THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1951 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE Canada Included a« Part of Vacation Trip CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—Real Estate ONE 4-burner electric range in good shape; one 5-burner kero sene stove, attached oven. Never Call 1292 evenings. used. 30t3c 6-ROOM modern house. 1004 Rose Ave. $3,850. Arnold Counts. See Mrs. C. Minger, 23 O-A hill. 30t3 PROFITABLE LIFETIME BUSINESS NOW AVAILABLE Man wanted to take over local business. No selling. No vend ing. Good for $125 weekly with rapid increase: Requires $1000 cash capital. Willingness and honesty more important than ex perience. Man and wife can operate from home. For free details write I.M.O. Stores, 412 Scott Bldg., Portland. 30tlc oHZZ: naît gallon fruit jars for sale cheap. Mrs. D. P. Spofford. 26t2c FAIRLY NEW Kenmore washing machine. Also portable double laundry tubs. All in good con dition. R. E. Culbertson, 1132 Washington Street. 30tlc SEWING MACHINES Parks New Home representative will be in Vernonia Wednesday, August 1. Anyone w:sh!ng in formation on New Home or Pfafi tewing machines or who wishes repairs or electrification of any make machine. pleas« leave name and address at Vernonia Eagle on or before August 1. 30tlc WANTED BEAN PICKERS. Register with Mrs. Chas. Minger, 23 O-A hill. Bus transportation. Start about Aug. 1. 30t4c HANDY man with own tools to remodel bldg. By day or con tract. Inquire 701 Weed Ave. Kelly.' 29t3 FOUR copper window screens, 54x29. Also table and 4 chairs. Frank Lange, 1583 State street. 29t3c DOGS BOARDED during your vacation or when you are away from home. Know they will be well cared for. Mrs. Helen Spof ford, telephone 1023. 27t4 BERRIES: Raspberries, loganber ries, blueberries, King Nectar berries and Cascades. Albert Schalock, Third Street, River- view. 29t3 WILL PAY TOP prices for all livestock. Will pick up at your place. Grant C. Dodge, Forest Grove, Rt. 2, Box 15. 50tfc FOR SALE: Dressed red fryers, 50c lb. At Treharne, 5 minutes drive from town. Tekphone 8813, Albert Walker, 28t3c BUZZ saw on 4 wheels with Chev. motor. Also M-W cream separator. E. W. Penas, last house on right, N. Rose Ave. 28t3 SPINET PIANO returned from rent — a real buy For information write: I I I 2 BED-ROOM home on 80x100 lot, mostly fenced, Very clean inside. $3000. NEAR high school — 2 bedroom home, concrete foundation. New, large fruit room, garage, 4 lots. Very good garden, lots of strawberries. $3500. CLEAN 2-bedroom home on 1 acre. Elec, water heater, wired for range. $3750. 3-ROOM house uptown on city sewer. Has bath, etc. $1200.00 terms. 4 LOTS — $250. FOR SALE OR RENT: Clean 2- bedroom home with nice bath, extra bedroom in. new garage, woodshed. Fenced-in yard. $3000.00. HOUSE TRAILER — very clean, good condition, many built-ins. Lucille Sessman, Salesman, J. M. Person, Broker, phone 322. 30tlc KORTEN’S Longview. Washington Heme of the Hammond Organ 27tfc REMINGTON-RAND adding ma chine like new. Cost $125 new, used five months. $100. See F.dwin Ade at post office. 26t6c AUCTION: Every Friday, Mis cellaneous sale at 10, livestock sells at 1 p.m. We run a nice volume of livestock every sale day. Sell by head or weight. I do general auctioneering, selling general farm, dairy or furniture sales. Write or phone or call for dates; information and esti mates gladly furnished free. We buy livestock, furniture, tools, etc., at anytime. Auction Mart. Forest Grove. Walt Altman, auc tioneer, phone 16215. 20tfc HIGHEST cash prices paid for jream and* eggs kt your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call br write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone 126. 14tfc LOST AND FOUND LOST: Big, brown, hand-tooled leather purse on Timber Rt., be tween Biddles and Weeds Wed nesday afternoon. Contains val uable papers, check book, etc. Please return to Mrs. George Biddle or phone 8819. Reward. 30tlc FOUND: Lady’s bifocal glasses in case. Found at Crown Zel- lerbach park near Oak Ranch creek. Owner identify and claim by paying for this ad at Eagle office. 29t3c LOST: Black cocker spaniel, 7 mos. old. Male. Answers to the name of Butch. Disappeared about 2*/4 miles out in Stoney Point Rd. $5.00 reward offered for anyone finding and returning him. Contact Ben Fowler at Post Office.' 