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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1951)
Election Scheduled by Friendship Group Mrs. Laura Carmichael enter tained the Friendship Circle at her home Thursday. Pot-luck lunch was served to nine mem bers. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Isabel Car michael August 16 at which time election of officers will be held and birthday friends will be re vealed and new ones drawn. Those attending were: Mes dames Isabel Carmichael and children, Freda Biggs and daugh ter, Ruby Biggs, Blanche Millis, Ella Wood, Ruth Steers and daughter, Mary, Emma McDon ald and son, Iva Ellis, Gloria Ellis and daughter, and the hos tess, Mrs. Laura Carmichael. Tree farmers in 30 states have certified their timberlands for permanent forest growth — and use—under the American Tree Farm System. . j WHAT A GLORIOUS DIFFERENCE A I CLEAN SUIT MAKES I A difference in the way the i world looks at you ... A • difference in the way you • look at the world! Bring it • to us today for the very best • in cleaning. ! Vernonia Cleaners {____________ ____ * Home Bought in New Location TREHARNE — Callers at the Albert Walker home the past week were Mrs. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and Mr. Saxton of Banks. Mr. and Mrs. Elton bought a place in Riverview and moved to their new home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Myrl Odam are rent ing the house and will move into it August 1. Mr., and Mrs. S. D. Steams, daughter Jeanne, and Mrs. Stearns’ mother of Portland were visitors at the Byron Kirkbride, Robert DuRette and M. White homes Monday afternoon. Mrs. Turner Daniel and child ren visited with Mrs. Byron Kirkbride and children Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Robert Reynolds was on the sick list last week but is feel ing better. Mrs. Frank Birt, who has been ill with pneumonia, is out and about again. Pollyannas Meet at Reynolds Home July 18 The Pollyannas met July 18 at the home of Mrs. Faith Rey nolds with Mrs. Minta Mitchell as co-hostess. Mrs. Bertha Kirkbride had devotions using “Living Your Religion" as her topic. Roll was called with 17 members present. Lovely refreshments were served by Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Reynolds. The August meeting wi'l take place at the home of Mrs. Laura Junken. Prom ptness Helps Us to Serve You Better Your prompt payment helps keep down our collection costs. It also lets us pay our 15% to 25% Federal tax and long distance charges promptly out of receipts instead of reserves. You profit directly from this — for cooperation helps us keep service values high and costs low. /A/zWi W-'.............. M™M^TEIENII»E HMMIÏ Phyllis Laramore Weds at Monmouth 12-Week Course Taken at Base THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, JULY 2«, lMt X Eye Injured by Flying Knot Miss Phyllis Louise Laramore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis MIST — Mrs. Irving Knowles Laramore and Virgil Hensley, TREHARNE»— Mr. and Mrs. and son, Earl, were Seaside mo son of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hens Byron Kirkbride motored to torists Sunday afternoon. ley of Independence, were united Forest Grove and Hillsboro Tues Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap in marriage July 22 at 2:30 p.m. day morning. called to see the George Jones Mr. and Mrs. Royce Newton at the Evangelical United Bre- and Darlene left Saturday for one day last week. them church in Monmouth. Rev. Lester Closner had the mis their vacation. They are at Ne Lansberry officiated. fortune to injure his eye quite tarts. The bride, given in marriage Mr. and Mrs. Bob New and badly last week as he was saw by her father, wore a white satin Mary Falconer left Friday even ing lumber at the Garlock-Clos- ner mill No. 1. A knot flew up ankle length gown with beaded ing for a trip to San Francisco. and hit him in the eye. He was Mr. New is taking a two-week sweetheart neckline. Her finger taken to the doctor. A piece had tip veil fell from a beaded tiara. training course at the naval base been taken from the eye ball. It there. Mary Falconer will visit She carried her white bible with her mother’s cousin, Helen La is doing well now. an orchid. Several from the village went Her attendants were Miss Shir man. to Clatskanie to see the ball Mrs. Bessie Bergstrom, Mrs. ley Vike and Miss Ann Rice of game between Forest Grove and Monmouth. Miss Vike was in Prutzman and Deloris Henderson Clatskanie. Among those