Anniversary Picnic Enjoyed by Ashleys LET'S BE SOCIABLE Keasey-Wysong Vows Exchanged June 2 O.E.S, Divides Honors At June 6 Meeting At an afternoon ceremony Sat urday, June 2, at Park Rose Con gregational church in Portland, Marjorie Keasey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Keasev of Vernonia became the bride of Richard Lee Wysong, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Wysong of Salem. Rev. Nichols officiated. The bride was given in mar riage by her father. She wore a white flowered organdy dress with a shoulder-length veil ana carried a white Bible covered with a white orchid. Barbara Keasey, maid of hon or for her sister, wore a baller ina dress of pink organdy. Bridesmaids Katherine Keasey and Bertha Keasey, also sisters of the bride, wore similar gowns of blue and yellow organdy. All the attendants carried nosegays of bachelor buttons, sweet peas and roses. Bud Taylor was best man and ushers were Dean Blair and Ed Ross. A reception in the church pai. lors followed the ceremony. On their return from a honeymoon in California, Mr. and Mrs. Wy song will be at home in Portland. ROYAL The World’s First TRULY MODERN Portable Typewriter Inquire Vernonia Eagle Nehalem Chapter No. 153, O.E.S., celebrated three events Wednesday evening, June 6. Frances Mullins, Worthy Ma tron, was given a "hanky” show er by the members and a sterl ing silver luncheon fork by the chapter in honor of her birthday, May 31, • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Linn, celebrating their wedding an niversary, were showered with dish towels and a lovely Heisey bowl was presented to them by the chapter . Finally, the fathers were in troduced and honored. They were crowned “king for their day” by the Worthy Matron who presented each of them with a box of homemade candy. The eats committee served de licious refreshments in the so- ci»l hall. The tables were espec ially attractively decorated with bow’s of mixed flowers. Many of the beautiful flowers decorat ing the chapter room and social hall were from the gardens of Mrs. Albert Childs. VFW Auxiliary Meets With Eva Poynter The V.F.W. Auxiliary held its June 6 meeting at the home of Mrs. Eva Poynter. A gift box was planned for a patient at Camp White, who is without family or relatives. This patient has been “adopted” by the Aux iliary. A cooked food and rummage sale to be held June 16 was also planned. After th? business meeting a social hour with group singing was enjoyed. Delicious refresh ments of Chinese noodles and coffee were served by the host ess. The next meeting will be held Jun-» 20 at the I.O.O.F. hall at which time new members will be initiated. Solomons Hold Family Reunion in Tacoma LET’S TALK IT OVER Would you be able to re place your home if fire ruined it? Have you real ly enough Fire Insurance to cover its present value, as well as all the con tents? If you have any doubts ask our advice . . . there’s no charge or obligation whatsoever. VERNONIA INSURANCE Bill J. Horn, Agent 905 Bridge Street Phone 231. Vernonia A familv reunion was held in Tacoma, Washington on June 3 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Solomon. The guests en joyed a turkey dinner during the afternoon and much time was spent talking over old times. Those present from Oregon included Mrs. Annie Roberts, Vernonia; Mrs. Callie Pentecost, Falls City; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Parker, Powers; Frank Solomon, Mr. and Mrs. George Bullock and Darrell of Oakland. Guests from Washineton state included Mrs. Josie Hays and Charles and Mr .and Mrs. Gano Hays, Yelm; Mr. and Mrs. Don Becker and family, Walla Walla; Mr. and Mrs. Adrion Hull, Sum ner; Jim Solomon. Paul Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. John Pugsley, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hicks and fam ily, Miss Carla Baum; Tootsie. Tommy and Joy Solomon and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. John Solomon, all of Ta coma. • Mr. and Mrs. Frrd Solomon and family of Priest River, Idaho we-e o'so among the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Solomon, Ver nonia, were unable to attend. Rich Man in Tree Mr. and Mrs. Aldon Ashley ot Mist entertained at a picnic on June 2 at their home, the occa sion being their 19th wedding an niversary. Among those enjoying the event were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hansen of Castle Rock, Washing- ington; Mr .and Mrs. Frank Fitz gerald