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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1951)
2 'THURSDAY, SEPT. 27, 1961 THE EAGLE, TOWW TOPICS Mr. and Mri. E. E. Garner, Larry Garner and Doris Hah- VERNONIA, ORE. Annual Reunion Friendship Eve. Enjoyed Wed. group of O.E.S. mem from Beaver, Mizpah, Friendship, Takes Place Here bers A large from Portland and neigh Checowan, Orenomah, Sellwood, Friday until Monday. MT. HEART Social Club cooked food and rummage sale, October 13, Sessman Building. 3813c Mrs. Jess:e Pearl returned The Holter-Maicon-King fami boring chapters enjoyed Nehalem lies held their annual reunion in Chapter’s “Friendship Evening’’ meyer were Sunday dinner guests home Friday from a three weeks Vernonia at the H. H. King home Wednesday night. <>t Mr .and Mrs. E. J. Hohenadel visit with friends in Goble and Worthy Matrons and Patrons Clatskanie. She will leave Fri Sunday, September 23. Dinner at Clackamas. Mrs. O. G. Weed has been con day of thia week for California was served at the Legion hall and fined to her home this week where she will make an extended was followed by the annual elec visit with her mother in San with a severe case of influenza. Visitors at the D. O. Cantwell Francisco and with her son and tion of officers and selection of next year’s meeting place. name Wednesday evening of last family in Chico. Presiding were Mrs. Myrtle Adolph Nelson, who underwent week were Mr. Cantwell’s cou sins, Mrs. A. R. Crider of Grand an operation last Thursday morn Whittington, vice-president and Mrs. Mignon Sankey, secretary Falls Texas and her sister of ing at the Emanuel hospital, is SanDiego, California and Mr. and getting along nicely and will treasurer. Officers named were: The grade school P.-T.A. George E. King, president; Er Mrs Wm. B. Cantwell of Cottage probably return home the first nest Smith, Jr., Monroe, vice- opened the current season with Grove. They were accompanied of next week. by Mr. Cantwell’s father, D. B. BAKED FOOD sale by Ladies president; Lloyd Malcom, Cor its meeting on Monday evening, Altar Society. Sundland's. Sat., vallis, secretary-treasurer. . The September 17. A drive for new > .antwell of Goble. Oct. 6. 39t2c next reunion will be at the Ben- members was launched with the PAID LOCAL fhiuoOla n7 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barnhart • ton-Lane park between Monroe following committee in r’-s’-'-o: ANNUAL F. L. Club Halloween dance. Hal Cook's orchestra, and son, Ray, Jr., from Bakers and Junction City or at the Mrs. Marion Steers, chairman, Mesdames Harry Sandon. Elmer October 27, I.O.O.F. hall. 39tfc field, California spent the week Legion hall, Monroe. Attending Sunday were: Knoedler. Art Nanson and Glenn Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Van De with Rev. and Mrs. H. L. Russell. Mrs. Glvdie Holter of Monroe, Pearl. Any and all who are Bogart of Deadwood, visited On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Russell friends and relatives here from took them on a trip around the her family, Mrs. Myrtle Whitting interested in becoming m mbers ton and granddaughter, Char Mt. Hood loop. Ray, Jr., was on should contact this committee. furlough from the Marine Divi lotte Kundert; Mr. and Mrs. Er Other committees appointed in nest Smith. Ernest Smith, Jr., sion at Oceanside, California. clude: Mental hygeine—Mrs. George Fred Soden and Mrs. Mary and Mrs. Maxine McGuire, Mi Lanphear, brother and sister of chael, Sheela and Casey McGuire; Johnson; national P.-T.A. maga Norris Soden, were guests at the Mrs. Elmer Sankey, Mr. and Mrs. zine—Mrs. Art Davis and Mrs. Soden home Saturday and Sun Harold Hodgson and Douglas; John Roediger; publicity—Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larkin; Mrs. Wesley Pace: founder’s dav pro day for his birthday. MT. HEART Social Club cooked Harry Marlowe and Hal; Mrs. gram—Mrs. H. L. Russell; health food and rummage sale, October Jennie Malcom of Monroe, her and summer round-up — Mrs. 13, Sessman Building. 