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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1951)
-4 THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1951 THE EAGLE, ABOUND THE FARM T1U« spring several strawberry gi— crs brought to our attention Maae difficulties that were de- -rjaaiirc in their fields that could set toe attributed to any specific disease or insect. Haiph Clark, extension horti- cnftarist from OSC, and I visited Male of these fields. Much of Ute trouble we saw started with paar condition of roots and rseavns resulting from storage and Handling of plants. Kenneth Asburry, St. Helens, toad a field of strawberries set to ecxttfied plants last year in which Use mother plants have not made a satisfactory growth. Runner plants show up well, however, aad there is no evidence of dis ease. When dug and packed the plants used to set this field were not dormant and they did not Mid up well in storage. Herman Pelham, Rainier showed us two fields planted from the taax* plant source. In one field plants were healthy and indi- VERNONIA, ORE. County Extension Agoni cated a good yield and in the other field mother plants looked very poor but many of the run ner plants were doing very well Pelham explained the difference the way in which the plants had been handled. In the poor field they had suffered from storage and drying out. We dug some of these mother plants and in all cases the crown was in poor condition and was not putting out sufficient new roots. The blackened condition of old roots indicated their condition when planted. Pelham had realized what might happen in putting in these plants but had used them to complete a small portion of a new planting. Again at Longen Bros., Deer Island, a field was observed where mother plants were not growing satisfactorily whereas runner plants coming from these mother plants were doing very well. flutpoint ELECTRIC RANGE iriih Push Button Control Cattle Testing Requests For Fair Due July 16 All 4-H chib members planning to exhibit cattle at the Columbia county fair are reminded that requests for testing must be sub mitted to the county extension office by July 16. Testing will be done the following weeks. There will be no charge for testing for club members who get their requests submitted by that date, reports Harold Black, 4-H extension agent. AU cattle, over six months of age at fair time, must be tested before they will be allowed on the fairground.______________ Storage and handling condi tions are not alone in causing poor stands and growth of straw berry plantings. At Melvin John son’s. Warren, the stand and growth in some rows was better than in others. This difference formed a regular pattern across the field, that is some good ones and some poor ones alternating. The difference was attributed to the difference in the way the plants were set. Many times in a new straw berry planting certain plants will be doing poorly. Very often if pulled these plants will show poor root conditions usually as a result of improper planting. These observations remind us that blue tag certified plants are no guarantee of how those plants will grow. When strawberry plants are certified by Oregon State Colles'1 the certification means that the plants were given four field inspections and were found to meet certification re quirements for freedom of dis ease. Certification does not apply to method used in digging, trans porting, storing and handling of plants. These factors can all have a great influence on the way the plants perform. Folks who like the little na tive blackberry should be sure to try some of the Cascade culti vated blackberry. These ber ries are now ripe and it is a good time to get a few and try them. Flavor of the Cascade is very similar to the little native wild blackberry but is larger and much easier to grow in the home garden. Folks who have them say they would much rather grow several bushes of these than scramble through the brush after wild blackberries. More than 23 million acres of woodland are certified under the Am.rican Tree Farm System to grow trees as a farm crop. PHONE 853 You’ll be thrilled by all the exciting features this modem Hotpoint Pushbutton Range offers you. NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT • Deep Well Thrift Cooker • Famous Hi-speed Calrod Heating Units • Three Storage Drawers • Automatic Oven Temperature Controls • Appliance Outlets • Dual Indicator Lights • Automatic Oven Light FAST, CLEAN AUTOMATIC COOKING IS YOURS TO ENJOY TODAY WITH A HOTPOINT RANGE Laundry and Dry Cleaning SPECIAL Winter coats shortened, cleaned and pressed Only $4.95 Hats Cleaned and Blocked $1.50 BEN BRICKEL’S BARB1ER SHOP SUNDLAND'S Oregon Laundry ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE and 786 Bridge Phone 581 Vernonia Schedule Ready For 4-H Camp Mr«;. Winnifred Gillen, state extension agent in 4-H club work, will attend the Columbia county 4-H summer camn, re ports Harold Black, coun v 4-H agent. Camp will be held July 17-22 at Camo Wilkerson. Mrs. Gillen will be in charge of recreation, evening campfire programs and singing. She will be acting in, place of Miss Fran ces Gallatin, county extension agent, home economics, who is attending summer school at Fort Collins Colorado. Black states that a fn'l-t;me schedule of activities has been arranged for the camp. Persons who will b - teaching crafts and other ae‘i”«t«es c’ude Mrs. John Becker, St. Helens, lashing and f’ow p *• tures; Mrs. J. O. Curteman. St. Helens, ceramics; Mr. C’vd? Retter, Scappoose, gimp lacing: Oci! Root, Pacific Power and Light cr.mpanv, Portland, elec tricity; Clark Walsh, Oregon State Game Commission, wildlife; Charles Ross, extension farm forestry sp-cialist, Corvallis, forestry; and members of the Ver nonia Gun club, care and use of the rifle. Other members of th? camp staff include Mrs. John Harvey, Clatskanie, and Mrs. Opal Hale. Chapman, cooking; Mrs. Robert Bock. Chapman, nurse: and Mrs. L. R. Petersen, Dc'.ena, dining room. Counselors are Mildred Thom as, St. Helens; Rita Kav Turner, Helena; Virginia Cox. Scappoose; Rollie Martin. St. H'’?n’: and Kenneth Asburry, St. Helens. Highway Repair Gets Attention of Road Men NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. Dan Armstrong and Nancy Jane and Florence Dass of Portland were visitors at the Dass home on the Fourth. Some patch-up work is being done on the highway here and several of the men and familys employed are living at Dass park. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kyser and girls were in Forest Grove last Thursday. The Devin? family spent the fourth in Hillsboro where they enjoyed a dinner with some rela tives. Lew Choate is driving a new pickup. Miss Mary Lou Fredrickson left last week for Eugene where she expects to spend some time with her sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Zillman were recent visitors at the Devine home. Bill Wolff and daughter spent th» evening of the Fourth in Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Ern--t Kyser and family enjoyed a picnic din ner at Hudson park on the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devine were in Beaverton Sunday, July 1. at the home of her sister and fami’y. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hirt- z. 1. Th ‘v witnessed the chris tening of their little nephew and niece, Carl and Carol Ann Hirt- zel. People would have more res pect for law if the law-makers could command more respect. Sparkler Causes ; Injury to Girl NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devine motored tn Tavl«”*ville Sundav evening and called on the Tom Gillesoie’s. Thev are -nrrv to report that Mr. Gillespie, the Watkins dea'er ha«- P1 > and nnt able tn h° out on his route for some time. Little Carrie Ann Wilson was severly burned from her waist up on her arm and hands as the result of holding a sparkler «which set her clothes on fire. Mr. Wells, who with his horse«- makes his annual trips around the country every year, has been here in the community the past several days and getting "rested nn” before continuing on his trip tn th" onpst. LeRny Wilkins of Newport is visiting his brother, Wayne, for a few days. Mr. and Mrrs. Reed Holding called on the Sam Devines Sat urday evening . Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Waddell . were Forest Grove visitors Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tav'or •’re rejoicing over the arrival of a girl born Saturday at the Jones hospital in Hillsboro. The baby I weighed 8 pounds and 10 ounces. I Residence Place Changed to Town RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bond spent the week end at Graham, Washington visiting her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mothershed. They also visited Grandpa Lee Allen at Sppnaway. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoef's and daughter spent the week end at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Norris, at Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thomas moved from the Robertson house on the highway to 2nd Ave in Vernonia where they have pur chased a house. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poole and daughter of Seaside spent Wed nesday and Thursday at the Jewell Lloyd home, taking Nancy and Roberta Lloyd home with thtm for a visit. BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon KILL ATHLETES FOOT "T-4-L Best Seller" Says Nance's Here’s the reason. The germ grows de.ply. You must reach it to kill it. T-4-L, containing 90 per cent alcohol, penetrates. Reaches more germs. Your 40c back from any druggist if not pleased in ONE HOUR. Nance’s. SPÍAK Ϋ« tANGUAOl OF THi FLOW«* MEANING: / e/fer friendship and grati tude tor your hind- OCCASION: Send <o the one who gave up the line for your emer gency call. MEANING: "The vari ety of your conversa tion delights me, but I am sorry we must Part” SVY* OCCASION: A flowery hint that you are one who wishes to share the line. MEANING: "Your thoughtfulness has won my devoted affection” OCCASION: To com pliment party liner* who allow 5 -minute intervals between calls. MEANING: "Don’t forget to retnem- ber” OCCASION: Always wear in the lapel or entwined in the hair—reminder to replace the receiv er when through talking. NVaCWTH WALK IN... DRIVE OUT... WITH THE DEAL OF THE YEAR ! Dry Cleaners the whiskey that's dr Warne“ Pt $2.25 $3.30 4'5 ACT NOW ¡...For best choice of mode! and color a minute longer! We’ve got the car for you . . . today's big eye-filling Dodge ready and waiting. Come in and drive it away! You’ll get the deal of the year ... on the car of the vear. The growing popularity of this great new Dodge surpasses that of all previous models in Dodge history. And we want vou to share in our success! That’s why we’re going all out to make it easy for you to own the hy wait W big new Dodge of your choice right now. Today you’ll get our top allowance figure on your present car. And for only a few dollars a week you can start right in enjoying all the many extra advantages Dodge gives vou. So don’t wait! Remember, vou could pay up to $1,000 more for a car and still not get all the extra room . . . driving ease .. . famous depend ability of Dodge. Come in now for a grand deal on a great car! Yto«r Dodge dealer is Transportation headquarters . . . COME IN TODAY I HAWKEN MOTORS Phone 1181 KENTUCKY WHISKEY—A BLEND ftoof • 6um niutui shuts • mi old sunny kook com ? any , louisviue , n. 868 Bridge Street Vernonia, Oregon