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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1951)
«S THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1951 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE CLASSIFIEDS SALE —General I FOR ...... I ■ — , ............... —... ... IFOR SALE: Dressed red fryers, .'SUc lb. At Treharne, 5 minutes atrnre from town. Telephone 8813, Albert Walker, 28t3c BPATKLY NEW Kenmore washing lajachme. Also portable double I laundry tubs. All in good condi tion. R. E. Culbertson. 1132 Washington Street. 28tlc »FRUIT JARS, quart and *4-gal- Itrm. Mrs. Sam Devine, Mist Rt. 28tlc W7ZZ saw on 4 wheels with •Chev. motor. Also M-W cream irpaiator. E. W. Penas, last tMiate on right, N. Rose Ave. 28t3 •*^CU. FT. Reach-in refrigerator writh or without compressor. Suit able for use as milk cooler, egg «our vegetable storage, etc. Also ¿adaptable for store or restaurant >csl Inquire at Electric Service Company, 228 East Baseline, "Hillsboro, phone Hillsboro 3771 •or phone Aloha 6-2422 evenings. 28tlc HAY for sale. 2-miles out Rock <?reek, H. J. Dimbat. 28tl RED FRYERS. This is a good ■time to buy dressed fryers to nstore in your locker or deep tfreezer. I have plenty for sale .z&ri they are prime now. Will machine pick chickens for any- ia»dy. G. C. Kirkbride. 27t3 SPINET PIANO returned from rent — a real buy For information write: KORTEN’S Longview, Washington Heme of the Hammond Organ 27tfc ¡FOR SALE: Red Raspberries, U ¡p.vrfc 10c lb. 2V2 miles NW of Newberg. Take Yamhill road etui -af Newberg 2 mi., turn right nt tf5r»s Y, follow sign Vi mi. iiervd clean field. Come anytime. Bring containers. T. F. Zielos- iKowski, phone 29F3. 26t3 SEWING MACHINES !P*xks New Home representative wifi b* in Vernonia Wednesday. Jr»hy 18. Anyone wishing in- Xennalion on New Home or Pfafi sewing machines or who wishes wspairs or electrification of any ■mafre machine, please leave vuezne and address at Vernonia Eacile on or before July 18. 28tlc .'■■nEMINGTO?niAN^ddin^Tia- z-Aine like new. Cost $125 new, ’■ used itive months. $100. See Edwrn Ad3 at post office. 26t6c AUCTION: Every Friday. Mis- -•»•Haneous sale at 10, livestock sdW» M 1 p.m. We run a nice volume of livestock every sale tiay Sell by head or weight. I rlo general auctioneering, selling genenfi farm, dairy or furniture skh’s. Write or phone or call 1 ?<rr dates: information and esti- \xaales gladly furnished free. We buy livestock, furniture, tools. *tr.. at anytime. Auction Mart, Farest Grove. Walt Altman, auc tioneer. phone 16215. 20tfc I1AISE Chinchillas for Profit! Ax high as 500% profit the first year Pairs with litters, pairs carrying, young pairs. For in formation see D. O. Smith at The Club. 16tfc FLAY AND STRAW for sale. Pan prices as to quantity and Cnsality. Elmer Bergerson. 39tfc K. DON S1MMONSON registered Piano Tuning and Servicing. Member National Ass'n. Piano tuners. Contact Mrs. Fullerton. Phone 837. 31tfc FOR SALE—Real Estate CABIN, 12 ft. x 26 ft., for sale. All Built, wallboard for inside party up. Located on Rock Creek road. $?50. Write Rt. 2 box 548, Kelso, or phone Kelso 8054 R 2 27t3 5-ROOM modern house. Excel lent condition. Has electric heat, electric hot water. Wired for range and clothes dryer. Edgar Hartzell, 1128 Washington Ave. Phore 1404. 27t3 TWO-BEDROOM house on 6th St., Riverview, with stoves and hot water tank, all furnished for $1500. Write Mrs. Jess, 6510 Foster Road. Portland 6, Ore. State your terms. 26t4 MODERN 2-bedroom home. In- noire 1142 Nehalem St. 26t3 FOR SALE—Real Estate 4-ROOM house and nearly 2 acres cleared ground. Fenced three sides. Approximately 165-foot frontage. Fir trees, fruit room, chicken house, city water, good garden. Inlaid linoleum in kitchen. New elec tric hot water heater, new built-ins, double sink, new toil et. $2,000. HOUSE TRAILER — very clean, good condition, many built-ins. FOR SALE OR RENT — Naw 2- bedroom home, almost com plete. $2100 or $35 month rent. NEARLY one acre — clean 3- bedroom house, living room, dining room, kitchen with built- ins, bath. New lawn. Barn chix house, many berries, good gard-n. City water. $4000 cash, $4200 terms. Lucille Sessman, Salesman, J. M. Person, Broker, phone 322. 27tlc BUSINESS REAL ESTATE 4-UNIT apartment house, very good condition. $150 per month income. Good location, always full. Price $12,500. Very good terms. 2-UNIT apartment house, some repairs needed. Only $1000. OWNER’S dwelling and four rentals. Close in. Gross in come $1500 per year. Low overhead. Good condition. $7000 full price, good terms. FARMS AND ACREAGE 90 ACRES with good 5-room mo- darn house, 2 barns and other bldgs. 30 Acres in, cultivation. Creek, some timber. $16,000 full price, terms. 