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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1951)
t« THURSDAY, SEPT. 27, 1951 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General PRACTICALLY NEW Coleman X^wboy oil stove. Built-in auto. niatSc draft meter; 55,000 BTU’s. Compare our price with those in the paper. Mrs. J. R. «Quinn, Riverside, drive, Mist Rt. 39t3 3 OR SALO: H4-year-old White Rock hens. First door west Pitts- aurg Guard station. 39tlc LANGE Oil cook stove. Good ■ rendition. Call 1117._____ 39tl «tSRAPES: At Old Home one mile «east of Cornelius on Tualatin highway 6. Rebecca E. Goodin, Cornelius, Rt. 2, Box 100. 37t3c AUCTION every Friday. Misc. ■sale at 10:30; livestock sells at IB». I do general auctioneering. Pleased to talk over your selling problems at any time. Walt Alt man, Auctioneer, Altman’s Auc- ■tion Mart, Forest Grove. Phone 16215. 37tfc LIMB MODEL 120 Harley-David- tjo» Motorcycle. $260. See Harold JFowler. 37t3 SPINET PIANO mcturned from rent — a real buy For information write: KORTEN’S Longview, Washington Wcme of the Hammond Organ 27tfc /RAISE Chinchillas for Profit! Jis high as 500% profit the first Rear. Pairs with litters, pairs «•arrying, young pairs. Terms «ran be arranged. For in formation sec D. O. Smith at The C3*. IGtfc MAY AND STRAW for sale. r>'«ar prices as to quantity and cpitfiity. Elmer Bergerson. 39tfc K DON SIMMONSON registered iPiano Tuning and Servicing. W k tuber National Ass’n. Piano 'tuners. Contact Mrs. Fullerton, «Phone 837. 31tfc ALL SIZES of crushed rock for roads and driveways. Also have A«*nd and gravel. See D. P. Spof- tfozfl or call 1023. 36tfc /FOR SALE—Livestock FYIR SALE: Registered Ayrshire >uli calf. Fine speciman, dropped Ju.y 26. A. G. Pearson, Timber, /Oregon. ,3912c FIGS AND CHICKENS for sale. 'Kniber Rt., R. Higginbotham. 37t3 FOR SALE—Real Estate MODERN six-room house for sale. Completely furnished, with utilities. Inquire 141 B St. 34tfc TIMBER AND MILL for sale. Must liquidate partnership. Will sacrifice the sweetest little mill set-up in Oregon for cash. 132 acres timber land; American saw mill like new with power poney edger like new; 30 cat, blade and drum. House fully furnished, modern. ’41 Ford truck L.W.B. Model 10 power saw, 36” blade. Full set lines, blocks and tools. Cold deck, logs in pond. Working every day. Come out and look it over and make me an offer. Barnell, 1 mi. south of Vernonia east of Nehalem river bridge. 39tlc TAVERN with set-up license, restaurant. Building on 35 acres; old growth timber, gravity water system. Bay frontage on Neha lem Bay. Reasonable. Cove Nest, Brighton, Oregon. 39t? FARMS AND ACREAGE 40 ACRES, 27 in cultivation; 6- room modern house (wired for range), 12-stranchion barn, milk house, fruit room and chick house. Som» equipment goes with place at $10,600. Good tern is. 4- ROOM modern house on 1 A. Close in. $3950, good terms. HOMES VERY NEAT little 3-rm. modern house with % basement. Close in. Foundation and sub floor started to add another room. Only £2500. JUST redecorated: 4-rm. modern house, 2 bed-rooms. Lots of built-ins. Two lots go with this at $3850. Good terms. 3- ROOM modern house on corner lot. Just being remodeled. Close in. $4500, very easy terms. 5- ROOM house on approximately half acre, Birkenfeld area. Good hunting and fishing. Clear creek borders one side, Neha lem river on other. Party fur nished. Price only $1200. VERY NICE little 4-room modern house. Has 2 bedrooms and fruit Toom. Just redecorated. Only $2750. 4- ROOM house, 2 bedrooms. Good condition. $2500. HAVE BUYER for 40 to 60 acre place on year round stream. Must have waterfall suitable to furnish power. DON BAYLEY, BROKER MacDonald Hotel Vernonia ________________________ 39tlc FOR SALE—Insurance CARD OF THANKS ILIFE, Fire, Car and Accident Insurance. Oregon Automobile ■tasErance Co. H. Hudson and ' Jeorge Bell, 26tfc WE DESIRE to express to our friends and relatives our heart felt thanks for their many ex pressions of sympathy. The beau tiful floral offerings were es pecially appreciated. Mrs. Erma Wood Mr. Albert Wood Mr. Lee Wood Mr. and Mrs. Albert Everett Wood Mr. and Mrs. Al Shedwin _________________________ 39tl WANTED______________ BABY SITTING or general housework. Steady if possible. D. ma Nightwine, Keasey Route., «•fo McFarland. 