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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1951)
Social Security Relatives Visit “Many farm owners in Co lumbia County may be entitled to Social Security payments.” This announcement was made today by Kenneth Deming, Social Se curity representative of this area. Mr. Deming sites a case that came to his attention while in St. Helens on his last regular trip. The farm owner, we will call him Joe, as the social security office can’t reveal his true name, came into the St. Helens office to ask if he should report social security tax on his hired man. After this question was decided. Joe (being over 65) was asked if he had worked at any time during the past 14 years in any work other than farm work. Joe said he had worked for about two years in the shipyards. According to Deming, Joe is entitled to receive at least $20.00 a month for life due to the fact that he had worked the minimum amount of time, 1 and one-half years, to entitle any 65 year old person to monthly social security payments. Deming states that anyone who is now 65 and has worked at least a year and a half, in work where social security tax was deducted from their pay, should contact him for further information on the 1st or 3rd Monday in the County Court House, St. Helens. Alter 25 Years (Note — Grade school students, generally, are as enthusiastic in wanting their athletic teams to be victorious as high school stu dents and that point is born out in an article carried in The Top per, Washington grade school publication issued October 22.) BY GRETCHEN BOLMEIER AND ARLENE SEIBEL Basketball season is about to start officially. I think most everyone will give the team their wholehearted support. The Pep Club has been chosen and has had a few meetings. Mrs. Valen tine is going to advise them and help them all she can but no one person can give them all the pep and spirit they need to boost the team to victory. The cheer-leaders haven’t been chosen as yet but whoever is elected we hope will uphold the TREHARNE — Bill Falconer is able to be up since his operation and siege of sickness. William Falconer’s sister, Min nie, of Edinburgh, Scotland ar rived in Vernonia Sunday morn ing for a visit, after losing track of each other over 25 years. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cox and Virginia Carol were dinner guests at the H. W. Rome home in Beaverton recently. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Olson of Portland were guests of the Walter Cox home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker and Darlene Newton motored to Buxton Sunday and called at the Otto Stowell home. Mrs. Irene Thacker and Mrs. Clarence New had dinner Thurs day with the Hulan Thackers. EAGLE, ms Students Urge Team Support VERNONIA. ORE. up to what the teachers expect of them. You aren’t required to have perfect grades but let’s show a little more enthusiasm toward at least trying, boys. At home you have learned to respect your elders and it should not be any different here at school. school’s tradition of having a splendid reputation in their cheering as well as their actions outside the games. In the past, the school has looked up to and admired their yell-leaders and we hope that this year it will be the same. The spirit of the school is shown when the students sup port the yell-leaders in yelling and showing good sportmanship in both victory and defeat. Re member, the schools are judged by the way that the students conduct themselves. Mr. MacDonald is our basket ball coach this year and from the way he coached the team last year we know that we shall go a long way in the county league. Most of us know who the boys are who will turn out for basket ball. We also know that these boys haven’t been trying to live THURSDAY, NOV. 1, 1951 K The Vernonia Eagle Marvin Kamholz Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class ma* matter, August 4, 1922 at tbe- post office in Vernonia, Oregon^, under the act of March 3, IVZK Subscription price, $2.50 yearly. Honey is the purest of all foods. When ripened properly, it’s sugar content is so high that bacteria cannot exist in it more than several hours. NATIONAL Caution and care will prevent ♦he waste caused by forest fires. EDITORIAL Expert Tonsorial Work BEN’S BARBER SHOP Vernonia, Oregon ■1 ! Fancy, young birds — grown espec ially or good eating. Disjointed and ready for the pan. Siewers Turkeys Disjointed — ready to pop into the stewing pot. Fine for fricassee or stew. Top quality, broad breasted birds. Everyone guaranteed perfect eating. 