1 ACRE with 4-room modern house. On main highway close in. $3500, very reasonable terms. HOMES FIVE rooms and bath plus fruit room and new garage. Four lots with this one. $4000 full price, good terms. GOOD 5-room modern house close in. Furniture goes with it at $3800. $500 down. DON BAYLEY, BROKER MacDonald Hotel ________________________ 28tlc FOR SALE—Insurance LIFE, Fire, Car and Accident Insurance. Oregon Automobile Insurance Co. H. Hudson and George Bell. 26t.fc FOR SALE—Livestock WORK horse for sale. See Sam Devine, Mist Route. 28tlc FOR SALE—Machinery GROAT taper splitting machine, will cut Holly woods. New con dition. Can be had at great saving. Frank Lyon, Hamlet Rt., Seaside, 1 mile west of Trout Hatchery, Sunset highway. Ph. 761-R1. 26t3 FOR SALE OR TRADE 29 HARLEY-DAVIDSON. A "man-killer.” Hank's Parts House. 28t3c BOY’S bike, 26", for girls bike, 24”. Good shape. Two blocks north city pumping house. Paul Weller. Keasey Rt. 28tlc LOST AND FOUND FOUND: Box 6"x4’’xl" wrapped for mailing. No name or address. Identify and pay for add at 176 N. St. 28tl FOUND: Good pair sun glasses in case. Found in Vernonia. Owner may have by identifying and paying for this ad. Inquire Eagle office. 26t3c WANTED______________ DOGS BOARDED during your vacation or when you are away from home. Know they will be well cared for. Mrs. Helen Spof ford. tetephoa* 1023 27t4 MAN or high school boy willing to do some gardening, etc. Part time work. Must be willing to work. Inquire bv calling 257 or 231.____________ ’_________ 27t3v WANTED: Two Milk Goats. Cord wood rig saw minus power. F. K. Schray. Kcasev Rt. 26t3 WILL PAY TOP prices for all livestock. Will pick up at your place. Grant C. Dodge, Forest Grove. Rt. 2. Box 15. 50tfc HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call o.- write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone 126. 14tfc WE WISH to express our thanks and appreciation for the kindness and sympathy at the time of our sorrow. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Baillet and family Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wikstrom and family. 28tl MISCELLANEOUS A RED COW with white mark ings broke into our property Friday, July 6, 1951. The owner may get her by paying for this ad, her keep and damages. Lil lian and Richard Meyer, Timber Rt., Box 79A. 28t3 NEW, HOME LAUNDRY. Family washing washed and dried, 15c lb. Finished at reasonable rates. Also curtain stretching. Mrs. E. M. York, 108 A. St., phone 1107. 3<Ufc LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF BOND SALE Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned until the hour of 8:00 o’clock p.m. on the 2nd day of August, 1951, and im mediately thereafter publicly opened by the District School Board of Union High School Dis trict Number 1, Joint 8, Columbia and Washington Counties, Ver nonia, Oregon, at the office of the School District Board in the High School Building of said District at Vernonia, Oregon, for the issue of bonds of said district in the amount of $250,000.00 to be sold to the highest bidder for not less than the par value and accrued interest to date of delivery, to be dated August 1, 1951, to be in denominations of One Thousand Dollars, to mature serially upon the dates as follows, to-wit: $14,000.00 on February 1, 1952 $14,000.00 on February 1. 1953 $15,000.09 on February 1, 1954 $15,000.00 on February 1, 1955 $16,000.00 on February 1. 1956 $16,000.00 on February 1, 1957 $17,000.00 on February 1, 1958 $17,000.00 on February 1. 1959 $18,000.00 on February 1, 1960 $18,000.00 on February 1. 1961 $19,000.00 on February 1, 1962 *19.000.00 on February I, 1963 $20,000.00 on February 1. 1964 $20,009.00 on February 1. 1965 $12,000.00 on February 1. 1966 and to bear interest at the rat? to be specified by the bidder and not to exceed six per cent per annum, payable semi-annual ly. both principal and interest to be payable at the office of the Treasurer of Columbia County. Oregon, or at the fiscal agency of the State of Oregon in New' York City, at the option of the pur- NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. Lee Miller and daughter of Sweet Home spent Tuesday evening at the Wayne Pugh home in Mist. The Millers are formerly of Ver nonia. Those celebrating the Fourth at the Wayne Pugh residence with a family picnic were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Riedweg and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Riedweg of Cor nelius; Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Jones and son of Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Riedweg of Aloha, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ried- weg of Portland and Miss Flora Wyatt and friend of Hillsboro. Rodeo Attended By Group Sunday BIRKENFELD — The families RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Myrt Jenkins and daughter; Bud of Ted Bellingham, Art Belling Penn and son and Erlene Snell ham and Don Jensen were 4»h of Portland were Sunday visitors of July visitors at the G. W. Parman- residence in Portland. at the E. L. Lloyd and J. E. