i Singing Group Plan* Session Next Sunday Rlfi OIL ■PIW HEATER VALUE! THE EAGLE, Sportsmanlike DRlVlNG/r^\ J Temple Members Plan Anniversary ✓ America's GREAT Value for Low-Cost Winter Comfort ✓ Exclusive Superflame "Tri- ple-Combustion” Burner burns CLEAN, Gives MORE HEAT with LESS FUEL! ✓ Safety Constant Level Valve automatically meters correct amount of oil. Pre vents flooding! ✓ Modern Design. Beautiful ’’Heat-Proof” Baked-On Ham mertone Finish. 1/ Quality Built! ONLY $R495 U“ TERM': Hoffman Hdwr Phone 181 HANK'S PARTS HOUSE Let Us Replace That Broken Glass NOW!! If you’ve got the pieces, I’ve got the parts Phone 773 — New and Used Paris — Riverview The old narrow trails where two cars could pass without col. tiding are being replaced with beautiful wide highways on which six or eight cars can col lide at one time. H H No‘ 1 8rouP- Ford, Ply., Chev. Wdlieneb Dodge, 24 Mo. Guar. $13.45 Ex. PRESTONE ......................... Quarts and Gallons Bonded Anti Rust Anti-freeze............ Gal. $1.09 Car Heater with all attachments $13.95 Electric Heater ............................................... $5.29 Fan Type Electric Heater............................$8.79 100"° Wool Blanket.......................... * ” $11.95 Pepperell Electric Blanket... ....... $29.95 25% wool, 75'4 rayon 9x12 Felt Base Rugs......................... $7.95 - $8.95 Men’s, Women’s, Children’s Flannel Pajamas WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. CLIFF WHITE H H H Exclusive Gyrafoam washing action washes out the most stub born dirt and grime . . . but is gentle as if you were washing clothes by hand. H H Safety Lid. Convenient top opening. Needs no bolting down. The name “Maytag” on your automatic assures you of de pendable, trouble-free perform ance year after year. $339.95 I FOR SMALL FRY Come in today for a BASSINETTES, BABY* CRIBS, HIGHCHAIRS, Î0 CTI J TTn TAYLOR TOTS AND JUMPERS ......................................... dllU Up free demonstration. DOLL BUGGIES, SCOOTERS, TRICYCLES K CD anJ TTn WAGONS AND BICYCLES................................................... UP • LOW DOWN PAYMENT ,nJ TTrt dllU Up America’s Favorite Conventional Washer—MAYTAG • EASY TERMS • LIBERAL TRADE-IN Thraa Modal* $139.95 to $209.95 Big, double-walled tub keeps water hot longer. Exclusive Gyrafoam wash ing action removes more dirt—can’t harm even dain tiest fabrics. Choice of more than 6,000,000 enthu siastic homemakers. ITEMS GIFT WRAPPED AT NO EXTRA CHARGE H X H Bush Furniture H Everything to Furnish Ycur Home at Portland Prices! Vernonia, Ore. Telephone 592 «NZHZHXHXHXHXHXHZHIHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX ORE The completely automatic May tag washes, rinses, spin-dries your clothes for you. FOR HIM ASSORTED TOYS — IRONING BOARDS, ELECTRIC IRONS, PING PONG SETS, B-B GUNS, AIR GUNS»fl fifl BOWS AND ARROWS.............................................................. W-UU VERNONIA. I Refrigerators ............ $189.00 and up Desk ..............................$42.50 and H Mixmaster ................... $40.00 and up Table Radio ................. $22.95 and Auto, and Steam Irons $12.95 and up Console Combination $244.95 and H Auto. Washer.......... $339.00 and up Hassock ....................... $3.50 and Chrome Dinette Set $78.00 and up Electric Shaver............ $24.95 and M Sectional Davenport $200 and UP Smokers ..................... $12.95 and Extra Rocker $30.00 and up Desk Clocks $5.95 and up $10.95 and H End Tables, etc. up Floor Lamps.......... ...' $12.95 and up Ash Stands................. $2.50 and $4.50 and Table Lamps ............... $4.95 and up Steel Casting Poles H Electric Blankets........$41.85 and up Card Tables.......................... $5.95 and H PHONE 1271 •for the cleanest clothes and no-work washing- the Maytag Automatic I H H H NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT Your ‘One-stop’ Saving Center Use Our Xmas Lay-Away Plan FOR HER Daughter Honored at Dinner Event Saturday Scientists have done many re markable things for the world, but have given up trying to ex plain human nature. ^4XKXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHZHX^ H 3 PHONE 853 Parsonage Scene Of Shower Sat. LIBERAL TRADE-IN THURSDAY, NOV. 1, 1951 MIST — The Mist Helping A birthday dinner was given Circle met last Thursday at the at the home of Mr. and Mrs. home of Mrs. Austin Corll. There Claude Gibson Saturday honor was a good attendance and a ing their daughter, Mrs. Dick Mc delicious dinner was served at Nair. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. noon. The business meeting oc Seybold and daughter, Sharon, cupied a greater part of the after and Louise McNair of Trenton, noon with plans for the coming Nebraska, Bob McNair, Claudine program and sale that has been and Claude Gibson, Jr., Mr. and decided for December 1 unless Mrs. Dick McNair and the host something prevents it on that and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Claude date. A fine program is plan- Gibson. ned by those on the committee and people are asked to keep the Perhaps Russia would be satis date open. There will be a sale fied if America invited ambas and amusement besides a de sadors to set as members of the licious lunch and candy, The cabinet. next meeting will be a week earlier for the November meet ing on