THE EAGLE, Boston Hosts World Christian Scientists for Annual Meeting Complete defense from disast er and destruction is immediately available to every individual and nation through spiritual under standing of God, the Christian Science board of directors de clared recently. Taking note of the world crisis they affirmed that the deepest Jaws of the universe are spirit ual laws of harmony—and can be utilized for individual pro tection and preservation of hu man freedom. Their special message was read at the annual meeting of the Mother church. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, to nearly 7500 Christian Scient ists assembled from all over the world. Church members from all over the world—Japan, New Zealand, Sweden and other distant coun tries, as well as Canada and the United States—came to Boston for the meeting, which has been held annually for more than half a century. Smaller meetings on specialized subjects convene on days following the main session. In their message the directors called for individual spiritual courage in meeting critical glob al problems. They said Christian righteousness has never been de feated and forecast "great spirit ual progress" ahead.’ New president of The Mother church for the coming year, it was announced, is Mrs. lora C. Rathvon of Boston. In a ring- ing address Mrs. Rathvon said Meetings Continue at Natal School House that never was the need more ur gent to look beyond the material sense of life, to “see man as God’s spiritual idea." Forecast ing greater spiritual achieve ments, she said “We are standing on the brink of a new era.” Noting the growing public in terest in religion, Horace J. Car ver, publishers’ agent, disclosed that sale of the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, discoverer and founder of Christian Science, to day are double what they were ten years ago. * John H. Hoagland, manager of the Christian Science Publish ing society, reported that all- time peaks had been touched during the year in advertising lineage and circulation of The Christian Science Monitor. ---- The Christian Science Publishing House Ruby Wells Honored On 12th Birthday RIVERVIEW — A birthday party was enjoyed at the L. I,. Wells home Sunday afternoon honoring Ruby Wells on her 12th birthday. Those enjoying the aft- ernoon and refreshments of birthday cake, ,ice cream and Kool Ade were: Harriet and Carolyn Heath, Jp Ann Cochran, Beth Ann Heskett, Billy, Mar garet, Patricia and Ruby Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fowler took his mother, Mrs. D R. Fowler, to St. Helens to the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. D. Johnston. The Fowlers remained for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Woodruff and boys spent the week end at the home of her mother, Mrs. /Mice Mills, who accompanied them to their home in Portland t.» stay a few days. Mr. and T. ' Walt Pi-k.-r on icy <1 th:- i’i- r eer P-. ! c at Bir kenfeld Sum ay. THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1951 lb. 49c lb. 79c 59c 45c Salmo n Steaks Fillet cf Scie Fillet of Cod Marvin Kamholz Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class mail matter, August 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 187ft Subscription price, $2.50 yearljt NATIONAL EDITORIAL FRESH HALIBUT PIECES Pound 43c * EASY TO PREPARE A QUICK TO COOK Select from this assortment of FRESH FISH now at Safeway A DELICATE FLAVOR A HIGH IN PROTEIN Plenty of Money- Saving Vaules in our Grocery dept Hi-C Orange Ade Pork & Beans Mayonnaise Ripe Olives Old-Style Mustard 46-oz Can Taste tells zt300 cans BEST FOODS or NU MADE AIRWAY COFFEE 1-lb. OOc bag öö 2 Si 65 lb. *• NOB HILL COFFEE 1-lb. Ofic 2-lb4i 71 bag ÖD bag *• EDWARDS COFFEE 1-ib. njc 21b. tv .