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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1951)
Loggers Return to Work After Rain Dampens Trip Starts for Service Man Leave« for Duty at Alaskan Post Accident Causes MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Dale Miller were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ~ Jones. The Millers live near Rainier. Mrs. Austin Dowling and son, Bernard were in Clatskanie Sat. urday. Much needed rain fell Monday night, not two much, but it helped and gave the loggers work again after a week’s shut down this time. Mrs. Chas. Hansen has been staying the past week with het father at Marshland. He hasn’t been w.U of late. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Corll are expected back this week end from their trip to the middle west. Marion Steers has besn driving the high school bus dur ing Mr. Corll’s absence. Mr. Winterstinc from Portland is staying with Geo. Kalesse on th? Mt. while his wife is on a three months trip to Europe. Stay in Europe TREHARNE — Mrs. Robert Reynolds has been ill with a cold the past week. Forrest Reynolds left Tuesday for Seattle from where he will be sent up to Alaska. Joe Miller is ill with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride motored to Coos Bay Saturday where they and their daughter. Jean, visited Mrs. Doris Young on her fire lookout. Sunday they went up to Cougar Pass lookout and visited Edwina Sie- dleman, coming on home irom there and bringing Jean to start school. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beck w nt to Gresham Monday even ing. Carl Huchinson was a caller at Albert Walkers Saturday and Mrs. Ed Crawford last week. Buster Rodgers had dinner with the Bert Tisdales Sunday. Grant Dodge and Clvde Thomas also called at the Tisdale home. Serious Injury MIST — The W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Irving Knowles. Not too many members were present owing to one cause or another. A delicious luncheon was served at ths close of the meeting. The next meeting place will bs with Mrs. Anna Siegen- thaler the second Wednesday P.M. Mrs. Geo. Kalasee left by plane r-c^ntly for New York and from there sailed for Europe for a stay of three months. Several of the villagers at tended the funeral services in Birfcenfeld for Mrs. Mary Nord strom. She was laid to rest in the Mist cemetery beside her husband. She had .'Dent her en tire life (75 years) on their place and it was there their four child. r»n wore born and raised. We all enjoyed seeing her at the gatherings here and there and shall miss her in the future. Rink Trotter had a MIST very bad accident last Fridev night in the early morning hours as he was coming home from Clatskanie. About a mile from Mist by the Siegenthaltr farm his car left the highway, rolling over two or three times. Little is known how the accident occurred. He may have gone to sleep. He was injured quite badly, suffering from a gash in his head which took 16 stitches to close, a broken pelvis bone, besides other minor bruises. He was taken to a Portland hospital. Irving Knowles was a Sunday visitor in Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Gift, the Raleigh dealers were making the rounds in the village Monday. Several villagers took in the football game at Clatskanie Fri day night. Mrs. Lloyd Garlock was a Clatskanie visitor Saturday, also Mrs. Lester Closner. THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. THURSDAY, SEPT. 27, 1951 S Christening of Youngest Granddaughter Witnessed The Vernonia Eagle Marvin Kamholz- Editor and Publisher RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goodman are the par ents of a boy born August 31 at the Jonos Hospital in Hillsboro. He weighed 4 pounds 14 ounces and is named Paul Clinton. Howard Rose returned to the home of his uncle, J. E. Rose, Sunday from Marysville, Cali fornia. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schalock attended the christening of their youngest granddaughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Schalock at St. Helens Sunday. Mr and Mrs Everett Young of McMinnville spent the week end at the home of his brother and si«»er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Young. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Christy, son George and daughter. Carla, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fowler Sunday. Dean Wright of Kooskia, Idaho is staying at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Normand. Official Newspaper ot Vernonia, Oregon. Entered as second class ma* matter, August 4, 1922 at thr- post office in Vernonia, Orr-gun. under the act of March 3, .HTW. Subscription price, $2.50 yearly NATIONAL EDITORIAL Naval Man Given New Assignment Looking for ^oocfsttyi RIVERVIEW — Chief Bosn. and Mrs. J. F. Br?edin and two daughters from the Naval Air Station. Quonset Point, R.I., ar rived at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Huntley, Monday. They plan to stay until about October 20 at which time he will po to a new duty station at U.S. Frontier. San Dingo. Cali fornia. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McCool and children and Betty Huntley also spent the week end at their parents’ home. Mrs. Rex Normand and Mrs. Richard Goodman and children visited M»-s. Chris Benson in Portland Friday. Mrs. Annie Roberts attended the Pendleton Roundup, going from to Walla Walla to visit relatives then going to Granpevil’e, Idaho wher' she and several of h'-r brothers and sisters enjoyed a visit together. Be sure PORK & BEANS FANCY PEAS TUNA FISH DEL HONTE PEAS CREAM CORN No. 2 can No. 303 can Sugar Eelle No. '/i can Torpedo - flakes ! ______________ NEHALE DflIRV PRODUCTS (0. Grade A Pasteurized Milk & Cream PHONE 471 NEED GOOD LIGHTING Check These Prices on Globes! G.E. FROSTED GLOBES plus lax 40 & 60 Watt ea. 14c 75 Watt ea. 16c plus tax 100 Watt ea. 16c plus tax Indirect 100-200-300ea. 60c Plus Enjoy this GREAT STRAIGHT BOURBON famous for OLD TIME QUALITY! Cashmere Bouquet, bath size 2 bars Tide Detergent ___ 19-oz. pkg. Vel Detergent __________ 15-oz. pkg. Surf Detergent _________ 19-oz. pkg. Duz Granulated Soap 20ife-oz. pkg. FACIAL TISSUES Pkg of 300 STRAIGHT I0U810N WHISIHU6 HOOF NATIONAL DISTILLERS PROD. CORP.. N.Y. tax No. 2 can 19c Comstock Pie Apples 46-oz. 26c Grapefruit Juice, Town House, 2 tall cans 27c Cherub Milk, Evap. Fresh Nilk, Nehalem Dairy ____ ..quart 22c ___ 4 cans 35c Gerber Baby Food lb. pkg. 33c Delrich Margarine, Colored, .. lb. 33c Sunnybank Margarne, Colored doz. 69c Grade 'A' Medium Size Eggs 2-lb. ba" $1.63 Nob Hill Coffee, lb. 82c 2-lb. bag $1.57 Airway Coffee, lb. 79c .2-lb. can S1.73 Edwards Coffee, lb. 87c Eawards Coffee, vac. pack, 4-lb. can $3.45 lMt-lb. 22c Bread. Mrs. Wright's White, each 30c Coffee Breads, Ruth Ashbrook 3-lb. can 96c Swift'ning Shortening 7-oz. pkg. 26c Cookies, Deer Park brand Country Club brand "The Bourbon Buy of the Century Family Pack No. 303 can Country Home No. 3Ó3 A PICTURE OF HEALTH , The child who drinks milk ' regularly has the best chances of continued good health, for milk provides many essential j nutrients—is, in fact nature’s most perfect food. Milk delicious, too. SAFEWAY larly at Safeway. You see, all our prices are always low. This means you can save every time you shop—a few cents here, a few cents there. Multiply these savings by the number of shopping trips you make in a month, a year. The result is a substantial sum. For typical examples of values Safeway offers, check the lists below. 27c 32c 32c 32c 32c Corn-Beef Loaf Perk Liver Slab Bacon Pork Sausage Short Ribs Ham Hocks Chili Rolls Dennison's Catsup Fancy Tamaio Catsup 14-oz. bottle 2 for A treat with dressing or kraut ic ,■>. 29' ,c i» 49 c ■». 55' c ic ». 69 c IN I. Fresh - Skinless Pure lean beef OUR PRODUCE 5-lb. bag APPLES TOKAY GRAPES = ». lb. CAULIFLOWER POTATOES Ezr 39C 17c 10c 49c ENTER THE BIG "DOUBLE PRIZE" KITCHEN CRAFT FLOUR CONTEST First prize $2000 for yourself plus $2000 for your favorite church or charity. 50 other prizes. GET DETAILS AT SAFFWAY 10-lb $ sack 1 Center cuts BACON Rsä,r ib. 49* pSy WIENERS GROUND BEET Jonathan All-purpose SAFEWAY White Satin — Beet (C VALUES We reserve the right io limit quan tities. 15c 15c 23c 18c 27c ,». 49 ». 39 Smoked. ». 29 Prices in this ad are effective through Saturday, Sept. 29. SUGAR 02 25-lb. $Q33 50-lb. $ J 65 sack sack ¿X 49c 79c 59c 59c 65c SECTION I7c lug $1.99 ................ lb. 15c- 24-lb. lug $1.89 lb. 19c lb. 7c GOLDEN CORN lb. 14c LETTUCE, salad delight lb. 8c DRY ONIONS. Yellow 3-lb. 19c PARSNIPS, easy peelers lb. 16c SPINACH, bright green, 10-oz. pkg. 21c SWEET POTATOES lb. 19c lb. 12c TURNIPS, nice flavor lb. 19c YAMS, from the South APPLES, Red Delicious CONCORD GRAPES ORANGES, Valencias PEARS, Bartletts BROCCOLI, farm-fresh CABBAGE Thrilling Garden Offer! EXOTIC EARLY FLOWERING DUTCH IRIS 12 bulbs for 25? Mognilicient, orchid LLe blossoms on toll, sfotcly stems! Gorgeous colors—-glowing blue, brillion» yellow, dainty white! DETAILS AT ROYAL SATIN DISPLAY 3 lb. Royal Satin 89c 1