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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1951)
Library, U of 0 VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTV, OREGON ___________________________________________ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1951 VOLUME 29, NUMBER 43 Solicitors to Start Chest Drive Today hvJapan Wading Pool Work Completed Both Teams Notch Scores in Second Period of Game Red Feather Quota For County Placed At Figure of $900 1 ! Loggers Tie Parkrose 11 In Fri. Game BY MELVIN SCHWAB Scheduled to open today, Thurs The Vernonia Loggers met the day, will be this area’s partici Parkrose Broncos last Friday pation in the annual Community afternoon and battled that team Chest campaign, the Red Feather to a 7-7 tie in Lower Columbia drive, which will be headed by league play at Portland, in their Mrs. Ben Brickel and Mrs. Lyman fifth game of the season. Hawken. Assigned to this area, The Parkrose squad tallied in as the county quota, is the the second period after a sqoreless first period. The opponent’s score amount of $900. The amount to TRAINING, in addition to what be asked by the local groups has came after a series of pass plays he received in the states, is being which drove the ball 25-yards not yet been announced. taken in Japan near Hoakkaido for the TD. The try for point Solicitors who will work this by Pfc. Lonnie Justice, according was good. The play setting up WORKMEN for the H&R Construction company completed the job of pouring cement for the 1c a recent letter written to his year in asking people to contri this TD for Parkrose was a Ver wading pool at the park swimnvng pool a few days ago io finish the construction program started parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles bute to the cause are: Mesdames nonia kick which the wind caught earlier this fall. The pool will provide space for youngsters too small to use the larger pool and Justice. Lonnie is working in Ralph Valpiani, George Remnant, i* and carried backwards instead or is an addition to recreational facilities at the par :. The pool is 20x30 feet and this job completes forward. supply. the work at the pool which included a new retaining wall on the west side. (VE Photo) Frances Mullins, Guy Thomas, J. The Loggers, not to be outdone, A. Bush and R. D. Eby. Working tallied in the latter part of this with them will be Ralph Hart quarter when Loren Mills, Ver nonia speedster, outran the whole man and Warne Empey. Parkrose team and rambled 82- Board Changes Members yards for the locals one and only Elmer Koplin has replaced TD. Lee Faulk ran the tieing Jewell Lloyd on the Columbia New equipment that will re extra point through the center. The first meeting of V?rnonia’s ticularly those assigned to head County Community Chest board Once again in the third quarter of which Mrs. Lyman Hawken is newly activated flight “E”, of the quarters, Fourth Air Force (VRS) duce considerably the amount of the Vernonia chairman. The 9408th volunteer air reserve train are invited to attend. hand work formerly necessary a Bronco drive was started, which ended with four downs to make other board member is Guy Captain Leland M. Pugsley. was install ?d and placed in op a TD on the Logger’s 2-yard- ing squadron, will be held in the Thomas. Keasev rout?, has been selected eration for the first time Monday stripe. A stout Logger line, how An idea of the work done by offices of the Columbia Tree by Lt. Col. Paul G. Woelfel, the chest is outlined in informa Farm at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, squadron commander, to com of this week by the Vernonia ever held the Parkrose crew there for four downs, taking over Bakery. tion given out by officials of the November 1, 1951. mand the flight. on their own three. The machine is built to auto group. The Oregon Chest is an Former service personnel, par- Each meeting attended by per Fourth quarter play was even incorporated, non-profit organiza sonnel assigned to the unit is matically wrap bread, an opera with both sides providing won tion, raising funds for 14 agencies credited as one day of active mili tion that has formerly required derful defensive play, but lack and institutions and giving ser tary duty. Points thus earned one person to work all day at ing in offense. This factor can vice to children and families from plus the time already served on that job, according to E. W. be layed to the field, however, every county in the state. active duty or with an organized Peterson, bakery owner. The which was covered with water The Oregon Chest also raises unit count toward promotion and and very slow. The wind seemed funds for the United Defense Newly promoted to corporal in resumption and retirement and amount of time will be cut in half to be against the Loggers, because fund, which, on a national basis, and possibly less, he said. make an appreciable increase in when they were forced to kick, it finances the work of the USO ,the U.S. Air Force is Roy H. would spring up and blow their SINCE August 16, when he left and other war-related activities. Frank, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. the monthlv retirement check that punt backwards, thus continually here, Pvt. Dona'.d E. Tipion has To do the work, more than $700,- Frank, who learned of the ad each member is entitled to upon Republicans to Eat keeping the locals in a hole. completed his AF basic airmen 009 is needed for next year’s op vancement a short time ago in a reaching retirement age. Captain Pugsley presently has County republican party mem The locals looked very good on indoctrination course at Lackland erations. letter from their son. Official an. staff vacancies for responsible of. bers are invited to a “Republican defense, but offensively they just Air Force base located near San Work Combined ficers and airmen wh^ Antonio, Texas. His basic train Without the Oregon Chest, all i nouncement of his new rank was perienc? as adjutant, training of Wake-Up Campaign” luncheon couldn’t seem to get going, ac quiring only one first down dur received late last week from the ing has prepared him for en 15 agencies now included would ficer, public relations officer, or next Monday noon at Young’s ing the whole game. That first trance into a-'r force technical seek