Four Men of Note to Appear Sunday Night The Four Men of Note will be back in Vernonia Sunday night, July 1, at the Legion hall. They have appeared in Ver nonia on several previous occa sions and are rated high on the Pacific Coast as a gospel quar tet. They ar? sponsored by the Vernonia Independent church and the public is cordially in vited. New Department to Be Inaugurated Sunday Evangelist Still Speaking Here Sunday, July 1, is the day for the inauguration of a new junior intermediate department at the E.U.B. Sunday school, with a special program tor the summer months. A new gospel-graph series of lessons will be presented with a special interest emphasis for pupils who did ceramics work this year at school. Sunday also is patriotic Sun day with appropriate features in the opening exercises. This week marks the fourth week of timely messages being delivered by Evangelist Mattie Howard at the local Assembly of God, at Second and Maple streets in Vernonia. Miss Howard is forceful in her preaching of the gospel. True to life incidents have proven very effectual in illustrating her ser mons. Some of her subjects are: “The Devil’s Apes,” “Who Is a Gangster,” “Is It Scriptural for Fellowship Meeting at a Woman to Preach?” “The End St. Helens Enjoyed of the trail.” This week Miss Seventeen members of the Howard will give some high Christian church missionary lights on her life’s story, “From group were in St. Helens last i Prison To Pulpit" and “On Trial Friday evening to be present for Before a Jury.” a picnic supper at the home of The services are nightly at Mrs. Bond. Women of the St. 7:45 except Monday and Sat Helens Christian church were urday. The public is cordially also present at the fellowship invited to these services and also meeting. to the Sunday School Rally hour Three men of the Vernonia at 9:45 a.m. church also attended the meet ing. Prayer Meeting to Take Place Again Friday BY GEO. N. TAYLOR Portland. Oregon The twin boys were not yet born and so had don? neither co?d nor evil. And God ruled that Jacob to be born second, should have first place. By that the flocks, herds, servants, riches and honors, were all to be Ja cob's. Yet Jacob grew up to be a thief, liar and fugative. But God loved him always as the one who finally would do his will. And true enough there came th< hour when Jacok turned and Goc gave him a new name — Israel meaning, God's will be done. Like Jacob yov may also turn anc do God’s will. And this is his wil’— that you should believe that Christ died for your sins. Be lieve that much and God gives you eternal life. Then grow up. Be much in the Bible and look utterly to Christ for the new CHRISTIAN CHURCH —Evangelist Floyd Ross 9:45 — Bible school. 11:00 — Morning worship. 7:00 — Young people’s meeting. 7:30 — Evening worship. 7:30 Wed. — Prayer meeting and bible study. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST (Colored) —Elder J. C. Foster. Minister Services every Sunday at 1:30 and 7:30. I NAZARENE CHURCH —H. L. Russell. Pastor Residence — 1208 — Bridge 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. 6:30 p.m.—Young Peoples service 7:30 p.m. — Evening service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. — Prayer meeting. 7:30 — service. 7:30 Wed. — Prrver meeting. HILLSBORO / LARGEST 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION IN THE NORTHWEST < ' Twins to Be Bom AT THE CHURCHES I j June 30, July 1-4 9:45 a.m. — Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. — Worship. 6:30 p.m. — Young People’s C.A. 7:45 p.m. Wed. -e- Bible study and praise service. Knights of Pythias Lodge Harding No. 116 Vernonia, Oregon Meetings Legion Hall, Second and Fourth Mondays Each Month Wm. D. Shafer. Chancellor Commander meetingai 2 & 4 Fri., 8 p.m. Kent Bauersfeld, Commander Chuck Johnson, Adjutani AUXILIARY Regularte meatst l»t 4 3rd Wed. 4-50 Oscar G. Weed. Secretary Pythian Sisters A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. Vernonia Temple No. 61 Meetings: Second and I.O.O.F. Fourth A.F. * 164 A.M. m loots ai Stated Templa first Communication Hall M »ionic Wednesday of each month Thursday of each month. at 7i30 p.m. VERNONIA LIONS CLUB Nehalem Chapter 1S3, O. E. S. Regular com munication first and of Luther Choate. President Bill Wilson, Secretary 3rd each Wed. month at Masonic Teua pie. Vernonia Lodge No. 246 •0.0.F- 1-51 Order of Eastern Star MEETS EVERY MONDAY EVENING Palace Cafe ▼{siting All sisters and broth« ers welcome. Frances Mullins. Worthy Matron Mona Gordon, Sec'y. 1-51 Meet* Every Tueaday s P. M. Otto Cantwell, Noble Gtand Wm. D. Shafer. Secretary Vernonia F. O. E. (Fraternal Order 810 Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge Meets 2nd and 4th Thurtday evening» of each month I.O.O.F. Hall. Louisa Hamnett. Noble Grand Opal Counts. Vice Grand Gladys Strong. Secretary Anetta Pearl. Financial Sec'y. Reatha Horn. Treasurer Bridge 3treat Veraoaia Mee la Every Friday « P. M. 7-50 American Legion VERNONIA POST 11» Meat» first aad Third Maa. Each AUXILIAR* Third Tuesdays af 1-51 NANCE'S __ ■Ä H M H H Of course he wants to be first — because like many other smart shoppers he knows we’re first! First for quality, service and low prices! Get a head start on saving, on top food values! Come in tomorrow—early! M H H KING’S Grocery - Market “Where Your Money Bu?» More” At the Mile Bridgo Phone 91 Riverview with your Doctors, Merchants, and Hospitals by paying your bills promptly When You receive a Pioneer Service Company County Credit Board Statement beaiing our Registered Trademark either pay in full, part pay, or satisfactorily arrange to pay, and thus keep your name good by stabilizing your credit rating with your local Pioneer Sei-vice Company County Credit Boards. ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC —Rev. J. H. Goodrich —Rev. Crammond FIRST BAPTIST —Rev. K. G. West The Church with a Bible Message ¡ 9:45 — Sunday school. 11:00 — Preaching. 7:30 p.m. — B.T.U. 8:30 p.m. — Preaching 8:00 p.m. Wed.— Prayer meeting. 7:30 p.m. Fri. — Church sing. * PIONEER CREDIT INFORMATION IS MOST VALUABLE * NO COMMISSIONS CHARGED ON COLLECTIONS * ALL MONEY IS PAID DIRECT TO CREDITORS SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Services on Saturday: 10:00 a.m. — Sabbath school. 11:00 a.m. — Preaching, mission ary programs or Bible study. 7:30 p.m. — Evangelistic service. Í PIONEER SERVICE COMPANY. INC. i (Established Since 1926) Gerald F. Heskett, pastor 9:45 — Bible School. 11:00 — Morning worship service. Sermon them-: "In This Hour.” 7:00 — Youth Meeting. 8:00 — Evening evangelistic ser vice. Gerry Heskett bringing message. 3:00 Wed. — Prayer Meeting. VERNONIA A. Hoyt. W. P. Rex Normand, Sec’y ATHLETES FOOT GERM HOW TO KILL IT. IN I HOUK.. If not pleased, your 40c back, from any druggist. T-4-L is s|>ec»- ally made for high concentration.. Undiluted alcohol base gives great Penetrating power. Knls Imbed ded germs on contact. Now at— YOUR CREDIT RATING VERNONIA INDEPENDENT Eagl«») ways and days that prove the new life. Spread the Good News of Sal vation and give God his day. This space paid for by a family of the county. If we acknowledge God m «IT our ways, he has promised safety to direct our steps, and in war experience we shall find Use promise fulfilled. —Pbysan God never gave a man a to do which it were irreverent to ponder how the Son of Godt would have done it. —George MacDorxild: Through heaven and < arthc God's will moves freely and E follow it, as color follows ligM. —Elizabeth Barrett Browning; also Meets temporarily in Legion hall Columbia Encampment No. 89 will meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Louis Schroeder. Chief Patriarch Wm. D. Shafer. Scribe 1-51 •f 10:00 a.m. — Sunday school con venes under supervision of Russell R. Snook. 11:30-12 — Priesthood meeting. 7:30 p.m. — Sacrament meeting commences under direction of Earl P. Genzer, 7:30 Tuesday — MIA meetings alternately at Buxton and Ver nonia. Tuesday evenings — Primary children group meets under supervision of M. Erline Olson. 10:00 a.m. Wednesday—Branch Relief society meets. Rhoda J. Woods, president. Visitors cordially welcomed at all meet ings. Mass at 9:30 Sam Hearing, Jr., W.M. Ray Mills, Sec'y GUIDANCE God is All-in-all. He has mer cy upon us, and guides every event of our careers. —Mary Baker Eddy God reveals Himself to us wh:n we listen to His guidance; God reveals Himself through us when we share our guidance with others. —Emily Vand rbilt Hammond And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying. This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and PROTECT YOUR GOOD NAME VERNONIA BRANCH LDS LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES GEMS OF THOUGHT ■> when ye turn to the left. ^XHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHZ^XHXHXHZHXKXHXHXH ASSEMBLY OF GOD —Rev. W. A. McBride. Pastor Entire Happy Days Celebration sponsored by and under direction of Hillsboro Fire Dept. THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1951 VERNONIA, ORE. H Another in the series of prayer meetings devoted to men and women in the armed forces is scheduled for Friday evening of this week at 6:45. People who plan to attend will go to the home of Mrs. Anna Partridge at 1141 Nehalem. Celebration Schute Park I THE EAGLE, The largest business and professional men’s organization in the Northwest “The Merchants’ Own Organization” OREGON — IDAHO — UTAH — NEVADA DIVISION EVANGELICAL Paul D. Sisler. Minister 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. Mrs. Lesta Garner, Sup’t. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. Message, “The Power of God’s Word.” 8:00 p.m. — Evening service, Message: "Miracle Lives.” 1:45 p.m. Wed. — Women’s So ciety of World Service. 8 00 p.m. Wed. — Midweek ser vice and Council of Adminis tration. | 1 i j DIVISION OFFICE — IOOF Bldg., Eugene, Ore.; P.O. Box 471 STATE OFFICE — Boise, Idaho; P. O. Box 1616 Watch for the Green and Black Handbills with Account« for Sale REMEMBER, The Pioneer Service System is different I THXHXHXHZHXHXHXHXHX:«XHZHXHXHXHXHXHXHXF