Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, June 28, 1951, Page 4, Image 4

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4 THURSDAY, JUNE 28. 1951
How Many Can Ycu Remember?
Fire Completely Destroys Home at
Hatal Early in Morning Wednesday
NATAL — The home of Mr.
and Mrs. L. L. Hulstead was
completely destroyed by fire last
Wednesday morning. This was
the former John Titus place. It
is understood all their belong­
ings burned, including the house,
garage and barn which held 30
tons of hay.
Mr. and Mrs. Malcom Karr ot
Cherry Grove were week end
visitors of the Ernest Kysers
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Choate
made a business trip to Cali­
fornia over the week end. Mrs.
Ernest Kyser kept their boys
while they were on their trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hirtzel and
children of Beaverton called on
For Your Family’s Diet
the Devine family Sunday even­
Dee Vere Hershey and Wayne
Wilkins were Friday evening cal­
lers at the Harvey Ridlings.
John Thornton and William
Devine were Sunday evening
callers at the Clair Devines.
William Devine just recently re­
turned from the East where he
has been stationed, but is back
at Fort Lewis, Wn.
Mr. and Mrs. Reed Holding
called on the Jim Morans Wed­
nesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lynch and
daughter, Velma, of Scappoose
were Sunday visitors at the Ro­
bert Mathews.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilson
were Portland visitors Friday.
Sunday evening guests at the
Oblack home were Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Pesio of Clatskanie.
DeeVere Hershey was a Sun­
day visitor of the Henry Ander-
egg family.
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Hole? of
Vernonia were Saturday evening
callers at the Robert Mathews.
* *
1 .
Health of Elderly
Couple Better Now
Meat is a body builder, |
a nutrition “MUST.”||
Serve it at least once a
day to make sure you
and your family are get­
ting needed proteins
and minerals! For the
choicest cuts do your,
buying here — Fine
meats priced to fit your
DAILY: 10 a.m - 3 p.m.
PHONE 1391
RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Steele of Sweet Home
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Hawkins Saturday.
They reported that his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Steele, are
both much improved in health.
Mrs. Steel? is in Portland and
Mr. Steele at St. Helens.
Mr. and Mrs. Reagan Crowell
of McMinnville visited at the
Frank Serafin home Friday even­
Mr. and Mrs. John Krinick
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Graham on Sauvies
Island Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hawkins
and great granddaughter of
Sedro Wooley, Washington and
Bert Hawkins of Vernonia en­
joyed dinner at the Glen Hawk­
ins home Tuesday. John Hawk­
ins is a brother of Bert Hawkins.
Jack Olin drove out from Port­
land Saturday, spending the
week end with his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Olin. His
wife and baby, who had spent
the week here, returned home
with him Sunday evening.
Saturday callers at the T. F.
Hillye'r home were Mrs. Colen
Crouse and son, Mrs. Welch and
Mrs. Perley Crouse of St. Helens.
The Buddhist temple at Horyuji,
Japan, parts of which have stood
since the year 739 A.D., is be­
lieved to be the oldest wooden
building in the world.
8 P. M.
City Park Field
ADMISSION: Adults 65c, Children 30c
Sponsored by Veterans of Foreign Wars. Pro­
ceeds will be utilized to pay for roofing new hall
May Hall, and Cleo Hall: back
row. 1 to r, LeRoy Cook,-----------
Throop, MayDeEti Throop. Kath­
ryn Malmsien. (not known), (not
known), Gladys Dallman and
Audrey Johnson. Vita Emmons,
teacher, stands above at the back.
da Mellinger. Clarence Lindsay,
Harvey Eden, (not known), Ivan
Reed and Ben Spencer: middle
row. 1 io T. (not known). Johnny
Counts. Kenneth Parker. Russell
Whitsell. Glen Urie, (not known).
Clyde Sessman. Edna Owen.
THIS PHOTO was submitted by
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lindsay and
is identified as showing the third
grade in 1922. '23 or '24. When
this group graduated from the
grades, it was the next to the
last class to leave the old grade
school building that was used
before the Washington school
was opened for classes in 1930.
Identification of the pupils could
not be made for every face, but
the listing obtained was:
front row. left io right. Harvard
Malmsten, LeRoy Christensen,
(not known), (not knownj, Vel-
New Residents
Occupy Property
WMS Entertained at Mill» Heme Wednesday
TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs.
Robert W. DuRette and three
children moved Saturday into
the S. D. Stearns property. Mr.
and Mrs. Whit? and daughter
have moved their trailer there
also. Both families formerly
lived at the Capitol Hill Hatchery.
Both families are welcomed to
the Treharne community.
Byron Kirkbride and his father,
G. C. Kirkbride, of Vernonia
motored Saturday to Hillsboro on
business and to Mountaindale to
bring Mrs. Byron Kirkbride
and children home from picking
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride
and Wayne Wallace, grandson of
Mrs. Ray Claric and Mrs. G. C.
Kirkbride, of Vernonia motored
to Mountaindale Monday to pick
berries to can. Mr. Kirkbride
fell a tree for Mr. Peters while
Mr. t nd Mrs. C. L. Wienecke
and family of Springfield spent
the past week with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke.
Mrs. Dottie McDaniel-and her
sister of Portland were over­
night guests at the H. A. Wilson
Treharne Resident Is
Honored by Party Group
TREHARNE — Mrs. Mae Tall-
man and Mrs. Donna Tallman
were hostesses at a belated birth­
day party honoring Mrs. Carl
Wienecke. A very delightful din­
ner was served at noon. The day
was spmt in visiting and music.
Those present were Mrs. Wilbur
Thacker; Mrs. Royce Newton
and Darlene; Mrs. Lester Gal­
loway and Tamara; Mrs. Geo.
Smith. Terry and Freddie; Mrs.
Chester Wienecke, Laura Lee,
Hazel and Darrell; Mrs. Carl
Wienecke and the hostesses. Mrs.
B. E. Tailman; Mrs. Monte Tall­
man and LcAraine of Timber.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wienecke
and family, and Mrs. Carl Wie­
necke were Wednesday evening
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Her-
inckx of Wilkesboro.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer
and Mary were Hillsboro visitors
Expert Tontorial Work
Vernonia, Oregon
MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Sundland and Sharon came from
McMinnville and spent the week
end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Sundland.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Enneberg
were in Portland Saturday.
Mrs. Richard Banzer has been
visiting with her grandmother at
Pendleton the past week or so.
The W.M.S. met Wednesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Arby Mills. There was quite a
good attendance and an interest­
ing study of the Bible in Ro­
mans. A delicious luncn was
served after the meeting. The
next meeting will be with Mrs.
Ray Bennett the second Wed­
nesday in July.