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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1951)
■i THURSDAY, JUNE 28. 1951 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—Real Estate »950 MODEL Frigidaire Elec, jrange. Like new. Jack Riley, Mist Rt., Vernonia. 26tl FOR SALE, easy terms, or rent: 3- bedroom house on acre in Riverview north of Anderson’s, Mist Rt. Agnes Bledsoe, Rt. 1, Box 289, Aptos, Calif. 20tfc »'OR SALE: Red Raspberries, U iptck 10c lb. 244 miles NW of Wewberg Take Yamhill road <cut of Newberg 2 mi., turn right mt first Y, follow sign 44 mi. •Good clean field. Come anytime, firing containers. T. F. Zielos- Jkcwski, phone 29F3. 26t3 REMINGTON-RAND adding ma- •rMme like new. Cost $125 new, used five months. $100. See Edwin Ade at post office. 26t6c FOR SALE: Dressed red fryers, 50c lb. At Treharne, 5 minutes nfrive from town. Telephone £8813, Albert Walker. 25t3c "WASHING machine, $15. Phone M5FI1. 25t3c 'HEAVY circulating heater, also •■«ok stove, both good condition. Bargain for quick sale. 1142 4'olumbia street. 23tfc .AUCTION: Every Friday. Mis- «.fllaneous sale at 10, livestock .-sells at 1 p m. We run a nice volume of livestock every sale <day. Sell by head or weight. I Jo general auctioneering, selling -.general faim, dairy or furniture rales. Write or phone or call dor dates; information and esti mates gladly furnished free. We buy livestock, furniture, tools, •etc., at anytime. Auction Mart, iforest Grove. Walt Altman, auc tioneer, phone 16215. 20tfc -iAISE Chinchillas for Profit! As high as 500% profit the first year. Pairs with litters, pairs carrying, young pairs. For in- I’onmation see D. O. Smith at The dub. 16tfc '.HAY AND STRAW for sale. Fair prices as to quantity and quality. Elmer B rgerson. 39tfc E~ DON SIMMONSON registered Pjaae Tuning and Servicing. Mncnber National Ass’n. Piano «Mners. Contact Mrs. Fullerton, Phone 837. 31tfc FOR SALE—Insurance £JFE, File, Car and Accident Uiatiiraiice. Oregon Automobile insurance Co. II. Hudson and •George Bell. 26tfc FOR SALE—Real Estate TWO-BEDROOM house on 6th St., Riverview, with stoves and not water tank for $1500, or all furnished for $1800. Write Mrs. Jess, 2300 S. E. 82nd, Portland 16. State your terms. 26t4 r < modern house near schools. Utility porch and fruit room. Hot water heater and cook stove goes. $4000 cash or $4500 terms. 159 A St. 24tfc 4- ROOM 10 ACRES good strawberry land. 5- room house, 3 room cabin, hen house, garage, electric lights. I mile west of Banks on good road. School bus by door. A. E. Eberly. McDonald Apts. No. 3, Banks, Oregon. 24t3 NICE, CLEAN 5-room modern house, 5 lots and new chicken house. Also berries. $3500 cash. Located on Seventh St., River view. Mrs. Kenneth Walker. 23tfc FARMS AND ACREAGE 2 ACRES, 4-rm. modern house, barn and chick house. Fruit and berries. Close in. $3000 full price, easy terms. VERY good opportunity for log- ger-farmer on this 90-acre farm: 30 acres in cultivation, estimate 800M 2nd growth plus 100M old growth if taken now. Good, modern house, garage and 2 barns. Only $16,000 on very good terms. SEE this 40-acre mostly level place. Good 6-room modern house, 12-stanchion barn, gar age and chick house; 27 acres in cultivation on paved road only 2 mi. out. $10,600 with good terms. FOR RENT OR LEASE — 160 acres, 20 in cultivation; 6-rm. house, needs some work. Own er give rent for fixing up or on share, crop basis. Good berry land. 8 mi. out, Ver nonia. 7 ACRES, good 4-rm. modern house close in. Consider trade on city property. $6300 full price. ' HOMES GOOD 5roon? modern house close in. Furniture goes with it at $3800. $500 down. VERY GOOD 2-bedroom modern house close to mill. Utility porch, garage and shop bldg. Some furniture. Only $3000, terms $800 down. SEE THIS NEW 2-bedroom mo dern home. Double sink and table top water heater, wired for range. Only $4750. Very good terms. DON BAYLEY, BROKER MacDonald Hotel AUCTION SALE ‘ * will sell the following personal property at public auction 6 xnües east of Rainier, Oregon, on Fern Hill road — Follow the red incfion arrows. SATURDAY, JUNE 30 FOR SALE—Real Estate 2-BEDROOM home up town on city sewer. $3500, $675 down, no interest. 