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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1951)
To a Friend By Th» Old Man on the Hill I must be blessed by providence For nothing I could do Would merit such a wonderous gift As a friend like you. I do not need the rainbow's gold. For when you are with me I have all that life may hold. Just in your company. My heart is filled with happiness, My dreams have a U c o me true. I would not trade the rainbow’s end For just one hour with you. You have smoothed the sunset trail My days are tree from care, But heaven, I know, will lonely be If you are not there. This is now my earnest prayer. That I may worthy be Of all the faith, the peace and joy That you have brought to me. God, perhaps, but no one else Could read my heart anew, And know the song, the glad- ness there Just hprausp nf vnu L Cooksons Visit From California TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cookson, Wesley and Donna, of Paradise, California were in the neighborhood Fri day. They were up to complete the sale of their property at Man ning. While here they visited friends and relatives. They brought word that Sandra is go ing to a special school in Apple gate and doing very well. Mrs. Florence Reynolds has been papering and painting this past week, assisted by Mrs. Walker, Geòrgie Harders, Thel ma Weaver and Rosie Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Kiggins and children of Estacada visited their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke, Sunday. Wm. Wienecke, North Plains, spent Thursday afternoon at the Carl Wienecke home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke and Wm. Wienecke were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fal coner Thursday. Sharon and Jimmy Hult are visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr .and Mrs. George Hult. Connie McKenney spent the past few days with her uncle and aunt, Mr .and Mrs. H. A. Wilson. Tennessee's Best TOLERANCE WILD ANIMAL CIRCUS World» Largait "Bk>*d Swaotlng" Hlppopetamu» From Tht Nil«. All*« A Weithin! 4 T«n» ! B» Sur« A S m Th. Feeding «1 Th. Big Hippopotamus & Th. Oth«r Wild Anhn.1» «« 10 « m. «t the Sh»w«round» on "AU FW« - MO CrtATGE" Twic. Daily 2 A 0 F. M. - D mi Open 1 A 7 Fopul.r Pries VERNONIA SATURDAY Iß JUNE lv Show Grounds on Highway 47 St. Helens Road. One Mile North of Riverview Practical fraternity is a con tinuance of one of God’s laws, as exemplified by that wonder ful man of Galilee. —Editorial in the Independent Forester The circumference of the world is the circle of neighborliness; and our love should be as bound, less as the sea, overleaping even the most bitter racial prejudice. —R ev . C. M. Chevasse Charity is quite as rare as wis dom, but when charity does ap pear, it is known by its patience and endurance. —Mary Baker Eddy We must keep the poison of intolerance out of our minds and hearts. We must put on guard our best and kindliest judge ments and our generous and con siderate feelings. —Rev. Minot Simons Owe no man anything, but to love One another; for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. —Romans We anticipate a time when the love of truth shall have come up to our love of liberty, and men shall be cordially tolerant and earnest believers both at once. Sea lion pups weighing 30 to 40 pounds are born singly dur ing May and June at Sea Lion Caves on the Oregon Coast high way. The Oregon Vortex, off US highway 99 near Gold Hill, Ore gon was known originally as for bidden ground by the Indians, but now is visited and wondered at by thousands of people an nually. THE EAGLE. li GEMS OF THOUGHT WALLACE & CLARK « OllTOFTHIfl i I’ve been hearing about Davy Crockett from a number of folks lately. One is a Texas fighting man and literary gent whose name is Maurice Crain and who at present is ministering to the heathen in New York. He writes me thissaway: “Texas brag derives straight from Davy Crockett. He is the spiritual father of the state. The half humorous, half serious ex aggeration of his Tennessee hunt ing stories was recognizable Texas brag even before it got to Texas. And the living legend influenced the history of nations. “A generation of Tennesseans followed Davy Crockett to Texas and took the state away from the Mexicans and the Comanches. They thought of themselves as quite a bit more than life sized, and still do. I’ll die before I’ll run, is the reality behind the brag. “Ever hear the story of the young Tennesseean on his i way to Texas who was asked where he was headed, and said back. On my way to Texas to fight fuh my rights.” Congressman Crockett Bro. Cain also wrote to wondst what my big interest in Davy Crockett can be. Well, I am a Whig. Davy Crockett was a Whig. Abraham Lincoln was a Whig. Henry Clay and Daniel Webster were Whigs, So why do people look at me like that when I am asked my politics and I say I am a Whig? I know just on? other simon- pure Whig, I must confess—un less Stanley Horn is one. My admitted fellow Whig is Howard Brier, who runs the Keep Green program in Washington State. The next nearest thing to a Whig is a James G. Blaine, Republican. Stewart H. Holbrook is the only living one I know. It is no bother being a Whig. There is no party organization. Most of all, there is no platform. With Whigs you vote for th«’ man! A Whig candidate stands on his own reputation, record and responsibility, suh? A Whig hides behind no pusillanimous plat form! That was why Davy Crockett of Tennessee, growing up with ambition to go to Congress, saw to it first that he became a man among men, a mighty hunter, powerful in