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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1951)
VERNONIA BRANCH LDS 10:00 a.m. — Sunday school con venes under supervision of Russell R. Snook. 11:30-12 — Priesthood meeting. 7:30 p.m. — Sacrament meeting commences under direction of Earl P. Genzer. 7:30 Tuesday — MIA meetings alternately at Buxton and Ver nonia. Tuesday evenings — Primary children group meets under supervision of M. Erline Olson. 10:00 a.m. Wednesday—Branch Relief society meets. Rhoda J. Woods, president. Visitors cordially welcomed at all meet ings. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST (Colored) —Elder J. C. Foster, Minister Services every Sunday at 1:30 and 7:30. Sunday will be an important day at the Christian church. C. K. Swander has prepared a spe cial sermon for the morning service, followed by the dedica tion service for the visitation program which will terminate with home coming day on Janu ary 6. The family night dinner and business meeting will be held at noon next Sunday instead of at the usual time on Wednesday evening. It is. a pot-luck din ner and all members and friends of the church are invited. Party Entertains Young People of Church Sat. The young people of the Chris- tian church had a halloween party last Saturday evening with lots of goblins and ghosts. It is reported that the evening was a spooky success and enjoyed by everyone present. Mrs. Vila Smith and Mrs. Leila Harris sponsor the group. Ft I owship Meeting to T<_ke Place Day Later AT THE CHURCHES Special Sermon, Dedication Set GEMS OF THOUGHT i SILENCE “ Speech is silvern, Silence is golden”; or, as I might rather express it, Speech is of Time, Silence is of Eternity.” —Thomas Carlyle Silence is the perfectest herald of joy: I were but little happy if I could say how much. —William Shakespeare Surely human affairs would be far happier if the power in men to be silent the same as that to speak. But experience more than sufficiently teaches that men govern nothing with more difficulty than their ton- —Benedict Spinoza gues. If people would confine their talk to subjects that are profit able, that which St. John in forms us took place once in heaven, would happen very fre quently on i arth.—silence for the space of half an hour. —Mary Baker Eddy a The temple of our purest thoughts is silence. —Mrs. S. J. Halo Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving wordy evidence of the —George Elliot 1 I I I evening meeting of the Christian Woman's Fellowship has been postponed one day. It will be held at the church on Saturday evening at 7 o’clock and will be followed by the party which the Ninety and Nine Men are giving for the women. It promises to be an interesting evening. | Halloween Party Attracts I Class of Sunday School The Young People’s class of the Nazarene Sunday school, met in the Young People's room for a Hallowe’en party. After an even, ing of games, refreshments of doughnuts and apple cider were served. Those present were, Ada and Pat Normand, Joanne Brown, Pauline King, Janet Hoyt, Mari lyn Paulson, Melvin Cox, LeRoy Whitmire, Pat Lloyd, Bobby Rose, John Salquist and John Daniels. Mr. and Mrs. G. Brown and Mrs. H. Russell supervised the evening. NAZARENE CHURCH —H. L. Russell, Pastor Residence — 1208 — Bridge 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. 6:30 p.m.—Y'ung Peoples service 7:30 p.m. — Evening service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. — Prayer meeting. 7:30 — Preaching service. 7:30 Wed. — Prayer meeting. TWICE A WEEK CHRISTIAN CHURCH FAST SHIRT — C. F. Swander SERVICE 9:45 — Bible school. In Wed. — Back Sat. 11:00 — Morning worship. In Sat. — Back Th'irs. Sermon: “Character of Jesus.' »I 6:30 — Young People’s meeting. Same service for Dry 7:30 — Evening worship. Cleaning. (No extra Sermon: "In the Beginning.” charge) Bring To— 7:30 Wed. — Prayer meeting and bible study. BEN BRICKEL’S VERNONIA INDEPENDENT BARBER SHOP Meeting In the Legion Hall Gerald F. Heskett, pastor 0:45 — Bible School. M. L. Herrin, Superintendent. and 11:00 — Morning worship service 7:00 — Youth Meeting. 