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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1951)
Library, U of 0 Vernonia Loggers Prepare for St. Helens Game Friday FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Spirit ran' very high as the Vernonia Loggers began practice this week, after winning the first game of the season against the Forest Grove Vikings, with a determined look in their eyes which will spell plenty of trouble for the St. Helens Lions Friday night. This annual battle will take place at St. Helens. As far as injuries go, the most serious suffered to date are pulled muscles encountered in last ; I [ , Der Border;. Bill Lydie, Donnie Morgan. Donnie Waniland, Ozzie Ray, Tommy Peter*. Gordon Crowston. Lee Faulk, Loren Mill*. Ricky Fulton, Jim SmejkaL week’s game. The local warriors the local team will try very hard will start at full str.ngth bent to make this game number seven upon making it two years in a in a row of straight victories in row, as far as defeats go, for the Lower Columbia League play after a winning streak of six Lions. Tnis week’s activities were consecutive victories in 1950. The Loggers haven’t won from pent by the locals brushing up on plays, blocking and tackling the Lions on the St. Helens field practice, pass defense and takin* | since 1943 when the locals care of weak spots which showed tromped over the Lions 13-6. Th? Vernonia-St. Helens game up last Friday evening. This will be the Loggers first has developed into one with league game of the season and much rivalry between the two schools, which is mounting year by year. The scores during the last ten years have favored the local lads who have won six of these gridiron specials, the Lions winning two and two being tied. Results of the las 10 years are as follows: Year Vernonia St. Helens <7 1951 ?? 12 1950 14 26 1949 6 1948 7 6 1947 0 33 1946 34 0 1945 13 13 1944 38 0 1943 13 6 1942 6 6 1941 18 0 To date the Lions have played one game, which took place on their field last Friday night. They went down to defeat to the Tigard Bulldogs by the slim margin of 7-6. On Monday afternoon of next week, September 24, at 3:00 p.m. the Vernonia B squad will tangle with the St. Helens JC’s on the city park field. This will be the first B team game this season. More will follow with the second - string playing all this leagues participants the following Mon day after the A squad plays. First Season Grid Contest Won Friday Loggers Tally 20-7 Viking Victory to Start Season Play VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON v " PME 29. NUMBER 38 Bid Awarded By Council For New Truck Four bids were opened at the city council meeting Monday evening in answer to a recent advertisement for proposals on furnishing a new pickup truck for the water department. Eids were submitted by the Vernonia Auto company. Hills boro Sales company, Hawxen Motors and Swank Motor com pany of Hillsboro. All but one bid was given to show a com parison of prices between a half and three-quarter ton truck. Councilmen voted to accept the bid of Hawkcn Motors for a three-quarter-ton pickup for the net amount of $1345.80. A request from the Lions club presented by J. A. Bush, Jr., for permission to place a stand on top of the park cabin was granted. The stand will provide a place for announcers who broadcast football games. The council tabled a request from Barney’s Cab Co. for park ing spaces at Mike’s Tavern and the McDonald hotel. Procedures followed in other towns will be obtained before councilmen de cide concerning the parking spaces. The latter part of Monday’s meeting was devoted to devising a schedule of working hours for city employees who must work no more than a 44-hour week. Firemen and policemen are not covered by the state law which regulates the number of hours for public employees. Social (?) Wasps Not So Social! Wins Badge J Man Located Police Sound Warning In Woods After On Cigarette Sale, Use 47-Day Stay Marvin Dunn, lost from his home at 2174 N.W. Davis, Port- ’and since August 3 was found Tuesday near Camp Wilkerson by Mrs. Edgar Ra? of Rainier while Ae was picking cones. Dunn’s car was found by Claude Shaw, state patrolman, in the ar: a shortly after he was re ported missing. Searchers had given up looking for the missing man quite some time ago. When found, he was in good physical condition, although weak, and was wearing the same tweed business suit and hat as when reported missing. He was brought to Vernonia by Shaw, accompanied by Merle Graham and Don Bayley, given help to shave and a bath before bein'» taken to Barnes hospital at Vancouver. Dunn was located about three- fourths of a mile from the spot where his car was found. He had lived on berries and had hidden when people came near him. PAT LLOYD was awarded his Eagle badge at the Eagle court of honor last Thur'dav »v—’-ig. He ’» the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Lloyd. Rites Performed For Irvin Wood Final rites were performed here Wednesday afternoon for Isiac Irvin Wood who passed away Sunday as the result of a heart attack. Death came at the age of 57 years, 7 months and 20 days on September 16. He was born January 27, 1894 in Ver nonia and had lived in his com munity up to the last few years when he had been self-employed as a logger at Garibaldi. Surviving are: his wife, Irma; father, Albert Wood; two brothers Lee and Albert E.; a sister, Mary Shedwin, all of Vernonia, and a niece, Dora Ziegler of Manhatten. He had been a member of the Elks Lodge, the American Legion and the CIO at Tillamook. Commitment took place at the Memorial cemetery. A recent news article in a daily paper which termed the yellow jacket by another name of social wasp may have been somewhat amusing o a lot of people. It’s doubtful if the social wasps are considered social by .Lee Rogers, Timber route mail carrier. Lee has a badly injured left Vernonia Rod and Gun club arm and a smashed car because members are asked to remember of those so-called social wasps. a business meeting which will It happened something like this. take place next W^Snesday even Lee was returning from Timber ing at the high school. The meet, on his daily run Tuesday after ing was called earlier this week noon when a couple of yellow by Harold McEntire who ex- jackets decided to pay a social 1 plained that club members would visit. Mr. Rogers wasn’t in a be asked to decide about an ease social mood right then, at least ment on the Keasey property as well as the rent and repair of not with yellow jackets. Result was that his car hit the buildings. Wildlife moving pictures will be bridge just this side of Timber and in the mix-up. he suffered shown during the evening. The a badly cut left arm and the front session is to start at 8 p.m. Sept ember 26. of the car was damaged. Sportsmen Asked To Talk Business The Xernonia Loggers, display ing very good play for the first I game this season, defeated the l Forest Grov? Vikings here 20-7 last Friday evening b:fore a jam-packed crowd. The Loggers scored three TD’s with Loren Mills going over in servant, employee or agent to sell the first, second and third quar offer for sale or keep for sale to ters. The tries for point were any minor any cigarettes within also tallied by Mills. the city of Vernonia. ..." Vernonia scored it’s first tally Another part of the^ordinance midway through the first quarter also stipulates: "It shall be a when Crowston recovered a misdemeanor for any minor to fumble on the Vikings 20. From smoke, use or be in possession of there Mills ran the ball over into any cigarette in this city and it paydirt in two plays. shall be a misdemeanor for any Once again in the latter part of proprietor, clerk, assistant or em ployee of any place of business the second quarter Mills received to permit minors to frequent any the ball from center and scam said place of business while using pered from his own 40 to th»' Viking 27 for a 33-yard run be oi smoking any cigarette.” fore being stopped. Several plays Violation of the ordinance calls later Mills galloped around right for a fine of not more than $100 end from the 15-yard stripe for or by imprisonment in the city the TD. jail not exceeding 30 days or by Third quarter play resulted in both. another score for the locals when Loren Mills again took the ball on his own 50-yard stripe and ran all the way to the one-foot line before being stopped from behind. The next play resulted in a tally for the local team. The Vikings lone TD came m The change in ownership of a the fourth quarter when the Vernonia business became effec tive a few days ago when Mr. and visitors went over from the five- . Mrs. Jake Berger became the yard line on fourth down after new owners of Walt’s Shoe Repair a driv? from midfield. The try located at th? west end of the for point was good, making the score 20-7 in favor of the locals. Bridge street business section. The kickoff to the Loggers was W. E. Rogers, former owner of taken by Gordon Crowston who the business, announced the rambled from his own 15 to the change the first of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Berger are work Vikings 33-yard marker before ing in the shop now and Mr. being stopped. The gam? ended five minutes later with the locals Rogers is also remaining here for in possession of the pigskin. some time to assist them in get Most notable fact about the ting started. Later he will re Loggers in this, their first game, turn to his home near St. Helens. was the drive and spirit that seemed to grasp the team. De fensively the Loggers, led by Gordon Crowston, looked very good. Forest Grove played scrappy ball, but couldn’t seem to dent Th? first annual deer derby, the tough Logger defense many an event new to this area, is times. The visitors rally squad being sponsored this year by the was one of the peppiest ever seen Scappoose Legion post which has here and provided the Vikings announced that the event will with plenty of backing. One improvement which was continue through deer season and end on October 27 with a grand noted and appreciated by specta finale derby dance at the Scap tors and everyone present at the game was the PA system, which poose high school gym. Weighing-in stations have been was made possible by the Lion« arranged throughout the county club. at: Ted’s Texaco service, Scap poose; Wilson’s Texaco service and Jewell Creamery & Lockers, St. Helens; Mill Market and Lockers, Vernonia; Rainier Creamery and Lockers, Rainier and Austin's Grocery and Mar Mrs Harry Culbertson hold* ket, Clatskanie. the office of president of district 1 as the result of an uncontested election Saturday at the state Examiner Date Set American Legion and Auxiliary A drivers license examiner will convention at Seaside. Mra. Cul be on duty in Vernonia Friday. bertson will hold the office for a September 23. at the city hall year. from 10 a m. to 4 p.m Persons This district is comprised of 18 wishing licenses or permits to units in the four counties of drive are asked to get in touch Clatsop, Columbia, Tillamook and with the examiner at that tim» Washington. THURSDAY, SEPT. 20, 1951 The use of cigarettes by minors, some of them not having reached their teens, led to a warning from city police Monday that ac tion would be taken unless the sale of cigarettes to minors is stopped. A city ordinance covers the sale of cigarettes and a state law also covers the same subject. The city law definitely bars cigarette sales to minors by stating in sec tion 1: “It shall be unlawful for any person by himself or as a clerk, Reserve Flight Organized Here Lt. Col. Paul G. Weelfel, com manding the 9408th Volunteer Air Reserve Squadron, is activat ing a training flight in the Ver nonia area. The flight is for the benefit of local former military person nel and officers and airmen pre sently assigned to headquarters, fourth air force volunteer reserve section, who are interested in earning points for promotion and retirement. • Former service personnel (army, navy, marines or air force) may be enlisted or assigned, in the grade held at time of discharge, in accordance with current air Scheduled Perhaps it is an unusual thing force regulations. for a small city like Vernonia meetings, for the purpose of main to turn out as it did for the re taining military proficiency, will cent art exhibit of charcoal pic be held weekly, with each meet tures done by Jimmie James and ing attendance credited as one displayed at Brunsman Hard day active duty toward promo ware. Over one-third of the tion and retirement. Captain Leland M. Pugsley, town’s population came to view this exhibit and to pick a first Keasey Route, will command the and second choice which deter- ! local flight. Complete information mined the ones to be sent to the can be obtained from Captain | Pugsley, or by writing Head Oregon State Fair. Again, it was most unusual that quarters, 9408th VAR Training the judges at the state fair should Squadron, Portland International choose the same picture as first Airport, Portland, Oregon, or by choice that the Vernonia people calling Captain Raymond L. chose. Both chose “The Wedlock Malaby or M Sgt. Lee Clark, Tuxedo 5251, Extension 107. of the Maples.” This picture now hangs in Mr. James’ permanent collection, Meeting Scheduled adorned with a first premium The high school P.-T.A. will blue ribbon and all of the clip pings published by the Vernonia meet Monday night, September 24 at 8:00 p.m. All teachers and Eagle are pasted on the back. There are other sentimental parents of high school pupils are things entwined about this pic urged to attend this first meeting ture. They cannot be seen, per which will feature a program and haps, by others, nor understood, an important business session. but to the artist who painted it, they are very real. Trap Shoot Scheduled Charcoal Work Wins at Fair I | ' I Board Slates Meeting C. H. Johns, chairman of the county chapter, American Red Cross, has called a meeting of the board of directors for Monday. September 24 at the chapter of fice in St. Helen*. The first shoot of the 1951-52 season will be held at the ball park on the O-A hill this Sun day, September 23. The shoots will be sponsored this year, as last, by the Vernonia Trap club and an invitation is extended to all who wish to attend. Ownership of Shop Changed Post Sponsors 1st Deer Derby Auxiliaries Name District President