going and daughter, Susan, visited the yellow taffeta with overskirt of were Margie and Shirley Wiks- yellow organdy; Miss Rice in Bert Tisdale’s Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Eurie Reynolds trom, the Les Closners, Bernard blue. Both wore picture hats and Dowling and George Jones. carried nosegays of sweet peas. and son of Warren visited Mr. Mr .and Mrs. Melvin Saxton and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and Tom Strange of Independence and son left Friday evening for was best man. Ushers were Del other relatives Sunday. An error in last week news the Seventh Day Adventist camp bert Hensley, brother of the written that Forrest Reynolds meeting grounds. groom, and Arleigh Laramore, Mrs. Richard Banzer ind returned to base from furlough. brother of the bride. It should have read Don For Miss Ine'jta May sang “Al ways” and “Oh, Promise Me.” rester returned to base from fur Laramore Home Scene Miss Frances Kaspar played the lough. Of Gathering Thursday marches. Mrs. Oscar Vike and Shirley After a reception, the bridal Vike were hostesses for a shower Parsonage Is Scene pair left for Crater Lake and the which took place at the Lara Oregon coast. They will be at Of Gathering Friday more home last Thursday even home in Independence. The E.U.B. church parsonage ing. In attendance at the affair, was the scene last Friday even which was held in honor of ing of a bridal shower honoring Phyllis Laramore, were nine Phyllis Laramore. The rooms guests in addition to the guest were beautifully decorated with of honor and hostesses. baskets of ocean spray, fox glove Three of the invited guests, and daisies. who were unable to attend, sent Love songs were played by gifts. RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. I Mrs. L. H. Thomas to set the R. A. Smith and daughter of I mood of the evening. A scrap Bradwood spent Sunday visit book was made picturing the ing at the E. L. and J :well Lloyd life story of Phyllis. Guests told homes. of their own wedding days, with Shelby Cook was taken to the wedding dates going back to Portland General hospital Sun 1894. day for an operation as the re A market basket overflowing sult of an injury received while with gifts was placed before working at the O-A camp. Phyllis and all enjoyed watch Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Lloyd ing her open them. and E. L. Lloyd dug clams at Delightful refreshments were Tillamook Saturday and returned served by the ladies of the church again Sunday, accompanied by to about 35 guests. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Young, Out-of-town guests included getting their limits both days. Mrs. Otis Laramore and Mrs. Mrs. Vincent Monaco under Gets of Portland, aunts of the went an operation in a Portland guest of honor; Miss Dorothy hospital Monday. Banke of McMinnville; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Callister Saunders of Louisianna and took Evelyn Hopkins to Mar- Mary Anne Clark of Portland. quam Thursday and brought Ann Barbara Gibby home with Il Dr. L K. Pollock’” I them for a visit. DENTIST Mr. and Mrs. Glen F. Hawk Watrous Building ins ar-' the parents of a boy born Over the Bus Depot July 24, weight 9 pounds, 12 Forest Grove, Oregon ounces. He has b;en named Phone Forest Grove 941 William Edward. Miss Aileen Johnson went «bu rning one early rooming Laar week. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Jane« and baby were here from Bert land Thursday evening itiiiMug relatives. r LOGS I WANTED I VALVE-IN-HEAD DESIGN BLUE-FLAME COMBUSTION growth 16-foot log» TRUCK SCALE CASH ON i DELIVERY ; I SEE BARNELL AT • For old-time ■Hiram Walker quality East side of river bridge LONG LASTING SONDEO BRAKE LININGS ÍS mí .. 3000 we<M>J BRAKES greater^conomy • to do more work for your money Mor. CkowWw Trrth ■ U m D m . Aoy OMor MMW I MILL 1 mi. south of Vernonia if 4 Look at these engineered-in economy features— valve-in-head engine design, Blue-Flame com bustion, Power-Jet carburetor and long-lasting brakes. Engines, chassis, cabs and bodies are all de signed to stand up under rough, tough use. Take a tip from truck-wise buyers and aet engineered-in economy. See ue soonl VERNONIA AUTO ■ > Premium paid on clean ! 2nd growth or small old ’ Injury Results In Operation POWERED FOR THE JOB r --------- 1 - ....... rim-J CHEVROLET J r ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS COMPANY ‘‘A Safe Place to Trade” Your Chevrolet and G. M. Dealer Standard Oil Products Vernonia, Oreg 1 Phone 342 | •