6:00 — Evening evangelistic ser vice. 8:00 Wed. — Prayer meeting and Bible Study. VERNONIA EVANGELICAL Paul D. Sisler, Minister THERE’S ONE WAY TO 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. Mrs. FIND OUT — I.esta Garner, Sup’t. YOU NEED 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. /i A thorough eye examination will Sermon, “You Are What You t y <7X/ OX determine whether or not your Read.” »yes need help. See us TODAY! 6:30 p.m. — Youth Fellowship. ! 7:30 p.m. — Evening service. i DR. C. A. PLUMSTEAD — Optometrist Message, “Prepared for Life ! Phone 445 Hillsboro 233 E. Baseline or Death.” I For Further Information Inquir" nt Ktulander's Jewelry Store 6:30 p.m. Mon. — Gideon Camp “You Can't Be Optomistic if You Have Mis’y Op -ca” Fire potluck dinner and meet ... « ------------------------ ing. 2:00 p.m. Tues. — Deborah So- ciety meeting. 1:45 p.m. Wed. — Women’s So- ciety of World Service. 7:30 p.m. Wed. — Midweek scr- Knights of Pythias Harding Lodge No. 116 vice and Council of Adminis Vernonia, Oregon tration. Regular meetingai 7:00 p.m. Thurs. — Choir practice. Meetings Legion 2 & 4 Fri., 8 p.m. ' FIRST BAPTIST Hall, Second and —Rev. K. G. West Kent Bauersfeld, Commander Fourth Mondays The Church with a Bible Message Chuck Johnson, Adjutant Each Month 9:45 — Sunday school. auxiliary 11:00 — Preaching. Regularly meet»: 1st & 3rd Wed. Wm. D. Shafer, Chancellor 6:30 p.m. — B.T.U. 4-50 Commander 7:45 p.m. — Preaching Oscar G. Weed, Secretary 7:00 p.m. Wed. — Prayer meeting A. F. & A. M. Pythian Sister* Vernonia Lodge No. 184 ASSEMBLY OF GOD Vernonia Temple No. 61 —Rev. W. A. McBride, Pastor A.F. 4 A.M. meets at Meeting*: I.O-O.F. Hall Stated Masonic Temple 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. Second and Fourth Wednetdaj 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. first Communication of each month 6:45 p.m. — Young people. Thursday of each month. 7:45 p.m. — Evening worship. at 7:30 p.m. 7:45 p.m. Wed. — Prayer meeting. “You will find a friendly wel VERNONIA Sam Hearing, Jr„ W.M. come in our worship services. 1-51 Ray Mills, Sec’y ST. MARYS CATHOLIC LIONS Order of Eastern Star —Rev. J. H. Goodrich CLUB —Rev. Grammond Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Mass at 9:30 Regular com MEETS EVERY munication first SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST MONDAY EVENING and 3rd Wed. Services on Saturday: Palace Cafe 10:00 a.m. — Sabbath school. of each month Cecil Johnson, President 11:00 a m. — Preaching, mission at Masonic Teno Don Bayley, Secretary ary programs or Bible study. pie. All visiting Laundry and Dry Cleaning Oregon Laundry Dry Cleaners I LODGE flKD CLUB NOTICES V. F. W Vernonia Lodge No. 246 sisters and broth« erg welcome. France, Mullin,. Worthy Matron Mona Gordon, Sec’y.1 1-51 Meets Every Tuesday 8 p. M. Wilbur E. Wilson, Noble Grand Wm. D. Shafer, Secretary Vernonia F. O. E. (Fraternal Order Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge Meet, 2nd and 4th evening, of each month I.O.O.F, Hall. Faye Davis. Noble Grand Irene Minger. Vice Grand Evelyn Thompson. Secretary Annetta Pearl. Financial Sec’y. Edna Heenan. Treasurer 3-51 BY GEO. N. TAYLOR Portland. Oregon Clank—Clank—Clank. The ho tel guest heard the rattle of chains and looked out to see the’ prisoners file from the jail to work out their fines on the coun ty roads, with pick and shovel. In days gone by, it was. Pick and shovel. Rain or Shine. But that was as nothing compared to the fate of such as go out at death to meet their sins at the J udgement—and then to eternal woe. — “For when we were yet without strength, i n due time Christ died for the ungodly. And “ — Being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him” — Both verses from Ro mans 5th. By the Apostle Paul, who called himself the chief of sinners. God’s Part — Out of his great Father heart, God gave die for us. Our part is to be believe Christ as dying for us. And that He cam? up from death by glorious resurrection to give ous new ways and days and eternal life. This space paid for by a Wash ington county family. Life for most of us is a con- tinuous process of getting used to the things we hadn’t expected. VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, NOV. I, 1958 T Nazarene Sunday School Entertained Tuesday The Nazarene Sunday school met at the Legion hall, Tuesday to enjoy an