44-ACRE place, fair house, bam, orchard. Small stream. $3500. 2- BEDROOM home on nearly 1 acre. Lots of strawberries, city water. $3750. 3 BEDROOMS one floor, nearly one acre. Barn, chix house, good garden, many flowers. $4000. $2240 — 160 Acres cutover land, stream through place. About half thick young small timber. $1050 — Unfinished house on concrete foundation, towards Timber on almost one acre ground; fenced. Has good brooder house on concrete, n.w well, lined. VERY clean 2 bedroom home, new garage, wired for range, $3750. Lucille Sessman, Salesman, J. M. Person, Broker, phone 322. ________________________ 26tlc MODERN 2-bedroom home. In quire 1142 Nehalem St. 26t3 3- BEDROOM, new modern house. 9 lots, all fenced, in garden. Land is level location one block from highway. Price $3500.00. SMALL FARM on creek. Four acres cultivated, balance pas ture. Large orchard, 2-story house. Price $4600. Can give easy terms. Bert Mills, broker. 26 tl FOR SALE—Machinery GROAT taper splitting machine, will cut Holly woods. Niw con dition. Can be had at great saving. Frank Lyon, Hamlet Rt., Seaside, 1 mile west of Trout Hatchery, Sunset highway. Ph. 761 -Rl. t 26t3 FOR RENT FURNISHED 3-rm. apt and electric range, oil heat, laundry. Also overnight rooms for rent. Riverview bath, nice guest Apts. 25tfc LOST AND FOUND FOUND: Good pair sun glasses Found in Vernonia. in case. Owner may have by identifying and paying for this ad. Inquire Fa"le office. 26t3c WANTED Lack of Logs Idles Mist Mill MIST — Aleine Johnson had the misfortune to injure herself last week while about the farm. She tore some ligaments loose in her side and it required the services of a doctor to have some taping up. Melvin Saxton was on the sick list last week for a few days. The Wikstrom mill was idle last week on account of no logs in the pond, but they started up this week. The L. P. Mathews’ sons have put up a new silo on the hill opposite their place. The Cochran family has sold their property here and moved to Forest Grove. Wayne Rey nolds bought the place. It was known as the Ain Wallace place. The Mathews store is being treated to a coat of paint on the outside this week. Bernard Dowling and his mother were motorists to Port land Saturday. The Fred Buschs are welcom ing a new arrival in their home, a son, recently. Mrs. Winnifred Hult was a week end visitor from Horton of her brothqf, Robert Berg. Also there was her sister, Mrs. A. R. Mills. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the county court of the state of Oregon for Columbia county. In the matter of the estate of Alta S. Cripps, diceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of Alta S. Cripps, deceased, by the county court of the state of Oregon for Columbia county, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at Office of John L. Foote, Attorney, St. Helens, Ore gon with vouchers and duly ver ified within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first publication May 31st, 1951. Date of last publication June 28th, 1951. O. G. Cripps, Administrator. 22t5c Job Taken Falling Timber Near Keasey ROCK CREEK — Grace Lara- more and Martha. Enevoldsen spent a day recently at the homes of Blanche and Necia DeWitt. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. DeVaney gave their children, Kathleen, Linda and Lorna, an outing at Seaside. Martha Brown went along for a short holiday too. Herb Counts has stopped work, ing in Southern Oregon and is now felling timber along the new railroad spurs being built above Keasey. Isola Morris. Necia and Blanche DeWitt went out recently to pick strawberries for freezing and had the misfortune to go on the one of the hottest days so far this year. Trip to Station Started Sunday BIRKENFELD—Darlow Wolfe and friend from Portland spent Sunday at the Eugene Larson home. Mr. and Mrs. Ain Wallace were up from Seaside Sunday to bring their granddaughter, Joan, to visit the A. R. Meilis’. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bellingham went to Netarts Sunday on busi ness. Delmar Jepson left Sunday morning for Ogden, Utah where he is to be stationed. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jepson had a farewell party for Delmar Satur day night. Katy Nordstrom had a number of her little friends and relatives in on Thursday to help celebrate her 7th birthday. Extension Unit Members To Choose Officers Fri. TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Buckley, Donna and Bar bara Cline were noon dinner guests of the Byron Kirkbride family Tuesday. The Timber Route extension unit will meet Friday, June 29, 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Carl Wienecke. Purpose of the meet ing is the election of officers for the coming year and enrollment for slipcover and special pro jects. New Mist Home To Be Used Soon MIST — Mrs. Richard Melis and two children came up from California last week and paid a visit to the A. R. Melis’s his parents. The grandson remain ed for a while at the farm. The Geo. Jones new home will soon be ready for occupation. The plumbing being worked on this week. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap were trading in the village Sat urday from Natal. Many farmer have started their haying already, Irving Knowles, and A. R. Melis among them. A. R. Melis cut his hand quite badly last week. Re had to have four stitches taken. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland are expecting her sister and husband and son from Stockton, California this week. They are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Foster, were in Portland Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Bateson Society Discontinue» Meetings for Summer The St. Mary’s Altar Society met June 20 at the home of Mrs. Tony Smejkal on Timber route. A business meeting was held and it was decided not to have another meeting until September, at which time it will be held at the home of Mrs. Vanderzanden on Corey Hill. Mrs. Henry Meiwes wifi care for flower arrangement and Mrs. Claude Gibson for the church during July. Installation to Take Place at July 19 Meet The F. L. Club met at the I.O.O.F. Hall June 21 with Irens Minger and Lotus McMullen as hostesses. Election of officers was held for the next six months term and an invitation extended to Lucille Fowler to be a new member. Installation of officers will be next meeting, July ’ 19, with Orene and Herlene Robertson as hostesses. Do what you can with what you have—and do it today. WANTED: Work cutting tall grass with team and mower. Will Harders. Capitol Hill. 26tl WANTED: Two Milk Goats. Cord wood rig saw minus power. F. K. Schray, Keasey Rt. 26t3 Free WANTED: Oregon Jourrnal car riers. Call 1137, Cleve Robert son. 25t3 The Yankee Trader Cuts the High Cost of Living HIGHEST cash prices paid for jream and eggs at your door— picked up once or tviice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone 126. 14tfc MISCELLANEOUS 24 HEAD COWS and CALVES LADIES interested in Foundation Garments phone 914. Free 10 DAYS ONLY - WILL PAY TOP prices for all livestock. Will pick up at your place. Grant C. Dodge, Forest Grove, Rt. 2, Box 15. 