along the way. R cent guests of the Chas. Sund lands were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sundland and Sharon from Mc Minnville, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Foster and son, Ronnie, from Stockton. California and the Foster’s daughter and husband, also from California. Bids Asked for Excess Buildings bporlsmanlike DRIVING 9:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Mrs. Carrie Smith LOW PRICES YOUR 1 ’B n It's Nehalem Market & Grocery Our shelves are filled with all sorts of canned z FREE INSPECTIONS T goeds, fresh fruits and vegetables, and meats to please the most particular housewife. CLEANING For the very best at budget prices SHOP NEHALEM HEALTH” J. D. Mendenhall NEHALEM Sanitary Septic Tank Service All Work Guaranteed — No Mileage Charge Hillsboro, Oregon Phon 3303 Rt 2, Box 302-E Toll Charges Accepted z MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 ■r. un n , AND H IN .IOHS — ll.l B ILIN .IOHS — Iti’HVHTX dOHS Bv Edd Fishir I »