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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1951)
3 THURSDAY, AUG. 30, 1951 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. TOWTV TOPICS Stay Made in Veteran Hospital in Portland Bill Howard continual to im prove at St. Vincent’s hospital from injuries sustained when he wm thrown from the back of a rar driven by Dickie Gwin. The accident occurred near the St. Helens junction last Tuesday night. August 21. He received a fractured skull, broken left shoulder and collar bone, deep head lacerations and numerous ruts and bruises. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howard of Pittsburg THERE WILL BE a benefit pie racial at the Natal Grange hall September 1. Everyone welcome. 35tl Mr. and Mrs. Claude Jones are the parents of a girl who arrived August 2 at the Swedish hospital at Seattle, Washington. She has RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Shirley Kirtland and daughter, Karen, are visiting at the home of her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Garrison. Mr. Kirt land is in the Veterans hospital in Portland. Mrs. Wallace Muir and three sons of Renton, Washington are visiting at the home of her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Brunsman. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Smith and daughters, Judith and Susan, of Portland spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Smith’s mother, Mrs. Glenn Mitchell. Judith stayed with her grandmother for a longer visit. A PICTURE OF HEALTH The child who drinks milki regularly has the best chances ' of continued good health, for milk provides many essential nutrients—is, in fact nature’s | most perfect food. Milk is delicious, too. NEHALEM QRIRV PRODUCTS CD. Grade A Pasteurized Milk & Cream o . PHONE 471 A been named Sheryl Alyce and weighed eight pounds, one and one-half ounce. She has a broth er Billy Rae age 4. Mrs. Jones was the former Mary Jane Rob bins, daughter of Mrs. C. K. Willhite, Portland and O. H. Robbins of Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Carlson and daughters, Jean and Janice, of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Shipman last Sunday for a week’s visit. Mrs. Carlson is a niece of Mr. Shipman. Miss Ruth Holaday, Portland, was here Tuesday to visit friends. She formerly taught at the Wash ington school and is now teaching in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Striker, Mr. and Mrs George A. Remnant and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Coryell were guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs. Lyman Hawken at their home at Cannon Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seelye of Portland were guests there also. Among those who have been fishing at Astoria in the past few days are: Charles Sundland, Dr. R. D. Eby, Tom Bateman, Lowell Hieber, Guy Thomas, Cecil Johnson. Paul Gordon, J. A. Bush, Jr., and Vern Sykes. They were taken out by Ed Salomon- sen. Family Reunites In Vernonia Sat. TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale, John Tisdale and Albert Walker spent Wednesday evening enjoying the races at the Gresham fair. Harry Wilson spent Thursday with Albert Walker. A family reunion was held at the home of Grandma Tisdale in Vernonia Saturday. The occasion was the birthday of her visiting son, John, of Los Angeles. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ted Tisdale and son’s, Gary, Mike and Tom, Mrs. Rachel Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Tisdale, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heenan and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale and granddaughter, Susan. Mr. and Mrs. George Hult of Sweet Home spent the past week with his brother and family, Gus, also with the Wilsons. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker attended th? old-timers picnic at Hillsboro August 26. Mrs. Helen Laman and Keith Wolff were visitors at the Royce Newton home August 25. Three Work in Idaho Sawmill RIVERVIEW — Laurel Wyckoff returned horn? Friday after visit ing for a month at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wyckoff, at Hayfork, California. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Huens and family have moved into the Knoedler’s house on Third St. Norman Helland, Tiny Nor mand and Richard Goodman are working in a mill at Kooskia, Idaho during the shutdown. Mr. and ,Mrs. Lloyd Callister, son, Ronnie, and Mrs. Clara Hill spent Sunday at Dundee visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Struchen. Circle Member* Meet Thursday at Mist Home MIST—The Mist Helping Circle met Thursday at the home of Mrs. George Jones. There were 16 members present. Visitors were Mrs. L. Mathews, Mrs. Carl Enneberg, Mrs Walt Bateson and Mrs. Lloyd Beach. A most de licious dinner was served at noon. A short business meeting followed. The ladies, 21 of them, adjourned to the yard where some pictures were taken of the group. Then an hour or two was spent visiting. It was the first meeting of the Circle in Mrs. Jones new home. The next meet ing will be on the fourth Thurs day in September at the home of Mrs. Austin Dowling. Mrs. Austin Dowling and Mrs. A. J. Kjos called on Mrs. Geo. Jones Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Bateson also were callers there. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Waddell went to Portland Friday, taking their son, Ralph, to meet the train for Seattle where he goes to Fort Lawton for shipment out. Mrs. Anna Siegenthaler is papering her house at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chechmanek called on the Chas. Hansens Sat urday. Club Members Picnic At Dass Park Sunday The - Townsend club held it’s annual picnic Sunday at Dass park. The picnic dinner was served at two o’clock. The speakers of the day were E. L. McDonald and F. L. Snod grass of Portland. Mr. McDon ald had just returned from the Townsend national convention at Chicago. A moving picture, "The Spoil ers,” followed by a comedy was shown after dark. Flower Show at Birkenfeld Seen NATAL — The Devine family motored to Tillamook Tuesday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stunkard. Lois, who was visit ing here, returned to her home that day. Several attended and enjoyed the flower show and square danc ing at Birkenfeld Friday evening. The flower show was sponsored by the Grange. The Home Ec club will meet Wednesday afternoon, September 5 at the home of Mrs. Robert Mathews. All members are wel- Time Spent at Gresham Fair TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beck, Ruth Beck and T. L. Pierce have been at the Gresham races the past week. They have gone on to Saiem ror the state fair. Earl and Kenn*!h Reynolds were supper guests of the Kirk brides Monday evening. Paul Lin Weaver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver will stay at the Doernbecker hospital for a month. Due to his nervous disorder he will have to take heart treatment, one every day for three weeks and every other day the fourth week. Dave Weaver, who will leave Saturday for the service, was the honor guest st a reunion picnic at Rogers park a few days ago. Relatives and friends gathered for the affair which also honored the first birthday of Virginia Mae Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walker' spent Tuesday at the Bert Tisdale home. corned. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kyser mo tored to Clatskanie Tuesday bringing Ella Mae in to consult an optometrist. Summer vacation has about ended and the school bells will be ringing again on September 4. Eleanor and Gladys Dass spent Sunday here with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dass Mr. and Mrs. Albin Oblack and family of Molalla were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack. Other visitors Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Kenn?th Mc Cormick of Corvallis. DeeVere Hershey spent a few days at Newport visiting his sister, Mrs. Don Hagon. Patty Karr of Cherry Grove ¡3 visiting at the Ernest Kyser home this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Waddell enoyed the party at Alder Grove Saturday evening. Joi/ Theatre THURS., FRI. AUG. 30-31 HALF ANGEL (Color) Loretta Young . Joseph Cotten SEPT. 1 SATURDAY MY FOOLISH HEART Dana Andrews - Susan Hayward SEPT. 2 3 SUN., MON. ON THE RIVIERA (Color) Danny Kays - Gene Tierney TUES., WED. SEPT. 4-3 NO QUESTIONS ASKED Forest fires each year cost mil lions of dollars! Don’t start one. KEEP OREGON GREEN. TREES ARE DOLLARS! Don’t bum them. KEEP OREGON GREEN. Arlene Dahl . Barry Sullivan r_____ BOWLING ALLEYS WILL OPEN SOON If you are interested in E v Surprise package values ranging from 50c-$2 FOR Customer who makes FIRST purchase of day * p y Fashion accessories for the home — Values ranging from $2 00 to $10.00 FOR LARGEST purchase made EACH DAY. alleys or phone 291. p DESSY'S TAVERN AND BOWLING ALLEYS A Phone 291 Exceptional gifts—values worth considering FOR LARGEST purchase made during the week, Monday through Saturday Included. y M X M M We have a complete line of school supplies for all grades and high school. Also have the high school text books. A R T T 0 D A Y I Bush Furniture | HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES Everything to Furnuh Your Home at Portland Price»! Vernonia, Ore. Telephone 592 N M and FOR LARGEST payments made during week on open accounts. NANCES H T S setting pins please call at Riverview S H H BINDERS — FILLER PAPERS — TABLETS H NOTE BOOKS — SHORTHAND PADS H SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY! PENS AND PENCILS — ERASERS — BALL H To make more room in our warehouse we are offering ALL bedroom suites at: POINT PENS — CRAYOLAS — SCISSORS PASTE — LUNCH KITS H X h ^HXHXHXHXHXkXHXHXHXHXHXHS Í • Less than OPA Celing prices, and • Let. 20% off DON'T FORGET For every electric range and hot water heater Bush's will save you $50.00 by wiring and in stalling free of charge.