» THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1951 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. BRUNSMAN Hardware and Electric FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS and FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGES HARDWARE — SPORTING GO IDS — GUNS — AMMUNITION PAINTS — LINSEED OIL — TURPENTINE — ELECTRIC WIRING — NAILS FRIGIDAIRE I; A Year’s Supply of Rinso Electric Ranges for your old refrigerator on a new FRIGIDAIRE Frigidaire ^^60 Standard Size Pkgs k Given without Extra Frigidaire Master .Model Cost with every Keeps 38 lbs. frozen foods in Super-Freezer Chest. TWO OVENS' Keeps everyday foods on 14 7/10 sq. ft. of shelf FÜLLT AUTOMATIC! area. WASHER $389.75 Model Shown Other Models In Stock RO60 ........ $364.75 ROSO .................... $337.75 RO70 Keeps 9 6/10 quarts of greens in Hydrator. Keeps all foods SAFE Cold with Meter-Miser. Here's your opportunity to save some easy money. . . Buy Also full - width Chill Drawer — Quickube Ice Trays—rustproof shelves. has all Matter Model I Walco Twisf Non- Skid Rugs 24x36 $3.50 27x48 $5.50 34x54 $7.75 a ft.x6-ft. $14.95 'Beautiful Selection of Colors Çoleman attractive features the It busy job better. . and faster. Come in and see it today. GJ -JMU~ IN ANY HOUSEHOLD RANGEI _____ ‘ 4 ~ ;• • Frigidaire 40-Gallon Tablé Top Hot Water Heater with Mag. Roa $159.75 LARGE. BEAUTIFUL BAR REL ARM DAV AND CLUB CHAIR SETS. FIVE BEAUTIFUL COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM. DUSTY BOSE. TEAL BLUE. GRAY KELLY GREEN AND ROSE. $250.00 VALUE $1 rn95 ONLY the housewife wants. . . let the Zenith do the $256.75 Model Shown $287.75 $345.75 $382.75 $244.75 $419.75 Washer now will save time and work with the Zenith. 7 l/io cu.ft. MO81, 8.1 cu. ft. DO90 9 cu. ft. DO107 SO82 IM80—8-ft. double door your Zenith and get a year's supp! of Rinso at no extra cost. . . You not only save money but you Cold Pack Canners RO35 (Model Shown) Masonite Wallboard 4x8 Sheet ...... $2.95 •'.mpson Board Sheet $2.00 Empire 42-Pc. Set Saylor, Smith & Tay- lor Dishes $25.00 Vai !• Sectional Davenport. 5-yr. SPECIAL — Nairn Guarantee $197.50 Inlaid Linoleum Square Yard $1.49 ♦ * Print Linoleum 85c sq. Yard. New Plastic Linoleum Bends with out Breaking. $1.89 sq. Yard. Other Inlaid Linoleum $2.25 Sq. Yd. Presto Pressure Cookers $15.45 and up Presto Cooker Canner $26.85 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT Fire pump cans. Hu midity Gauges. Hazel Hoss, Axes. Shovels, Water bags. Etc, I<cvai Ironing Boaros $9.95 Beautiful •Porcelain Trash Burner $69.50 Direct Connected Toilet. Complete Set $49.95 Finest Stock of Paint Brushes in Columbia County! All Pure Bristle. 15c to $15.00 ......... 15c H-In. . .....25c 1- In. . ... 35c 1%-In. ______ _ 40c 2- In. SWING ROCKERS Wool Frieze, Tapestry Used ABC Washer Very good condition. Special $69.95 10-Qt. Galvanized Bucket Special Carbon Tetrachloride Gallon $3.75 and Mrs. 4-Piecc Dresser and Bed, Night Stand. 5-drawer Chest $165.00 PALMER HUMIDITY GAUGE $7.25 OIL STOVES 5 PC. LIGHT WAL NUT BEDROOM SET. SPRINGS. SPECIAL VANITY, BENCH. CHEST, BED, AND NIGHTSTAND. $160. VALUE. Only a Few Left $119.95 $5.95 Rubber Hose 25-Ft. $3.95 50-Ft. $7.35-$11.85 Plastic Hose, Red or Green $8.95 50-Ft. Light Weight Plastic sr:>5 H om j ROLL ROOFING 90-lb. red or green $3.95 Rollaway Bed with In $2.85 nerspring Mattress 55-lb. $2.55 45-lb. 20-Gallon 26-Gallon Fire Extinguisher $5.951 14i-Qt. Size $15.50 I FOR RENT Skil Floor sander to rent $5.00 per day $2.50 half day Skil Saw Edger $2. day Curtain Stretcher for Rent 50c per From to l'i Pipe In Stock Large Assortment of Plumbing Fixtures Soil Pipe and Fittings Charm Innerspring Nuchrome Steel Din- Mattress and Box ette Sets with Neva- Spring. $125 Value mar Finish, Choice Both for $79.50 of Red, Gray, Green Beautyrest Inner- or Yellow. Plastic Coleman Ou Heater. 30,000 Heat Seats and backs Three spring Mattress $69.50 Units per hour. $59.95 less tank. Styles $94.50 & $99.50 Beautyrest Box $64.95 with Tank. Spring $69 50 Yellow Set with Six Deep Sleep Mattress Chairs $137.50 and Box Springs Each $49.50 Large Assortment of Lawn Sprinklers. Both Stationary and Re volving. From 50c to Famous Dille & Ma guire Tomahawk $19.95 Grass Groomer $23.50 English Mad^> Lawn Mowers $18.90 Rotacut Electric Lawn Mower $59.95 GARDEN TOOLS Garden Hoes $1.25 up Shovel $1.95 and Up Rakes $2.29 and Up Aluminum Rakes 79c Spading Fork $2.80 up Garden Cart $10.95 Heavy Barb Wire. Spec. Roll FOR RENT Floor Polisher $1.00 per dav SPRINKLING CANS 12-Qt. Size Spec. $2.95 3-Qt. Size Spec. $2.50 « inchester Model 94 30-30 32 Special Only Remington 10.06 Bolt action! OUTSIDE WHITE Reg. $5.40 M75 Gal T Special Quick Drying Enamel Prices Start at Pint *z Pint $100 Pint Quart $1.75 Gallon $575 Large 5-Cu. Ft. Rub ber tired Wheelbarrow for Rent. $1.50 a Day Punch Bowl Sets for Rent for Parties and Weddings BATTERIES $10.95 and Up and Old Battery House Jacks for Rent Pipe Threading and Reaming done with our New Electric Pipe Threader. Reasonable Charge.