(1 can * can * WHITE STAR TUNA FISH Fancy Pack No. 'i OQC can 3 Qt No. 1 can Ebony brand medium sizes RICE KRISPIES Kellogg dry cereal 9’/2- oz pkg 23c 5 The Vernonia Eagle NATAL — Meetings are being continued at the school house ev ery Thursday evening at 7:45. Everyone is welcome to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lindsay and son of Redmond came down Wednesday for a surprise for his father, Robert Lindsay’s, birthday. They were dinner guests. W. E. Lindsay of Portland came down Sunday to visit his brother and wife, the Robert Lindsays, and also attended the Pioneer picnic at Birkenfeld. ATHLETES FOOT GERM HOW TO KILL IT. IN I HOUR, If not pleased, your 40c back from any druggist. T-4-L is speci ally made for high concentration. Undiluted alcohol base gives great Penetrating power. Kills Imbed ded germs cr. contact. Now at— NANCE'S SAFEWAY SEAFOODS for warm weather meals Family at Sweet Home Seen Sun. MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Percy Eaillett and Mr, and Mrs. L. P. Wikstrom and their father. Jim Hill, went to Sweet Home Sunday. Mr. Hill staid up there for a couple of months visit with his granddaughter. Mrs. Dalton. Among some of the distant travelers to attend Pioneers’ meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ward, now of Portland but one time residents of the community on the summit; Mrs. Ida White of Tacoma and the Ruddmans, who will be remem bered by the earlier residents. Earl and Henry Ruddman and his wife who was Louise Iler before her marriage to Henry. They now live near Newport. It was good to see all those old res idents of so long ago. Henry is crippled and unable to walk. When here they lived at Natal where Roy Taylor now lives. VERNONIA, ORE. i Morehouse 20%-oz. 12-oz. pkg 17c Swiss Steaks 98c Ground Beef 65c Sliced Bacon lb 53c Regular pack—:.n layers Full half or whole lb. 73c Fryer Turkeys lb. 59c Luncheon Meats A variety io choose from FANCY PACK Smoked Picnics Short Shanks M A Good Old Fashion Smokey flavor. lb. lUU The very finest! POUND SAVE 10c ON A BOX OF STRAWBERRIES! .Margarine Sunnyb’k 2 .Margarine, Sunnyb’k lb. Springhouse Butter lb. 83c doz. ‘A’ Large Eggs Hi-Ho Crackers lb pkg Crisco Shortening 3-)b $1.11 Swift’ning Sh't’ing 3 lb $1.07 Bouillon Cubes St’ro 12’s Chatham Cheese mild lb. Pard Dog Food Reg can 16c Prices Effective Through Saturday. June 16 We reserve the right to limit quantities Skinned Ham Beltsville • heavy meated Columbia Brand 56-oz. iar 57c Camay Soap reg bar 3 for 29c Sierra Pine Soap rg br 3/29c Ivory Snow 12‘/» oz pkg 33c Dreft Powder 15-oz pkg 33c 85c Duz Soap giant size 33c Duz Soap 20l/»-oz pkg Joy Liquid Soap 6-oz bot 33c Rik Rak Cleanser can 11c Blu White Bluing pkg 10c Brillo Scouring Pads 12 23c Evergreen Brooms ea. $1.39 Ib.73c Fancy Fryers FANCY, SUGAR-CURED Ready to fry—thick with meat DILL PICKLES SHREDDED WHEAT Nabisco Cereal 29c 29c 79c 29c 19c 55c Pork Sausage Country style pure with the purchase of Fleet Mix Vine-ripened Locftl Crop Tomatoes Garden Grown 12-oz 2 for lb. 29c 5-lb. bag 39c Oranges Sweet Valencias—a good juice orange—buy a bag Cantaloupe lb. 14c Matured on vines, tops in flavor for breakfast, desserts SAFEWAY CABBAGE Local He Lb. • Watermellon Juicy red He isnrl ripe rin« lb lk • and For fluffy biscuits 40 A He cz * Get details and coupon at Safeway Apricots, beauties lb 19c Grapefruit lb. 7c Grapefruit 7-lb. bag 49c Lemons juiceful lb 17c Carrots no tops lb 9c Corn golden bantam lb 19c lb 15c Cucumbers fresh Green Onions mild lb 5c Radishes crunchy lb 5c Lettuce perfect heads lb 12c New Potatoes 5 lbs 25c