3013 FOR RENT FOR RENT OR LEASE: 20x30 building, double garage. Re modeled to suit tenant. Corner Weed and Maple streets. Owner. 29t3 376 N. 30tfc RAISE Chinchillas for Profit! As high as 500% profit the first year. Pairs with litters, pairs i.irrying, young pairs. Terms can be arranged. For in formation see D. O. Smith at The Club. 16tfc APARTMENT for rent. St. M. L. Porterfield. HAY AND STRAW for sale. Fair prices as to quantity and quality. Ebner Bergerson. 39tfc 29 HARLEY-DAVIDSON. A “man-killer.” Hank's Parts House. 28t3c E. DON SIMMONSON registered Piano Tuning and Servicing. Member National Ass’n. Piano tuners. Contact Mrs. Fullerton, Phone 837. 31tfc FOR SALE—Insurance FOR SALE—Machinery WOOD BROS, steel thresher, 21x36 with feeder, weigher and blower. On solid rubber wheels and with 75-foot drive belt. Wa ter Carl, Birkenfeid, Oregon. 29t4 GASOLINE pump. Gear style. m:-inch suction hose. 20 feet intake with check valve. In good Uon. Tiny Mitch 'll. 6th St . Riverview. 30t3 GROAT taper splitting machine, will cut Hollywoods. New condi tion. Can be had at great sav ing. Frank Lyon, Hamlet Rt., St aside. I mi. west of Trout Hatchery, Sunset highway. Ph. 761-R1. 30t3c FOR SALE OR TRADE DE LAVAL cream separator. Size 18. P. A. Rice, back of Mills real estate office. 29t3 LIFE. File, Car and Accident Insurance. Oregon Automobile Insurance Co. H. Hudson and George Bell. 26tfc MISCELLANEOUS A RED Heifer with white mark ings broke into our property Friday, July 6, 1951. The owner may get her by paying for this ad, her keep and damages. See by appointment. Richard Meyer, Timber Rt., Box 79A. 28t3 AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY. Misc. Sale 11:00. Livestock Sale 1:00. Clatskanie Community Auc tion. Quarter mile East of Clats kanie on highway 30. Phone 1600. 28tfc NEW. HOME LAUNDRY. Family washing washed and dried, 15c lb. Finished at reasonable rates. Also curtain stretching. Mrs. E. M. York, 108 A. St., phone 1107. ■ NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Mathews and Bobby returned home Monday evening from a two-week vacation trip which they enjoyed very much. They traveled through parts of sever al states and up into Canada. They spent a night in Tacoma visiting friends on their return home. Mrs. Carmichael called at the Dunlap home Sunday evening. Dee Vere Hershey and nephews spent Saturday night at New port where they visited Mr. Her shey’s sister and family, the D. Haydons. CARD OF THANKS WE WISH to thank all the neigh bors and friends, especially the Higley family and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Vike who assisted in the search and recovery of Ed win Simmons who was drowned Sunday. L. E. Atkins. 30tl E. L. Atkins WE DESIRE TO EXPRESS to our kind neighbors and thoughful friends our heartfelt thanks for their many expressions of sym pathy, The beautiful floral of- ferings were especially appreci- ated. Mr. Carl G. Jensen Mrs. Susanna Harris Mr. Carl E. Jensen Mr. A. F. Cooper 30tl LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF BOND SALE Sealed bids will be received by thé undersigned until the hour of 8:00 o’clock p.m. on the 2nd day of August, 1951, and im mediately thereafter publicly opened by the District ^School Board of Union High School Dis trict Number 1, Joint 8, Columbia and Washington Counties, Ver nonia, Oregon, at the office of the School District Board in the High School Building of said District at Vernonia, Oregon, for the issue of bonds of said district in the amount of $250,000.00 to be sold to the highest bidder for not less than the par value and accrued interest to date of delivery, to be dated August 1, 1951, to be in denominations of One Thousand Dollars, to mature serially upon the dates as follows, to-wit: $14,000.00 on February 1, 1952 $14,000.00 on February 1, 1953 $15,000.00 on February 1, 1954 $15,000.00 on February 1, 1955 $16,000.00 on February 1, 1956 $16,000.00 on February 1, 1957 $17,000.00 on February 1, 1958 $17,000.00 on February 1, 1959 $18,000.00 on February 1, 1960 $18,000.00 on February 1, 1961 $19,000.00 on February 1, 1962 $19,000.00 on February 1, 1963 $20,000.00 on February 1, 1964 $20,000.00 on February 1, 1965 $12,000.00 on February 1, 1966 and to bear interest at the rate to be specified by the bidder and not to exceed six per