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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1951)
■4 THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1951 THE EAGLE, «ROUND THE FARM It is not often that a regular barn built over into a loafing shed gives satisfaction. During the last few years a number of farmers have set up loafing sheds m their barns but a big majority either changed back to stanchion or found it necessary to make m<>or revisions or additions to make the loafing arrangements satisfactory. T. R- McConnell, Dutch Canyon, vet up a loafing area in his bam last winter and liked it very well. Several things helped this loaf ing shed work satisfactorily. In the first place he had a fair amount of space per cow. There rhould be at least 60 square feet per cow not counting the feed ing area. McConnell also had a feeding This en. ables him to clean up in the feed ing area and prevent the slop piness that is common in the feeding area and prevent the sloppiness that is common if the feeding area is not floored. In managing this loafing area McConnell picks up the manure every day and either removes it or piles it at the base of sup porting posts for later removal. Shavings from a planer mill ere used for bedding. Last year they were ordered as needed but this year the plan is to lay by a ►apply during the summer so dry ehavings will be available dur ing the winter. area with a plank floor. Have you checked the paint on your house? The last three winters have been very hard on paint. A good paint job is usually considered to be good for 5 to 7 years and with ordi- KILL ATHLETES FOOT “T-4-L Best Seller" Says Nance's Here's the reason. The germ grows deeply, , You must reach A to kill it. T-4-L, containing SO per cent alcohol, penetrates. Reaches more germs. Your 40c back from any druggist if not pleased in ONE HOUR. Nance’s. [D on ’ t you believe it - County Extension Agent nary winters, paint will often be satisfactory for even longer. The cold weather of the last 3 years has caused the siding to absorb excessive amounts of moisture from inside the house particularly if there is no va por barrier directly behind the plaster or interior finish. The steaming that takes place on windows in cold weather will also take place on the siding of a house. When the siding dries out the paint will blister and peel. Applying a new coat of paint before the exterior is too badly weathered and nails begin to rust will make it much easier to prepare the outside surface ana keep it in repair in later years. This fallacy started as a religious superstition. Ages ago, the reflection was regarded as part of the soul. To shatter it meant death. This belief gradually softened until, today, a broken mirror signifies misfortune. Copy of Bill for $100 Pension Received Here A copy of H.R. 2681, a bill providing a direct federal old- age pension at the rate of $100 per month to certain citizens 60 years of age or over, was re ceived here recently by Albert Wood. The measure has been refer red to the committee on ways and means. . Requiremnts neces sary before an individual is elig ible to participate under the act require that he or she be 60 years of age or over, a citizen of the U. S. and that his gross income be less than the minimum with respect to which an income tax return is required to be filed. A Rusty Dented Can Means Spoiled Food Incorrect! The canning process destroys the spoilage organisms and the hermetic seal pro tects the contents from contamination. As long as the hermetic seal is unbroken dents or rust on the container have no effect on the contents. RttRlGtRM°R. wi . R449 95 Vts»Pf'ce * - OPTOMETRIST Watrous Building Over the Bus Depot Forest Grove. Oregon Phone Forest Grove 941 the oldest electric least a quart a day if you're j younger. Milk, obtained here. is delicious as a beverage — but you can use it as a cook ing ingredient without lessen ing its value. Try more today. NEHALEM DOIRV PRODUCTS CO. Grade A Pasteurized . - Milk & Cream PHONE 471 i ! THIS AREA Í /Vote,ng to Buy! < rad ^ o NOGR*„PHJ //oS/oqarrs/b Write! Jitst register your o/d Electric Refirg&vfor regardless o/make! al or ol *h'* ',O'e p'-',o o,h“1 V.