and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Weekley and daught er, all of Longview, Washing ton. Study Club Closes Year with Picnic Members of the Vernonia Study club held the final meet ing of the year on June 7. After a picnic at the O-A hill picnic grounds the group met at the home of Mrs. Judd Greenman who gave an interesting and in formative talk on “Trees in Oregon.” Mrs. Gre?nman had assembled a number of displays of various kinds of trees found close to home and pointed out many interesting features of each — detailed information or dinarily overlooked by the aver- age person. Open House Honors 60th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Thacker held open house Sunday, June 10 from 2 to 4 p.m. in honor of their 60th wedding anniver sary. Coffee, cake and punch were served to the many friends and relatives whb called during the afternoon to congratulate them. BY GEO. N. TAYLOR Portland. Oregon The crowd packed the streets of Jericho to see One who could open blind eyes and raise the dead. But Zaccheus, a rich man and grafter, was too short to see oyer and he ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree. At that place, Christ called to Z a c c h e us to come down — “For I must a- bide at your house tod ay.” Out of the hours that followed, Zaccheus saw G o d's eternal love for the lost and it changed him so that you hear him say that if he has cheated any man he will restore to him 4-fold—the law of the day. So Zaccheus became a new man. But Christ must yet go on and die for Zaccheus sins and ours also to clear us with God. And how do you stand with family, neighbors and city? Peo ple must see Christ in you to believe you are a sure-enough Born Again. G-N-T, Portland 1, Ore. Send out the Good News and God works. This space paid for by a family of the county. THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, JUNE 14. 1001 X The 13-mile electric transmis Although it owns only 8 per sion line from Willamette falls cent of the world’s conunsraal at Oregon City to Portland, light forest area, the United States ing 55 arc lights on June 3, 1889, produces 44 per cent of the world’s lumber, 58 yer cent at its was the first long-distance power plywood and 43 per cent of it* line in history. wood pulp. Your ’One-stop' Saving Center Mnfnr Hil 100% Pure Penn Supreme mUlUr Uli Compounded Gallon 85c In Your Container J/I hp $18.95 G.E. Electric Motors SUMMER WEAR Tee Shirts — Jackets — Socks Tool Sets — Fishing Equipment Shag Rugs ................. $1.59 and up SPECIAL Double Wash Tubs ................. $18.95 2-Bumer Kerosene Stove .......................... $ 9.95 Lawn Mower, Ball Bearing, 16-in. Cut $17.95 PHONE 1271 CLIFF WHITE VERNONIA. ORE II make the deal of your life... Portland Rose Event Attended Friday RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mulline and baby have moved into the A. L. Bassett house. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gibson spent Saturday at Beaverton vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Keith Laloli and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burt. The Burts have leased a bakery at Oakridge and are moving there. In celebration of Marv Millis’ eleventh birthday she, her moth er, Mrs. Blanche Millis and sis ter, Faye, attended the hose fes tival Friday. Home is the only place where you can trust the hash. BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon Specifications and Equipment Subject to Change Without Notice Designing P, and Printing JÄLOP . . . of every type done by experienced prin ters. All work done to your complete satis faction. Low prices. VERNONIA EAGLE — 868 Bridge Street HAWKEN MOTORS Vernonia, Oregon Phone 1181 GROCERIES, m VEGETABLES. MEATS! I COLUMBIA COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS, dairy products Deer Island 1 Day in and day out SAM’S N has nothing but the best on his shelves for you, the H consumer. For the best at prices trimmed to help you, the housewife, try— SAM’S I FINE H June 17 Time Trials 1:30 — Races 2:30 Admission 75c Children under 12 with parents free Sponsored by St. Helens Junior Chamber of Commerce Groceries M eats- -V egetables SAM'S FOOD STORE FILL THE TUB~< \WrrH WATER?; Phene 701 Bud Fisher MUTT AND JEFF I’M GONNA TAKE A | , NICE COOL BATH J OH. JEFF will YA' Free Delivery WOT ' THE -y WHATS THE IDEA PUTTING ALL THOSEFRO6S IN ÏM R ai S i N g I FROGS,MUTT, FOR BREWERS 57THAT MAKE h BEER1 r' THEY USE '•x HOPS.' / THE YOU KNOW MALT AND HOPS'. H