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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1951)
« THURSDAY, NOV. 1, 1951 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SAI.E^—General FOR SALE—Real Estate TOUR treadle rtfdHllne complete- j 44 ACRES, 6-rm. house, electric electrified for only $24.50. Any pump, hot and cold water. Some make. Park’? N qw Home Store, good second growth. Saw timber •»816 N. Lombard or call the Ver- mostly red fir. Two good tiled etmia Eagle. , 44tfc wells. Good hen house, hog 1 ■HE Superflame oil heater. W. i house, double garage. About 10 T. Lilley, 675 Second St., Ver , acres cleared. Strawbefries. By nonia, Oregon. 44tl i owner. Terms. H. W. German, I IVi mi. North Vernonia. 44t3 WOOD or oil range, whte enamel. MODERN six-room house for $65 cash, bargain. John Liepold, sale. Completely furnished, 2512 S. E. Kelly, Portland 2, Ore- . * ije Phone EMpir.e 8769. 44t3 with utilities. Inquire 141 B St. 34tfc WALNUTS. Pick yourself, 10c FARMS AND ACREAGE tt> Already picked, but green, 15c Th. Dryed 25c lb. L. E. ‘•2 ACRE, good building site, in city limits. Only $325, good Ellis, Mist Rt., Vernonia. 44t2 terms. 7TO little pigs; McCormick 10- HOMES ■20 tractor, good shape; chickens, VERY NICE 4-rm. semi-modern etc. H. W. German, IVi mile house; garage and fruit room. ¡North of Vernonia. 44t3 Furniture goes plus 1937 Dodge sedan at only $2850. ALL steel trailer with hitch, $25. FOR SALE OR RENT: Just re Brass bed with springs, $12.50. modeled 3-robm modern house, Two-drum heater, farm tools. close in. Newly decorated in Dvviug to Portland. White house side and out. Price $4000. $500 w-erner Weed and Maple. 44t3 down, easy payments. CIRCULATOR wood heater, good VERY NEAT little 3-rm. modern house with ft basement. Close «"undition, priced reasonably. Can in. Foundation and sub floor be seen at 208 North St., Ver started to add another room. nonia. 43t.3 —' t Only $2500. WOOD RANGE, coils and water JUST redecorated: 4-rm. modern tank. Very good condition. $50.00. house, 2 bed-rooms. Lots of V L. Blount, 5th St., Riverview. built-ins. Two lots go with 42t3 this at $3850. Good terms. AUCTION every Friday. Misc. VERY NICE little 4-room modern house. Has 2 bedrooms and ■sale at 10:30; livestock sells at fruit room. Just redecorated. >: HI/. I do general auctioneering. Only $2750. 'Pleased to talk over your selling DON BAYLEY, BROKER problems at any time. Walt Alt Vernonia man, Auctioneer, Altman’s Auc- MacDonald Hotel 44tlc t*un Mart, Forest Grove. Phone 16215.____________________ 37tfc WANTED________ ’ SPINET PIANO Mtiumed from rant — a real buy Tor information write: KORTEN’S Longview, Washington Home of the Hammond Organ 27tfe HAISE Chinchillas for Profit! A k high as 500% profit the first year. Pairs with litters, pairs marrying, young pairs. Terms xatu be arranged. For in- Jbrmaition see D. O. Smith at The ■ Club._____________________ 16tfc ■HAY AND STRAW for sale. Fair prices as to quantity and BABY SITTING, day, night or hour, at my home. Phone 438. 39tfc WILL PAY TOP prices for all livestock. Will pick up at your place. Grant C. Dodge, Forest Grove, Rt. 2, Box 15. 50tfc HIGHEST cash prices paid for •ream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone 126.______________________ 14tfc FOR RENT____________ APARTMENT and a sleeping room. 376 North Street, L. M. Porterfield. 37tfc .quality. Elmer Bergerson. 39tfc MISCELLANEOUS IE DON SIMMONSON registered IrPiarw Tuning and Servicing. Member National Ass’n. Piano hmers. Contact Mrs. Fullerton, •Phone 837. 31tfc AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY. Misc. Sale 11:00, Livestock Sale 1:00. Clatskanie Community Auc tion. Quarter mile East of Clats kanie on highway 30. Phone 1600. 28tfc ■ALL SIZES of crushed rock for noads and driveways. Also have ^nvd and gravel and fill dirt. See I) P. Spofford or call 1023. 36tfc FCJR SALE—Cars, Trucks '36 FORD with ’37 motor. Good tires. Fair condition. Bargain. * E. Ellis, Mist Rt., Vernonia. 1 __________________________44tl 4« STUDEBAKER 2-ton flatbed, 2 speed axle; 36,000 miles. In- •qurre of George Hahn at Hoff man Hardware.____________ 42t3 FOR SALE—Machinery MACHINERY TT.r ?cw f’ORDSON tractor with mag. and belt pulley $50.00 V50 CASE VAC with new Eagle hitch hydraulic system. Starter, lights. 11x28 tires $1325 USED 2-bottom wheel plows priced for quick sale. ¡5 DOUBLE disc, new $200 -fr 3 COVER crop disc on rubber t ires, new $250 TRACTOR mow.r $50.00 IRRIGATION systems, ask for estimate. SHALMON LIBEL J. 1. Cas • Dealer — Mist, Oregon ___ 44t2c CROAT taper splitting machine, vili cut Hollywoods. New con- ditaun. Can be had at a great savmR. Frank Lyon. Hamlet Rt., Seaside, 1 mi. west of Trout Hatchery, Sunset highway. Ph. 161 Hl.