50tfc 1 P. M. Sharp Free / 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 □ 1 I 6 1 G.ernsey cow S yr. old freshened March 8. Bred April 26. Guernsev Cow 5 yr. old. freshened March 18, Open. Guernsey cow 4 yr. old. freshened March IS. Bred April 14. Guernsey-Jersey cow 3 yr. old freshened March 20, Bred April 24. Guernsev _ 3 _ yr. old. freshened March 10. Open. Guernsey Jersey 4 yr. old. freshened March 20. Open Guernsey-Jersey 2 yr. old. freshened March 8. Bred May 16 Guernsey-Jersey 2 yr. old, freshened March 17, Open Guernsey-Jersey 2 vr. old. freshened April 14, Open. ----- - - 2 yr. old. ................................... Holstein-Guernsey freshened April - 1. - Open. Guernsey 2 year old Heifer, bred May 11 Hereford bull calves 3 months old. Guernsey 2 yr old Heifer Open. 4 Hereford heifer calves 3-mo old Guernsey yearling Heifer 1 Red polled bull calf. 2 mo. old 2 yr. old Guernsey Steer. 1 Guernsey heifer 2 mo. old. Guernsey yearling Steer. 1 Guernsey bull calf, 3 mo. old Dry stock and calves are all in good butchering shape. All stock tested for sale. I F a:k Gelding work horse. MACHINERY Model A Farmall — good condition, with wheel weights. 18 m. hann on tractor plow — McCormick-Deering S ft. hang on McCormick mower. 2 section spring tooth harrow. McCormick tractor cultivator. 2 section spike tooth harrow. 44-i ft. David Bradley Horse mower. 5 ft. David Bradley disc. 8 ft. David Bradley dump rake. Set of blacksmith tools, forge, anvil, vise and etc. Bell saw mill 12 ft. carriage, powered with Chev. truck motor. All belts and equipment and ready to run—will be demonstrated. 1 Double Drum Donkey, complete with cables, powered with 8 cylinder Buick motor. 1 dinele Drum Donkey, powered with Willys Jeep Motor. Both G«d ones. LUMBER and MISCELLANEOUS 48D It of 2-in. planks — $18 ft. of 1x4 to ft. ti 1x4 to 1x12 boards. 8 ft. — 500 mostly cedar — 610 ft. of 4x4. 6x6. 4x6 2x6 and 2x8--12 to 20 ft. long. All new lxllt-12 and 16 ft. — 538 ft. of 2x4 to 2x12 -12 ft. -12-14-20 ft. — 384 ft. of lumber ruff cut. There will be a number of pieces of furniture and many other articles too numerous to mention. LUNCH WILL BE SERVED M. L CANAAN. Owner Harn Wallace. St. Helens Auctioneer A. H. (Tony Abts—Clerk Com. Nat. Bank. Hillsboro TERMS CASH. FOR TERMS SEE THE CLERK IF YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE A FARM FOR SALE. SEE ME. Charis please 24t3 » A PECK OF GROCERIES FREE WITH A PURCHASE OF $35 OR MORE AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY. Misc. Sale 11:00, Livestock Sale 1:00. Clatskanie Community Auc tion. Quarter mile East of Clats kanie on highway 30. Phone 1600. 28tfc (1 Peck to a Customer) NEW, HOME LAUNDRY. Family washing washed and dried, 15c lb. Finished at reasonable rates. Also curtain stretching. Mrs. E. M. York, 108 A. St., phone 1107. 38tfc Mammoth Sale of beautiful furniture and appliances. Everything goes. in early for your free peck of groceries. Sale starts at— CARD OF THANKS WE WISH to express our most sincere appreciation for the many kind acts of sympathy and con sideration shown us at the time of our recent bereavement. Mrs. Grace Normand Rex Nofmand and family 26tlc Be Noon, Fri., June 29 Biggest furniture and appliance sale ever held in this area. $100,000.00 of merchandise to choose from. See the— NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given resi- dents of the City of Vernonia in accordance with ordinance No. 163, to cut and remove and keep cut from their property and from the half of the street abutting the proper ty, all weeds, grass and noxious vegetation more than 10 inches in height during the months of May. June. July. August and September. A. D. Lolley, City Marshall 25t3c Most public speakers can rise to tne occasion, but few know when it’s time to sit down. Yankee Trader for all your household furnishing needs. Three miles east of Hillsboro. Liberal trade ins on all household furniture. Be sure to see the Crosley Shelvadore. All models to choose from. 7À I