|»oMe Prit«*’ I I I Regardless of make or condition the oldest electric refrigerator being used in a home will win. Come in and register Today. SUNDLAND'S ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE Phone 581 over 25 years of age and at‘ X refrigerator in 785 Bridge a pint of milk a day if you're Dr. William A. Pollock \x 1 to the owner of 'pHl'-CO 1 Mak» a habit of taking at least dust by sprinkling. A well prepared surface is es sential, Campbell adds. It must be clean and time spent prepar ing it, although tedious, will pay off in better appearance and a longer lasting job. Sealey paint on the old surface must be re moved by either scraping or brushing. Paint will cover unsightly stains and surface defects, but it will not cover grease, oil, dust, and loose dirt. All pitch pockets should be covered with a thin coat of orange shellac before ap plying the paint. Otherwise, pitch stains will show in the painted surface. There’s no short-cut to elimi nating rusty nail heads showing through paint. A n?w paint job over the rust is no solution, father, before painting, each nail head should be set in the wood about one-eighth of an inch be low the surface. After sanding, touch up the holes with a prim ing paint and fill them with white 'ead putty after the paint has dried. Finally, Campbell sugests that if you don’t know paint formu- 'as. your best assurance of a good quality paint job is to buy a well known brand. Here's a three-point guide to follow in painting your house. J. C. Campbell, Oregon State college extension rural housing specialist, says successful paint ing depends upon: 1. proper time of paint application; 2. a well prepared surface to be painted; 3. use of a good quality paint. Dry weather months, says the specialist, are the season for painting. He suggests actual painting be done when the tem peratures fall in the 60 to 80 degree range, Foggy or damp weather is not suitable and a coup'o of days of good drying weather should elapsa following a rain before painting, Avoid painting when flying insects are numerous or when dust is blow ing. It's well worthwhile in most cases to attempt settling B PHIICO I pOOK I $109.95 St. Helens amounted to $7,404. Rainier amounted to $535, Ver nonia amounted to $14,146, and Scappoose amounted to $1,345. Figures released by the fire marshal, Nibler emphasized, do not include losses on non-insured property. House Painting Time Here Now NEW lÉApRÂVk Friction sparks from motors and machinery accounted for 27 per cent of the fire losses in in sured farm outbuildings last year, it was revealed by W. G. Nibler, county extension agent, after receiving a copy of the state fire marshal’s 1950 sum mary. Fire losses of insured rural and farm property in Columbia county last year amounted to $48,405, a decrease of $9,607 as compared with 1949 when the loss was $58,012. Statewide, actual firs losses in 1950 on insured property was $11,895,986 as compared with $11,647,111 in 1949. Average loss for the past 10 years is $7,224,514 indicating dollar value of Ore gon’s insured fire losses are on the increase. Actual 1950 fire loss of insured farm barns, out buildings, equipment, livestock and crops was $469,094 as com pared with $391,571 for the year preceding. Miscellaneous information in cluded in the fire marshal’s re port indicates 71 deaths were se counted for by burns in 1950. The number was 52 in 1949; 81 in 1947. Main reasons of death and injury were fires caused by careless smoking, defective stoves and furnaces, starting fires with kerosene and explosions of stoves or oil. Rural and farm claims against insurance companies in Columbia county last year totalled 46 as compared with 36 for 1949. In sured losses within the city of Clatskanie amounted to $6,131, A lot of people do-but they're wrong ! There is lots of poison oak in St. Helens and some part of Co lumbia county have a little. While 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D will give fairly good control and are cheap,' they are slow to act. Amate weed killer used at the rate of one pound to one gallon of water and sprayed on the foilage until it is dripping will give the fastest and most com plete control. SUNDLAND'S . A Rural Fire Loss Down During 1950 VERNONIA, ORE. Vernonia BRAND , • -?S • the whiskey that’s F.TESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FOR CANNING i IA NR ifyeerû/as ffsWame" I I It's that time of vear again when the thrifty housewife cans for the coming winter. Mill Market has a complete l;ne of fruits and vegetables etc.. No. ar» 1 «locked take that rate W'th the to house evary a canning wife. of Also complete need line tiae beat go such to— as jars, of canning needs lids. rare For AND LOCKERS MILL MARKET PHONE 1391 Pt $2.25 $3.504'5 I SCMJiYfilKK* BRAND MwniRf a BUwt I I ■ -'.-a* £ M B KENTUCKY WHISKEY—A BLEND ■ u pioof : m sani neutral swits • mt old sunny mom cowmw . louiwiut, n,