___________________ 4114,. i OR SALE—Insurance LIFE, Fire, Car and Accident insurance. Oregon Automobile insurance Co. II. Hudson and Ceorge Bell. 26tfc LOG SCALE BOOKS Vernonia Eagle NEW, HOME LAUNDRY. Family washing washed and dried, 15c lb. Finished at reasonable rates. Also curtain stretching. Mrs. E. M. York, 108 A. St., phone 1107. 3«tfr MRS. WILMA BORTON, corres pondent for Journal "and Ore gonian. Includes obituaries if notified. Obituaries printed soon as possible, no charge. Residence 856 Rose Ave., Vernonia. 42t3 LEGAL NOTICE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: WALTER JAMES TURNER Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has b-en appointed executrix of the estate of Walter James Turner, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Colum bia. and has qualified. All per sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned at 306 Portland Trust Building, Portland. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published. Oc tober 25, 1951. Last date of publication Novem ber 22, 1951. Hattie Buckley, Executrix Lester Sheeley, 306 Portland Trust Building, Attorney. CLASSIFIED RATES MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 words or less. Words over min imum, 2c each. Three inser tions for the price of two. CARD of Thanks & Notices: 80c NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY Bowling Results WOMEN'S LEAGUE Oregon American ___________24 Betty’s Cafe ______________ 22 Lew’s Place __ 21 Dessy’s Alleys __ 15 Vernonia Drug ____________ 15 Johnson’s Service ................ 15 Rebekah Lodge ___________ .11 The Vernonia Eagle _________ 7 Team high series, O-A, 1866; team high game O-A, 641; high individual series, Hazel Ship man, 528; high individual game, Agnes Blount, 194. Splits picked up: Fran Choate, 2-7; Dorothy Schneibel, 3-7-10; Jean Striker, 5-6-10 twice; Gertrude Schalock, 5-7 and Jean Hudson, 4-5. CITY LEAGUE Standings Won Lost Lew’s Place 17 7 Sundland Electric 16 8 V. F. W. 15 9 The Eagles 12 12 O-A 7 17 Safeway Store 5 19 Sundland’s 3 Eagles 1 859 874 983 956 1038 867 2380 26S7 Sundland’s — high game E. Ade 249, high series C. Cederburg 620. Eagles — high game J. Kent 220, high series B. Shuman, 584. Safeway 1 Lew’s Place 3 843 888 907 902 872 892 262! 2682 Safeway -- high game B. Curl, 204; high series Stam, 545. Lew’s — high game and series, R. Schneible 558 and series also R. Brandow, 558. O-A 0 V.F.W. 4 920 922 862 928 958 961 2740 2811 O-A — high game and series, F. O’Brien 228 and 563. OUT OF THE WOODS . . . Some Science Douglas firs want a clearing to grow in, while the West Coast hemlock thrives in shade. The rise of an even-aged stand of Deuglas fir seedlings can only be where fire or logging has left the soil considerably exposed to sunlight. As a dense stand of young Douglas fir grows on, and thins itself, hemlock, cedars and balsm firs begin to show as an understory, for they are “tolerant” of shade. So the picture of the start of “the cycle from Douglas fir to hemlock” was painted by Thorn ton T. Munger more than ten years ago in the science maga zine, "Ecology.” I have treasured a reprint of it all this time. I am told by experts that it re mains a sound and masterful piece of work, giving due credit to Allien, Judd, McArdle and others whose studies had led them to call Douglas fir “a tem porary type” of tree. That is, we probably have a Douglas fir forest today because of fires of centuries ago. The fires cleaned vast areas but left islands of seed trees of Doug las fir, the champion of champ ions for growth on clear, open forest land. As burn followed burn Western Washington and Oregon became the Douglas fir region. Stop fire and stop log ging both in the region and Douglas fir would gradually dis appear. This last is my picture, not Mr. Munger’s. He is a strictly scien tific observer. But even I don’t pretend to imagine how it all started in the first place. Five Centuries Mr. Munger tells that in its second hundred years the Doug las fir stand thins out consider- LEGAL NOTICE I ably. Some trees die from wind, NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1 snow, sun, bugs, and sickness. NOTICE: The County Court of Wherever room is made, up Columbia County, Oregon, has shoots a shade-tolerant species of appointed Lee Haverstick as ad seedling. At the end of the ministrator of the estate of Earl second century the hemlocks have George Haverstick, deceased. All commonly rooted into a definite persons having claims against place in the stand. said estate are required to present At 302 years the smaller shade them with proper vouchers to loving trees are apt to outnum the said administrator at the of ber the bigger Douglas firs. At fice of Patterson and Bush, Joy this age the big trees are mature, Theater Building, Vernonia, Ore gon within six months from Nov V.F.W. — high game J. Kent, 212; high series M. Anderson, 595. ember 1, 1951. INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Lee Haverstick, Administrator I Standings Won Lost PATTERSON AND BUSH Dessy’s 15 9 Attorneys for estate. 15 9 44t5e The Club Hoffman’s 12 12 The Board of Directors of School Heath’s Service 11 13 District Union High School No. I.O.O.F. 10 14 1 Jt. 8 Columbia and Washington Pal Shop 9 15 counties will receive sealed bids IOOF 1 The Club 3 cn the following school equip 841 891 ment. 836 • 840 1 only K 100 W Sheldon In 871 850 structors Science desk, or 2548 2581 equal of competitive make. IOOF — high game and series, 6 only No. J 112 W Sheldon H. Gwin 186 and 547. Student Desk 4 place, or The Club — high game B. Du- equal of competitive make. Rette 204; high series W. Folsom, 1 Medart No. 420 Modified 551. Fixed Wall-braced Basketball Dessy’s 1 Hoffman’s 3 Backstop or equal of competi 899 889 tive make. 806 910 1 Medart No. 261 Suspended 834 911 Swing-up Type Basketball 2539 2710 Backstop or equal of competi Dessy’s — high game and series. tive make. D. Laird, 218 and 558. (Overhead pipe for this backstop Hoffman’s — high game and to be determined by building series. R. Burns, 223 and 563. conditions.) Heath’s 3 Pal Shop 1 Bids will be opened at the regu 925 866 lar monthly meeting Monday, No 863 903 vember 12 at 8 p.m. The board 926 906 reserves the right to reject any 2714 2675 and all bids. Heath’s — high game and series, Mona Gordon, Clerk O. Fuller 230 and 635. Warne Empey, Principal Pal Shop — high game and 44t2c series, C. Hall 232 and 653. The ra’ny and cold weather ahead is a challenge to your auto. To help your car meet this rigorous test be sure it’s in tip-top shape. Bring your car to us today for a complete tune-up. Geo. Johnson Telephone 311 Vernonia Serv. Sta. Corner Rose and Bridge are no longer reaching higher for the sunlight, and one by one they die or meet serious injury or ills. No young Douglas firs can come up, for the big boughs up yonder are still too dense and too little light shifts down. The gaps are readily filled with hemlocks, cedars, lowland white firs and silver firs. At 400 or 500 years the Douglas firs are becoming de crepit and senile. The tops conk out. One falls, then another, and too many die standing, becoming the worst fire hazards of the forest. Mr. Munger had made many field studies before 1940, in the years when he was a silviculturist with the Pacific Northwest For est and Range Experiment Sta tion of the U. S. Forest Service. In his paper he cites cases that are most interesting from an old Wynoochee stand in Olympic Na tional Forests, a strip survey made in western Lewis County, Washington, the Wind River Val ley, Washington and sample plots in the Willamette National Forest, Oregon. On the Wynoochee for example, there was a stand of Douglas firs 590 years old, most of th-rn from 60 to 100 inches in diameter and from 250 to 275 feet tall. There were only 6 Douglas firs left to the acre. Under their boughs were 22 hemlocks that were over 16 inches in diameter, among many smaller hemlocks. No Doug las fir seedlings or saplings were in sight. The other case studies matched. Follow Through There have been some later papers published on this vital’ subject, of course, but none that have gripped so much attention as the Munger paper. I judge it For Grade A Pasteurized Dairy Products to have permanent value. It is mighty well organized, it is writ ten in simple, well-chosen words that the layman can understand without too much trouble and I doubt if its equal on the subject will be seen for many a year. What I’m hoping for is some thing of a joint project of the Puget Sound and Columbia River Sections of the Society of Ameri can Foresters for a reissue of "The Cycle from Douglas Fir to Hemlock,” with commentaries by later authorities in the field as factual additions to Munger’s invaluable work. I doubt if any revision would be called for in the paper itself. The additions would be to present what the years have brought in new know ledge and forest change. Teachers Coming To Our House Tonight Apples for the teacher? That’s old stuff — when vou can serve lucious tasty grape fruit for des sert. We specialize ir fresh produce — at sur prisingly low prices. Call or Write AMPLE PARKING SPACE FOR OUR CUSTOMERS! PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS 1 Vernonia, Oregon Telephone 8812 Timber Rt., Bex 56 i i Remember— DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY: 10 a.m - 3 p.m. i PHONE 1391 Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon XHXHXNXHXHXNXHXHZHZHZHXHX ASK FOR Vernonia Bakery Bread — Rolls — Doughnuts for the best of eating at every meaV VERNONIA BAKERY HOME OF BUTTER KRUST BREAD AND ARDEN ICE CREAM ZHZHZHZMZHZHZWZHZHZHZHZH3 By Bud Fisher MUTT AND JEFF AAL A '■ HOW DO THBV LOOK TO A vou? * I I i I i I » i i i I i i I I I i I I i I I i i i i I