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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1951)
48th Wedding Date of Couple Celebrated Mr. and Mrs. Bert Makinster were surprised Monday evening by the members of the Assembly of God church on the occasion of their 48th wedding anniversary. The couple was presented with a gift and refreshments were served during the evening. Club Install* New Officer* for Year Rainbows Install Officers Monday The Pythian Sisters Past Chiefs Club met at the home of Tressie Michener September 10, at 8.00 p.m. Edna Heenan was installed as president dnd Isabel Culbert son as vice-president for the en suing year, by the out-going president, Zelda Lamping. After the business session, the secret pals were revealed and new names drawn. Delightful refreshments were served by the hostess to the nine members present. The Club will meet again next Tuesday, October 2, for a 1:00 ( o’clock dessert luncheon at the home of Lesta Garner on Timber road. A public installation for the Rainbow girls was held at the Masonic Temple SeptemDer 24. Installing officers were Worthy Advisor, Donna Aldrich; Chap lain, Bonnie Wilcoxen; Musician. Mr. Bush; recorder, Norma Elliott and Marshal. Mary Ann Cline, visor Patty Floaten; Worthy Ad visor. Pattv Floaten; Worthy As sociate Advisor. Bettv Lou Fra zee; Charity, Katherine Keasev; Hope, Glenna Pearl and Faith, Mary Tapp. Mrs. Sandon presented Donna Aldrich with a white Bible on ♦he comp’e’ion of her term as Worthy Advisor Accnmoanied by Floyd Bush, In=tta Mav sang a solo following the installation ceremony. Refresh mmi? of cake and jello ’""re serv'd. For the program, Beverlv Closner sang a solo, .T-rrv Bush "laved his accordian and Glenna Pearl played a piano so’o. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eckland P-aetice will be held October 1, were honored at their home Sept at 7:00 p.m. ember 23 on the date of their 25th wedding anniversary by 36 guests who gathered to present Pre-School Study Will their congratulations. Be Topic October 3 Mrs. Eckland was presented vzith a corsage of pink rubrum A P.-T.A. pre-school study lillies and Mr. Eckland with a eroun meeting is being planned carnation boutonniere made by for »he evening of October 3 at Mrs. Thomas. Among other gifts, the home of Mrs. R. E. Culbertson they were given a shower of for all of those who are interested silver dollars and cards. . in rearing and educating young The four-tier cake was beau children. The meeting is sched tifully decorated by Mrs. Emil uled to start at 7:30 p.m. Messing and served by Helen Groves. Mrs. Joe Eggert served coffee and Mrs. Charles Ceder- burg presided at the punch bowl. Thought for today... Mrs. J. W. Bererard passed the guest book. Mrs. Grant Thayer was in charge of making a special scrap book to be presented to the Ecklands, telling the story of “Man is not their marriage in pictures. Each the creature guests chose a picture to add to the book. of circumstances. Robert Kimball provided en tertainment by singing and play Circumstances ing his electric guitar and David are the creatures McBride sang “There is No Secret What God Can Do.” of man.” Out-of-town friends sent their —Disraeli greatings. Anniversary Date Remembered I « ♦ Products * shelves are loaded with above items and many more food values io please you. the public. Visit our meat counter also for the best in price and quality of meat. ♦ I 4 i I i I ♦ i i i i ♦ I I I ♦ i ♦ i i Remember— i I i DELIVERIES TWICE I i DAILY: 10 a.m - 3 p.m. ♦ 4 PHONE 1391 I ♦ ». MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS For moderate refreshment... Light 'It's the Water" Olympia Brewing Co., Olympia, Wash., U. S. A. I E6SI NANCE BEAUTY SHOPPE OPEN 6'DAYS Ruth Smith and June Weiner Operating If you have dandruff—Get DANDRACIDE Money Back Guarantee We sell Breck, Egg, Helene Curtis Milky and Conti Castile Shampoos REVLON Lip Sticks, Touch and Glow Aqua Marine Hand Lotion Miller's Balcony — Phone 602 Now for Appointment PFAFF • makes everything • but a mistake I Vernonia Temple No. 61, Py thian Sisters, met September 12 for the regular meeting. Excel lent Senior Edjth McFarland pre sided in the absence of M.E.C. Marv Sawyer. After a short business session, ♦he meeting was adjourned for a social hour. Delightful refresh ments were served by Hettie I'eterson. Marie Shafer and Lesta Garner. F F P F WORLD’S FAMOUS SEWING MACHINE • BUTTONHOLES H H H • — • MONOGRAM • APPLIQUE • OVERCAST • EMBROIDER • BAR-TACKS • ZIG-ZAGS • DARN SATURDAY, SEPT. 29 No. 144, The Californian •— By Representatives of the PARK'S New Home Store 1 À H H You will be amazed at the ease with which plain and fancy sewing can be ac complished on the— PFAFF Model 130. 4816 N. Lombard, Portland, Oregon Application* Studied At Rebekah Meeting The regular meeting of the Re bekah Lodge was held Thursday. September 13. More applications for membership were brought uv and Mrs. Rena Brady will be among those to be initiated in October. Lena Schroeder, Noma Callister and Beryl Cline gave secret work and will receive their seals. The social club of Rebekahs an. nounced a progressive dinner and bingo party to start at Ione Justice’s September 25. Thoee not having transportation may make arrangements with Annetta Pearl. Refreshments were served after the meeting. Your ‘One-stop’ Saving Center D a Unripe 12 Mo. Guarantee $ 8.95 Exch. DcillcIlcS 24 Mo. Guarantee $13.45 Exch. TIRES, 6.00x16................... $19.07 Tax Included 30-30 WINCHESTER ................................ $72.15 30-30, 30-06, 300 Sav., 250 Sav., and 30-40 Krag RED SWEAT SHIRTS.............................. $2.49 RAIN WEAR.................... Jacket* and Trouser* Men’» Heavy Fleece Lined Union Suit* Ladies Red Jackets, Lined......................... $4.98 Water Repellant $1.98 $8.95 Cocoa Door Mats.......... All Steel Utility Table Wl STIRN bUFF WHITE avio '»ill’ll’ V PHONE 1271 30-.30 Winchester Carbine H • BLIND STITCH Refreshments of ice cream, cake and coffee were served to climax a very pleasant meeting. The next meeting will be held on October 4 at the home of Mrs Paul Gordon with Mrs. Westay Bolmeier in charge of the pro gram. MASTER PRIZE H On the Mezzanine of Millers Department Store The Vernonia Study Club met for its first fall meeting Thurs day evening, September 20, at the home of Mrs. Ben Brickel. After a short discussion of busi ness, the meeting was turned over to the program committee. Mrs. Judd Greenman gave a very interesting and amusing ac count of her trip to New York this summer. While there she visited her sister and other rela tives. Mrs. Paul Gordon showed colored slides and told of their trip up the Alcan Highway to Fairbanks, Alaska, and then out to the coast to the town of Val dez, where they shipped their car and boarded a boat for their trip homeward. This was very entertaining. Last year’s birthday friends were revealed through the ex change of gifts and new birthday friends were drawn for the com ing year. A beautifully decorated birthday cake was brought in and as each member removed a candle the name and birthday of her new birthday friends was revealed. WEEKLY PRIZES ON HORN SPREAD WEEKLY PRIZES ON SMALLEST DEER TWO WEEKLY PRIZES ON CONCEALED WEIGHT K H WEIGHING-IN STATIONS AT H H H ST. HELENS JEWELL CREAMERY & LOCKERS MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS RAINIER CREAMERY & LOCKERS AUSTIN’S GROCERY & MARKET DERBY DANCE H H SAT., OCT. 27 H i H H H H ................. TED’S TEXACO SERVICE .......WILSON’S TEXACO SERVICE CLATSKANIE H H SCAPPOOSE ST. HELENS . VERNONIA ... RAINIER ....... H t I H H H EHXHXHZMZHXMXMXHXMXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXE I t Summer Trips Told to Club Scappoose Legion Post No. 153 • SEWS STRAIGHT • SEWS REVERSE VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, SEPT. 27, 1951 SPONSORED H • SEWS ON BUTTONS EAGLE, THE First Annual DEER DERBY Another demonstration of the Pfaff sewing machine has been scheduled here for Saturday, September 29 by the Parks New Home store of Portland and the machine may be seen in opera tion on the mezzanine at Miller’s Department store. This d. monstration will be the second so far this year to be sponsored by the Parks store. Howard Olden, who has been coming here for over two years to service sewing machines and is well acquainted in this com munity. is one of the store own ers. He made arrangements for the demonstration last Wednes day on one of his regular visits. The Portland store has been in business since 1921 and claims the best stock of sewing machine supplies of any store in the Port land area. All Day Demonstration of the A four event family reunion of seven of eight brothers and their two sisters and their assembled families, was held early this month by members of the Bol meier family, children of the late Mr. and Mrs. August Bolmeier of Erie, N. Dak. The group held reunions at the H. H. Bolmeier home in Salem, the Erie Hill home in Corvallis, the Wesley Bolmeier home in Vernonia and at the W. A. Bol- m ier home on Marquam Road, Silverton. Brothers and sisters and their spouses present were Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bolmeier of Absoro- kee, Mont., Mrs. Fred Beckmeyer of Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Hill of Corvallis, Roy E. Bolmeier of Billings, Mont., Dr. E. C. Bolmeier of Durham, N. Carolina, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bol meier of Salem, Mt. and Mrs. Wesley Bolmeier of Vernonia, Melvin Bolmeier of Vallejo, Cali fornia and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bolmeier. Other family mem bers present were Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Niemi of Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nelson of Ver nonia, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Thorn ton of Great Falls, Mont., Mr. and Mrs. Don Miley and daugh ter of Gates, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bolmeier, Jr., also Mary Jane Bolmeier of Portland, Lynn and Gretchen Bolmeier and Virginia Nelson of Vernonia and William McQueen of Salem. The parents of the group of brothers and sisters had been pioneer settlers in North Dakota, coming there in covered wagons. F. W. Bolmeier of Fargo, N. Dakota was the only brother un able to attend. Pythian Sister Temple Meets September 12 Demonstration of Machine Planned ¥MP|^ Families Meet At Four Homes SCAPPOOSE HI SCHOOL GYM FEATURING: PRESENTATION OF DERBY PRIZES JACK RHINE AND HIS ORCHESTRA ADMISSION $1.00 PER PERSON