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Garlock Rose homes. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schalock and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Chase and Mrs. Glenn Mitchell visited and family were visitorrs at the at Hillsboro Wednesday, the Fr»d Larson home the Fourth. Schalocks at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Buddv Larson have been vacationing in South and Mrs. D. E Hamm and Mrs. Mitchell at the Neal Ward home. ern Oregon the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Parker, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Berch, and Mrs. Everett Wood, Kennie Bruce Larson and Mr. and Mrs. Parker and Dick Gwin attended the rodeo at St. Paul the Fourth. I awrence Jepson attended the Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fowler, Timber carnival at Albany. The Don Jensens and Ted son Harold, and Mrs. Cora Bigss Be’tinchams were vacationers sDent Sunday afternoon at St. in Northern California for a few Helens visiting Grandma Fowler davs last week. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Shively, of McAllister. Mrs. Annie Roberts visited in Springfield wer» we?k end guests MIST — Mrs. Joe Checkmanek Portland at the Art Bellingham home. going from there to I is getting along fine after a ma Mr. and Mrs, August Birken- jor operation at a hospital in Powers where she visited Mr. feld of Hood River visited at Portland. and Mrs. Pete Parker, then to the Frances Nordstrom home ths Coquille to visit Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dowling and his Parker. She was gone Fourth. spent several days this Henry The Robert Lamberts spent the mother from Thursday until Monday. week and last in Eastern Ore Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Wood of Fourth at Soirit Lake. going over the McKenzie Barview Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Larson at gon, visited at the Tom Solo Pass and stopping here and there tended the St. Paul Rodeo. mon home Tuesday. to see different sights. Deri Elliot was a "u°st of Jack Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jones mov Burnham at Ecola Park. into their new home Sunday, Marsha and Janis Garner are ed built on the place where the Trip to Idaho Over visiting at Lakeview. former home was destroyed by July Holiday Enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larson and fire in April. Joe Enneberg were present at a Earl Doran and son, Jimmy MIST — Mr. and» Mrs. Ted birthday supper in honor of Lloyd were at the Irving Knowles home Kulju from Portland spent a Stuve Saturday night. over tb,e Fourth, the former from couple of days last week with Seattle and his son from a large her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ranch in eastern Washington. Hansen. Mr. Doran was brought up by Mrs. Clara Libel. Mrs. Emma Grandpa Knowles and each year A’dridgo from Seaside and Mrs. at July Fourth finds him back Fd Lindberg from Astoria were here to walk the old family visiting relatives here a few days haunts. He is the owner of the during the week end. Iron Foundry in Seattle. Mrs. Clark Fenton is visiting RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Doran The Walter Mathews have several friends and relatives in Lloyd Callister and son, Ronnie, guests from California. the vicinity this week. She lives and Mr. and Mrs. Asa Callister Oscar Jones and Shady Lane < near Castle Rock, Washington. of Locsden "njoved a three week were her- from Seaside Monday I Mrs. Chas. Webber, Sr., is visit trip through 18 states. They to attend the funeral of Ain Wal ing her parents, the A. R. Melis’s visited Mr. Cal’ister’s -elativ-’s lace. 1 at this time. at Pandora. Ohio and Mrs. Ca’- lister’s brother, T. R. Hill, at Gee, Kentucky. On th°ir return trio they brought Mrs. Canister’s mother, Mrs. Clara Hill, and niece, Evelvn Hopkins, home with them from Taft. Mr. and Mrs. John Keck and HANK and POLLY FEATURE S & H son of Brighton sp°nt the week °nd at th'* 1 home of her parents, GREEN STAMPS Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Patki". Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Want’and, SERVICE! son, David and daughter. Doris, spent their vacation- at Stay ton If you’ve got the pieces, I’ve got the parts visiting Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Phone 773 — New and Used Parts — Riverview Haynes. Mrs. J. W. Hall moved from the Tyack house on 7th street Monday. She will stay with her daughter, Mrs. Chester Skaug, for a while. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wells, daughters Patty, Margaret and Ruby, spent severa’ days visiting his sist’rs, Mrs. Ethel Johnson and Mrs. Winnie Bergren at Olympia, Washington. P°gpy Bergen returned with the Wells for a visit. Annual July 4 Visit Made Here AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY. Misc. Sale 11:00, Livestock Sale 1:00. Clatskanie Community Auc tion. Quarter mile East of Clats kanie on highway 30. Phone 1600. 28tfc ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS Sealed proposals will be re ceived by the Union High School District No. 1, Jt. 8, Columbia and Washington County, Ver nonia, Oregon, until 8 P.M., D.S.T., August 1, 1951, for con struction of a high school and shop building, Vernonia. Ore gon, and will there be opened and read aloud. Separate bids will be received on General Con struction; Plumbing, Heating and Ventilating; Electric Wiring and Fixtures. Bids received after the time fixed for opening the same will not be considered. Plans, specifications and forms of contract documents may be obtained in the office of Wolff & Phillips, Architects. 509 Pear son Fourth Avenue Building, Portland 4. Oregon, upon a de posit of $25.00 for the General Construction, $25.00 for Mechani cal Construction and $25.00 for Electrical Construction. The full amount of the deposit will be returned to each actual bidder within a reasonable time after receipt of bids. Each proposal shall be made out on bid form furnished by the Architects and shall be ac companied by a certified check or bid bond made payable to Union High School District No. 1, Ver nonia, Oregon, in an amount not less than 5'4 of the total amount of the proposal. The Union High School District No. 1 reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for open ing unless said award is delayed for a period exceeding 30 days from date of opening. UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 JT. 8. COLUMBIA AND WASHINGTON COUNTY, VERNONIA, OREGON By: Mona Gordon, Clerk 28t2c Family Picnic Marks July 4th Celebration Visits on Fourth Given Mention CARD OF THANKS Trip Through 18 States Ends I HANK'S PARTS HOUSE Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Week Spent Here After Attending Convention RIVERVIEW — Miss Joanne Nichols spent last week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nichols. Miss Nichols came from Kansas City where she had spent a week attending a journal ism convention. While there she visited Mrs. Earl Preston, for merly of Vernonia. She left Monday evening to go by plane to her home at San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olson of Portland spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buck ner. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Hillyer were in Portland last week end visiting their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Combs. Vernonia, Oregon SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM -- w J E w % C l o chaser. Each bid must be ac w companied by a certified check I of five per cent (5%) of the par value of the bonds, made payable Our shelves are filled with nothing but the best to Union High School District Number 1, Joint 8, Columbia and = Washington Counties, Vernonia. w in famous brand names — names that mean Oregon, as a guarantee of good z. quality plus savings to you, the consumer. Be faith. o Each bidder shall submit with E wise, Shop Nehalem, and know you’re getting or include in his bid a statement I the very best obtainable. of the total net amount of in terest. after deduction of premi um offered, if any, which said District will be obliged to pay upon the bonds under the term of z his bid. MARKET AND GROCERY The District School Board of For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 Union High School District Num ber 1, Joint 8, Columbia and » KHTVH3N «1OHS — K3TVH3N dOHS — K3TV H3N" dOIIS Washington Counties. Vernonia, Oregon, reserves the right to call and redeem all of or any part of said bonds in numerical order 8 RASO upon payment of principal and accrued interest to date of pay ment at any semi-annual coupon period on and after February 1, 1960. The District School Board of Union High School District Num ber 1. Joint 8, Columbia and | Washington Counties. Vernonia, , Oregon, reserves the right to re ' ject any and all bids. The ap proving legal opinion of Winfree, McCulloch. Shuler and Sayre will be furnished the successful bid- d;r. Dated at Vernonia. Columbia County. Oregon, July 10, 1951. Mrs. Moria M. Gordon , Clerk of Union High School Dis ' trict Number 1, Joint 8, Colum bia and Washington Counties, Vernonia. Oregon. 28t3c | 86 PROOF • THE OLD HERMITAGE COMPANY, FRANKFORT. KENTUCKY NEHALEM \\ hen vou order«* Hermitage • ~ — you tell the world you know