« THURSDAY, NOV. 22. 1951 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—Real Estate WE CARRY a full line of May­ tag parts. SUNDLAND Electric .ind Appliance, “Nehalem Valley Appliance Dealer.” 45t3c MODERN six-room house for sale. Completely furnished, witn utilities. Inquire 141 B St. 34tfc ORDERS for your Christmas gifts Mould be fulfilled now. Hand painted articles, hemstitching and fancy aprons. Mrs. Reta Lamp­ ing, phone 67, 758 Weed Ave. 45t3 CHRISTMAS trees, any amounts. We cut or you cut. Box 402. Beaverton, Oregon. 46t3 *50 MODEL Frigidaire refrigera­ tor, excellent condition. Apply 8*11 First Ave. 45t3 YOUR treadle machine complete­ ly electrified for only $24.50. Any make. Park’s New Home Store, *4816 N. Lombard or call the Ver­ nonia Eagle. 44tfc HEMSTITCHING, buttonholes, hand crocheting, textile painted items. June Willis, 875 First Ave., phone 452. 47tfc "WOOD HEATER and Universal -car radio. Inquire 341 C street, Vernonia. 47t3 SEWING MACHINES Parks New Home representative will be in Vernonia Wednesday, November 28. Anyone wishing in­ sewing machines or who wishes repairs or electrification of any make machine, please leave formation on New Home or Pfaff name and address at Vernonia Xagle on or before November 28. 47tlc AUCTION every Friday. Misc. «ale at 10:30; livestock sells at 1:00. I do genera! auctioneering. JPieased to talk over your selling problems at any time. Walt Alt- rnan, Auctioneer, Altman’s Auc­ tion Mart, Forest Grove. Phone ilt!215. 37tfc "MUSIC BRINGS HAPPINESS” For the family­ new spinet piano. or new Hammond organ, Ternis like rent. $5.00 deposit holds for Christmas delivery, Write or call KORTEN’S Longview. Wash. Phone 3400 46t6c -RAISE Chinchillas for Profit! •As high as 500% profit the first »ear. Pairs with litters, pairs carrying, young pairs. Terms can be arranged. For in­ formation see D. O. Smith at The Club. 16tfc HAY AND STRAW for sale. Fail prices as to quantity and quality. Elmer Bergerson. 39tfc E. DON SIMMONSON registered Piano Tuning and Servicing. Member National Ass’n. Piano •liners. Contact Mrs. Fullerton, Phone 837. 3itfc CRUSHED ROCK FOR roads and driveways. Also have -rand and gravel and fill dirt. See D. P. Spofford or call 1023. 36tfc FOR SALE—Machinery *50 GAS caterpiller dozezr, caryall drum. Can be seen at H. W. German’s place 2M- miles out on Keasey Rt. Can be demonstrated. A. F. Steinke, Rt. 3, Hillsboro. 46t3 FOR SALE—Insurance LIFE, Fire, Car and Accident Insurance. Oregon Automobile Insurance Co. H. Hudson and George Bell. 26tfc CLASSIFIED RATES MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 wordr or less. Words over min­ imum. 2c each. Three inser­ tion* for the price of two. CARD of Thanks 8c Notices: 80c NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. ACCEPTED AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK’S PAPER. THE EAGLE assumes no finan­ cial responsibility for errors ibat may appear in ads pub­ lished in its columns, but in case where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typo­ graphical mistake occurs. BLIND ads with answers to be handled by the Eagle: Minimum charge 80c. No information given relative to such ads. No information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. PCETRY accepted only as paid matter. Rate: 5c par type lint. CREDIT ADDS. 10c EXTRA FOR BILLING. WANTED BABY SITTING, day, night or hour, at my home. Phone 438. 39tfc WILL PAY TOP prices for all livestock. Will pick up at your place. Grant C. Dodge, Forest Grove, Rt. 2, Box 15. 50tfc HIGHEST cash prices paid for .•ream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream­ ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone 126. 14tfc LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE: The County Court of Columbia County, Oregon, has appointed Lee Haverstick as ad­ ministrator of the estate of Earl GSorge Haverstick, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present them with proper vouchers to the said administrator at the of­ fice of Patterson and Bush, Joy Theater Building, Vernonia, Ore­ gon within six months from Nov­ ember 1, 1951. Lee Haverstick, Administrator PATTERSON AND BUSH Attorneys for estate. 44t5e RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Claude Gibson and Mrs. Keith Laloli of Cedar Hills, spent Monday visiting their mother, Mrs. Clara Barnett at St. Helens. Mrs. Bar­ nett returned here with them and on Tuesday Mrs. Gibson and son. Claude, Jr., drove the visiting ladies to Cedar Hills. Mrs. Albert Brunsman of La Moure, N.D. spent last week end at the home of her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bruns­ man. She spent the week in Portland visiting her daughter and returned here for this week end. Other guests at the Dave Brunsman home this week end were: Warrant officer and Mrs. Bert Brunsman and two children from Camp Stoneman, Pittsburg, California, and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Muir and three children of Renton, Washington. The Bert Brunsman’s will remain here for his 10-day leave. Mrs. Artie Buckner returned home from a visit with her son. Ray, and family at Hillsboro on Tuesday. Her son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Buck­ ner, of Tillamook spent the week end with her. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: WALTER JAMES TURNER Deceased, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed executrix of the estate of Walter James Turner, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Colum­ bia, and has qualified. All per­ sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre­ sent the same duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned at 306 Portland Trust Building, Portland, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published, Oc­ tober 25, 1951. Last date of publication Novem­ ber 22, 1951. Hattie Buckley, Executrix Lester Sheeley, 306 Portland Trust Building, Attorney. Word of Death Brought Family FOR SALE—Livestock WORK HORSE. See Sam Devine, Mist Rt. 47tl LOST AND FOUND FOUND: Boston bulldog. Inquire at 1174 Columbia street. 46t3 MISCELLANEOUS AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY. Misc. Sale 11:00, Livestock Sale 1:00. Clatskanie Community Auc­ tion. Quarter mile East of Clats­ kanie on highway 30. Phone 1600. 28tfc NEW, HOME LAUNDRY. Family washing washed and dried, 15c lb. Finished at reasonable rates. Also curtain stretching. Mrs. E. M. York, 108 A. St., phone 1107. Sttfc POR RENT FOR RENT—Comfortable, nicely furnished room with kitchen privileges. Inquire 479 Rose Ave. Fullerton Apartments. 45t3c APARTMENT and a sleeping room. 376 North Street, L. M. Porterfield. 37tfc FOR RENT: 3-rm. house partly furnish"d. Gas range and water heater on Shady Lane. Inquire at Clifford Fowler’s on 3rd St., Riverview. 47t3 An Indian campground, believ­ ed to be from five to seven thous­ and years old. has been discover­ ed on the Columbia river, two miles upriver from McNary. Water from the dam will soon cover the site and it is being ex­ plored by the Smithsonian Insti­ tute. RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poole and daughter of Seaside spent the week end at the Jewell Lloyd home. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Young of McMinnville are moving into Mrs. Mill’s small house this week. Cpl. Lee Lindsley arrived at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lindsley, Tuesday. Cpl. Lindsley has just returned to the U.S. after spending one and one-half years in Korea and Japan. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Alice Mills were Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Woodruff and two boys of Portland, Ho- ward Trembley of Castle Rock, Washington and Barbara Owen. Mrs. S. J. Parsons accompanied the Woodruffs to Portland Sun­ day evening and went on to Seattle Monday where she plans to spend several weeks with her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parker of Coquille and son, Leo, who has been in the air corps at Ran­ dolph Field, Texas, visited Mrs. Annie Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Solomon Thursday. After his leave Leo will report to a new location in Louisiana. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cooper of Tacoma spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mitchell. Army Man Here During Leave IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA FOR SALE—PIGS. Weaners to butcher. Hogs, anything you want. Bred gilts. Ken West, west of airport. 46t3 Bowling Results Corporal Home From Overseas RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Kemper and three children of Forest Grove visited her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wirtz Wednesday, bringing news of the death of Mrs. Wirtz's mother, Mrs. Mary Buckmiller, at Jeffer­ son, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Schalock and two girls of St. Helens visited at the Albert Schalock home on Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mitchell spent Wednesday in Portland on business, visiting her daughter, Mrs. Neil Ward, at Hillsboro on their return trip. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Williams and daughters of Portland spent the week end at the home of Mrs Williams brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wantland. A.T.A.N. Earl Wantland of Whid- bey Island, Washington also spent the week end with his par­ ents. Fossils of three and five-toed Eohippus horses are found in the John Day Fossil beds near John Day. INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Won Lost Standings 26 10 Sundland Electric 23 13 Lew’s Place 21 15 V. F. W. 15 21 Eagle Lodge 12 24 Safeway Store ' 11 25 Oregon-American VFW 1 Sundlands 3 747 867 875 936 873 899 2676 2521 Sundlands — high game L. Clos- ner, 204; series G. Bacon, 561. VFW — high game K. Bauers- feld, 215; series J. Kent, 616. Eagies 3 Lew’s 1 839 909 896 2645 Eagles — high game and senes, R. Aldrich, 231 and 561. Lew’s — high game and series, R. Schneibel, 216 and 582. O-A 1 Safeway 3 907 874 858 912 810 840 2575 believe it - A lot of people do-but they're wrong ! “Rats Will Desert a Sinking Ship” It is an ancient belief that rats on shipboard, through premonition and treachery, will desert a ship facing disaster. Rats probably don’t have premonitions — and there is no evidence that they are more treacherous than comparable animals. 2626 O-A — high game and series, F. O’Brien 220 and 545. Safeway — high game and series, H. Gwin, 217 and 578. CITY LEAGUE Standings Won Lost Dessy’s 23 13 Hoffman Hardware 22 14 The Club 19 17 Pal Shop 16 20 IOOF Lodge 15 21 Heath Service 13 23 IOOF 0 Pal Shop 4 748 792 811 865 839 882 2398 | d ) on ' t you 2549 IOOF — high game W. Parker, 218; series, H. Gwin 557, Pal Shop — high game R. Stur­ devant, 200; series, W. Landers, 563. Dessy’s 4 Heaths 0 907 851 874 850 812 737 “Beware of Food Left in Open Cans” Fahe! A release by the United States Department of Agriculture states: “It is just as safe to keep canned food in the can it comes in — if the can is cool and covered — as it is to empty the food into another container.” 518 Drivers Lose Licenses in Oct. Some 518 Oregonians lost their cretionary action, usually involv­ drivers licenses through suspen­ ing misrepresentation on the part 2593 2438 sions or revocations during Oc­ of applicants for drivers licenses. Dessy’s — high game D. Fletcher, tober according to Earl T. New- 206; series L. Wiese, 563. Heath’s — high game W. Parker, bry, secretary of state. The fi­ Week End Spent with gure, one of the highest for the 189; series O. Fuller, 503. Friends at Garibaldi Hoffman’s 3 The Club 1 year, came almost on the heels of the department's statement 854 TREHARNE—Mrs. G. C. Kirk­ 870 934 781 that it was going to “crack down bride of Vernonia and Mrs. Byron 889 835 on potential highway killers.” Kirkbride rode to Tillamook Fri­ 2677 Driving while intoxicated cost day night with Mr. and Mrs. 2486 more licenses than any other Hoffman’s - high game and Lester McNair and Mr. and Mrs. offense, with 302 convictions on Dick McNair. They all enjoyed series, J. Kent, 224 and 623. The Club — high game and series, this charge. Under Oregon law, a baked salmon dinner at Jack a drunken driving conviction Rileys home in honor of Mike B. Durette 222 and 574. makes suspension of driving Riley’s birthday, Later in the privileges mandatory, Newbry evening Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carl- said. ; Suspensions were also son and son, Jack, of Garibaldi handed out to 53 drivers for drove down and took the Mes­ reckless : driving and 37 for viola- dames Kirkbride home with them. tion of the basic rule involving Sunday Miss Edwina Siedelman, speed. / Jean Kirkbride, Byron Kirkbride Henry Orwig and his square The state department also con­ i and Ed Siedelman drove to Gari­ Dance orchestra of Dundee will tinued its get tough policy with baldi. After enjoying a sea food play for the Washington County drivers known as “repeaters.” dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirk­ Square Dance Jamboree to be Eleven licenses were suspended bride drove over to Bay Ocean held November 30, 8:30 to 12 because of repeated traffic viola­ and took pictures after which p.m., at the Shute Park audi- tion convictions or accidents. In they returned home in the even­ torium in Hillsboro. addition, the department con­ ing. Proceeds from the benefit dance tacted 180 other repeaters during will go to the Eugene hospital the month. Turning over a new leaf doesn’t for crippled children. Realizing Other suspensions came on less count so much as the writing the great financial need of the serious driving charges or dis- done on it. institution to carry on its bene­ ficial work, Oregon junior club women have undertaken to help HZHZHZHZHXHZHIHXHIHZHXHXH the hospital as one of their year­ ly projects. The Hillsboro square dance event is being planned by four Washington county junior clubs; Scholls, Hillsboro and Forest Grove Junior Women’s Clubs and Pacific Progress club of Forest Grove. Mrs. Tom Dickison is general chairman. Dance Jamboree To Aid Hospital The 42 people who live at Crater Lake National Park the year around, lived with 200 inches (17 feet) of snow during the winter of 1950-51. The park does not open officially until June 15. Standard Typewriter for Rent $1.00 per Week GUARANTEED USED CARS Two-Day Free Driving Trial Same Location 18 Years! St. Helens Motors Phone 87 St. Helens, Oregon VERNONIA EAGLE HXHZHZHXHZHZHXHZHZHZHZHXH 0 MUTT AND JEFF By Bud Fisher I i