2 THURSDAY, JAN 3, 1952 THE EAGLE, TOWN TOPICS Ai home for Christmas with Mr and Mrs. Ora Cockrell were i u ton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cockrell and two sons from Tacoma, Washington and also a daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs Frank Ziegler and five child­ ren from Salmon, Idaho. This is their first visit to Oregon so they ' njoyed a trip to the coast and a Christmas with her parents and brother. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kirk and ron spent their holiday vacation period with Mr. and Mrs. R. E Archibald and returned to Dant Saturday where Mr. Kirk is em­ i ployed. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ander­ ton of Kalama, Washington visi­ ted at the R E. Archibald homf December 23. Mrs. Anderson is i Mrs Archibald's sister, Lillian. Mr*. Floy Hammack, school in­ structor at Powers and formerly a resident of Vernonia, was a visitor here for several days • hortly after the December 25 I •Joi/ Theatre THU RS.. FRI. Randolph Scott Adele Jergens JAN. * BLUE GRASS OF KENTUCKY Bill Williams - Jane Nigh Plus COLORADO AMBUSH Johnny Mack Brown SUM. MON. JAN. 6 7 HERE COMES THE GROOM Bing Crosby - Jane Wyman TUES.. WED. JAN. 8 9 HIGHWAY 301 bteve Cochran - Virginia Grey , Death Learned ! Sunday Night YESTERDAYS Mist-Nehalem Unit of Extension Scheduled Meet holiday. The Mist-Nehalem Unit of home Mr. and Mrs. Joa Eggert and demonstration ’s monthly meeting family and Mr and Mrs. Harry will be held at the home of Inger RIVERVIEW — Glenn Mitch- Eckland and sons were at the Ashley on January 11, 1952 at • ell received news of the death of home of the ladies mother, Mrs. 10:30 a.m. The topic of study is Anna Partridge, for Christmas. his brother, J. W. Mitchell, in The evening before was spent at Portland Sunday night. to be "Making Draperies" and the Eckland home with Mr and will be under the project leader­ Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Callister, Mrs. C. A. Cederburg and son, ship of Myrtle Mathews and son Ronnie, and Mrs. Clara Hill Billie, also present. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hartsell spent Christmas at the home of Ethel Waddell. Mr and Mrs. A. C. Stuve at Everyon-* is asked to bring a and children, Raymond and Clara- Needy, going on to Marquam sack lunch and coffee will be cy, formerly of Vernonia, now residing at Heppner were here to where they spent a couple of furnished by the hostess. Those members leaving their visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. children in Mrs. Elsa Knowles’ H H. Sturdevant, and his sister C. C. Gibby. Earl Wantland of Whidbey care are asked to bring a sack and family, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Island. Washington and Otis Ful­ Messing. They came Saturday and lunch for the child. ler and family spent Christmas remained until Tuesday, Christ- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. mas day. Mrs. Silvia Turner spent the Alvin Wantland. Mr. and Mrs. Harvard Malm- Christmas holidays with her son and family, Mr and Mrs. George st'-n and daughter left Sunday for Albuqu' rque, New Mexico Turner of Monmouth. Also com- mg to Monmouth for Christmas where they plan to spend the RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd winter. Merle Cline spent the week end Mr. and Mrs. Louis Huntley, Stuve of Birkenfeld, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, Mr. and Mrs. son, Bob, and Mrs. J. F. Breedin at the home of her sister and Leonard Graven, Mrs. Helen and two girls spent Sunday at family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meyer in Portland. Mr and Mrs. Cline Plotts, all of Portland, and Ar­ Hillsboro at the home of Mr. celebrated their 25th wedding an­ thur Van Alstine of Roseburg. and Mrs. Handley Stubblefield. A birthday party was held on niversary Saturday. Pfc. and Mrs. Marvin Turner Friday for Leonard Badley at the Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lindsley and stopp d at Monmouth for one day enroute from Gardiner to Hood home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. children of Springfield, Mr. and Frank Slemmons. Games were Mrs. Vern Lindsley and children River for the holidays. played and refreshments of toast­ and Benny Miller spent Sunday at ed marshmallows, j dlo, cake and the W. J. Lindsley home. coco was served. Thosa present Mr. and Mrs. Spurge Golden were: Donald Gouge, Kenny Han­ and son, Wayne, of Arcata, Cali­ son, Owen and Stanley Enevol- fornia and Fritz Burkhart visited sen, Larry Hickman and Dicky at the T. H. Galloway home Sat­ Meyers, the honor guests and the urday. Slemmons family. RIVERVIEW — A birthday Mr. and Mrs. James Cox, Sr., Christmas guests at th? home of Riverside, Washington are dinner for Doris Want­ land was held Monday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Hank Hudson visiting his son and family, Mr. at the home of her parents, Mr. were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wells and and Mrs. James Cox, for a few and Mrs. Alvin Wantland. Guests daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lindy days. Hudson and daughter and Joe were Mr. and Mrs. Arch Kimball Chris. and son, Robert. Some 6.400 American airplane Robert Jones and Richard pilots have as their principal fly­ Fresh water fish and sharks do ing job the dusting and spraying Nightwine are in the hospital at Seaside suffering from burns sus­ not drink water. Other fish do. of crops. tained when the heated in the Van Vleet "crummy” exploded. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Nightwine are staying at Seaside to be near their husbands. • They happen to b* the only ones you'll ever possess so don't Max Millis of Medford spent I take any unnecessary chances with them. Whenever there is Christmas at the home of his ! the slightest doubt consult us and we will correct the mother, Mrs. Blanche Millis. j trouble for you if there is any present. See— 25 th Wedding Date Celebrated i I i I I : | ' I 1 . ' ; FIVE YEARS AGO From The Eagle. Jan. 2. 1947 Most Columbia county land is best suited to the growing of forests and most means 87 per cent, Glen Hawkins, Columbia Tree Farm manager, told the Lions club Monday at the club s noon luncheon. Jack Nance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nance, now stationed on Guam with the navy was high- point man on the Command Man- anas basketball team when they played th- 725th AAA battery and won 81-35. He scored 26 points. TEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle. Jan. 1, 1942 The Boy Scouts of Vernonia will begin the collection of waste paper of all kinds Friday and Saturday of this week. Scout­ master Ira Baucom said Monday. The work of organizing first aid headquarters and the obtain­ ing of materials for the center which will be used in the event of an air raid, was started this week by Mrs. R. D. Eby. The headquarters is at the I.O.OF. hall. Loggers Place Second November 8 — The Logger pridmen completed their season in second place in Lower Colum­ Two in Hospital Due to Burns JAN. 3-4 5UGARFOOT SATURDAY VERNONIA, ORE, donations Top Record November 15 — The visit here of the Red Cross bloodmobile was the most successful ever made in Columbia county up to this time. The unit received a total of 133 pints of blood to top the previous record of 119 pins donated at St. Helens in December, 1950. Bid Awarded for Work November 22 — Th? bid of J. M. Conley company, Port­ land, was accepted for surfacing and oiling of 5.65 miles of the Pittsburgh-Scappoose county road. Price for the job was $179,496. Loan Approval Received December 6 — Approval was granted West Oregon Electric on a recent application to the rural electrification administration for a loan of $240,000 The loan amount was given official ap­ proval for the construction of 25 miles of new line to connect up 73 new rural consumers and also for improvement and reha­ bilitation of the present system. j. I GUARD YOUR EYES! Back to school time means lunches for those growing youngsters of yours. We have a complete assortment of the best in lunch box features in our store. Drop in and select from our shelves and know you're getting the very best at prices you can afford. Phone 445 Hillsboro 233 E. Baseline For Further Information Inquire at Ku.lander’s Jewelry Stor. “You Can’t Be Optomistic if You Have Mis'y Op’>cs” I NEHALEM DR. C. A. PLUMSTEAD — Optometrist | I bia league play by tieing the league-leading Rainier Colum­ bians Friday night. Rainier won the league with six wins, no los­ ses and one tie game, while Ver­ nonia placed second with four wins, one loss and two tie games. MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 X’HXHXHXHXHXHXKXHXHXHXMXHXHXKZHHX I HAHN HARDWAR H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X Fish must be weighed in by 6 P.M. Sunday to qualify for weekly pri^e. H X H X H X H X H X H X K X H H X X H H X X H H X X H H X X H H X X H H X X H H X X H MXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXH^ STEELHEAD DERBY When you become our customer for Shell Fuel Oil we carefully build up a record of how much oil YOUR burner normally consumes. The full responsibility of keeping your tank supplied with fuel oil AT ALL TIMES is our headache, not yours. OUR AUTOMATIC DELIVERY SYSTEM INSURES YOUR COM- FORT ALL WINTER LONG. Why not enjoy this SERVICE PLUS in addition to clean, trouble­ free Shell Fuel Oil. Simply tele­ phone for prompt, courteous service. E. V. ROBERTSON Phone 542 or Phone 543 Office Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday thru Saturday Starts Saturday, January 5 Ends Tuesday, March 11 WEEKLY PRIZES GRAND PRIZE — Harnell Glass Steelhead Rod SECOND PRIZE — Ocean City Casting Reel and Line ☆ WEIGHING-IN STATIONS: HAHN HARDWARE AND SUNNYSIDE SERVICE Free Tickets Available Saturday Morning, Jan. 5 at Hahn Hardware and Sunnyside Service