2 THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1951 TOWN TOPICS Donna Ray of Molalla is visit ing her cousin, Patricia McEntire. Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Harold McEntire took the girls for a drive along the coast, visiting various beaches and Ecola Park. Mrs. Wilma Huchison, Hills boro, is spending a week here visiting Mrs. E. Walters at the Roseway apartments. IL V. Kelly traveled by plane Monday to Anchorage, Alaska for an extended visit with his son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Joy Theatre THURS.. FRI. JUNE 28-29 TARGET UNKNOWN Mark Stevens - Robert Ddfuglas JUNE 30 SATURDAY BEDTIME FOR BONZO Ronald Reagan - Diana Lynn SUN., MON. JULY 1-2 THE MATING SEASON Thelma Ritter - John Lund TUES.. WED. JULY 3-4 FRENCHIE (Color) Joel McCrea - Shelley Winters **** THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. Kelly, Vernon and Roseann. Mr. Kelly, a brother of Mrs. Frank Slemmons, has been stationed at Anchorage in the service for the past year. DANCE. Saturday. Juna 30 io the Music of Dan LeGore and His Muleskinners. Legion hall. 26tlc Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie James and Mr. and Mrs. James Gleason all of Portland, were week end guests of the Charles Castners. Darrel Rose returned here Sat urday morning. He has gradu ated from the California Em balming school and will be em ployed at Bush Furniture. DANCE. Saturday. June 30 to the Music of Dan LeGore and His Muleskinners. Legion hall. 26tlc Visitors at the home of George Nichols Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sumey and son, Irvin, and his friend. Miss Doris Ben son and the Sumeys’ grand daughter, Miss Mary Lou Austin, all of Tacoma, Washington. Mary Lou is Mr. Nichols’ great nephew. Michael Pierson, of Scappoose will remain with him for several days. Mrs. Hattie Tunnell returned from the hospital June 24. Miss Vera Finnell spent her two weeks vacation in Yakima, Washington with her sister and niece. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Marshall and daughter, Brenda, from Seattle spent the week end with his parents and Brenda is to spend her summer vacation with her grandparents. Mrs, Marge Wilbur and child- ren, Barbara, Bobbie and Mary, from Roseburg were visitors at the Dave Marshall home for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davis from Caldwell, Idaho visited the J. F. Heenans from Friday until Sunday. On Saturday they all went to Seaside claming. Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Heenan are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ruhl re turned Saturday from their va- cation trip. They visited Mr. Ruhl’s mother and sister in Her ington, Kansas and brother in Kansas City, Missouri, return ing home via Cody. Wyoming, Yellowstone National Park, The Grand Tetons and Sun Valley, Idaho. The weather was perfect, but lots of flood water was seen. Mrs. Duane Garrison accompa nied Mr. and Mrs. Milo Noble, Hillsboro, cousins of Mr. Garri son, to Washta, Iowa June 12 where the Nobles will reside. Mrs. Garrison visited her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swanson and Ronnie at Wausa, Nebraska before returning here June 21. The time to make friends is be fore you need them. Reynolds Home Scene Of Birthday Gathering TREHARNE — Mrs. Robert Reynolds was hostess at her home for a belated birthday Relatives Meet For Anniversary Relatives gathered Sunday, June 24 for a family picnic at Big Eddy Park. Fifty-eight were present. Everyone brought a basket lunch which was served cafeteria style and the tables were load .-d with good c^ts. « A beautiful decorated and most delicious cake, made by Forence Messing, was presented Robert and Alice Lindsay. The occasion was their 40th wedding anniversary.. The cake which was served to each one one there with ice cream. All extended good wishes to the hon ored couple. The day was spent visiting, playing ball and horse shoes, and a most enjoyable time was had by all. party. Those present were Vir- ginia Weaver and girls; Floy Odam and children; Florence Beck; Mae Wienecke; Jane Mil- ler; Flora Whitmire; Pauline Tis dale; Leaon Odam; Midge, Mike and Cheryl Lee Reynolds; Zella Davenport; Nancy Daniel, Ruby Daniel; Mabie Jones; Edna Rey nolds and Cathy; Mrs. Carl Sny der and Bert; Georgia Harders; Florence Reynolds; Thelma Wea ver and children; Eleanor Wie necke and children and Dorothy Reynolds and Earl. H. A. Wilson is able to be out and around after his illness. Vacation of Two Week» Being Spent in Seattle BIRKENFELD — Mary Ann Nordstrom is spending a two weeks vacation at Seattle with her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Larson and family spent Sunday in Port land. There will be a dance at Bir- kenfeld June 30. Music will be Rohls orchestra. Several women from Birken feld called on Mrs. Lena Hen- drickson on the Lewis and Clark Friday, she having moved there recently after making her home here for a good many years. QUIET A good tune-up in our shop will take the clatter out of the old bus — make it purr like new. Lei's do the job today. Johnson Telephone 311 Vernonia Sen. Sta. Corner Rose and Bridge (jAáfei-n £¡¡ñ¿ t our ‘One-stop’ Saving Center j » 1 I I Mo. Guaran. $ 8.95 Exch. uaucu« Group 1 24 Mo........ $13.45 Exch. Vapor Seal Canners, 9 Qt. Cap............... $4.89 Thermos Jugs ................................ $3.89 - $4 39 G. E. Electric Roasters $44.95 Electric Percolator........................................... $3 39 Shorts — Pedal Pushers — Swim Suits Girls and Ladies Poplin Jackets.............. $3.43 New Shipment Ladies House Dresses $2.9£ NEW SHIPMENT Ladies Bemberg Sheer and Street Dresses (tlebleton £t&te WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. CUFF WHITE PHONE 1271 VERNONIA, ORE. ■ : ■■ Nothing Like It To Take the Edge off! < ■ There’s no edge or curve on any floor that can’t be sanded beautifully right up to the wall with a HILCO heavy-duty edger. It’s the ideal machine to sand steps and stairways, clos ets, narrow spaces & cramped places. é YOU CAN RENT A HILCO EDGER FROM US AT VERY MODERATE RATES. You can do an expert job yourself with this foolproof Edger at a fraction of the usual cost. HILCO CHIEF SANDER Remove old varnish and scars from your floors with our Hilco sander. Will make floors like new, even • most neglected. You’ll be pleased with fL-. better appearance of your home. Ask for rental rates. 8-ln. Skil Saw Type^| Ä Electric Saw. jT J Per day ........................ L Hoffman Hardware Co Telephone 181 Vernonia, Ore. *