account of Thanksgiving and will take place on the third Thursday at the home of Mrs. Lester Closner. I Society Plans Next Meeting SUPER-CIRCULATOR VERNONIA, ORE. Mist Circle Prepare* For Coming Program ________ The Columbia County Class r room Teachers association held its AVERAGES first meeting of the current WEIGHT SPEED VOLUME HOMEPOW» school year in Scappoose October 22. The members were guests of I 3m.p.h. 2^ cu.ft. 150 _______ ths Scappoose teachers. The principal speaker was Miss I 3000 35 mp.h. 264caft 85 Alice Jewell of the Grout scnool in Portland. She told of her experiences during the past year WALK SAFELY as an exchange teacher at Neath, Are you a chip-on-the-shoulder everv sportsmanlike reason why Wales. Miss Jewel was intro pedestrian — challenging auto he should show courtesy to the duced by Mrs. Marie Lien of mobiles to the right-of-way? weaker pedestrian. But if a Scappoose. Take a look at yourself! How driver fails to show that cour would you like to “weigh in” Mrs. Katherine Adam of the tesy, pedestrians with good for a combat with a car, asks sense keep out of hie way. Scappoose schools played two vio the AAA driver training book, What chance has a ISO-pound lin solos accompanied by Mrs. “Sportsmanlike Driving.” pedestrian, walking at 3 or 4 Cars clearly have the edge Katherine Brown. miles per hour, against a 3,000- over pedestrians — in size, pound car at even the low speed During the business meeting weight, strength, and hardness of 20 miles per hour? Miss Edna Jesseph, the Associa- of material. Flesh, blood, and The law gives pedestrians the bones must “ throw in the towel ” tion’s delegate to the National right-of-way. Commen sense long before steel, glass, and often takes it away from them. Education Association Conven- chromium. When car and pedestrian col tion in San Francisco gave her A driver in his car is practi lide, it is the pedestrian who is report. cally encased in armor. So there’s taken to the ambulance/ According to Mrs. Vera Hills, president of the association, four PEO’s Entertained at teen of the county’s schools were represented by the 66 teachers Bolmeier Home Oct. 23 i present. Mrs. Wesley Bolmeier was hos A dinner was served by the tess for P.E.O. October 23. After women of the Scappoose Con- the business meeting Mrs. Bol Vernonia Temple No. 61, Py gregational church. meier gave a very intersting talk thian Sisters, met October 24 on the subject, “Origin of Super with M.E.C. Mary Sawyer pre stition.” She said that the true siding. Final plans were made for the origin of superstition is to be found in primitive man’s eforts observance of roll call night on to exp’ain the phenomena about November 14. This will also be the observance of the Temple’s MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Percy him; his wish to avoid evils he 25th aonniversary and charter could not understand; his desires Melis from Sandpoint, Idaho are members will be honored. Many expected for a visit with the to propitiate fate and invite for tune and his attempt to pry into out-of-town guests are expected A. R. Melis folks. including some Grand Temple The W. M. S. will meet the the future. officers. The next meeting will be at second Wednesday with Mrs. Gus After adjournment, delightful the home of Mrs. Sam Hearing, Wanstrom. refreshments were served by Jr., on November 13, at which Quite a sight to pass by the Hazel Bergerson, Alice Lindsay Lew Choate place and see the time the state organizer will be and Murel Knight. 1803 White turkeys wandering present for her annual visit and inspection. over the field. We have no idea what Sherman Clyde Johnson has been doing would call the sort of war now some work for Walt Bateson on going on between the United Na his house. tions and Red China. Mr. and Mrs. George Jones drove to Seaside last week and Tip to motorists: Keep your spent a couple of days visiting tires up and your speed down. his sister, Mrs. Libel, Mrs. Mc A bridal shower was given by Cauley and Mrs. Aldrkjge. Mrs. Libel had 16 guests at a dinner the Assembly of God church Darty the 22nd, celebrating her members and friends October 27 birthday anniversary. Her child at 7:30 p.m. in the parsonage in honor of Miss Helen Frank, ren were all present. Mrs. Florence Ferguson and her daughter of Mr. and Mrs. two daughters were visiting her Howard Frank. She will be mar parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Melis, ried November 10 to Larry Bron last week from Kirkland, Wash of Sweet Home. The parsonage was decorated ington. One daughter, Margie drove from there to California. in autumn leaves with a table setting of blue candles and a center piece of roses. The church made the presenta tion of a woolen blanket and sheets, and ether individual gifts were received by Miss Frank. Thirty were served a beautiful cake decorated for the occasion, with punch and ice cream. J? Another Community Sing is slated to take place Sunday afternoon at 2:30, according to announcement of the next event made Tuesday and the group will gather at the Evangelical U.B. church. New officers for the singers are Clem Bruce, president, Waldon Ratkie, vice-president and Joanne Brown, secretary. Teachers Hear Guest Speaker ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE 786 Bridge * Phone 581 Vernonia I