cent per annum, payable semi-annual ly, both principal and interest to be payable at the office of the Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon, or at the fiscal agency of the State of Oregon in New York City, at the option of the pur chaser. Each bid must be ac companied by a certified check of five per cent (5%) of the par value of the bonds, made payable to Union High School District Number 1, Joint 8, Columbia and Washington Counties, Vernonia, Oregon, as a guarantee of good faith. Each bidder shall submit with or include in his bid a statement of the total net amount of in terest. after deduction of premi um offered, if any, which said District will be obliged to pay upon the bonds under the term of his bid. The District School Board of Union High School District Num ber 1, Joint 8, Columbia and Washington Counties, Vernonia. Oregon, reserves the right to call and redeem all of or any part of said bonds in numerical order upon payment of principal and accrued interest to date of pay ment at any semi-annual coupon period on ana after February 1, 1960. The District School Board of Union High School District Num ber 1. Joint 8, Columbia and Washington Counties, Vernonia, Oregon, reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. The ap proving legal opinion of Wmfr e. I McCulloch, Shuler and Sayre will be furnished the successful bid der. Dated at Vernonia. Columbia County. Oregon. July 10. 1951. Mrs. Mona M. Gordon Clerk of Union High School Dis trict Number 1. Joint 8. Colum bia and Washington Counties, Vernonia. Oregon. 28t3c I California Resident» Here to See Parent« Group Camp«, Dig« Clam« at Hammond Deer Seen by Berry Pickers MIST — Mr. and Mrs. ’ Austin Corll and family were Portland motorists last Wednesday. Billy Kyser is home on a 10- day pass. He will leave for a camp in Virginia on the 26th. Noble Dunlap slipped from a ladder and hurt his hand quite bad!y last week. Many deer are encountered as one goes blackberry picking. Little Miss Marion Mathews spent Friday visiting her grand ma Mathews. The Walter Batesons arrived home from their vacation spent at White Salmon, last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Waddell and daughter were in Clatskanie Saturday. Rhody Okland made a trip to Forest Grove for medical atten tion last week. Walter Bateson is putting a new roof on his house. A card came from the Robert Mathews saying they were at Yellowstone last week. Mrs. Clarence Kyser was a Vernonia shopper on Saturday. Lincoln Peterson was a village shopper one day last week. Mrs. Wayne Pugh was surprised last Friday when her cousins, Mrs. Henry Dinaur and family from Vancouver, B.C. arrived to spend the day with her. They had never met before. Mrs. Di naur and family are spending a week in Hillsboro with Mrs. Pugh’s folks, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Riedweg. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pugh and family spent Sunday at Shute park at a family reunion of Mr. Pugh’s relatives. They spent that evening with Mrs. Pugh’s folks visiting her brother, Emil Ried- wag, who just returned from St. Vincent’s hospital after his third operation. They lived in Hills- boro. Mrs. Austin Dowling called on Mrs. George Jones Saturday evening. Members of Treharne Club Gather Thursday TREHARNE — Mrs. Sib Fal coner, Mrs. Nell Thacker, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stowell and sons and Mrs. Pat Galloway and Tam spent last week at Hammond camping and clam digging. Mrs. Falconer returned homo Thurs day and the rest returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wilson were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Christenson. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke took Mrs. Wienecke’s mother, Mrs. Edith Bledso, to the home of her sister, Mrs. Chris Tolke, at Manning Saturday. Monday visitors at the Bert Tisdale home were Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Callison and family of Tacoma, Washington and Mrs. M. F. Tisdale of Vernonia. Camp Meeting Being Attended NATAL—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindsay spent the week end in Redmond visiting their son, Clar ence, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hamer are spending some time in Glad stone where they are attending camp meeting. Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Lind say visited with Mrs. J. Zim merman one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kyser and family enjoyed the 4-H pic nic at Camp Wilkerson Sunday. Ella Mae, who spent several days there, returned home with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roeser were Sunday callers at the Lew Choate home. Mr. and Mrs. I. Dass enjoyed having their daughter, Florence, visit them over the week end. Thought for today... “Everything in excess is opposed to nature.” TREHARNE — The Treharne Birthday club members gathered at the home of Mrs. Thelma Wea ver Thursday, July 19, in honor of her birthday. Those present to help her celebrate were: Mrs. Rosie Weaver, Martha, Bill, Harry and Betty; Mrs. Floyd Odam, Chester, Judy and Jimmy; Mrs. Nancy Daniel, John Lee, Ruby and Carolyn; Mrs. Florence Reynolds and Kenneth; George Snyder; Mrs. Dorothy Reynolds and Earl; Mrs. Midge Reynolds, son Mike, and niece Caeryl Lee; Mrs. Flora Whitmire; Mrs. Leaon Odam; Mrs. Jane Miller and niece Deanne; Mrs. Florence Kirkbride, Stephen, Jo Ann and Walter; Mrs. Pauline Tisdale, and the hostess, Mrs. Thelma Weaver, Paul, Charlotte and Vernon. After pot-luck dinner Mrs. Wea ver opened her many gifts. Fol lowing this the ladies had a white elephant sale, auctioneered by Mrs. Flora Whitmire which brought $3.61 to the club trea sury. -Hippocrates For moderate RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Whitlock, son Gerald, and daughter Sharon Rae, of Rodeo, California are visiting her par- qpts, Mr. and Mrs. John Krinick. They all enjoyed a family pic nic at the Eli Howell home at Gales Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bond visited over the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mothershead, at Raymond, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Buckner and children of Hillsboro spent Sun day at the home of his mother, Mrs. Artie Buckner. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mitchell spent Saturday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Neal Ward at Hillsboro and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barlow in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Woodruff and boys of Portland spent the week end at the home of her mother, Mrs. Alice Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Parker, grandson Kennie, and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wood drove to Ne halem Sunday and brought Gloria Parker home with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Rundell of Portland spent the week end visiting at the C. N. Rundell and Ed Buckner homes. Mrs. Emery George returned to her home with them Sunday even ing after spending a week here. GO CAREFREE Vacation days and their pleasures bring a huge crop of acéidents with loss and damage to the personal property folks take along on their trips. Why not get the right in surance to make your va cation “loss free” and carefree? Before you go, see VERNONIA INSURANCE Bill J. Horn, Agent 905 Bridge Street Phone 231, Vernonia Olympia Brewing Co, Olympia, Wath., U.S.A. *® Check Your Car Before You Go If you're planning a long vacation trip, don't let motor troubles spoil your fun. Before you go drive in to George's and let him go over your car and put it in first class condi tion. Drive in today. Geo. Johnson TREES ARE DOLLARS! Don’t burn them. KEEP OREGON GREEN. Telephone 311 Vernonia Sen. Sta. Corner Rose and Bridge STHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXWXHXHXHn FOR BETTER HEARINGI THE FIRST SIX-TUBE Hearing Aid! (all-in-one unit) With 10 times mo «; fower — to bring new hearing, new hope, new life, to people. . . 1 'vZnsj.. & < -< 2 CiiAX p-IXaCrCC I a Come see it today U SONOTONE R. L. GIFFORD Certified Sonotone Consultant will be in Vernonia on Friday. July 27. If you W’sh him io call at your home for any Sonotone batteries, service, or free demon strations of the new Sonotones, please write our office for an appointment. SONOIONE OF PORTLAND 321 Failing Bldg- Portland. Ore. I “And what, my good man, do you think you’ll do with those American Express Travelers Cheques?“ Travelers Checks Available at— Vernonia Branch Commercial Bank of Oregon Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. H H 7? XNXHXHX HX H XHXHXMX HX MXHXR: