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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1951)
ej THURSDAY, AUG. 30, 1951 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General SPINET PIANO •»turned from rent — a real buy For information write: KORTEN’S Longview. Washington fflome of the Hammond Organ 27tfc MA ISE Chinchillas for Profit! As high as 500% profit the first SV«K.r Pairs with litters, pairs «rarry'mg, young pairs. Terms »rati be arranged. For in- Sonxialion see D. O. Smith at The Clute.____________________16tfc MAY AND STRAW for sale. iKasr prices as to quantity and Bjasality. Elmer Bergerson. 39tfc i E. DON SIMMONSON registered JPkmo Tuning and Servicing. {Member National Ass’n. Piano 'teerers. Contact Mrs. Fullerton, •Phone 837. 31tfc TOR SALE—Real Estate MODERN six-room house for sale. Completely furnished, with utilities. Inquire 141 B St. 34tfc JAKE’S UNION SERVICE for ■sulf. See Jake Bergef, 1209 ilridge Street. 34tl Members of Mist Club Win Awards 4-H club members attending the Columbia county fair with their leader, Mrs. Aldon Ashley, Virginia Johnson, Delores WANTED were: Wilson, Esther Evelyn and Bon WANTED: 125 good cedar fence nie Kyser and Bertie Lu Ashley. posts, 7 feet long and approxi Ethel Tuggell accompanied the mately 21 inches in circumfer girls one day. Red awards were received at ence. Please contact School Dis. the fair by Ella May Kyser for trict No. 42, Jt., Ethel M. Lar her sponge cake and by Bonnie son, clerk, Birkenfeld, Oregon. Kyser for her muffins. Esther 35t2c Kyser earned a white award for her sponge cake. WILD Blackberries wanted. Will In special contests, a red pick up down to Vine Maple, award was earned by Virginia for further information contact Johnson and Bertie Lu Ashley Albert Schalock, 3rd St, River for their demonstration, “Easy view. 34t3 to Make Mayonnaise.” Delores Wilson and Bertie Lu Ashley en SEWING MACHINE repairing. tered the salad making contest All work guaranteed. Any make. with second place going to Bertie Ira McConnel, Banks, Oregon, Lu. Fourteen girls in the county Box 127. Pick-up service. 34t6 entered this contest. Bertie Lu Ashley received third place in the cake making contest. CONES WANTED for reforestation in Columbia County Prices per bushel: Douglas fir . ......... Hemlock ___ Cedar _ __ White fir ................. S1.00-S1.25 $5.00 $2.55 $1.50 Write or phone for complete picking instructions. COLUMBIA TREE FARM Crown Zellerbach Corporation P. O. Box 247 Vernonia. Oregon Phone 15F3 2: BEDROOM furnished house for B LAC KBERRIE^^Sp rent. price. Sunset Packing Co, Sel FARMS AND ACREAGE lers Road off Sunset hiway, /APPROXIMATELY 8 acres, 6- Banks. 33t3 room house, garage and barn, dose in. Very attractive yard. WILL PAY TOP prices for all Consider trade on small house livestock. Will pick up at your m Vernonia. $6300 full price. place. Grant C. Dodge, Forest 50tfc RLAVE buyer for 2 to 5 acres on Grove, Rt. 2, Box 15. year round stream. No build HIGHEST cash prices paid for ings. .■ream and eggs at your door— "TIMBER listings wanted. picked up once or twice weekly— T >X”IES, 4-rm. house, barn, call or write Forest Grove Cream garage, brooder house and ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone fruit house. Lots of fruit and 126._____________________ 14tfc berries. One mile out. Price $5000, easy terms. MISCELLANEOUS •4LSOOM modern house on 1 A. AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY. «Close in. $3950, good terms. Misc. Sale 11:00, Livestock Sale HOMOS IF YOU are looking for a neat I 1:00. Clatskanie Community Auc little 2-bedroom home you tion. Quarter mile East of Clats ■vbould see this one. Just kanie on highway 30. Phone 1600. 28tfc painted and redecorated inside and out. Price only $3850. Good NEW, HOME LAUNDRY. Family Xerms. washing washed and dried, 15c lb. MODERN 6-room plastered house Finished at reasonable rates. Also 1 bedroom down, 2 up. Very curtain stretching. Mrs. E. M. nice weeping willow for shade. York, 108 A. St, phone 1107. $4003 full price, terms. 38tfc ¡NEARLY new 5-rm. house. Could be '3 bodrooms. $1250 full price, NOTICE good terms. t KOOM house. 2 bedrooms. Good NOTICE: NO cone gathering on my holdings as follow: portions condition. $2500. SHINGLE MILL 6 mi. out of of Sec. 23, 27, 26, 35, 34, TIN of . Vernonia. Powered by 60 HP R5W, WM; portions of Sec. 26,10, gas motor. Two 42-in. saws, 1 23, T3N of R5W, WM; NW'/, Sec. new clipper. $5100, good terms. 6, 3N, 3W, WM; portions of Sec. Price includes all saw tools. 32, 3N, 4W, WM. Violators will be prosecuted. Reason: Trees DON BAYLEY, BROKER MacDonald Hotel Vernonia cut down and mangled. ELMER BERGERSON 34t3c ________________________ 35tlc «JI ACRES—20 cultivation, on Ne- | NOTICES are again posted in halem river, $5250; no bldgs. the usual places for bids on trans Buildings available to move, portation on Route 1, for Mist 35ttc $509. Equipment and stock op School District No. 52. tional. 