evening of entertain ment. About 60 people were pre sent for the occasion. Leaders for the different divisions for the evening were Joanne Brown, Ada Normand and Marilyn Paul son. Joanne’s group were the winners. Those receiving high honors for the work done in the past six weeks were: Virginia Cox, Pat Normand, Mrs. G. Brown, Karen Russell, Mrs. Carl Schaumberg, Mr. Gilbert Brown and Harry Russell. The Young People's class of the Evangelical U.B. Sunday School sponsored a halloween party at the Sisler home Tuesday evening, October 30. The following young people enjoyed the evening: Doris Hah- meyer, Pat Stiff, Harriet Heath, June Cunningham, Marguerite Thomas, Frances Kaspar, Marga ret Brissett, Mary Jane Galloway, Dick .Elliot, Arleigh Laramore, Larry Garner, Wayne Thomas, Ed Fo Tester, Larry Brown, Rich ard Bayes, Bob Allen, Buzz Tapp and Phil Sisler. Enlistment in Marines Started NATAL — Bill Lydie enlusSe*' in the marines last week aixf ar. stationed at San Diegot Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ruffin^y and children of Vernonia were callers at the Hershey home Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor baby spent Tuesday night at fte- Gene Northrup home at Banks Visitors at the Clair Devin«. Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Jotar Gordon of Delena and Mr. aneM Mrs. Herb Edmonds and girls dtf ’ Mayger. Several from here the masquerade dance in Vw • nonia Saturday night anti »ex ported a swell time. Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack «err in Clatskanie Monday afternonn. Crown Zelierbach t> usint” ttnr L. Choate field for a landing- place place for their helicx>p*csr EUB Young People Party At Sister Home Tuesday Symptoms of Distress Arising fraaa « Wealth may not bring true hap piness, but there are some folks who would be satisfied with its good imitations. STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACI1> QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST Ask About 15-Day Trial OH? • Over four mill ion bottle« of the Wtrj.<an» T reatment have iw*en sold for reiitrf symptoms of distress arising from StsMwacfln and Duodenal Ulcers due to Excess JtaAt— Pocr Digestion, Sour or Upset SteasmAu. Gassiness, Heartburn, Sleeplessnes*. duo to Excess Acid. Ask for “WIAaWV. Message" which fully explains tills reoMMdfe- able home CrcatmeuV tree—at THE VERNONIA DRUG COL ATTENTION ARE YOU DOING YOUR DUTY BY YOUR CITY AND YOUR COMMUNITY BY TRYING TO PAY YOUR BILLS PROMPTLY WHEN THEY ARE DUE? REMEMBER Your cily i, just al strong as the financial rating of iis marchants: andlhey, in turn ere just as strong as the financial rating of iis people WHEN YOU RECEIVE ONE OF OUR Pioneer Service County Credit Board statements bearing our registered trademark. try to pay your accounts in full, part pay, br satisfactorily arrange to pay. and keep your city and your community financially strong. • The man who pays is welcome everywhere. ® The man who does not pay soon loses his credit rating; then eventually his good name; and finally he becomes a social cutcast. Try to pay and keep your credit good. / PIONEER SERVICE CREDIT INFORMATION IS MOST VALUABLE • NO COMMISSIONS ARE CHARGED ON COLLECTIONS • ALL MONEY IS PAID DIRECT TO CREDITORS PIONEER SERVICE COMPANY, Inc. (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1926) The largest business and professional men’s organization in the Northwest. "The Merchants’ Own Organization” OREGON — IDAHO — UTAH — NEVADA DIVISION DIVISION OFFICE I.O.O.F. Build’ng, Eugene, Oregon P.O. Box 471 STATE OFFICE Boise, Idaho P.O. Box 1616 Dr. William A. Pollock OPTOMETRIST Watrous Building Over the Bus Depot Forest Grove. Oregon Phone Forest Grove 941 I WATCH FOR GREEN & BLACK HANDBILLS WITH ACCOUNTS FOR SALE 858 lit Ave Vernonia Columbia Encampment No. 89 will meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Louis Schroeder. Chief Patriarch Wm. D. Shafer, Scribe 1-51 Eagle,) of E agle . i ■ I- Meets Every Friday THE HOUSEWIFE'S FIRST 8 P. M. CHOICE ÄLWÄYS Trenton T. Garner, 1 Rex Normand, Sec’y American Legion VERNONIA POST Order today from 11» Meet, first and Third Mon. Each Meath. AUXILIARY Fixsi and Third Tuesdays SAM'S FOOD STORE Free Delivery Phone 711 Fine Groceries Muis Produce