funds individually in every public information office at Clark cafe, St. Helens, announces Coun. down came just as the end of personnel officer. training and for assignment in county and community in Ore Air Force base. Recent directives from higher ty Chairman C. R. Hallberg. Ar i the fourth quarter took place. specialized work. gon. The cost of such fund-rais Corporal Frank received the headquarters stress the need for rangements for tickets may be Vernonia will play host to the ing activities would be not less raise in grade while serving as more officers to be commissioned made here with Mrs. Bill Horn Warrenton squad Friday night. than 40 per cent. Under the a supply technician for the 6200th from civilian status. at the bank building. Warrenton's record is straight Oregon Chest plan, fund-raising Air Base Group of Philippines losses so far this year. The Log cost and administration are less Command (Air Force) and Thir gers on the other hand may still than five oer cent. teenth Air Force on Clark Air have a chance to enter the dis Force Base, 60 miles north of trict playoff providing they can Manila. get past Warrenton and then Services took place Monday defeat the Columbians by an im morning at the Bush Funeral pressive tally. The game played Home chapel for Howard LeRoy with Parkrose does not count as German, who passed away Friday far as district playoff is con- of last week when he was elec | cerned. trocuted from contact with an The reorganization of the Ver- electric line at the Dave Craw nmaja Relief committee with the ford place on Rock Creek road election of officers who will act E. H. Condit, Westport, con about 12:45 p.m. for the coming year took place ducted the first of a series of ten The deceased had lived in this early this week and Mrs. A. J. lessons on square dancing in the community five years and in Ore Hughes will be the chairman. Washington school basement on gon 23 years of his life. Death Working with her as other of Monday night, October 22. Those came at the age of 25 years, 11 ficers will be Frances Mullins, who attended reported a very Judd Greenman, president of months. He was born November treasurer and Jewell Lloyd, sec enjoyable evening. Oregon American Lumber corp 27, 1926 at Mt. Ayr, Iowa. retary. The groun, which will be called oration, was recently appointed Surviving are: his mother and Other members of the commit, the Do-Si-Do club, was organized to the National Association of father, May and Homer William tee, who are chosen from IWA with John Roediger as president • Manufacturers committee on Co German, Vernonia; sisters, Mrs. Local 5-37 and the Vernonia and Rose Valpiani as secretary. operation with Community Lead, Cora Taylor, Scappoose, Mrs. Study club are Lee Hall, Elmer The next session will be held at ers, it was anounced a short time Juanita Boyle, Portland, and Mrs. Koplin, Mrs. Bill Hom and Mrs 3 o’clock on Monday evening, Oc ago by F. N. Youngman of Port • Ray Hollenbeck, Sutherlin, and a [ R. D. Eby. tober 29, in the same place. land, vice-president of Crown Another meeting of the organ- brother, Donald German, Eugene. All couples interest’d in join Zellerbach Corporation and NAM Commitment took place at | ization is scheduled November 13 ing the class can obtain more regional vice-president. at 5 o’clock at the IWA hall. Greenwood cemetery, Portland. information about it by contact- ' Greenman is also a member of ing Glen Hawkins, John Roe an NAM policy committee. ( diger or Mrs. Ralph Valpiani. The committee seeks to advance community interest by encourag ing industry leaders to partici pate more actively in the civic life of their community. In Training Activated Reserve Group Slates First Meeting Wrapping Tool To Speed Work Advancement in Rank Received Chapel Services Performed Mon. Emergency Feeding Successful Relief Committee ’quare Dancers Names Officers Start Lessons Appointment to Committee Made Donors Wanted for Visit Of Bloodmobile Nov. 8 With the slogan. “All Along the Front in Korea Blood Is Flow ing,” emphasis is being placed on the need for more people willing to donate blood at the time of the next visit of the Bloodmobile to this community. That visit will be made Nov ember 8. The last time the blood unit was in Vernonia the very small amount of 68 pints was received for which workers who arranged the visit were appreciative, but the quota is 200 pints, which it is believed should be possible to | ! I ! Annual Costume Dance Planned achieve here. The need for blood ts appar The annual F.t. club costume ent to help save the lives of men wounded in fighting and the giv dance will take place Saturday, ing of a pint is a small contribu October 27, at the I.OO.F. hall tion to make considering the con- with a new feature being added this year. Costumes are optional tribution being made by them. . The visit of the unit here will as usual, but there is an added in- be from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and it ducement this year for dancers will receive donors at the IOOF to attend in costume. A complete outfit of clothes hall. People wishing to donate may make appointments with will be received by the person any on? of the following people: wearing the best man’s costume Mrs. Winston Walker, phone 1066; < and the same for the best lady’s Mrs. Charles Wall, phone 844; costume. Hal Cook's orchestra Mrs. Bill Wilson, phone 1407 or will provide music for the even, ing. Mrs. Guy Thomas, phone 1011. j I I j | j FIVE orphaned pig» owned by Mr. and Mr». Harry West are thriving I very well on this bottle feeding procedure a» Mrs. West demon 1 strated last Saturday when the baby porkers had reached the ripe old age of two weeks. Up to that time Mr. West estimated they had | tripled in size. From S a.m. to 9 p.m. they were being fsd every two j hours, a task Mrs. West will be happy to discontinue as soon as pos sible. (VE Photo) Corner Take* Toll The intersection of Bridge and Rose was the scene of another ac cident late Monday afternoon when the panel delivery owned by Sam’s Food Store and driven by Norman Hillsberry and the automobile drive by Mrs. Pat Hahmeyer collided. Both cars were damaged and Mrs. Hah meyer has an injured knee from the accident. The new telephone pole on the comer was snapped off again for the second time this year.