THE EAGLE, Housekeeping Big Chore on The Hill Picnic at Park Attracts Group Everything is quiet up on the Hill of many troubles at the present time; too quiet, ominous ly so. The Old Man is ap prehensive that it is just the lull before the storm and something is liable to break loose at any time. Of course there are the minor problems that are always present, but his scientific friend came and got his frogs and that was one trouble off his mind. But a pesky rat had been raid ing his baby bantam chicks and had carried off two of them before his depredations were dis covered. The Old Man removed the banty hen and her chicks to a place of safety and the old 'Muscovie mama duck promptly moved into ths vacated coop with her brood of ducklings. Mr. rat evidently decided that a gos- lin would make as good a meal as a baby chick, but he failed to take into consideration the old Muscovie drake, The old drake is as. big as a ;oose and has a ?eak like a steel rap. He is very proud of his amily and is always on guard. There was a commo tion in The Old Man the barnyard; On Ths Hill the hens cackl ing, the guineas chattering like a machine gun and the banties whooping it up, but no sound from the Muscovie ducks, as they are quackless and can only make a wheezing or whistling sound. What transpired the Old Man oRker knew, but when he went to investigate he found the old Muscovie drake proudly wad- dling up and down before his admiring family, a big rat, very dead, dangling from his beak. A few days ago Ma missed her footing and got a fall and sprain ed her ankle. It was nothing serious but she had to stay in bed for a couple of days and the Old Man was cast for the roll of cook, nurse, housekeeper and general factotum. Until one has tried it he never knows how much there is to just keeping house. As the Old Man puts it “that proverbial cat on tin roof is a .sluggard when compared to my activities th- last few days. “Not only is there the house work to do, but there are the ducks and chickens to care for besides the garden work, and whtn the day is done and I have locked up the henhouse and put Bingo to bed, when weary and exhausted I tumble into bed, I would be prodded out at inter vals to give medicine, git a glass of water or rub linament on ach ing joints. “I sure hope Ma gets well soon and I am doing my best to speed that welcome day. I have become very proficient in arranging a TvERNONIA CLEANERS will be closed July 4, 5, 6 and 7 for repairs and will reopen July 9. ^Thought for today... “For what avail the people or soil or land or life if freedom fails.” —Emerson For moderate refreshment... Lifht tray. A sprig of parsley or a rosebud makes it much more inviting. “You see, Ma won’t eat as much as she should and it taxes my ingenuity to arose her jaded ap petite. I tried putting a shot of O. B. Joyful in her tea and it perked her up amazingly. At first she was a bit suspicious of the taste, but I told her that Sam’s Grocery was all out of OOlong tea and I had to get TOOlong tea which accounted for the flavor. “She said she believed she liked it better than the kind we had been using. If she finds out, I am liable to be in the doghouse for a long time for she is a deaconess, or something, in the church and a strong pro hibitionist, but I had to do some thing to pep her up. Next Wednesday is the ' 1 Safeway stores / $. -v will be closed all day Lnnch Meals S'S.h"“1’ NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. Flovtf Deeds and son of Salt Lake ar- visiting at the home of las mother, the Noble Dunlaps. The Bible meeting will be beU at the Natal school house on Friday evening this week at. 7:45 instead of Thursday. Last week visitors at the R» bert Lindsay home at Pitts- burg wsre Isabellle Culbertsosu June Willis and Mrs. Knapp amt Corrine Wall, all from Vernonia. The party at the Natal hall Sat., urday evening was well at tended and all report an enjoy- able time. Teddy Erickson called on th- Lindsays Monday. Mr. Erick- son is assisting different oi with their haying. While Stu Tua Blended DreSSing Duchess 6-oz. 17c REAL GOLD Oran "e Box of 21 bars WIENERS Oscar Mayer SHRIMP Potato Chips Rag. 25c size pkg. 19c Paper Cups Dixiehotdrink pkg. of 7 9C 5-oz. Peanut Butter Peter Pan 12-oz. jar 35c thru l-lb. box 36c Sandwich Spread Best Food pint 50c rues, uw 3 pk. 33c Ritz Crackers 9c Corned Beef L¡bby Sugar Belle Safeway Guaranteed Meats n». 67* ib. 65* Fancy Hams Smoked Picnics “ ib. 45* Fancy Fryers No. 303 can FRYER TURKEYS, pan-ready ... lb. 73« SLICED BACON, standard........ lb. S’»« SWISS STEAKS, choice, good, lb. 98« PORK SPARERIBS, meaty........ lb. 55« PK. SAUSAGE, country style, lb. 55« LUNCHEON MEATS, variety .lb. 50« SKINLESS WIENERS................... lb. 65« FRESH BOLOGNA ................. lb. 63« Valencias “Buy the bag” CUCUMBERS GREEN ONIONS LETTUCE DRY ONIONS. Yellow RED RADISHES M Canned Hams Boneless 6C.79 Pre-cooked_ can ° Fancy Bacon Sliced in convenient CQr layers .... ...... — lb. The season’s finest Economy pack New . White GREEN BEANS. Fresh lb. 7c 10-lb. 53c 5-lb. 39c Manor House or Dixie Brand Ready-to-cook Skinned Hams Sugar Cured Half or Whole Fresh Produce Values Watermelon Potatoes Oranges good 9-01. jar 14c French's Mustard 12-ox. can 43c Glenbrook Marvin Kamholz Editor and Publisher boro l'/r-lb. 22c s. 10* Marshmallows % a- 2 23* 17* Fancy-Pack Peas Dalewood Margarine 2-63* American Cheese 98* CELERY. Crisp, green Frico» Rrnad Mrs Wri ht's DI vail white or « wheat Jellies & Preserves The Vernonia Eagle GROCEA'« t- MEAT 2 tor 25c Paper Cnps Dixie- hot 21- ob . jar 35c Colored Straws Donald Duck pkfl. 15c Kremel PEACHES Plastic Forks & Spoons pk®2Of 15c ■/> dor. 20c SURF Detergent 19-oz. pkg. 33c SOAP White Magic 23-oz pk 31c ........ pkg. of 0 15c Stein's Buns Hamper LEMON PIE FILLING FRESH DATES Paper Plates Divided pkg. of 10 15c 14-oz. 58c Shady River, Small CANTALOUPE Paper Plates ^eware pint 35C quart 59c Sweet Pickles vaiepy 98c CANDY BARS Paper Napkins z07dS 2 pkg.. 25c Mayonnaise Nu Made pint 39c quart 75c 6-oz, 16c REAL GOLD ‘ Answer the call of the wide open spaces! Gather the gang together and head for your favorite picnic spot. And be sure to take along plenty of good things to eat. Appetites 3oar in the great outdoors. Satisfy those cravings with good foods from Safeway. Dozens of picnic treats await your selection here. Check the lists below for ideas. And note the low prices. 12-ot. 43c No. Vi 29c can lb. lb. l-lb. pkg. 7-lb. bag lb. lb. lb. 2 lb. lb. bunch lb. 2-lb. bunch 9c 15c 35c 43c 17c Vint-Ripancd C'ragmont Beverages....... 2 qts. 27c Dad’s Root Beer 10-oz. btle 6/35c Tomatoes Left on the vines - till last minute SPRING HOUSE lb. 84c BUTTER SUNNYBANK Coca-Cola 6-oz. bottle 6'25c MARGARINE 7-Up Soda . 7-oz. bottle 6 25c MARGARINE PepHÍ-Cola . 12-oz. bottle doz. 73c ‘A’ LARGE EGGS 5c Kool Aid. mix your own. 3 pkts 14c 19c 14c 29c 14c Sc 17c 15c Sc REFRESHERS lb. 34c SUNNYBANK 2-lb«. 67c WHIPPING CREAM » pt. 34c FLEET MIX 40-oz. pkg. 47c Nob Hill Coffee l-lb. 86c 2-lb. $1.71 BISQUICK 40-oz. pkg. 51c Edwards Coffee l-lb 91c 2-lb $1.81 HYDROX COOKIES (Botti? diDotit« extra on soft drinks) CHEESE For biscuits Airway Coffee, l-lb. 83c 2-lb. $1.65 For biscuits Chatham, mild pkg. 39c Ib 62c MAYDAY SALAD OIL qt 84c SAFEWAY s Meeting Changed To Friday Night SAFEWAY LEMONS. Juiceful Entered as second class mail matter. August 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price, $2.50 yearly. RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Rose and baby spent Sun day at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rose. Dar rel returned Saturday from Los Angeles where he studied mor tuary. He is working at the Bush Funeral Home. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cline spent Saturday in Portland at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meyer. Albert Helland of Ellensburg visited at the Rex Normand home from Monday until Thursday. Mrs. Pete Hillman and child ren of Banks visited Mr. and Mrs. Rex Normand Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Combs and family of Portland spent the week end at the home of . their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hillyer. RckupÿourPICNIC NEEDS GRAPEFRUIT Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Mortuary Studies at Los Angeles Completed Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Smith of Portland spent Sunday at the Tom Solomon home. Mr. Smith is Mrs. Solomon's cousin. Mrs. Glenn Mitchell attended Grange at Chapman Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Huntley, son Bobby, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McCool and children spent Saturday at Netarts clam ming. Sunday Mr. McCool came and he and his family went to their home in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bond spent Saturday at Forest Grove on business. Sunday visitors at the Frank Serafin home were Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Beeler, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schmitt and children, Mrs. Eve- lvn Merrill and children of St. Helens. Enjoy outdoor eating / APRICOTS "Iti ihr H'atrr RIVERVIEW — The Tomlin family h.ld a picnic at Rogers Park Sunday, Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tomlin, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Tomlin and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poole and daughter of Seaside, Mrs. Nash Alessi and children of Saratoga, California, Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Lloyd and children and Mrs. John Miller and daugh ter. House guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wirtz the past week were their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Viola Wirtz, and Mrs. Jack Carter of San Leandro, California. Monday the Wirtz’s and their guests visited the George Stover home in Vancouver, Washington and took a drive along the upper Columbia highway. The visitors left Wednesday for their home. THURSDAY. JUNE 29 lost VERNONIA, ORE. SNOWDRIFT Shortening 3-lbs. $1.11