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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1951)
2 THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1951 THE EAGLE, TOWN TOPICS Mn. Herb Taylor and ion. Joo. returned Sunday after spending two weeks in Victoria, B.C., visit ing her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall. Mrs. W. C. Sandors of Loos- v4Ue, Louisiana, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ernest East. She is here for an extended visit. Pvt. Owen East is visiting his parents from Fort Camp Carson, Colo rado. He will leave Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Alexander spent a week at Seaside and also • lsited her sister and family at Seattle Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Thomas this week are her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs Howard Rawie, and three < hildren of Los Angeles. The Rawles are moving to Albany. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Larson and children of Newberg spent the week end at the Harold Mc Entire home. Linda Larson re mained fo” a longer visit with Patricia McEntire. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Goodman and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Enos and children left here Mon day afternoon for a logging camp tear Eureka, California where they will make their homes. Both men hav? employment there as loggers. Mrs. Pearl Adams returned io her home here late last week after visiting at Sweet Home, Detroit and at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Meiwes and daughter, Margaret, have moved to Oakridge where he has employment with the Hinds Lumb r company. Mr .and Mrs. Joe Vand'-rZanden accompanied their daughter and family to Oakridge Tuesday to help them move and returned hsre Satur day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Schoen- feJder have moved from Ver nonia to their home at Westfir where Mr. Schoenf?lder has em- ptoyment at the Hinds Lumber company. Mr. and Mrs. Alois Sauers and family spent their vacation in North Dakota visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller return ed here late Friday from a two- week vacation trip which took them east to Chicago and back. Miss Beiiy VanderZanden spent Sunday at St. Mary’s of the Val ley at Beaverton visiting her staler. Sister M. Elizabeth Ann. Mr .and Mrs. Wm. Shafer and Mr. and Mrs. Art Kittleson and Sunny Lee DeHart were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank l-ange Saturday evening, June 30. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lange went to Ocean Park, Washing ton Monday to visit Ed Payne. On Tuesday they visited his mother in the rest home at Long Beach, Washington. From there they crossed on the ferry at As- “Only moderation gives charm to life.” -Jeon Paul Richter For moderate refreshment... Q lympi ^ •“/fi the Watrr" Brewing Co., Olympia, Walk, U. S. A. * ® VERNONIA, ORE. and Mr. and Mrs. Buster Woods tori« and went on to Cannon Beach to spend the 4th with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hirsch, former Vernonia residents. They visited Short Sands beach. Ecola park and Seaside and returned home Thursday afternoon. On Friday morning, accompanied by Sunny Lee DeHart, they went to Port land to see Mr. Lange’s moth'.r and then to Woodland, Washing ton to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Murk, returning home that evening. Miss Marguerite Thomas has joined the staff of the Com mercial Bank of Oregon and is working at the Vernonia Branch. DANCE to the music of Dan Le- Gore and His Muleskinners, Sat urday. July 14. Legion hall. 2811c Mrs. Lavina Whipple, her hus band and their two children of Prineville and Mrs. Nora Whip ple and family of Sweet Home visited their father, George E. Nichols from July 1 until after the 4th. George E. Nichols, Jr., and family of Jasper were also here visiting his father. Mrs. Nan Hall Johnson is re cuperating at home after being in the Portland General hospital for a week’s observation. She returned here July 9. Visitors while she was in Portland were: Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Mills of Fort Jones, California; Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Mills of Corvallis; Joe Tipton, Mrs. Johnson’s brother; Mr. and Mrs. Roma Howell of Grants Pass; Mrs. Mary J. Rae of Upland, California and Mrs. Leone Wasser, Portland. Mrs. Johnson's granddaughter. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Mills also visited here with the Art Kirks and Clarence Fowlers. DANCE to the music of Dan Le- Gore and His Muleskinners. Sat urday, July 14. Legion hall. 28tlc Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grosche and Bill Brimmer drove to Barview July 3 to see Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brimmer and spent the 4th. Mr. Brimmer remained until’ Satur day while Mr. and Mrs. Grosche returned the evening of the 4th. Wally Grosche is visiting his parents, Mr .and Mrs. Carl Grosch? and brothers in Minot, North Dakota for two weeks. Mrs. E. Walters spent the week of the Fourth at the home of her daughter and- family, Mr. and Mrs. Al Colsen. former Vernonia residents now living at Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Graves spent five days during the July 4 week at Gold Beach with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Graves. Jack Heenan ac. comnanied them as far as Co quille to see Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Heenan. The Graves enjoyed the Acqua Carnival at Gold Beach in which Morris and his son, Dennis participated with a water ski performance. The carnival was the first sine? 1932 at Gold Beach and boats from Eugene. Midford, Eureka, Coos Bay and many other places participated. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Counts have moved to Roseburg where he is employed now. Ralph Waddell has been sta tioned in the quartermaster training school at Fort Lee, Vir ginia since April. Bill Shipman's vacation home was finished Tuesday. He re turned after a 30-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Shipman, and grandmother, Mrs. L. Mossman, to Camp Lewis. Mrs. Nellie Allison of Eureka. 1 California came Tuesday to visit Mrs. L. Mossman, her sister-in- law, and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Shipman and family. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Wil liams and son and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jackson, all of Portland, motored to Vernonia over the week end to visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Thompson. Sylvester is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack- son and Mrs. Jackson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Dado Bronis and family returned Friday from a weeks visit with Mrs. Bronis’ parents in Hamilton. Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mangat 2MHXHZNZHZHZHXHZHXHZHXHZK M Z 5 i N H X H H N HEADQUARTERS FOR FRESH DAIRY FOODS Fresh milk, cream, butter, eggs and every kind of cheese you can dream of — you’ll find them all here every day! Make it a point to buy your dairy foods — and other groceries and meats. too — where the assortment is largest. N M H KING’S Grocery - Market -Wbsse Your Mwey Buys More" Phone 91 At the Mile Bridge « g family of Barview came Satur day to see her father and mother and grandmother, returning Sun day. The Lines left Monday for their home after a week’s visit. Mr. and Mrs. Cleao Walrath motored to Madison, Wisconsin June 5 to visit relatives . Harold Crowslon has been sta tioned with the army air force in San Antonio, Texas since June 1. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Miller, for merly of Louisville, Mississippi, have rented the home formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ritz. Mr. Miller has been em ployed by Harold Bergerson and the Millers expect to remain in Oregon in the future. Mr. and Mrs. Art Kirk were in Vernonia Monday visiting with his parents and friends. He is recuperating from a very serious motored to Canyonville, to bring home the Mangat’s children who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leiser, their grandpar ents, since school was put. They returned Saturday. Mrs. Johnny Powell returned Saturday from Seattle. Her granddaughter, Pat, who was here during the school term, ac companied her to Seattle where she will remain with her mother until school starts again. Larry Taylor left on a vaca tion trip Saturday visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. George Chisholm, at Oakland, California and other relatives in that state. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lines of King City, California arrived here Monday, July 2, to see his mother, Mrs. Jennie Roswurm who has been in ill health. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brimmer and illness. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Martin have moved back to their former home town of Homedale, Idaho, leaving Vernonia July 1. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd. Huff have received word that their son, LeRoy, who has been training at Fort Lee, Virginia since Feb ruary, left July 5 from Fort Law ton, Washington for Japan to serve as Pfc. in the quarter master corps. Mr. and Mrs. Art Baker, for mer residents now living at Med ford spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Arch Kimball. Mr. and Mrs. J. Franklin Willis motored to Dunsmuir. California to spend the July 4th holiday. E. V/. Peterson and Janet re turned here last week end after a week spent visiting in North Dakota and ip Wyoming. The bakery was closed during the time they were away. Mr .and Mrs. BUI Rita and twin daughters moved from Ver nonia to Medford, stopping at Salem to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ron ald Harlan. Mr. and Mrs. Ritz had just returned here last Thursday from a vacation trip to San Francisco to visit her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Woodruff. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore re turned here Monday to continue their visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ora Cockrell, his sister. Their stay was interrupted recently when a brother, Reuben Moore was taken to the veterans hospital at Walla Walla. Mrs. Margaret Watts, San Francisco, friend of Mrs. Cockrell, arrived July 4 for an extended visit and two grand sons of the Cockrells are also here while their mother, Mrs. Joe Cockrell is recovering from an operation. i 1 FIRE PREVENTION One Careless Act Can Cause A Fire! Berry pickers were responsible for two fires, one Sun day and another Monday on forest land in the Ne halem valley. The Sunday fire was traced directly to a cigarette not extinguished when it was discarded. In other words, carelessness caused a fire which might have destroyed a lot of valuable timber had it not been discovered and put out quickly. That careless act could have destroyed jobs for men living here, could have destroyed trees that take years to grow, could have retarded development of timber management many years. Never throw away a lighted cigarette or an unbroken match! ALWAYS REMEMBER TO BE ’CAREFUL. A K eep O regon G reen H H H Prevent Forest Fires H H Columbia County Committee N Keep Oregon Green H H Riverview H lnxhzhznzhzhxhxhzhzhxhxh S I