38t3c family. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mal Charles Dubendorff and pre TWICE A WEEK Ronald Ellis, stationed at Lack com, David and Steve of Cor school clinic—Mrs. Edgar Cul FAST SHIRT land AFB, San Antonio, Texas, vallis; Mr. and Mrs. Willis King of bertson. The next meeting has been was confined to the hospital for Junction City; Mr. and Mrs. SERVICE a short while recently to re James Nixon and Victor of set for the third Monday in Oc In Wed. — Back Sat. Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. H. H. tober. cuperate from sun stroke. Among those who were in Port King, Mr. and Mrs. George King, In Sat. — Back Thurs. land Saturday to see the Univer Patricia and Pauline King, Ver Same service for Dry sity of Oregon-Stanford game nonia; Mrs. Gladys Holter; Mrs. were: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nelson, Jennie Malcom, sisters of H. H. Cleaning. (No extra Mr. and Mrs. Lester Galloway King. A niece, Mrs. Myrtle charge) Bring To— and Mr and Mrs Melvin Schwab. Whittington, and a cousin, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Remnant J. A. Hensyel, visited at the BEN BRICKEL’S returned here Saturday evening King home over the week end, from a two-week vacation trip returning to their homes Monday. BARBER SHOP Lucille Fowler was obligated One member unable to attend which they spent with friends in was Floyd Malcom of Monroe. into the F.L. Club at the regular California. meeting September 20. Her ini- Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ruth He had been very seriously in tiation will take place later when jured in a logging cat accident. (Esth-r Robertson) and Mr. and other new members come in. Mrs A. J. Hilton, formerly of and The annual Halloween dance Vernonia, have moved to Long September 21 from a thr:e-week was planned and a committee view. trip to Minnesota, Iowa and Wis appointed. For best costumes Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCutcheon, consin to visit relatives. the club will have a complete out. accompanied by Mrs. H. C. Lines BAKED FOOD sale bv Ladies fit of clothes. It is hoped more and daughter, Phyllis, returned Allar Society. Sundland's, Sat.. costumes will be worn this year. Oct. 6. 39t2c It is still optional. The home of Mrs. Tressie Mich- SHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHS ener The F. L. Club convention was was the scene of a birthday discussed and plans were made party Sunday for Mrs. Michener, for those who will attend. It her brother, Harlo Hickox and will be held at Florence this little Elmer Michener. Attending year. besides the guests were: Mr. and Refreshments were served by Mrs. Ermin Parson and Mrs. hostesses June Wilson and Vir Dean of Cedar Mills. Mr. ginia Walker. The next meeting M Z Anna Mrs. Murdo Hickox, Beaver wi'l he held at Isobel Ander- Jf Bring your deer and elk hides to Culbertson’s H and ton, Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Hickox, egg’s home. Woodburn, Nancy Worth, H Blacksmith Shop at Vernonia, gathering depot Z Forest Grove, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Z for Culbertson Glove company, Portland. Woodridge and children, West Union, Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Michener, Margaret and Lynn. Z Sell or trade for gloves or have them tanned Lynn is stationed at the Port land air base as mechanic. An for gloves or jackets. other birthday party for Elmer Michener on his second birthday place Tuesday with Marg •J WE MANUFACTURE BUCKSKIN JACKETS, J took aret and Darlene Aspinall as hos tesses Mrs. Rose Aspinall J BAGS, GLOVES, MOCCASINS AND ALSO J and Mrs. and Michener were honored x DO ALL KINDS OF ALTERATIONS AND M September 16 with a birthdav dinner. South Gate, Martha Washington, Fern and Wabang Chapters were present. Dorothy Sandon, mem ber of the appeals and grievances