Rebekahs Plan to Install At January 10 Meeting The Rebekah Lodge met Decem ber 27 and Irene Minger. Noble Grand elect, gave her charge and final plans were made for the installation to be held Janu ary 10. Disposition of the two compacts will be made at that time. Always at the first of the year, members reveal their secret pal names and receive new ones for the oncoming year, Everyone who has a nams and would like a new one is asked to come to see the new officers installed in their respect we stations and give them a boost with a big attend ance. For results—Eagle Classifieds: BARGER ELECTRIC-REPAIR REWINDING & REPAIRING AC- DC MOTORS GENERATORS APPLIANCES First House North of Reservoir on Stoney Point Road. H Z H i THE Loan Property Taxes Are Paid More than 6300 Oregon ex-ser vicemen paid 489.045 in 1951-52 property taxes on homes and farms mortgaged under the World War II Oregon state veterans’ loan program. Director William F. Gaarenstroom of the department of veterans’ affairs disclosed this week. The state veterans’ department, which administrates the loan program, actually paid the veter ans’ taxes to the counties through th? process of collecting the taxes in monthly amounts along with the borrowers' loan payments. In Columbia county, 106 vet erans paid taxes amounting to $6.743.35. By paying the taxes in advance of the November 15 deadline, the d partment effected a three per cent savings for the veterans who have loans. This savings for the current year amounted to $15,125. The taxes paid his year on veterans' state loan properties were $123,306 more than last year's, when 5200 veterans paid $365,739. Th" average tax this year per veteran amounted to $77.62. against $70.33 a year ago, for an increase of 10 per cent. HIHIHZHIHZHIHÏHXHIHXHIHTt RO*t 5W41T HOM H H H H H H H EVEN DAD CAN COOK WITH OUR FOODS! H With our delicious fresh foods cooking becomes H a pleasure instead of a ta.-k for the whole house hold. Not only are they at prices you can af H ford. but they are the very best foods obtainable. H Shop King’s today and be sure of getting the H best. H H KING’S Grocery - Market "Where Your Muñes lints More” H Phone 91 At the Mile Bridge Riverview H H H H Z H H H H H ^ hzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzmzhxhzh S FUEL FOR YOUR SPARK! Unlike oil heaters limited to the use of one •r two types of fuel oil, SPARK oil heaters give clean, efficient heat with FOUR TYPES OF FUEL OIL: • No. 1 oil or kerotene (similar to the fuel used by jet planes). • No. 2 oil. • No. 3 oil. • Motor die tel oil. Last winter.for example, SPARK heaters using common motor diesel oil provided thousands of homes throughout the nation with clean, satisfying warmth! See your SPARK dealer for a demonstra tion of this versatile, years-ahead SPARK oil bumiug heater. EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. Rites Performed At Chapel Mon. MR. AND MRS. ROBERT JONES (Edith Earl) were married at a late Novembe service at the Christian church. Installation of Officers Made A large group of friends and members of Nehalem Chapter 153, O.E.S., enjoyed the installa tion and program for the 1952 of ficers Wednesday evening, De cember 19. Presiding officers were: W.M., Frances Mullins; W.P., Paul Gor don and Marshal, Dorothy San don. Installing officers were: W. M„ Marie Hawkins; W.P., Glen Hawkins; AM, Alli? Dickson; Associate Patron, Herman Dick son; Marshal. Inez Powell; Chap lain. Minnie Hughes; Warden, Dorothy Sandon and Organist, Bess Nichols. Officers installed for 1952 were W.M. Edna Linn; W.P., Walter Linn; AM., Florence Messing; A.P., Emil Messing; secretary, Mona Gordon; treasurer, Janet Bridgers; Conductress, Florence Brunsman; Associate Conductress, Lucille Tomlin; Chaplain, Doro thy Taylor; Marshal. Frances Mullins; Organist. Elizabeth Sera fin; Adah. Mary Laramore; Ruth, Grace Currie; Esther, Mary Ann Cline; Martha, Eva Hearing; Elec ta, Celia Laird; Warden. Lillian Davis and Sentinel, Sam Hearing, Sr. The Courtesy Girls are: Emma Bush, Marie Frazee, Beverly Cline, Juanita Nance, Gladys Strong and Donna Aldrich. Following the installation of the Worthy Matron, Edna Linn, a lovely song was sung by Allie Dickson. Paige Simmons and Florence Bowerman, "My Isle of Gold n Dreams." Following in stallation of the Worthy Patron. Walter Linn, the grade school tripl" trio sang "White Christ mas." After the installation of elec tive and appointive officers, a vocal solo, "Bless This House," was sung by Amy Kamholz ac companied by Alvilda ILaring. Two pretty addendas were given. One was the 1952 officers presenting the n.w Worthy Ma tron a beautiful arm boquet of chrysanthemums and a gift from the 1952 officers. For the other, the 1951 officers gave a pretty add nda and arm boquet of chry- santhemum* and gifts to the out. going W.M. and W.P. A beautiful handmade gavel of Murr wood was given the W.M. by Emil M ssing. Alli? Dickson presented the Past Matron's jewel to Frances Mullins and gave a short resume of the friendship she has had with th" Childs fa mily and their relationship with the Order. Harry Sandon pre sented the Past Patron's jewel to Paul Gordon and welcomed him into th? ''has-been'' group. Refreshments were served downstairs in the dining hall from beautifully decorated tables carry ing out the Christmas th-me, by Frances Mullins and her commit tee. Everyone enjoyed a very sociable evening and the open ing of many beautiful gifts. Out-of-town guests present were Mr. Linn's father, J. W. Linn, of Ione and two carloads from St. Helens. I I Post, Auxiliary Plan Party on Januaiy 19 The January 8 meeting of th* Smith-Christensen Auxiliary, V ■ F.W. was held at the home of Vir ginia Walker. Plans were made for a V.F W Post and Auxiliary party which will be held Saturday, January 19. at the 10.0 F. hall. The party will start with a pot-luck dinner at 7:00 and all member* are urged to attend and bring their husbands and wives. A sizable contribution to the March of Dimes campaign was also agreed upon by the members Following the business meeting, refreshments were served by Shirley Bauersfeld, Myrna Sor ensen and Pauline King. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, January 22 at the home of Ina Bateman. For result*—Eagle Classifieds! Your ‘One-stop Saving ( enter BATTERlESNo ' 2EtXo„gCeuar’n TIRE CHAINS $7.95 and Up Repair Chains and Links BATTERY CHARGER $9.95 CAR HEATER with ail attachments $13.95 MEN’S RUBBER FOOT WEAR HEAVY SWEAT SHIRTS — Fleece Lined BOY’S FLANNEL SHIRTS $1.98 FLANNEL SHEET BLANKETS 5°« WOOL DOUBLE BLANKETS $5 98 CJIULIl.VHAVIJfflB» VERNONIA, Now on Display Here's Plymouth's smart hardtop club roupe. the Belvedere, the pace-setter in the lowest price field with its new concepts in styling and beauty. The ear has glistening, lively two-tone colors: Suede Tan with Sable Bronze top: Belmont Blue Polychromatic with Sterling Grey top; Mint Green with Black top. The color used on the roof follows the Belvedere’s streamlined contours around the spacious rear window and down over the rear deck, giving the car the continental look. Sparkling chrome molding outlines the top and carries back to separate the two colors at their junction at the rear quarter-panel. The interior is luxurious, with colorful quality fabrics and vinyl blended in perfect harmony with the shades used on the exterior. i t i i HA WREN MOTORS i I 868 Bridge Street Telephone 501 Vernonia, Ore. SEEING IS BELIEVING, SO WHY DON’T YOU COME IN TODAY AND LOOK OVER OUR WIDE SELECTION OF GROCERIES AT MONEY-SAVING PRICES TO YOU, THE CONSUMER. Sundland Electric and Appliance 786 Bridge Street Phone 581 Vernonia, FINE Grneeriea Meats- -Vegetables 3 Plymouth’s Pace-Setting New Belvedere Expert Tonsorial Work BEN’S BARBER SHOP Vernonia, Oregon IS YOUR DRIVERS LICENSE WORTH $11,000 Under the new Financial Respon sibility law now in effect in Ore gon you may be required to post as high as $11.000 in case of an auto accident—or lose your right to drive. Find out how little it costs you to insure with State Farm Mutual—the automobile in surance company that dared to be different in wavs that save you money. JAMFSJ. JOHNS — Phone 1166 1249 Bridge Si. — Vernonia. Ore. STATE FARM MUTUAL «nTOMOB'T.E INSURANCE CO. A double ring ceremony at the home of Mr. and Mrs Otto Bittner on the Rock Creek road Saturday evening unit-.d in marriag“ Miss Betty Counts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Counts, and Donald Hanson of Portland, son of Mrs. Hildur Hanson. Rev. C. F. Swander performed the ceremony. Matron of honor for the occa- m was Mrs Joyce Givens of I-aGrande, friend of the brid’. Warren Bouyear was best man. Miss Frances Kaspar was at the piano and Miss Inetta May sang "Oh Promise Me." Following the wedding a re ception. at which the bride and groom cut the four-layer cake which carried a miniature bride and groom. Twenty-eight guests were served. The coupl" will be at home at 3053 S.E. Pule street. Portland. THURSDAY. JAN 10. 1952 SAM’S FOOD STORE Free Delivery Phene 761 : : • ! I I » » I » I