65c Per Pound Fresh! Pound FANCY HENS . . lb. 67c FANCY TOMS . . lb. 65c i ; 1 I Experience is a thing that keips right on going up in price. .‘Î '.i 1 JS YOUR DRIVER'S LxtfiNSE _______ WORTH SI 1.000________ I r.qer tne new Financial Respon sibility law now in effect in Ore gon you may be required to post as high as $11,000 in case of an auto accident—or lose your right to drive. Find out how little it tests you to insure with State Firm Mutual—the automobile in surance company that dar d to be different in ways that save you money. ,’f.MES J. JOHNS — Phone 1166 1249 Br’dqe St. — Verrvura. Ore. RTATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO. 4 Look how manj (¡afet-eatirg ÍWLTRy^ oceam Turkeys buj So young and tender, you can actual ly fry them with perfect results. Per Pound 73* sf’RAY Chicken as you like it! Yes, ma’am, at Safeway you’ll find just exactly the kind of chicken you want—even to indi vidual pieces. And, best of all, whatever kind you choose, you can be sure it will be tender and juicy, plump and flavor-fresh. Safeway guarantees it! You see, we buy only top-quality birds—safeguard their goodness till you buy. CRNW&W SMJCE n> &o w<rn HO voua CAH — Features in Our Grocery Section — Soda Crackers s» *£ 29 c Corned Beef «z« 12-oz. 39c CandH Sugar or BROWN Prunes sss. ««a 490 Del Monte Peas s Green Beans 140 J-lb. pkg. (SOa 690 190 *?« 100 Rabbits Ducklings Tender, young frying rabbits. Ready for the pan. Famous Long Island Ducklings. No cleaning necessary, ready to stuff and roast. Per Pound Per Pound Features in Our Meat Section $|04 Swiss Steaks lb. 59c Sliced Bacon FancyJb. Sliced BaconSland^ Pai Roast u. s. choke 15 49c 31ade cut . ................ .lb. Piece Bacon.. p.r n,. 65c 47c Ground Buef^ Corn-Beef Loaf Sw£ 59c 4SC Links Shield.. Oysters pinlS9< ^ pt Smoked Links lb. 67c 39c Pork Sausage Chili Rotis ... lb. All Pork___________ Jb> • 69c » Lemon Pie Filling Radiati! Fruii Mix Grape Kremel brand Lyons—Glace* fruits Batey Roas brand pk.. 9' 1-lb. pkg. Juice 49 24-oe. bot. 29 "Peak of the Crop" Produce Values! CRUSHED PINEAPPLE Del 14 Monte, t-ox. can PINEAPPLE TIDBITS Libby brand, 8-oz. can 1 4 40-oz. 51c Kitchen Craft Flour 10-lb. sack $1.02 Tuna Fish, Starkist, chunk, Vi's 31c Gold Medal Flour 25-lb. sack $2.33 Baby Fobds. Gerber_______ 4 cans 35c Puis n'Boots, Cat Food, —.... 8-oz. 8c 2-lb. $1.S3 2-lb. $1.57 Edwards Coffee_____ lb. 87c Joy Theater Bisquick, many bakings can 24c Airway Coffee_____ lb. 79c Adults .................... $1.20 Students ........................ 80 Children .........................50 2 cans 25c Pancake Flour, Suzanna,____ 3'i-lb. 43c Nob Hill Coffee____ lb. 82c This picture will be shown at Road Show Prices CRANBERRIES Spaghetti w/Meat Sauc? Boy-ar-dee....... ...... 8-oz. 16c 2-lb. «1.73 Edwards Coffee, extra rich. . 4-lb. $3.45 Soaps-Cleansers Lux Toilet Soap, bath size 2 bars 25c Lux Toilet Soap. reg. bars 3 bar» 27c Dial Soap, bath size--------- 2 bar» 37c Dux Gran. Soap_______ reg. pkg. 32c Bright green bunches — New fresh! roccoli U. 10c Especially good with creamed cheese sauce. Specially priced this week-end. Welch’s brand. 10-oz. Jar Old Dutch Cleanser .. ........ Fresh Coffees Nov. 13-14 I >* Dude Ranch Preserve*--------- 15-ox. 35c Spaghetti and Meat Balls Boy-ar-dee . ... Tues., Wed. STBAWBEftTY PRESEBVES Spray Shortening 3-lb. can 99c Shady Lane Butter . ...... lb. 80c Margarine. Sunnybank. lb. 33c Glace'» Pineapple, Lyons ___ 9-oz. 41c Glace'» Citron Peel. Lyons 4-oz. 25c Glazed Cherries. Lyons 8-oz. 41c Crackara. Piratas' Gold Graham ..... ................. 1-lb. 34c Ruth Ashbrook Pastries each 30c Peanut Butter, Beverly 12-oz. gl. 35c IFj-lb. 22c Ralston Cereal. Instant ll-oz. 2Sc — Prices in this ad ara effective thru Sai. 1-lb. pkg. 29c GRAPEFRUIT, Florida - white lb. 15c TOKAY TABLE GRAPES .._ 2-lb. 27c VALENCIA ORANGES 5-lb. bag 49c GREEN CABBAGE lb. 4c CARROTS, even sizes lb. 9c CAULIFLOWER lb. 12c DRY ONIONS 5-lb. bag 35c lb. 14c PARSNIPS POTATOES. Economy pack, POTATOES. Waldorf tWEET POTATOES Karo Syrup, Blue Label Raisin Bread. Mrs. Wright, ..... MARBLEHEAD SQUASH 10-lb. Sic 25 lb. $1.39 2-lb. 29c lb. 3'ic APPLES Crops are at their peak now — It's National Apple Week! Delicious Luscious eating apple____________ lb Winesaps All-purpose, 5-lb. bag McIntosh All-purpose______ lb. 19c 49c 14c Rome Readies 14 Red her "tie« _ lie Loggers: We’re Rooting for You Friday Night—BEAT RAINIER SAFEWAY 1-lb. lie L '