committee of the Grand Chapter; Hazel Ingalls. Grand Represen tative to the State of Mississippi and Marie Hawkins, Grand Rep resentative to the state of Ala bama, were honor guests. An enjoyable program fol lowed the meeting. Janelle Thomas danced a very pretty toe dance, “Valse Coppelia.” She was accompanied by Glenna Pearl who later played a piano solo, “Twilight Medit?,'<>n ” Th-» beautiful old song, “Whispering Hope,” and “Song of Old Hawaii >re sune by the trio composed of Florence Bowerman, Paige Simmons and Allie Dickson, who accompanied the group on a ukulele. A delicious buffet supper was served in the social hall by the refreshment committee, Eva Hearing, Dorothy Sandon. chair man, Hazel Smith, Allie Dickson, Alvilda Hearing and Mona Gor don with the assistance from manv oth"r members. Lovely flowers decorating the lodge room and dining room were by courtesy of Carna Childs, Eva Hearing and Hazel Smith. Grade PTA Seeks New Members Laundry and Dry Cleaning Fall Events for Club Planned Oregon Laundry z 2 X M Culbertson Glove Company ! Dr. William A. Pollock OPTOMETRIST Watrous Building 5 S. E. 17th, Portland, Oregon UHXHZHZHZHXHXHZHXHZHXHXHi j Over the Bus Depot Forest Grove, Oregon Phone Forest Grove 941 Over the Bus Depot Forest Grove, Oregon Phone Forest Grove 941 " -11 Joy Theatre I ] i | | SEPT. 27-28 THURS.. FRI. PASSAGE WEST (Color) ' John Payne - Arlene Whalen SATURDAY SEPT. 29 QUEEN FOR A DAY Edith Meiser . Darren McGavin SUN., MON. Sept. 30—Oct. 1 SAMSON AND DELILAH (Color) Heddy Lamarr - Victor Mature George Sanders TUES.. WED. OCT. 2-3 HOUSE ON TELEGRAPH HILL Richard Basehart-V. Cortesa 4 Joe Marsh Skip Makes a Slip ! SHUNTERS* REPAIRS. DENTIST Watrous Building Rom where I sit... Dry Cleaners H X Dr. L. K. Pollock Miss Gilbert, the teacher, was telling me how Skip Lawson almost went to sleep in her physics class. She noticed him nodding and— since they were discussing elec tricity—said in a loud voice: “Now maybe MR. LAWSON will explain what electricity is.” Skip started up, looked around wildly, and blurted out, “Gee! I used to know, but I forgot.” “What a loss to science!” sighs Miss Gilbert. “No one to this day knows what electricity really is, and here we have a genius who could explain it—but forgot!” From where I sit. I hope this taught Skip that you're better off if you admit you don’t know all an- swers. Some grownups haven't learned that yet—like the ones who are always telling other people what's best and what's right and what's wrong. I like a temperate glass of beer, myself, but if you prefer buttermilk I won’t argue. I’ve seen too many “know-it-alls'* turn out to be wrong! Cop¡rin¡it, 1951, United Slates Breners Funnlaiurn ■for the cleanest clothes and no-work washing- the Maytcrg Automatic I The completely automatic May tag washes, rinses, spin-dries your clothes for you. TO Exclusive Gyrafoam washing action washes out the most stub born dirt and grime . . . but is gentle as if you were washing clothes by hand. . : Safety Lid. Convenient top opening. Needs no bolting down. The name “Maytag" on your automatic assures you of de pendable, trouble-free perform ance year after year $309 95 —I Be Prepared for the Opening Day Saturday Come in today for a FULL SELECTION OF AMMUNITION î America’s Favorite Conventional Washer — MAYTAG Deer Rifles — Compasses — Red Hats — Axes Hunting Knives — Deer Bags — Ax-Knife Combina free demonstration. • LOW DOWN PAYMENT • EASY TERMS • LIBERAL TRADE-IN tion — Coleman Camp Lanterns Thraa Models $139.95 to 9209.95 Big, double-walled tub keeps water hot longer. Exclusive Gyrafoam wash ing action removes more dirt—can’t harm even dain tiest fabrics. Choice of more than 6,000,000 enthu siastic homemakers. Sports Heaters — Tri-Pak Gun Cleaning Kits — Gun Oil SUNDLAND'S and Gun Patches HOFFMAN HARDWARE COMPANY Telephone 181 Vernonia, Oregon ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE 786 Bridge Phone 581 Vernonia