all other ways. Next he had his life story published. Then he campaigned, not on any fool platform, but just on what a man he was. And so he was elected. The Great Speech VERNONIA, ORE.2 Sam's farm with the scarifying harrow of rascality until it is as gray as a stone fence, as bar ren as barked clay, and as pooi as a turkey fed on gravel stones! To conclude, Mr. Speaker, the country can no more go ahead under such conditions than a fried eel can swim upon the steam of a tea kettle, Mr. Speaker, the country calls on Crockett in its distress. And here I stand. . . " There indeed was a man. There was the true Whig. But they wouldn’t hear'him. They would n’t let him try to save the United States. So he went Southwest to a bigger job, one so big he died of it. He saved Texas. When the country slid into the threat of economic ruin in 1837 Paul Weaver Feted on Davy Crockett made his greatest Birthday June 3 speech in Congress. Did he offer TREHARNE — Mrs. Thelma a platform of reform? Not much. Weaver gave a birthday party “I move,” orated Congressman for son, Paul Lin, Sunday, June Crockett, that the only way to 3 at their home. hoseT present save the country is for the whole to help him celebrate were: Mr. nest of your political weasels to and Mrs. Lin Reynolds and son, Mike; Mr. and Mrs. Don Reyn cut stick home instantly, and olds and daughter, Cathy; Mr. then some, leaving it to me to and Mrs. Robert Reynolds and work Uncle Sam’s farm, so that son, Earl; Mr .and Mrs. Lloyd unhampered I can restore it to Weaver and girls; Mr. and Mrs. Hank Harders; Mr. Harders and its natural state of cultivation children; Bobby Drips; Gene and shake off these state cater Thornbrean; Mr. and Mrs. Al pillars, ticks and cutworms of bert Reynolds and son, Kenneth; Bert Snyder and Jo Ann; Steph- corruption. n and Walter Kirkbride. Prizes "Let ’em all be home-bound vere won by Virginia Mae but me. Ill have worked Uncle v» eaver and Stephen Kirkbride. THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1951 Birthday Club - Helps Celebrate TREHARNE — The Trehame birthday club met with Mrs. Joe Miller to help her celebrate her birthday. A pot-luck dinner was served at noon. Mrs. Miller re ceived many lovely gifts. Pres ent were Florence Reynolds and son, Dorothy Reynolds and son, Georgia Harders, Thelma Weav er and children, Floy Odam and children, Dorothy Odam and son. Flora Whitmire and niece Ruby. Mae Wienecke, Pauline Tisdale. Florence Beck, Leaon Odam, George Snyder and the hostess. Jane Mi’ler. Mr. Weaver from Oklahoma is visiting relatives here. Mrs. Florence Reynolds and son, and Mrs. Thelma Weaver and children were in Forest Grove Wednesday on business. Mrs. Florence Reynolds will be hostess to the birthday club June 14. Joy Smith and Bunnie Cota of Sweet Home visited the past week with relatives and friends.. H. A. Wilson is on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hult went to Sweet Home Friday evening aft er Sharon and Jimmy. Mrs. Byron Kirkbride and children came home Friday from Mountaindale where the children are picking strawberries on the Peters and Bisbee farm. They returned to the fields Sunday. The greatest suffering in th» world is regret. PROPOSE WITH Nationolly Advertised Patented DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT SAt’i lure to ray "Yul" FEATURE LOCK Ringi ora n •«Jwting/y loralf . . . M d»lijn»d ...»*• /«it can't rat coal Acdatmad by Mil» and Mr». U.S.A., they inlerlock lor lolling lovollnn»» . . . deploying Ihn diomonds In toll »low ot oil fla»»l Soo oar dauliag ulcctioa todayl Superbly set with 8 diamonds. Buy ond wear together or separately. IOS sow $250.00 A. L. Kullander 25 diamonds fo win knr forever. Nothing protrvdm Io mor Iho bnoaty ol dnijgn. WACTHMAKER — JEWELER Official Watch Inspector S. P. & S. Railway fOI SOTH ¡»4ÚO.Ü0 i Save Steps, Save Work, Year After Year With Hotpoint in Your Kitchen CHOOSE THE ELECTRIC WATER HEATER WITH MAGIC CONTROL World's Easiest Way to Cook! It’« Fully Automatic Just push ■ button for the cooking For old-time Hiram Walker quality speed you want! FAST — CLEA N— COOL! And so easy, because you just push a button to choose, your exact cook ing speed! Colored lights show you instantly what's happening on your new Hotpoini Range. And it's so convenient to change speeds with a touch of the finger, even when hold'ng a spoon or fork. We believe this beautiful new Hotpoini is the finest range built—and the easiest to cook on of any range made. INSTANT-HEAT CALROD UNIT. So fast it brews six cups of coffee in just six minutes! New ”12-60" accurate automatic time measure. Deep-well Thrift Cooker and many other Hotpoint features. Now! More Than Ever the Worlds Most Convenient Refrigerator! ffotpoint "SUPER-STOR 72"° of all storage space is in fingertip reach! IT GIVES YOU: Vacation Setting — for top economy during any prolonged absence.. Average Setting — to give you plenty of hot water for every normal need. Exira Hot — for unusually great hot-water requirements — during spring cleaning for example. Heavy Copper bearing steel tank. Fiberglass insulation. 40-Gal. Tank $144.95 IT'S A REAL FOOD FREEZER and a full-sised refrigerator in one! Freezer holds 70 lbs. of frosen food at aero. New sliding shelf. Butter Bin, and door shelves put almost three-fourths of all the food at your fingertips! And the refrigerator never needs defrosting . . . the freeser only three times a year. Swingout leftover reck and containers, two big roller Hi-Humidity drawers. Come in and see it today. SUNDLAN ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE Vernonia Phone 581 786 Bridge