39t3 UABY SITTING, day, night or Kcur, at my home. Phone 438. 39tfc WANTED TO RENT: Two or th tee-bedroom house. At least partially furnished. Call at Apt. Wn. 4, Roseway Apts. 38t3 .-SEWING MACHINE repairing. All work guaranteed. Any make. Ira McConnel, Banks, Oregon, Her 127. Pick-up service. 34t6 CONES WANTED S d » reforestation in Columbia County Fr cn per buihel: "Douglas fir Hemlock Cedar Waite fir $1.00 $1.25 $5.00 $2.53 $1.50 Writs or phone for complete picking instruction*. COLUMBIA TREE FARM Crown Zollerbach Corporation P. O. Box 247 Vernonia, Oregon Phone 15F3 All LI. P A V 'ioT^price^torall livestock. Will pick up at your place. Grant C. Dodge, Forest Grove. Rt. 2. Box 15. 50tfc HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— rail o.- write Forest Grove Cream ery. Forest Grove. Oregon, phone l’.’G. 14tfc FOR RENT 3-ROOM house for rent about September 20. One mile north on Rock Creek Rd. J. P. McFar land. 37t3 APARTMENT and a sleeping room. 376 North Street, L, M. Porterfield. 37tfc MODERN HOUSE in first class condition, close in. Also free dirt for your lawn. Inquire at 847 3rd street. 38t3 MISCELLANEOUS AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY. Mise. Sale 11:00, Livestock Sale 1:00. Clatskanie Community Auc tion. Quarter mile East of Clats kanie on highway 30. Phone 1600. 28tfc NEW, HOME LAUNDRY. Family washing washed and dried. 15c lb. Finished at reasonable rates. Also curtain stretching. Mrs. E. M. York, 108 A. St., phone 1107. ________________________ 38tfc CLASSIFIED RATES MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 word* or less. Words over min imum. 2c each. Three inser tion* for the price of two. . CARD of Thanks & Notices: 80c NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. ACCEPTED AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK S PAPER. i LEGAL NOTICE_______ LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY LANDS SUITABLE FOR TREE FARMING Notice is hereby given that the County Court of Columbia County, Oregon, does hereby of fer for sal? the following describ ed parcels of real property con sidered suitable for tree farming, but not necessarily sold as such, namely: Township 3, North of Range 2, West of the Willamette Meridian East One Half of Southwest Quarter .................. Section 7 Township 3, North of Range 3, West of the Willamette Meridian Southeast Quarter of Northwest Quarter .......... ..... Section 11 Township 4, North of Range 2, West of the Willamette Meridian East One Half East One Half of West One Half Section 5 Southwest Quarter of Southeast I Quarter I Southeast Quarter of Southwest i Quarter j West One Half of Southeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter South One Half of Northwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter Northeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter Southwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter Section 20 North One Half of Northwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter Section 32 Township 4, North of Range 3, West of the Willamette Meridian South On? Half of Northeast Quarter Southeast Quarter of Northwest Quarter East One Half of Southwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter ............................. Section 1 Township 4, North of Rango 5, West of the Willamette Meridian Sc utheast Quarter of Southwest Quarter Section 23 South One Half of Southeast Quarter East One Half of Southeast Quarter of Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter of Southwest Quarter Section 27 Northeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter, reserving 50 foot right of way (existing used road) Section 34 Township 5. North of Range 2, West of the Willamette Meridian Northwest Quarter, except North 10 rods Section 7 South West Quarter Section 7 South One Half Section 32 Township 5, North of Range 3, West of the Willamette Meridian North One Half of Northeast Quarter .... Section 6 West One Half of Southeast Quarter , Section 17 Southwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter Section 28 Township 6, North of Range 4, West of the Willamette Meridian Northeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter South one Half of Northeast Quarter Southeast Quarter Section 25 The county will reserve all minerals, oils, gas and all hydro carbon substances, with the right to prospect and explore for the same and remove such minerals if found, upon all lands sold. Bids must be for cash or terms to be approved by and acceptable to the Court and sealed bids made upon each parcel separate ly in which the bidder is interest ed must be in the hands of the Count Court in the Court House at St. Helens, Oregon, on or before 2:00 o’clock P.M. on Wed nesday the 31st day of October, 1951. The County Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at St. Helens. Oregon, this 12th day of September, 1951. COUNTY COURT OF COLUMBIA COUNTY J. W. Hunt, County Judge Clyd? Henderson, Commissioner Donald Parcher, Commissioner Date of First publication Septem ber 20th, 1951. Date of final publication Septem- ber 27th, 1951. NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY, THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF OPEGON, Plaintiff Vs. ALBERT CLEVE ROBERTSON and ORENE ROBERTSON, Hus band and wife; WILBUR MC- KENNY and AMY RHEA Mc- KENNY, Husband and wife; STATE INDUSTRIAL ACCI DENT COMMISSION. Defendants By virtue of an execution, decree and order of sale issued out of the above entitled court in the above entitled cause, to me directed and dated on the 14th day of September, 1951, com manding m? to sell the follow ing described real property situ ated in Columbia County, Oregon, to-wit: Lot 2, Block 3, City of Ver nonia, Columbia County, Oregon, excepting a tract 18 ft, wide and 75 ft. long con veyed to J. W. Beall Jr. by deed recorded in Book 38, page 470 deed records. I will on Friday, the 26th day of October 1951 at the hour of 10 o’clock a.m. at the West front door of the Court House in St. Helens, Columbia County, Ore gon, sell at public auction (sub ject to redemption) to the high est bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defendants have in and to the above describ ed property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution and decree, interest and costs. M. R. CALHOUN Sheriff of Columbia County Patterson and Bush, Attorneys First publication Sept. 27, 1951 Last publication Oct. 18. 1951 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Columbia. In the matter of the estate of Alta S. Cripps, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to an order of the County Court of Columbia Coun ty, Oregon, made and entered herein on the 25th day of Sept ember, 1951, in said estate mat ter, authorizing and directing the administrator thereof to sell the following described real es tate, property of said estate, the undersigned • administrator will, from and after the 29th day of October, 1951, sell at private sale for cash, subject to confirmation of the Court, and continue to offer for sale until sold, the fol- 1 • wing described real property within Columbia County, Oregon, to-wit: An undivided one-half interest in and to Lots One and Two, in Block Fifteen, Eastside Addi tion to the City of Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon for the purpose of paying the charges, expenses and claims against said estate. All bids to be directed to the undersigned at Vernonia, Ore gon or John L. Foote, Attorney, St. Helens, Oregon, and to be ac- companed by 10% of the amount bid. O. G. Cripps, Administrator First publication September 27 1951. Last publication October 13 1951. Expert Tonsorial Work BEN’S BARBER SHOP Vernonia, Oregon • AX lien vou onici •oto I lenii i la "e BRAND • ------- ■ O — vou tell the world vou know great straight Kentucky bourbon *025 £ rt *060 U VS QT. Bowling Results INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE I.O.O.F. 1 * Dessy’s 3 825 848 343 835 887 815 2555 2498 I.O.O.F. — high individual game, Bob Spencer, 187; hign individual series O. Gwin, 516. Dessy’s — high game I». Laird, 191: high series, Larry Weise 530. Heath 2 Hoffman 2 843 841 926 874 826 896 2585 2611 Hoffman — high game. Burns, 201; high series, 529. Heaths — high game. Askins, 215; high series. Blount, 526. The Clbb 1 Fai Shop 3 787 815 783 867 856 941 2511 2538 Pal Shop — high game. Sturde- vant, 200; high series, Hall 523. The Club—high game and series, Vern Hershey. 238 and 522. League Standing Won Lost 3 1 Dessy’s Pal Shen 3 1 ’■’offman’s 2 2 Heath’s Service 2 2 I.O.O.F. 1 3 CITY LEAGUE Sundlands’ 3 Safeway 1 908 873 810 856 864 808 2537 2582 Sundland's — high game and series. E. Ade, 224 and 532. Safeway — high game and series. Bob Curl, 204 and 521. Lew’s Place 2 O-A 2 862 836 842 835 851 856 2548 2534 Lew’s Place — high game, Han son, 191; high series, Brandow, 524. Oregon-American — high gam?, WOMEN’S LEAGUE Standings— O-A Office 11 Betty’s Cafe ............................ 11 Vei-non1’ Drug Co. 11 Lew’s Place ........................10 The Vernonia Eagle .................. 2 Johnson’s Service . ................ 1 Rebekah Lodge .............. 1 Dessy’s Alleys ........................ ....1 Team hich series, O-A. 1845; team game. O-A. 6?’: individual hi<ih series. Hazel Shipman. 498; individual high game, Dolly Laird, 187. COLORED OIL PHOTOGRAPH TINTING 2'/aC per square inch MRS. W. E. MCKENNY Loq House by Coon Creek LOG SCALE BOOKS Soriboner’’ <*> Waternr. »nf 4» From 12 to 80 Feet • Only 50c A Vernonia Eagle Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon HANK'S PARTS HOUSE HANK and POLLY FEATURE S & H GREEN STAMPS _____ SERVICE! If you’ve got the pieces, I’ve got the parts Phone 773 — New and Used Parts — Riverview EARL MORLEY MOTORS « OLDSMOBILE SAFETY TESTED USED CARS 1941—BUICK Special 4-dr., R&H............. $ 495.00 1950—CHEV. Conv. Cpe., R&H—Very clean ,$1895.00 1947—CHEV. Club Coupe, R&H................... $1145.00 1940— CHEV. 2-dr. sedan R&H................... $ 345.00 1949—FORD 4-dr. sedan, R&H......... .............$1295.00 1941— FORD Convertible Cpe. R&H...........$ 495.00 1936—FORD Sedan........................................ .$ 95.00 1939—MERCURY Sedan R&H................... $ 325.00 1941—NASH Coupe. ...................................... .$ 345.00 1949— NASH Ambassador Sed R&H O’drve $1495.00 1950— OLDS 98 DeLuxe sed. R&H Hydra.... ,$2295.00 1946— OLDSMOBILE 78 Sed R&H-Hydra. .$1045.00 1947— OLDS 66 Conv Cpe., R&H-Hydra... $1195.00 1947—OLDS 76 Club Sed. R&H................... .$1195.00 1941—PACKARD Club Coupe R&H-Asis... $ 295.00 1949—PLYMOUTH Club Coupe.................. $1195.00 1949— PONTIAC 4-dr. Sedan R&H.......... $1645.00 1950—STUD’BAK’R Com’ander Sd r&h OD $1645.00 In New Cars Come In and See Us for Immediate Delivery on 88' and 98* OLDSMOBILES EARL MORLEY MOTORS ONE-THIRD DOWN 18 MONTHS ON BALANCE GMAC OR BANK TERMS Phone 781 S‘j PROOF • THE OLD HERMITAGE COMPANY, FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY Bill Nelson, 201; high series, Walt Parker, 532. Eagles 4 V.F.W. 865 852 887 839 804 790 2556 2481 V.F.W. — high game, Gerald Riley, 204; high series, Kent Bauersfeld, 521. Eagles — high game, Aldrich, 202; high series, D. Laird, 530. Lost Won League Standing 0 4 Eagles 1 3 Sundlands 2 2 Lew’s Place 2 2 O-A Mill 3 1 Safeway 4 0 V.F.W. HILLSBORO W. Baseline j