50, Clean 2-bedroom home on LEGAL NOTICE________ acre. THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE LUCILLE SESSMAN, Salesman STATE OF OREGON FOR J. M. Person, Broker COLUMBIA COUNTY Phone 322, Vernonia MARIE L. JONES, Plaintiff 35tlc Vs. El.MER JONES, Defendant FOR S/\LE—Livestock SUMMONS •COW with first calf, part Jersey TO: ELMER JONES: Defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE und Guernsey. Also Sea King • »utboard motor like new. Tom STATE OF OREGON: You are ¡Solomon, right hand house end hereby notified to appear and •of 6th St., Riverview. 34t3 answer the above entitled com plaint on or before four weeks «ONE-WEEK-OLD calf for sale. from the date of the first publi Charles Schmidlin. 35tlc cation thereof, and are further notified that upon your failure FOR SALE—Insurance so to do that the plaintiff will UFE, Fire, Car and Accident take judgement against you as Insurance. Oregon Automobile prayed for in her complaint, to- insurance Co. H. Hudson and witt: for a decree dissolving the George Bell. 26tfc bonds of matrimony now and heretoafter existing between the FOR RENT_____________ parties and granting to her an absolute decree of divorce from AFARTMENT. Electric range, you, and for the restoration of refrigerator, bath and oil heat. her former name, Marie L. Reed. Riv'rvtew cabins. 33tfc This summons is being served by publication by order of the Arthritis Sufferers Honorable Howard K. Zimmer Mr. Casey: 1 suffered months with arthritis man, datcr August 16th, 1951. PATTERSON & BUSH in my hip, and tried many treat- »ne its with no help Casey’s Com. Attorneys for Plaintiff poind was recommended to me, Resident Attorneys for Oregon rifitr using several bottles was Post Office Address ab*e to go back to work I am Commercial National Bank B'dg -ure if it had not been for this . ipound I would have become Hillsboro, Oregon ii cripple. I have rtcommended Date of first publication. it to many people. August 23, 1951. L. A. Kruger Date of last publication, 4.' 44 SE 29, Portland. SU 5503 September 20, 1951. At the Vernonia Drug Company SMOKERS! — Put out your cigarettes when in the woods. KEEP OREGON GREEN. LEGAL NOTICE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA In the Matter of the Estate of ALTA S. CRIPPS, deceased. CITATION ON PETITION FOR SALE OF REAL ESTATE TO: O. G. Cripps, Ione Cripps, Jane Doe Miller, Mary Roe Mil ler, and Frances Cripps, and to all other devises and heirs un- kn >.vn. if any such be. You are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court by O. G. Cripps, as ad- ministrator, of the Estate of Alta S. Cripps, deceased, praying for an order directing him to sell the real estate of said deceased, as described in said petition. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON you are hereby cited to appear in the County Court Room at the Coun ty Courthouse at St. Helens, Ore gon, with four weeks from the date of the first publication of this citation, to show cause, if any exists why an order should not be made granting to the ad ministrator of said estate permis sion and directing him to sell all of the real property of said es tate described as follows: “An undivided one-half inter est in and to Lots one and two, Black fifteen, Eastside Addition to the City of Vernonia, Colum bia County, Oregop.” for the purpose of paying the claims against the estate together with charges, and expenses of administration and for the dis tribution of any remaining bal ance to those entitled thereto. Witness the Honorable J. W. Hunt, Judge of the above entitled Court with the seal of the said Court affixed, this 28th day of July, 1951. (Seal of Court) (Signed) C. W. Wickman Clerk of said County Court. Date of first publication: August 2, 1951 Date of last publication: August 30, 1951 Candid Forestry^ figue p - Girl Returns From Hospital ’ O NATURE is v, '-"C our . chief 4 NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. Vai Franklin of Haz-l Grove mo tored through the valley Sunday and also called on Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kyser. Bill Wolff and Mildred en joyed having relatives visit them Sunday. They entertained with a picnic dinner by the river. Carrie Ann Wilson has returned home from the hospital and is doing fine. F orester ^ ¡ /p.v COMPLETE LINE OF ! Food Needs Here! FOR ENDLESS CENTURIES , HERE IN TH? VAST RAIN F orests of D ouglas fir . im wes T ern O regon ano ■W ashington , crops of trees have grown bo and T all then diep of old age , R otted aud F allen cown . nature - always reseeded the lamp . today man harvests the trees , when T hey are mature . using precious wood for . H ouses , schools . clothing , paper , and hunoeeds of needs . seed trees are left after -- L ogging and mature reseeds mos T of all lands J us T as she has done from time - without end a "AI Nature Does Most of Reforestation Job, Man Helps. Forester Says It would take 13 billion trees to replant the 26 million acres of commercial forests in the Doug las fir region of western Oregon and Washington at the rate of 500 trees per acre. It would cost $520 million to undertake this monumental re forestation job at the going rate of labor and nursery-raised seed lings. Fortunately for the forest pro ducts industries dependent upon wood from these forests for their raw products, Mother Nature has automatically taken care of this mighty reforestation job during the 125 years that man has been harvesting the forests of these two states. At least ninety per cent of all logged lands come back into tim ber from natural reseeding, ac cording to W. D. Hagenstein, chief forester for the Pacific Northwest forest industries. Forester Hagenstein says that while Mother Nature is our Chief Forester man has given a helping hand on occasion with artificial reforestation. Private forest own- . ers as far back as 1893 replanted i logged lands where seed trees I failed to do the job. These forests I of cottonwood on Willamette ■ river islands are now being cut. Hagenstein estimates that pri vate land owners, state and fed- Team Appreciate Season’s Help Vernonia, Oregon Many other items too numerous to mention. For the best in prices and quality Shop at the Mill Market & Lockers. Remember— DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY : 10 a.m - 3 p.m. MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS | Expert Tonsorial Work BEN’S BARBER SHOP Vernonia, Oregon PHONE 1391 .1 -WANTED- MEN TO TRAIN FOR REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS Age 21 to 60. Must be resident of this county two or more years. Competent appraisers receive $175 to $325 per month. Farm experience valuable. The Vernonia baseball team wishes to thank all the business places of Vernonia and Riverview who so generously donated money and material that made possible the existence of the ball team during the 1951 season. The team especially wishes to thank the following business 3 If-5c places that bought uniforms for the team: Lew’s Tavern (two), CLASSIFIED RATES Vernonia Cleaners, Vernonia MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 Drug Co., Brunsman Hardware words or less. Words over min and Electric, Commercial Bank imum, 2c each. Three inser and Nehalem Dairy. Thanks also go to: Brunsman's tions for the price of two. CARD of Thanks & Notices: 80c for selling equipment at cost, Ver NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY nonia Cleaners for cleaning the ADV. ACCEPTED AFTER uniforms free of charge. Lew’s WED. NOON EXCEPT FOR Tavern for refreshments at ball games free of charge, Nehalem NEXT WEEK S PAPER. BLIND ads with answers to be Dairy for ice and use of milk handled by the Eagle: Minimum cans for water, Oregon American charge 80c. No information Lumber Corporation for the ball diamond and material for back given relative io such ads. THE EAGLE assumes no finan stop, Crown Zellerbach for the cial responsibility for errors grader and Art Owen for discing that may appear in ads pub and dragging the diamond. lished in its columns, but in Without the above and several case where this paper is at others it would have been im: fault, will reprint that part of possible to have had a baseball an adv. in which the typo team in Vernonia during the 1951 graphical mistake occurs. season. Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION eral governments combined in the past 50 years have hand- planted about 120 million nursery raised trees on some 240,000 acres in the Douglas fir region. During the same period nature has rese°ded billions of baby trees. Nature’s process is simple. Seed trees grow cones which open up in the hot, dry fall months and wind waft the sends into fertile ground where tiny seed lings take root. Man has under taken in recent years a direct seeding plan of his own using helicopters to fly just above non stocked land and drop seed in an even pattern. Rodent baiting is necessary to keep mice from eating all the seeds. The foresters warned that Mother Nature will take care of most of our reseeding problems if man will keep fire controlled. Fruits Vegetables Dairy Products Meats Fish Canned Goods Soaps And i Write to the— VERNONIA EAGLE Vernonia, Oregon For old-time Hiram Walker quality JUST TELL THE MAN YOU WANT IMPERIAL! IMPERIAL "'fam ftafikrñ I Blended whiskey. 86 proof. TOG grain neutral spirits. Hiram Walker & Sons loc., Peoria, UL •••••• *••• •"'•111 •» * SO»« PINT 10 I 4 5 QT. 35